Monday, June 4, 2012

Astrological Winds of Week of 6-4-2012

As we inch closer to the exactness of the first exact hit of the Uranus/Pluto square on June 24th, the intensity of everything will continue to accelerate. On the day that Uranus went into Aries so that the square became applying and active by sign and within orb by degree the earthquake/tsunami/nuclear disaster at Fukiyama occurred. Meanwhile revolutions swept the world: the Arab Spring, the Occupy Movement, food riots, riots in Greece/Spain/Italy in Europe. If there was ever any doubt of astrology marking the times, it should be permanently erased now. And as we get closer and within the seven exact aspects of this square, just remember revolution will be the keyword across all segments of society, not just people in the streets. The events occurring in the past two weeks just seem to quicken and deepen in intensity as if things are ready to burst out at the seams literally across the fabric of civilization as we know it. Venus retrograde transit in Gemini seems to be acting like a Mercury Retrograde on steroids with information overload and surprises in relationships leaving people tongue and mind twisted.

Monday will feed right into these times intensity with a Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse at 14* Sagittarius forming a mutable t-square with Venus retrograde in Gemini and finicky Mars in Virgo. Things may be flying so high in relationships that it may be impossible to keep up/balance with all that’s going on. The effects can be both positively exhilarating and negatively overwhelming/overstimulating. There’s a big possibility of saying/acting too quickly and upsetting the apple cart somehow, which can result in bruised feelings to arguments/battles. Creativity is boiling hard also and you may be able to achieve much in any endeavor you take on that plays into that. This Full Moon eclipse says to collaborate with others and get your wildest/edgiest ideas out there to be seen/exposed. Look to what houses in your chart it falls into and any planets that aspect it tightly to see where and how it will be felt in your own life. Neptune also goes retrograde on Monday, a much subtler shift where we retreat within to contemplate our own spirituality, ideals, inspirations for solace.

Tuesday is the big astronomical event you likely have been hearing about lately. Venus’ transit across the face of the Sun – essentially Venus eclipsing the Sun, an event that occurred 8 years ago almost to the day, and will not occur again in our lifetimes (105 years). Astrologically, Venus conjunction to the Sun brings up personal magnetism, interest in aesthetics/arts, finances, attention on relationships, the leisurely life, the empowerment of the female. Since Venus is retrograde, much of what comes up may be associated with the past in some way. With Moon square Uranus and conjunct Pluto this day, we will definitely be processing some deep/intense emotions from the past two day’s events and emotions.

Wednesday is pretty quiet.

Thursday Mercury speeds off into Cancer and there’s an ornery square of the Sun and Mars. Mercury in Cancer has our emotions influencing our thinking and communicating more than normal, and thus giving us a very subjective state of mind that is influenced by our past and our habits more than we may recognize. People will have a tendency to get emotionally upset easier especially if what they are familiar with is stirred up while Mercury traverses this sign. The Sum/Mars square can rev this energy up to an out and out argument/fight with another/others. These two bodies both represent ego, thus our egos are inflated on this day and we can be very defensive/offensive in our dealings with others. It will be hard to work in groups this day, as individuals seek their own glory (or infamy!). This is a day best spent doing hard physical work/activities alone to blow off your steam. Competition will be in overdrive; conflict is likely; accidents will happen; belligerence is the fad of this day, are some of the effects to expect.

Friday, Mercury is trine Neptune – this is an excellent day/night to go out and collaborate with others/in groups over imagination, ideals, inspiration, the occult, spirituality, art, fantasies, etc. People will be highly attuned to one and other on psychic/subtle levels and may communicate non-verbally effortlessly. We will also be empathic/compassionate of others’ plights and helpful with our words to them.

The weekend is actually pretty quiet with lunar aspects to Jupiter and Neptune on Saturday, and to Venus on Sunday,  making it a summer weekend to be enjoyed in leisurely and social activities with lots of good feelings to share.

Next week is a huge shift with Jupiter ingressing into Gemini (pun intended!)

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