Monday, August 29, 2011

Astrological Winds for Week of 8/29/11

Fresh off a New Moon in Virgo trine Pluto and Mercury going direct, the forward moving energy continues this week with Venus/Sun trines to Jupiter, but with some pause for thought due to Jupiter going retrograde.

Yesterday's New Moon was in Virgo and has us seeking new ways to be of service. Venus, also now in Virgo, looks to take a more pragmatic approach than usual in this sign, trines Jupiter exact on Monday with the Moon conjunct Venus and trine Jupiter also, and also is in a Grand Trine in Earth with Pluto in Capricorn. Jupiter is stationary right now and turning retrograde in Taurus on Tuesday. The Grand Trine allows energy to flow freely/harmoniously, but with Venus in Fall and Jupiter stationing in Taurus, this may be the best time to truly assess how we approach material needs and to make changes to be more conservative, realistic, economical, etc both on personal and social levels. What creature comforts are we willing to give up that will help bring balance to society and the environment and may actually reward us by enriching our emotional ties to others and give a very basic level of security that ensures survival of one and all? While Jupiter is retrograde in Taurus (through December 26), society as a whole will get a chance to reflect on the philosophies behind the current monetary system, capitalism itself, big business/corporations, banks and investors, laws that protect the few, resource distribution, food issues. Otherwise, the Venus/Sun trines to Jupiter this week should give us a more positive outlook. Markets should respond more postitively than past few weeks; people may be more optimistic/bouyant; you may actually get some, what you consider "lucky", break; social life can be exciting/stimulating; you can make changes to yourself more easily than usual.

Tuesday night and Wednesday are the days the Moon locks into the Cardinal T-square this week, as it opposes Uranus, sqaures Pluto, and conjuncts Saturn, while at the same time Mars sesiquadrates Chiron and is square the Moon. This may have us feeling like being left alone for the most part - desires to break free from same circumstances/people/routine may have you draw very clear lines that should not be crossed by others now, although you may be your own worst enemy anyway at this point. Doing anything too rash can lead to angry reactions from others, injuries, illness, lots of minor irritation build -up, etc. Hard work, athletics/sports, long but measured physical exertion are best use of the energy of these two days.

Friday is that fun/optimistic Sun/Jupiter trine mentioned above with a Scorpio Moon making aspects to them right in time for weekend! Go out and have some fun tonight! Prowling time!

Sunday's first quarter square of Moon in Sagittarius to Sun in Virgo pits the desires of the emotional/sub-concious side to take risks, while the concious/will side wants to err on the side of caution - with Moon sextile Saturn and square a weakened Venus, caution may win this day to the chagrin of your feelings.

Overall, a relatively mellow week, but a week to really consider the resource issue deeply, as it should be easier. Two events last week that occurred could be construed to be quite archetypal in nature and their meaning could be decoded as follows. A very rare earthquake on the east coast of the USA affected a large area of Northeast and actually cracked the Washington Monument enough that it is shut down indefinitely. Consider what the monument stands for archetypally for US government - a phallic symbol of patriarchy and the way those in power have chosen to shape this world/society (very fitting for Jupiter in Taurus). Now note how their economic model is cracking at its base where it is anchored and this symbolic monument is cracking where it's anchored from an earthquake (also very fitting for Jupiter in Taurus). And just when Jupiter is stationing, when its influence is strongest, the earthquake occurs! Second, the Hurricane Irene flooded the New York Mercantile exchange where oil and gold futures are traded. Once again, the archetypal symbolism here is poignant. Some of the very foundations of capitalistic society are under attack by the earth herself. The foundations are cracking. Try to use these next four months to assess how you can simplify your life. Use it to connect to others in a brotherly/sisterly manner. Work out practical solutions together where all share/benefit equally. Use a lens of constuctive criticism of your own contributions in allowing a sick system to continue to be so. We are no doubt going into more and more interesting times. It is bound to accelerate. Make plans now. It is time for people to form brotherly/sisterly solidarity so that the planet as we know it and humanity may all survive these trying times. We need to re-think our models/philosophies of life, value systems, laws, education, resource distribution for the time to take action is bearing down. In solidarity, Matt.

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