Monday, July 29, 2013

Astrological Winds for Week of 7-29-13

Some of the examples in the mundane world this past week of the astrological weather of the times:

-another well in the Gulf blows: this seems to really be tied to the Saturn/Neptune cycle – every time they make a major aspect, there are environmental issues with oil at sea. This time the trine allowed more pressure that had built up to blow out and move! Fortunately, the trine reflected that it was only gas this time and not oil like during the quincunx.

-nine Dreamers (children born of illegal immigrants) cross into Mexico purposely in order to protest delays in immigration reform and try to re-cross back to USA and are detained: this is a great example of Uranus in Aries challenging the system, as represented by Pluto in Capricorn.

-the release of Zimmerman even though he instigated the attack upon himself that he claims was self-defense and used a questionable law in doing so; the use of drones to go after suspected terrorists and the killing of innocent bystanders while doing so deemed acceptable; the spying and holding of citizens in order to stop “some possible future crime” used as an excuse to collect data on every American/person in the world; - all of this sets very dangerous precedents and is represented by Pluto in Capricorn: plutocrats on a power trip/ruling the world through restrictive force.

Then we have Mars in Cancer (fall) showing the falling of an empire this week through:

-the revelation that 4 out of 5 Americans are in or in danger of falling into poverty. (Pluto exposing the secrets of plutocracy: that it benefits very few)

-the financial collapse of Detroit, one of the biggest cities in the USA – the failure of capitalism as a healthy model for most.

-the revelation by a former agent that the CIA kidnapped a Muslim cleric illegally and without permission of the government in Italy in 2003, and then tortured and held him for 4 years despite knowing he was innocent. (Any wonder why Snowden claims he’ll be tortured and held indefinitely if returned to US, despite what the Attorney General says.)

-another mass shooting, this time in Florida (“stand your ground” didn’t work out too well there – where’s Mr. Zimmerman and his like when someone really needs them?)

As I mentioned last week, the Mars/Pluto/Uranus energy will continue to peak this week as the Mars/Uranus square is exact on Wednesday – open rebellion, civil war, individual acts of courage/violence and assorted blows against the empire should all heighten this week.

Monday is a lively day with 7 lunar aspects to planets headlined by a last quarter square of the Moon in Taurus to the Sun in Leo in a fixed T-square with Saturn in Scorpion and a Grand Trine in Earth from Moon in Taurus to Venus in Virgo and Pluto in Capricorn. The tension in the T-square will be coming from the Sun in Leo not wanting to be stuck/slowed down by the Taurus Moon and Saturn. This can lead to individual acts of voyeurism or acting out against who or what we perceive is blocking us. Emotions may be stifled/fearful of what might be lost. The Grand Trine in Earth can deepen and stabilize relationships as we can find some comfort/support there. This is also a good aspect to make changes in our environment that are more supportive to who we want to be. Neptune trine Pallas Athene and Saturn (Grand Trine) can help facilitate new forms of alternative or energetic healing by focusing on what you’ve learned or experienced. This can also bring commitment to a certain spiritual or social path or artistic breakthroughs and structure.

Tuesday is the exact trine between Venus and Pluto – a great time to deepen relationships. Emotions within relationships can reach new depths – love can be felt on deep, transformative levels. This is a great day to get insight into yourself through your relationships with others also. This is also a great aspect to work on some soulful art.

As mentioned above, Wednesday is the exact square of Mars/Uranus. On a personal level, this will give us bursts of frenetic, nerve-wracking energy. There will be a great restlessness in the air and actions will not be well thought out. Restrictions will be rebelled against as tolerance reaches a breaking point. Anything we perceive as “the same old” will be scorned. Accidents from moving too quickly and thoughtlessly are quite possible. The best use of this energy is to break your routine purposely and do something physical and different, yet not too hastily. Mercury’s sesiquadrate to Neptune could fog our mind enough somehow so that we may make some wrong decisions and fall victim to Mars/Uranus on the negative side. Mars quincunx to Juno shows our partners may be who we revolt against and need to get some space from.

Thursday may be a very awkward day likely due to the hangover of Mars/Uranus yesterday. It starts with a Sun/Pluto quincunx that has you realize there are changes that you must accommodate and can’t control. This can bring up some intense, odd reactions. It may be impossible to get along with someone and you may just have to accept that. People can be quite stubborn/stuck in their own shit basically from fears and a sense of powerlessness. Mars trine to Chiron is helpful as it can bring us some new solutions to old problems that we can act upon. Venus adds to the weirdness in relationships today with three odd aspects: a quincunx to Uranus that will have us wanting to break from our familiar friends and social groups for something more exciting and risky, yet this can bring a sense of uncertainty and irresponsibility; a quincunx to Pallas Athene may bring some sexual confusion r a disconnect to your normal creative processes; and an opposition to Chiron shows we have many lessons to learn in relationships like how we hurt others and allow them to hurt us. A tough decision involving another may come up today.

Venus sextile Mars on Friday can spice up this weekend with romance or creativity. A great night to go out with friends and party down. Good for investments also. Uranus trine Vesta can help facilitate innovative ideas within group settings. Good for the study of sciences including sacred sciences. We may dedicate ourselves to some vision, ritual, or sexual approach.

Saturday has five lunar aspects making two grand aspect patterns again. The Moon in Cancer makes a Grand Trine with Saturn and Neptune keeping the energy of their trine percolating – I’ve blogged on this energy multiple times in past few months: bringing structure to ideals basically. Then another T-square with a conjunction to Jupiter/Mars opposing Pluto and squaring Uranus keeping the energy of rebellion quite potent. The Sun opposite Juno may have partners at odds/disagreeing/arguing today.

Sunday could be quite dynamic with the Sun trine Uranus. This is a great day to try something new or you may make an exciting discovery. Your mind should be sharp and quite perceptive. Good for study/working with science and technology, including the occult. Sun quincunx Chiron shows that we still need to make some major adjustments to our lives – perhaps Sun/Uranus will give us insight on how.

Next week is led by a New Moon in Leo and Jupiter exactly opposite Pluto.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Astrological Winds for Week of 7-22-2013

First, a few of my (many) thoughts on current events and the astrology of these times being reflected in them: Mars in Fall (Cancer) has seen the fall of those who came into power through some type of “outsider conquering” actions in Egypt (Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood), yet they still hold out hopes to the return to the throne as seen through the protests by the followers of the Muslim Brotherhood since Morsi was deposed. This is exactly how we’d expect a planet in fall to act, – to gain power through external force and then have a major fall from grace/power yet hold out the hope to return to former glory someday -  and being that it’s Mars it fits the violence/anger/rage/aggression that surrounds the Egyptian political situation. Meanwhile, back in the USA, the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin has once again exposed the naked underbelly of racism still prevalent in the USA leading to ensuing and ongoing protests and a return to the Civil Rights movement of the 1960’s (seeded during the Uranus/Pluto conjunction), while at the same time the Republican Party continues to thumb its nose at Mexican Americans and any immigration reform. Here we see the Uranus/Pluto square at work again as those in power once again are exposed and revolution/rebellion is sparked. The Grand Trine this past week brought people together over these highly emotionally charged issues and out to the streets and online they went. Then there’s the continuing unfolding saga of Eric Snowden and the NSA’s secrets being exposed. I can’t help but feel right now this may end up becoming a major turning point in the USA’s history as the years ahead unfold. The Emperor has been caught with his pants down fully exposed and even committed an act of war against a foreign country’s leader by forcing his plane to land – could you imagine the reaction of the USA if a country dared to do that to our President? The truth is the USA is losing face to the rest of the world by the day. (We saw this was quite possible this summer in the chart of the summer solstice for the USA with the retrograde Saturn in Scorpio in the 7th house of allies! It also fulfills the energy of the progressed USA Mars now retrograde.) The audacity of the corporation and government collusion to run the world through capitalism that only favors them is being ripped apart on multiple fronts and every time the USA tries to defend its policies it comes off looking like a fool. This is Pluto in Capricorn being ripped asunder by Uranus in Aries: the corporate/big government power structure being upset by rebellious and courageous individuals, who were at one time the warriors for that said power base. The hackers are the very employees of the companies they are hacking! They understand – soon the military and police may follow (as in Egypt) if those in power don’t start making concessions. The military itself is very upset at the politicians in Washington DC over the impasse over the automatic budget cuts and the ensuing forced employee furloughs without pay and the loss of promised educational benefits to enlisted men after discharge. That being said, as Mercury stationed direct on Saturday, a coalition of Republican and Democrat Congressmen started to introduce bills to begin to dismantle much of the NSA’s power – once again the Grand Trine brought the opposing parties (Jupiter and Saturn!) together to try and bring some stability to a quickly moving situation that had built up to a bursting point and just let go. Note also the silence of the Executive Branch of the government on the Snowden case as Mercury was retrograde, and now suddenly as its gone direct, they are beginning to make official statements about the situation. With Mercury in Cancer, the two sides are fighting for the care of the USA citizenry as best they see fit, and how it’s best to let them act as parents caring for the safety of their children (us). Note also the audacity of statements like “trying to protect us from possible future acts some may take” that go against the very foundation of the laws of this land that not only require criminal act to actually be committed for arrest and detainment, but that the accused is presumed innocent until proven guilty by a trial of his peers. Talk about mixed messages during Mercury retro!

As for the week ahead get ready for some pretty heavy weather on the horizon. Things get started with a bang on Monday as Mars perfects its conjunction to Jupiter keeping the Grand Trine in Water very active and giving us a huge burst of energy. We can maintain a high degree of optimism during this transit and tap into much physical energy. You can accomplish much today. Risks may pay off better than usual and confidence is high. We then get two sign changes: first Venus ingresses into Virgo, the sign of the Goddess’ fall. Here she may turn timid/conservative/judgmental/hypercritical in matters of the heart and relating to others – not the best way to endear herself to others, and can actually end up driving them off. Expressions of love are centered on service and duty under this influence, but you may not cut yourself enough slack to have some fun for yourself. This is a good time to tidy up our own environment, as it will lift your spirits. It’s also a good time to be careful/conservative with finances. Then the Sun ingresses into Leo, its sign of rulership. Here people feel freer to truly express who they are – to let their talents and gifts shine, which allows others to do the same, and can bring harmony and abundance to life. Opportunities that were missed in the past may return for another chance. We must be careful not to get too arrogant/self-righteous and recognize equality in everyone’s uniqueness. Under Leo’s influence we can be more generous, affectionate, playful, yet also more prideful, voyeuristic, selfish. This is a time when we can also become a leader somehow, more involved with children, find romance, or tap into our own creativity more easily.

There is also a Full Moon at 1* Aquarius: time to download some new lessons on how to cooperate with others for the benefit of all because what has been recently exposed to the light requires serious decisions to to be made about changing the way things are. A need to sacrifice some of our individual self-interest in order to benefit all or to use our individual talents together to create changes in our ways of living. This is a calling card for people to come together and wield their power together – it could be a new chapter in the history of humanity beginning that is more cooperative and equal. This is a seeding moment at 1* of a sign – what we choose to do now can have far off rippling effects into the future, thus choose wisely. It’s time to connect with others and create a new future. Look to the houses in your chart that this Full Moon falls into – they will represent the main areas in your life where this energy will play out. Any planets in your chart that are tightly aspected (0-2*) by the Full Moon will also color the energy of it for you personally.

Tuesday is a quiet day that will help us absorb/process all that went on Monday. The Moon is void-of-course in Aquarius all day so it’s not a good one to start new projects.

Wednesday night can be quite pleasant/harmonious as Moon locks into Grand Trine with Jupiter/Saturn, conjuncts Neptune, and opposes Venus.

Thursday is the third straight day of calmer astrological weather before the storm comes in with a Moon/Mercury trine bringing a good connection between mind and heart, fluid communications, and a decisive mind.

Venus is the the “star of the day” Friday as the Goddess opposes Neptune and sextiles Saturn. Like I mentioned earlier, Venus is pretty conservative in Virgo and the sextile to Saturn supports that, as she desires stable, realistic relationships with high standards. This favors business relationships and relationships with older people. However, Venus opposite Neptune can really douse the exactness Venus/Virgo/Saturn requires in relating, as we can easily be misled by another or by what we believe about another. The high standards Venus/Saturn/Virgo demands may be unrealistic in today’s reality, which can be quite disappointing/disheartening. You may believe there’s an imbalance in a close relationship that is all because of the other, when you may have just as much or even more to do with it being so, yet you’ve successfully kidded yourself into believing otherwise and blaming anyone but you. Still, you may find some beautiful moment to share with another today. This would be a good day to work on some charitable project, but not a good one to fall in love.

Saturday the storm arrives: the Moon in Aries conjunct Uranus locks into a Cardinal T-square with Mars/Jupiter in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn while Mars locks into its exact opposition to Pluto and stays in a T-square with Uranus/Pluto through next week while the Sun exactly squares Saturn. Astrologers have been looking at this late July 2013 configuration for a couple years now since Uranus/Pluto square locked in, sensing that this could be one of the most volatile periods of the whole Uranus/Pluto square period (2011-15). Here, we basically have the three most malefic planets acting together and being triggered hard. There could be violent outbreaks against or by those in power reaching peak energy. With what has gone on the last few weeks in world events, there is sure enough sensitive things going on that could spark this kind of energy into an inferno quite easily. Mars/Pluto can get quite violent – stay away from unsafe people and places this weekend. This is the energy of active, aggressive transformation that is straining against considerable resistance. Power struggles are imminent. Ruthless actions may break out. Long term/relentless energy can be tapped into to fight. People will revolt against restrictions and authorities. Many difficult issues will have to be addressed. The desire to break through may be overwhelming. If nothing else, some big changes will occur.

We get some welcome relief on Sunday as Venus sextiles Jupiter, considered one of the most beneficial aspects of all – however, it will be tempered by Venus weakness in Virgo. It does bring some inner peace and some happy social times usually. Also, we might get some kind of financial windfall. A great day to hang with friends relaxing.

The powerful Mars/Pluto/Uranus T-square will remain peaked next week – acute volatility is likely to continue. Time to accept the changes going on around us.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Astrological Winds for Week of 7-15-2013

Many people this past week told me of their current Mercury retrograde experiences being pretty tough ones – we are indeed in the depths of it in Cancer. All three Mercury retrogrades this year are in water signs – the element the Winged Messenger is most uncomfortable in as his wings are useless in water and emotions interfere with clear intellectual thinking and doing and communicating. Many people have been experiencing issues with water around their homes or businesses, or highly charged emotional turmoil with family members, both signatures of Cancer’s effect. In the mundane world, we have seen much heavy rain and flooding this week in the USA, a crashed jetliner, a runaway train, more secret documents released, etc. – all signs of the Trickster in action.

Speaking of water, that will be the dominant element in this week’s astrological forecast again, as a Grand Trine in Water perfects among Mars/Jupiter in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio, and Neptune in Pisces. In effect, the Grand Trine is in orb already, but it will peak on Tuesday (when the Moon in Scorpio conjuncts Saturn and thus also locks into it) right on through Sunday, so we will have all week to work with this extremely harmonious, potent energy! Grand trines can unleash natural talents/skills so that they can be used to maximum effectiveness. This Grand Trine in Water will stress empathy/sympathy/unconditional love for others and will be felt deeply on the emotional level. We may find our emotional selves filled to the brim and overflowing to the point of tears of both joy and sorrow. We will be moved to want to build some structure that helps heal others and self. There is a beautiful combination of balanced expanded energy/action that wants to lay down long lasting foundations to a more ideal world of unconditional love, honored creativity, and expanded consciousness. There is a perfect balance between expansion and contraction energy wise that is infused with future thinking. Things that have been building up in your life are ready for a graceful release now – it is time of letting go, letting flow, trusting the current of life and where it will take you. Look to the signs in the people and places around you now – you may have healing energy to share with each other. Trust your intuition to who/what/where is drawn to you to help find some answers this week. There is much tension from the Uranus/Pluto square these days that will fuel the desire to use this energy now – to not let the chance slip away and let what might have been decay. What we do start now can have long lasting results into the future. This week can set you on a path of the discovery of true beauty! I urge you take it if it appears!

Monday’s main event is a 1st Quarter Square of the Moon in Libra to the Sun in Cancer. Here the emotional side wants to take a chance with connecting with (an)other(s), while the will/ego side would prefer to stay in its shell at home, as cross purpose reactions to what is going on around each of us today battle it out inside and out. Security concerns could make us indecisive/challenge our decision making processes.

Tuesday is the beginning of the peak of the Grand Trine energy above as the Moon in Scorpio joins in.

Jupiter perfects its trines to Saturn/Neptune on Wednesday continuing the peak of the Grand trine. However, there are three other events affecting the day. The biggest is Uranus turning retrograde until December 18th. The revolution turns to the inside – we must change our own lives first before we can expect the world around us to change. In the mundane world, recent disasters of the past may need to be re-visited/re-assessed to do damage control (like the recent spike in nuclear readings in the ocean off of Japan post nuclear meltdown!). Saturn’s square to Vesta May put us at odds with groups or we may feel restricted within group settings somehow. We may feel we are giving too much to certain others, may be overwhelmed by work, stifled sexually, or overcommitted also. Finally, there’s a late night Venus/Pluto sesiquadrate, which can speak of an obsession that is not being satisfied. The manifestation of desire may have to wait for some other time. You may end up in some intense emotional battle with someone that has no resolution at the moment. Weak relationships can breakdown. We can also get involved in frustrating games of manipulation.

Thursday is quieter and the Grand Trine flows on while the Sun trines Moon also making this a particularly sweeter day. Moon/Neptune square at night may find us worn out, tired, or ready to get inebriated/escape somehow.

Friday is the 3rd and final exact hit of the trine between Saturn and Neptune that has been in effect all year and that I have blogged on multiple times before. It will keep the Grand Trine highly potent today too.

Saturday is a very active day astrologically. First off, Mars exact trines to Saturn and Neptune occur, once again keeping the Grand Trine absolutely humming along. In fact, a Kite forms this day also as the Moon in Capricorn opposes the Mars/Jupiter conjunction and sextiles Neptune and Saturn turning the Grand Trine into a Kite! Yahoo! Why the celebration? Because the opposition will spur us to do great things/be confident/take a leap with the inherent talent/gifts of the Grand Trine, while the two sextiles will provide us with the opportunities to do so. This is the most potent day of the week for this energy. Spend it well! Take the bull by the horns and watch it become mastered beneath your touch!

Mercury also goes direct on Saturday (yay again!). It will remain in its retrograde shadow until August 4th however, so all Mercurial things will slowly return to normal speed by then. Still, the breakdowns, communication issues, delays, issues with family/home/security will begin to ease off now. Venus sesiquadrate Uranus shows we’d like to have some exciting/stimulating/flirtatious times socially, but we may overdo it and get in some awkward/bumpy situations. Sun sesiquadrate Chiron may link to the Venus/Uranus sesiquadrate, as we may find ourselves off balance/kilter somehow and perhaps even damage our reputation in some other’s eyes. It will be difficult to reset and old wounds could resurface and feel quite sore. A night time Mercury/Venus semi-square will stimulate socializing and is a good time to express love/affection to another.

Sunday morning we may wake up ornery as the Moon in Capricorn makes its weekly hard aspects to the Uranus/Pluto square and opposes stationary Mercury – sounds like the recipe for an early morning argument that could set the day off on the wrong foot – be aware! Pallas Athene ingresses into Cancer – this will add to the energy of the emotions influencing thought/intellect/perceptions. This can bring healing through providing basic needs and is a good time to make your home a more comfortable space for you. This can also ramp up the energy of patriotism or defending what’s your and your family’s or country’s. Others may fight for the disadvantaged now.

Tap into this Grand Trine energy while you can this week because next week gets much more intense as Mars locks into a T-square with Uranus/Pluto by the end of the week, and there’s also a Full Moon in the 1st degree of Aquarius – we may be entering a time of some hard new lessons as a Collective.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Astrological Winds for Week of 7-8-2013

Last week, on the day (Wednesday) of the exact Sun/Uranus square, the Egyptian people overthrew their government for the 2nd time in 18 months – a perfect example of this energy of rebellion and sudden change through big events. This week the astrological weather may be not as stormy, but it will be wet/watery as the three biggest events are all in the water element: a New Moon in Cancer, Mercury Retrograde in Cancer’s inferior conjunction with the Sun, and Mars ingress into Cancer.

Monday is the New Moon (conjunct Mercury retrograde) at 16* Cancer. This may set off a week of deep feelings and introspection and a tendency to focus on the interior world rather than the exterior/social world. Cancer’s gift/talent is nurturing others, but its love can be conditional and turn into emotionally manipulative maneuvers. Cancer needs to learn to have a life of their own – to not base their emotional well-being on how their loved ones lives are going. Cancer will have us focus on close family and home and find our security there. The problem is we may use them too much as a shell/shield from the outside world where we need to take some chances on our own. Cancer can also help us reflect on motherly energy and how the earth cares for us. What can we do to return the favor? It may also be urging us to widen the boundaries of who we call our family and to become more inclusive in regard to others. Venus quincunx Chiron today also shows we may be called upon to bring healing to others who we may not share much in common with or only relate to in passing/a singular interest – what we’ve learned/experienced will help and we are willing to be humble in doing so.

Tuesday is the interior conjunction of Mercury retrograde to the Sun – usually a time of deep inner reflection, but can also denote a busy day in the normal world with much running around, communications, and information collection. This is a good day to review and revise plans, approaches, viewpoints, etc.

Wednesday’s pretty quiet with the Moon in Leo conjunct Venus making it a pleasant and possibly boisterous day socially/creatively.

Sun sesiquadrate Neptune on Thursday may have us feeling drained of energy by something/events/daily life. It is just difficult to get going physically, which can affect our attitude and get us down/moping around. Any devious actions we try to pull will likely backfire/be found out and leave us stuck trying to explain ourselves. It’s also easy to get overly idealistic and reach for things beyond your capabilities, and thus get left feeling empty. Another day best fitted for inner reflection/quiet environments. Venus opposite Juno could also bring some disagreements between partners.

Friday is quiet also with Moon in Virgo trine Pluto and sextile Mercury retrograde favoring deepening a connection with someone else.

Mars ingress into Cancer, its sign of Fall, is the biggest event of the week on Saturday. Mars, in a traditional sense is weak here, as its normal assertive/aggressive energy can be watered down/diffused. Leaders (of any kind) can make very bad (overly aggressive most likely) decisions that lead to their downfall/demise. Actions are dictated by how we feel under this energy, which can be dangerous to those less conscious/in control of themselves and their aggressive/angry tendencies. People can get offended quite easily and be ready to go to war over what they consider near and dear to them. Others may hold their anger in and become Medusian with inner rage eventually. This can also bring up serious disagreements with your family. There is a need to use our anger/physical energy in some alternative way in order to appease this energy. Fortunately, Mars is moving quickly now and will be in Cancer only through August 28th. Venus semi-square Jupiter today promises some kind of fun event for most of us – we may overdo/overindulge a bit under this energy, but we’ll be in a socializing mood or want to spend some money on something we value for ourselves.

Sunday has the Moon in Libra form a Cardinal Grand Cross with Mars/Jupiter in Cancer, Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn. We may feel an incredible amount of tension today from multiple issues tugging at us simultaneously. Therefore, it would be easy to get scattered trying to address all of them at the same time. The key is to address one of them with focus – by doing so, many times the solutions for the other issues will be found or start to fall into place. The Moon in Libra says others will be involved and that give and take with them would be helpful, but it’s very easy to get domineering/too selfish or arrogant and chase them away. A dynamic day, not easy to handle, as it’s easy to get overwhelmed and remain aware/conscious of all the effects of our actions. This is giving us a preparatory taste of the intensity of the upcoming/perfecting T-square among Mars, Uranus, and Pluto. Pluto quincunx Ceres may bring some intense emotional crisis to the world stage via some type of resource dispute, mass loss of lives, power struggle, etc. that can leave many in grief/pain/sorrow.

Next week a highly useful and tight Grand Trine in Water forms among Mars/Jupiter in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio, and Neptune in Pisces, plus 2 planets change directions, as Mercury goes direct and Uranus goes retrograde.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Astrolofgical Winds for Week of 7-1-2013

Get ready for an intense week ahead. In the mundane world, the USA and president Obama may see some serious repercussions for decisions they’ve made, which may result in loss of power, power struggles, etc. – this is likely connected to the revelations of Snowden’s leaks (note this morning that some of the USA’s allies in Europe on finding out the USA have been spying on them say it is cold war tactics and that the USA deserve sanctions started against it in retaliation – this could potentially really blow up in USA’s face). Astrologically, this ties into a long cycle the US began about 5 years ago when the USA’s progressed Mars went retrograde for first time in its history – a period of 80+ years that normally see countries lose respect/power from other countries and the military/government turns its guns on its own citizenry. Also remember from my blog 2 weeks back on the Solstice Chart set for Washington, DC being an indicator of next 3 months for US events: “Saturn retrograde in the 7th house indicates restrictions and loss of power in the faces of allies.” In Scorpio, secrets based around power have been revealed and the USA has been told to take responsibility for its actions as a result from angry, betrayed partners/allies. What happens this week is this energy is majorly triggered by the Sun in Cancer locking into a Cardinal T-Square with the Uranus/Pluto square -  this promises immense power struggles in the world this week – the Sun in Cancer can indicate the people demanding care from their leaders much like we are seeing in Brazil, Chile, Egypt, Turkey, China, etc. Leaders will be in particular trouble and violent acts against some of them are likely.

On Monday the Sun/Pluto opposition is exact, and we can find ourselves in a power struggle with an authority or partner or another person. This combines with Venus squaring Saturn this day too and can really put a damper on relationships. Our interactions with others will likely take on intense qualities and we can get quite self-protective/conservative with our approach/heavy-handed or controlling with others. There is much fear coming up and most people will try to control others and environments as an ego survival strategy. Relationships on shaky ground will likely suffer major breakdowns, as will any neglected mechanical issues with objects. Sun/Pluto can make people quite ambitious but the danger is rolling right over others and creating opposition to your plans. It can be a time of great change/transformation when handled well. This is a day to control your own angry tendencies and to avoid potentially violent people or places. Venus/Saturn will add to this energy by likely having us retreat from others rather than share what we are feeling, thus setting up a conservative approach socially. We may realize how alone we are ultimately. This can be depressing to many. It is very easy to be victimized by others today, so it may be best to be alone as much as possible. Venus quincunx Neptune also can fill us with much spiritual doubt and a sense of hopelessness about others and where they are at. Basically, our vision/view of others may prove to not be true/realistic, and this can be a letdown. This will add to the conservative approach to others that Venus/Saturn brings in, for it will be hard to trust others today. This is a day when we need emotional support but it will likely not be available. Feelings of unworthiness may surface, and you may settle for less challenging relationships with those who are not on the same level of consciousness as you just to get some kind of connection today.

Tuesday early/overnight the Moon in Taurus locks into a fixed T-Square with the above mentioned Venus/Saturn square making this a day that continues the restricted/conservative energy surrounding relationships of Monday.

Wednesday the Sun perfects its square to Uranus (see above) which can have people acting out in surprising actions of rebellion that can bring up crisis situations. It’s as if the restricted energy of the past two days has built up to a point of unbearableness and people will risk striking out against anyone or anything they perceive to be blocking them. Normal routines will likely be disrupted be breakdowns/accidents/unexpected events. This energy is best used by choosing to do something different as long as it’s not too risky. Saturn’s second exact hit of its square to Ceres is today too, so we may get more bad news about crops, agriculture, food prices, resource shortages, water issues, etc. this week. On personal levels, some of us may experience this as blockages/restrictions to resources created by our own family/parents/loved ones or being weighed down by our duties to them.

Thursday, the 4th of July holiday in the USA, is relatively quiet and is dominated by Neptunian energy with a Moon (in Gemini)/Neptune square showing many will choose to escape normal life on this holiday by inebriating themselves. Neptune is also quincunx Ceres, which is similar to the Venus/Neptune quincunx energy mentioned above under Monday: disappointment with loved ones or our resource situation may lead us to escape reality somehow or another – make sure there’s a designated river available today! A positive way to spend this day would be a quiet hike or meditation.

Friday has four minor aspects that may not be profound, but will influence us nevertheless. The Sun trines Chiron which allows us to use our talents/abilities somehow to help heal ourselves and/or others. Venus semi-square Mars can spice up our social lives as we head into the weekend. Romantic/sexual interests/energies may peak, and creative energy is high. This may bring up some arguments/fights with your partner or friends. Mercury retrograde sesiquadrate Neptune can make communications fuzzy and frustrating with others today – make sure you really are understood, or better yet wait for another day to communicate anything important. The mind may wander much today into lands of fantasy/unrealistic idealism. This can also have us misjudge others and when they let us down get disappointed with them (seems to be a theme this week as this is the 3rd indicator of that type of energy – the “Rule of 3” almost guarantees we will experience this from someone this week in some form or another). Venus quincunx Pluto can definitely kill fading/shaky relationships for good. This can also make it difficult to get along with certain others and it may be best to just avoid those you can’t see eye to eye with. People can also get quite possessive of those they are close to or jealous of others under this energy too.

The Moon conjuncts Mars (in morning) and Jupiter (in evening) on Saturday making it a very active and expansive day somehow – there will be lots of optimistic energy to tap into. Vesta ingresses into Leo today too bringing a period of jacked up individualistic creative energy and the infusion of pride into what you are doing/working on. However, certain others may not be able to keep up with the pace of this energy and become resistant to it or burnt out by it. Watch for being too prideful of your work/project and turning others off. Romance may come from those you make an impression upon with what you are doing these days.

Sunday adds one more super full day of astrology to a very dense and challenging week. The Moon in Cancer forms two Grand Aspect patterns: first a Grand Trine with Saturn and Neptune – I’ll just requote myself on tis from last week when the Sun did the same thing - “Saturn and Neptune have been in a trine since last September when Saturn first entered Scorpio. This trine will be getting an exact hit later this month on June 12th, so it is very tight at this time period. This aspect is working on the Collective level to help us learn from our mistakes and the resulting confusion and uncertainty that have been the result of our choices – much of this has to do with an oil based economy/energy/civilization (Neptune). The trine helps us to see how we got to where we are and to start realizing that spirituality and higher consciousness must be given greater value in order to resolve the problems of today. People are able to subordinate much of their own ego under this energy and work for more altruistic goals willingly. People gain energy and relief through service to others/each other/the Collective. Ideals and reality are able to merge easier now, yet there is a grounded approach that does not allow us to get too high and excited, but more reflective/contemplative. We may also become aware of resources that have been hidden from us prior to now.” This makes it a great day to work with this energy and to get the help of others while doing so. Second is another T-Square with Pluto/Uranus triggering the same energy from above on Monday, which I won’t requite here, as you can just look above at Monday’s listing. Two more events on Sunday top off our week: first Venus trine Uranus piquing our curiosity in hanging out with a different crowd/person than our norm, or having us attracted to something we normally would not be to. This is a great day to do something different and exciting. Second, Saturn stations direct at about 5* Scorpio and will start moving forward again for the rest of 2013 – a time to take external responsibility/control of our own life.

What a heavy week and Mercury still retrograde too! Next week is much mellower with a New Moon in Cancer and Mars ingressing into Cancer.