Monday, May 20, 2013

Astrological Winds for Week of 5-20-13

This week marks the third of seven exact hits on Monday of the ongoing Uranus/Pluto square that is the defining aspect of this time in history. Long term transits stay in effect over the course of the entire period of exact hits and also can be felt prior to first hit and even after the final hit awhile. They do not necessarily trigger singular large events by themselves, but more set the tone for the types of large events that will be occurring during this period. Usually when inner planets form hard aspects to the long term transit is when we see a number of events that fire up the archetype of the long term transit in the real world. So this whole period of time will be one of revolution that brings transformation via crisis and challenges: that seems to be an everyday occurrence at this point. Many astrologers or those interested in astrology keep expecting some catastrophic event(s) to occur whenever the square becomes exact, but that’s not usually the way it works – it’s more drawn out. That being said, sometimes events do get more frenetic around the exact hits, so we’ll see, but we’ve been seeing that happen every time an inner planet hard aspects the Uranus/Pluto square already!

The Sun enters Gemini on Monday heralding the last part of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere – a time of connecting with others, gathering information, making your voice heard, pushing the mental side of yourself, and a quick and curious mind, yet sometimes easily bored, superficial, and gossipy. Venus square Chiron shows there may be some relationship damage control issues to work on today, as your own and/or others’ feelings may be hurt from some incident. Mercury sets off Uranus/Pluto in a mixed kind of way with a sextile to Uranus and a quincunx to Pluto. Mercury/Uranus is a highly charged/excited mind over new things/knowledge you have discovered. We have the ability to look at things from fresh perspectives and come up with innovative solutions to nagging problems. This favors study/learning especially scientific/technological/mathematical type subjects. Mercury quincunx Pluto can give a deep analytical mind, but you may not be up front with what you are up to with others (and vice versa). Deceptive methods could backfire and create an air of mistrust. This is a good time to examine your own thinking and make some adjustments to the way you do.

The Uranus/Pluto square is triggered by hard lunar aspects on Tuesday as the Moon in Libra squares Pluto and opposes Uranus, forming a Cardinal T-square: there may be individual acts of rebellion today from those who can’t handle the demands made upon them now. Impulsive acts and words, power struggles, acts to break away, sudden separations, and accidents are all more possible today than even yesterday when the Uranus/Pluto square was exact due to the Moon being a catalyst. It’s interesting to note that Uranus/Pluto also gets hit by Pallas Athene today with 2 minor but difficult aspects (sesiquadrate Pluto and semi-square Uranus) that will further trigger it and may have people ready to fight for their rights despite overwhelming odds. Mercury square Chiron adds to this difficult day as people may lose control of their tongues from the frustration and anger they are feeling and wind up hurting or being hurt via words. This is also a challenge to learn from our mistakes and push through them by finding solutions that bring healing.

Wednesday is a very mellow/quiet day astrologically with a void-of-course Moon in Libra until about 2:00 PST, so don’t start anything new this morning.

Thursday is pretty quiet too although Vesta perfects her opposition to Pluto and square to Uranus adding more fuel to that fire. This will bring challenges and decisions by groups to take on the status quo power base together.

Friday may be another intense day with a Full Moon/Lunar eclipse at 4* Sagittarius forming a mutable T-square with Neptune: there is so much information that we have to absorb coming at us so quickly these days that much of what is valuable wisdom we receive through intuition and sensitivity to subtle energies/worlds is being lost due to an inability to truly delve into it without being distracted by what is next – it’s like a mental feeding frenzy that has led a dissolute grogginess and an inability to finish up what we have started before moving onto something else. The self is busy collecting information and communicating with others now, but much of this energy is superficial and distracting in nature, whereas the emotional side is seeking deeper knowledge/wisdom that can break through old barriers and take one to new places/experiences. It is easy to get self-deluded or deceived now. This Full Moon wants us to seek out the spiritual side of ourselves and push old barriers down to allow new wisdom and knowledge in. Trust your feelings and intuition now. Look to the houses this Full Moon falls into in your chart to see the areas of life that will be most affected for you personally. Any planets or points in your chart that receives tight aspects (1-2*) will also flavor this eclipse’s energy for you. Eclipses are turning points, so there will be shifts for sure. Mercury also conjuncts Venus in Gemini today – this blends mind and emotions in our communications/relationships with others and we may be able to express ourselves quite eloquently. It is also good for artistic words like poetry, expressing love/affection verbally, business deals, and appreciation of aesthetic beauty.

Saturday has a couple bumpy sesiquadrates: first Mars sesiquadrate Pluto can be quite angering/irritating as you’d like to take action on making some changes to your world but many of them are thwarted/stuck for now. This gives much energy, so you can apply yourself to some big project but expect setbacks as part of the process. Actions you took in the past that were not completely up to par may come back and bight you now also. Feeling like this makes it hard to get along with others. Avoid dangerous people and places today as their energy is potent now. The second is Mercury sesiquadrate Saturn, which can have the effect of depressing the mind/getting a pessimistic attitude about life because of just seeing and experiencing restrictions and the darker side today. It will be very difficult to communicate with others today, so if you can put it off.

On Sunday Venus also sesiquadrates Saturn continuing the energy of restriction upon relationshipsn from Saturday. At the same time the Sun perfects its square to Neptune – this can be a bit draining on physical energy, so we may lay around feeling passive much of today. You can also be feeling a bit depressed/lost over all that has gone on recently. Idealism is high but could easily challenged by reality to prove itself. You could be a victim of some scheme or deceptive about the truth today too. Mars semi-squares Uranus on this very complex Sunday energy wise. We may get some bursts of energy/inspiration, but likely they will have no outlet or way to express themselves well today. All of what’s going on now can bring a sense of restlessness as if you sense something’s got to give. People can get quite rebellious under this energy, and disruptions to normal life are possible.

Next week Mercury and Venus will catch up to Jupiter, which should be some welcome relief, and Mercury, Venus, and Mars all change signs also.

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