Monday, August 1, 2011

Astrological Winds for Week of 8/1/11

After 3 rather calmer weeks in the astrological weather, things really get ratched up this week. Many of you are aware that Mercury is going retrograde this week (Tuesday) for most of August, mainly backtracking through Leo, after stationing at 1* Virgo. Initially, I thought this might be a mellower Mercury Retro period than normal, as Leo is a sign Mercury has no affinities too,but 2 things changed my mind and I am already sensing/seeing the effects. First and foremost is that Mercury will be in opposition to a retrograde Neptune, which is ingressing back into Aquarius on Thursday, for one last foray in this sign before it moves into Pisces for next 15 years. The first opposition was last Thursday (see last week's blog) and the 2nd exact opposition will be next Monday August 8th, and the 3rd and final one won't be until September 8th, which is very close to the time that Mercury will emerge from the shadow period of its retrograde as it reaches 1* Virgo on September 10th. In effect, what I'm sensing is alot of deception during this time. Example #1 is the debt ceiling/budget agreement: this deal is set to be voted on tomorrow (Tuesday), the very day that Mercury goes retrograde at 1* Virgo: the details are all foggy, based on fanatical idealism, not based in reality, coming with double-speak, etc. Topping that off is Sun square Jupiter today - simply put this budget deal is not going to work in reality whether it passes or not - the costs of running the country will be more than what is being budgeted for and when the bills come in it's going to be hot-under-the-collar time. In September of 2008, when the stock market/real estate crash occurred, and Congress and the President voted in the bail out plan during a Mercury Retrograde period, I warned it was all smoke and mirrors and lies, which is what it turned out to be. I have a feeling we are in a similiar situation here: as the months go by, we will find the effects of this budget deal was slanted to help very few and will leave most of the rest of us out in the cold, and the effects on local levels could be palpatable. An example from this morning's local news: people complaining that the potholes on their streets are never getting patched. The county responds by telling them state budget cuts have left them with 1 crew, maybe we can get to it in 3 years. This is what the budget slashing will amount to on local levels affecting you. Think about it the next time you vote and who you are voting for and exactly what effects their ideals could lead to for you personally. OK, that was quite a tangent to go off on...back to Mercury Retrograde opposite Neptune Retrograde (ingressing back to Aquarius) 3 times over a 6 week period: factoring in Monday's Sun square Jupiter, and Mars ingress into Cancer on Wednesday, a sign it is most debilitated in for its normal range of activity/energy, plus it's trining the above said Neptune Retro and sextile above said Mercury Retro and squaring Ceres at same time, there is a seroious danger of delusions of many kinds this week. Your mind may think it has the answers, but if you look through them under a more discerning lens, you are bound to find that many of these answers are based upon false conclusions, idealistic notions, pie-in-the-sky visions of grandeur, misrepresentation of the facts/reality, the willing of trying to bend reality to fit your version of it, etc. In addition, the opposition indicates that you are possibly under the influence of being purposely misled by others who are trying to force you to make a decision before you find out the whole truth, which is advantageous to them, not you. The trine and sextile work here to make it very easy to fall into this trap perhaps out of desperation. Mars in Cancer may provide the answer or best course of action now. It requires an alternative to your normal approach. It requires some passivity on your part despite dwindling resources. In a certain way, it may be best to sit this one out and use the inner mind workings of Mercury Retro combined with the sensitivity of Neptune and Mars in Cancer to really work things over deeply in your being/mind, but not take any aggressive actions during this time, but to let things play out/shake out, while you use this sensitivity as a fine tuned instrument of discernment to assess what you really can do to align your visions with your reality come September. If you really need to do something physical, home projects would be best, but nothing grandiose. Expect alot of confusion during this whole period due to old patterns not working as they used to. Expect the mind to wander, physical energy to be lower than normal, and of course, communications should be checked and checked again for mutual understanding (and there's still likely to be mix-ups despite). The second thing that made me feel this Mercury Retrograde would be a stronger one is the length of it, lasting some 24 days instead of the normal 20-21. I remember reading an article by another professional astrologer who had researched lengths of Mercury Retro periods and found the ones to be longer to usually have stronger effects. Unfortunately, I read so many articles on astrology that I can't remember the author nor source - my apologies.

Besides Sun square Jupiter on Monday, Venus is quincunx Pluto. This is a "good-bye and good riddance" aspect. Any relationships that have been under stress due to power trips, emotional manipulation, misused resources/finances, etc could easily snap today to the point of release.

Thursday, gives a bit of a break with a Venus square to Jupiter. Most of the time this can lead to some indulgences - obviously, the issue is to watch the bank and or credit card balance while doing so. The markets may respond postively to the budget bill passing, but there still may be an underlying sense of tension, as real problems are not addressed now, but swept under the rug for the time being - they may collect some dust there, but they are bound to need addressing at some point in the future. A great day to socialize, romanticize, relax.

The energy shifts quickly on Friday as Sun sextiles Saturn. This is a great way to work/get projects done/act on solid opportunities. It's possible this may put you into conflict with some group you belong to with Sun opposite Vesta, but you need to take care of yourself first some times, especially to have healthy relationships with others, including groups.

Sunday, Venus sextiles Saturn: this favors a day spent with family or older people or wiser people in calm, stable environments. A good day to honor tradition. You could get some detailed creative work done this day too, or appreciate/admire other's art.

This can be a frustrating and confusing time - don't let it drown you - let it unwind - hard resistance will wear you out quicker - be in it for the long haul - you have the time now to contemplate your next big moves.

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