Monday, March 25, 2013

Astrological Winds for Week of 3-25-13

The Mars/Uranus conjunction brought many explosive events last week including a massive fireball seen up and down the east coast of the US. It’s interesting to note that an event like that in ancient times, and for that matter the two comets that are now visible from parts of the earth, would have been read as omens of things to come soon that cause some type of upheaval, thus fitting in with the energy of the Uranus/Pluto square and in particular with Mars interacting with it. This energy is also fitting to many of the mundane events being played out right now like the battles over firearms, drones, military issues, border security, etc. Locally here in Tucson, a gunman was spotted on the UA campus on the day of the conjunction – fortunately, nothing transpired and the person was never found. With Mars exact square to Pluto occurring Tuesday, this energy will continue this week quite acutely.

Mars has the only significant aspect on Monday, as the Warrior quincunxs Saturn showing there may be many responsibilities that need to be met today that can squeeze any personal pleasure out of the equation. We can get stuck or unable to adapt and thus bogged down and not accomplish much. It may seem like others or circumstances are blocking you, which can be quite irritating. We may also run into others whose negative attitudes drag us down. You can work on disciplining your own aggressive tendencies and find new ways to express them that are not damaging to self or others.

As I mentioned above, the Mars/Pluto square perfects on Tuesday, thankfully tempered somewhat by a Mars/Jupiter sextile. Mars/Pluto can bring acts of violence, aggression, war, darkness, destruction, power struggles, lies, etc. It is good top avoid dangerous environments and angry people today. This can give us a tremendous amount of physical energy that can accomplish some long drawn out tasks that we are personally ambitious about. This is also an aspect where things from the past that were left untidy can come back to haunt us somehow. Conflicts with groups may reach a critical point too. The best way to use this energy is to challenge yourself to transform and take some of the steps on that long road. Mars sextile Jupiter can lend a helping hand as you can inspire yourself to use some of your gifts to reach for what you want with an optimistic attitude. Taken together these two aspects would be excellent for any kind of deep, intense negotiating that is necessary now (like the Cyprus bank situation!), or dealing with the law/authorities, or any project requiring lots of energy.

Wednesday is a Full Moon in Libra at about 7*. Here the emotional need for relationships versus the need to be ourselves is brought out into the light. How much of ourselves are we willing to sacrifice for the other? Partnerships could get stressed/tested this week. Issues of individual needs for survival versus equality and justice for all are likely to come up. This can be a week of deep change for those ready to do so. This Full Moon forms a Cardinal T-square as it opposes not only the Sun in Aries but also Venus/Uranus/Mars and squares Pluto. This can be a time of great transformation in our relationships and ways of relating - we can break free of inhibitions from the past by striking out on our own in some way and breaking chains of bondage, thus enabling us to form newer, equitable relationships that can transform our life. The Moon’s trine to Jupiter can help us keep an optimistic/positive attitude as we go through this. A choice will be made now to remain living in fear that is based on of own survival exclusively, or one based on love that says that we can all pull together and figure out how to survive more equitably and in balance and harmony with our environment/surroundings. The houses in your chart this Full Moon falls into shows the area of life you personally will most experience this. Any tight aspects it makes to planets or points in your chart will color the energy for you too. Jupiter square Chiron asks us to challenge our own beliefs/values/philosophies so we can see how they hurt/limit us and take on the challenge of breaking free of them and finding a new perspective that brings healing through wisdom/knowledge/our experiences.

Thursday starts with a Mercury/Saturn trine that can give us an extremely detailed mind that is capable of doing intricate work, focusing on paperwork, negotiating finer details, organizing and planning, etc. It gives a disciplined mind and a serious attitude that focuses on what’s important. It’s a good day to get advice, especially from elders or experts. However, this energy is quickly overridden by an exact conjunction of the Sun/Venus/Uranus in Aries. Here we may break free for ourselves – this can de-stabilize weaker relationships and cause people to strike out on their own. Different others will seem exciting/attractive. Sun/Venus usually wants to keep the peace, but Uranus can disrupt that. Still, these can be dynamic disruptions that can exhilarate/enthuse us about life and its possibilities. People may be flirtatious/loud/obnoxious/magnetic. We also may be attracted to new things/ideas/art. Overall, it should be a very stimulating day.

Friday is a very Mercurial day, as the Winged Messenger, now picking up speed, now conjuncts Chiron, squares Jupiter and sextiles Pluto for the third time in the past few weeks. Here’s my past quotes on these: Mercury/Chiron…”reflective, introspective energy…that can help bring inner healing and understanding by allowing us to access thoughts normally unavailable to us.”; Mercury/Jupiter…”which can get us in a positive, hopeful frame of mind over the possibilities of expansion in our lives due to the new information we’ve been receiving. This helps facilitate the abstract thoughts we’ve been having into some kind of plan. The big issue here is we may be self-deluding ourselves on the challenge that lies ahead into putting our Piscean and Jupiterean ideals and visions into reality, because it’s going to take a lot – more than we care to acknowledge presently. The key may be to open to new possibilities and not be so hell-bent on your own way.”; and Mercury/Pluto…” we may find another… that we can communicate our emotions too well and use it as an opportunity to transform ourselves... We have an opportunity to take in what others bring to us deeply and solidly and reflect upon it and bring some focus into our lives. We can also unify ourselves with groups who share with us… This can be a very powerfully moving day if the energy is used/measured well.”

Friday is also the third and final exact hit of the Jupiter/Pluto quincunx (in a yod with Saturn!). Here’s what I said about it back in December: “This quincunx can bring a lot of conflict within society about facing the truth of our value systems and the emotional damage they can incur on individuals that can erupt into acts of power and violence. We need to adjust the ways we use our power is the lesson here by adapting to current circumstances. There can be much anger directed at leaders under this aspect also, especially those whose power has been dominant for a long time – they are being called to adjust to society’s current reality and give up their old power base. It is important to have clear intentions in order to use this energy successfully or you will meet great resistance from others.”

Saturday the Sun and Venus quincunx Saturn cooling relations with others, especially those who have authority or are superior to us. Others may have you feeling unworthy somehow and you may not be able to express yourself the way you’d like to. Your self-esteem/confidence could take a blow therefore. You may feel others are out to get you (and they may be) and you may feel cut off from receiving love, and thus lonely. This can have the effect of closing your heart/becoming unreceptive. It may be best to spend most of this day alone if you can.

This very dense, active week ends with the Sun and Venus squaring Pluto on Sunday, and also sextiling Jupiter. Sun/Venus/Pluto can bring some very intense lessons through relationships/matters of the heart. We could be involved with power struggles with others, love/hate relationships, obsessive/possessive behavior in relation to others, jealousy/envy, sexual issues, etc. Others will test you somehow and you will struggle to prove yourself. Fortunately, Sun/Venus/Jupiter are two of the luckiest/benevolent aspects, so they should act as a balm – perhaps we will see that releasing others in some way opens up new possibilities for all and lift up our optimism to what can be. This is a good day to spend with good friends and reset/make new goals.

Overall, a very intense week full of astrological activity as the pace of time of revolutionary change quicken this whole spring.

Next week is much more laid back.

Thanks for the positive feedback on the blog some of you have expressed when I’ve seen you out and about. Feel free to add comments by becoming a follower on Blogspot. Dialogue is good!

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