Monday, December 17, 2012

Astrological Winds for Week of 12-17-12

Last week’s horrible shooting tragedy in Connecticut (and multiple other places also on smaller scales) occurred within hours of Uranus stationing direct.  Uranus is such a big trigger in tragic events in the world. We saw it help trigger the earthquake/tsunami/nuclear disaster in Japan on the day it went into Aries. I noted in my blog last week we could expect acts of rebellion to heighten now.


The big event that everyone has been waiting for, the Winter Solstice of 2012 is Friday this week. The world will not be ending on that day, no worries there. However, the Solstice Chart set for Washington, DC is quite intense and I will be doing a separate blog soon on the mundane meaning of this chart for the USA for the next year.


The week starts off with Mercury in Sagittarius opposite Jupiter retrograde in Gemini on Monday – both in detriment, but also in mutual reception, thus having the ability to give each other the gifts of the other today. Perhaps this will lessen the effect of overlooking the forest for the trees that this aspect can bring most of the time. Still, it is a good day to try and be a bit cautious/meticulous with our decision making process. It is also a day we can see the results of our choices, realize how deep we are into something and the immensity of the work involved, or having to be forced to making a big decision quickly without much planning. Still, this is a good day to make deals and decisions if we keep our mind disciplined and bring balance to this energy. Be careful of over-embellishing the truth when communicating too, or getting too self-righteous in tone.


The above energy continues and is even amplified on Tuesday as Mars joins in by sesiquadrating Jupiter: we will have a lot of energy at the beginning of this week, but many of our actions may be frustrated/blocked. This can get you pretty irritated at the world and needing a break, reckless in your actions/reactions, get on mini power trips, or be into self-glorification, but most of your efforts will be thwarted in some way. The Sun opposite Ceres can bring some big decisions relating to the caretaking of another/others or resources,  having to sacrifice much in services to loved ones, playing the martyr in service to others, possible loss of resources/loved ones, lowered self-image/resources, or feeling misunderstood or manipulated by others/circumstances. Meanwhile, Juno ingresses into Capricorn, where relationships can take on a more serious/responsible tone – a time to sign on the dotted line, so to speak. There is a danger of trying to control another too much and actually chasing them away or getting into a power struggle.


Wednesday is led by Venus trine Uranus – you may meet some new, stimulating person that can excite your world – likely they won’t be from your normal crowd and their effect on your life will be short. You may also be attracted to things, art, places you haven’t been before. This can be an exciting day in our interactions with others, as connections can be electric.  There is a 1st Quarter Square of the Moon in Pisces to the Sun in Sagittarius today too – the emotions may be challenged today by all that’s going on around us and want to escape in some way, yet there’s so much to do says the self as it takes off again!


Thursday, Venus’ square to Chiron may bring up some pain/crisis in a relationship or with loved ones. It’s also the day of the exact Jupiter/Pluto quincunx, which is a key part of the Solstice Chart. This quincunx can bring a lot of conflict within society about facing the truth of our value systems and the emotional damage they can incur on individuals that can erupt into acts of power and violence. We need to adjust the ways we use our power is the lesson here by adapting to current circumstances. There can be much anger directed at leaders under this aspect also, especially those whose power has been dominant for a long time – they are being called to adjust to society’s current reality and give up their old power base. It is important to have clear intentions in order to use this energy successfully or you will meet great resistance from others. Mars quincunx to Ceres this day will only add to the disparate energy of this day.


Friday, the day of the Solstice, has the Sun also sextile Neptune, while Neptune is sextiling Juno. These times are calling for great healing – for finding a new spirituality that honors all and the world so we can pass it on to our heritage/progeny as a healing world, not one that is dying. We must face our own mortality in the circle of life and stop trying to use materialism to avoid/control it somehow. Yes we will die and others will take our place – we are all connected – let us leave them something worthy. We must learn not to fear others, for they are part of the circle too. All have their part. This is a good day to contemplate/meditate/become inspired in some way on what your part is and take the opportunity to commit to it/partner your life with it.


Saturday, the 2nd major quincunx forms from Jupiter to Saturn: there can be a deep sense of restlessness within society now, as things just are not working the way they used to. People are being forced to adapt in new ways to circumvent situations. Balance is not obtainable now and our own values may have us tethered to something that weighs us down/holds us back. It’s as if we must make a bold move but are afraid to do so because of leaving the familiar despite the pain it causes. Old structures need replacement, but the security/reliability they’ve offered in past is difficult to leave behind. Once again, authorities can take much of the blame, but our going along with them makes us the enabler. Disciplined/measured moves are required now and self-responsibility must be taken for any success. Venus opposite Jupiter on Saturday night reminds us to keep having fun too – some indulgences/r & r/socializing/partying are a joyful part of life – just watch the bank balance and bodily limits.


Sunday is a quiet day astrologically with Moon in Taurus having us laze out for the most part.


Next week the Sun gets involved with the Uranus/Pluto square as does the Full Moon in Cancer. The intensity levels will peak again.

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