Monday, September 12, 2011

Astrological Winds for Week of 9/12/11

What a way for Mercury opposite Neptune to go out last week with one last hurrah - major floods on East Coast, major power outage in Southern Cal, major monsoons in AZ, typhoons in SE Asia, etc.!

This week kicks off on Monday with a Full Moon in Pisces at 19*. Full Moons on the Virgo/Pisces axis always have to do with service and what is physical reality versus what is the ideal reality. On one side we have the eye of details/criticism/practicality/disciplined steps/service to physical needs of self and others, and on the other we have the emotional need for something all-encompassing that we can connect to in whole or summary ways - something that is much more spiritual in nature, all-inclusive, faithful, inspiring, imaginative. The danger with both of these signs is a narrowness of vision that sees life as "my way or the highway" mental, yet in two opposite approaches that are linked in the center through service. What we need to realize here is that we are all connected - that we all need each other to survive - that each person must serve the greater whole by serving themselves and those around them well, but to not narrow our vision and duty so much that we become hypercritical, judgemental, dogmatic, exclusive. Yes, there may be a right way and wrong way of doing things, but this is in a constant state of flux that we must be adaptable to/flexible with. We must have faith now that despite all the needs around us apparently not being met, that the tools and resources we need are available to us if we can put on the eyes of discernment and flesh them out. Once again, collaboration with others is tantamount to getting us all moving ahead on this path. Watch for falling into the trap of escapism or hyper-criticism of others. This Full Moon sqaures the nodal axis, so there is alot of karma/dharma to deal with here - a challenge to leave behind what no longer is serving us well (despite how well it may have worked before) and move on to new paths that may not have a visible end point/goal yet, but will ultimately will be much more rewarding/life enriching. Look to see what houses this Full Moon falls into in your chart to see what areas of life it will be affecting the most for you and see what planets it aspects (just 1-2* orb) that will color the energy with their influence.

Tuesday morning into Wednesday morning is when the Moon links up with the Cardinal T-square this week, as it conjuncts Uranus, then squares Pluto, and opposes Saturn at the same time that Venus is quincunx Neptune. Couple this with our Pisces Full Moon, and it seems we may be feeling very lost/confused early this week because of the gap between our ideals and reality, which may have us revolt/rebel suddenly from the underlying tension. This is not a good day to make too many demands of yourself or others, or for others to make them on you, as you are likely to explode in some way that could degenerate into an all out battle/power struggle, and end up undermining your own interests/desires by making negative impressions upon others, especially those who are in authority or superior to you in some way. It's best to use this energy to spark some difficult transformation within yourself.

Yesterday (Sunday), Mercury trined Pluto  and on Wednesday it trines Jupiter - in effect, a Grand Trine in Earth this week. This can be a most useful tool in coming up with brilliant ideas that enlarge the scope of answers we can access to bring about major transformation in our lives especially over resources, finances, values, etc. It is a good time to seperate the wheat from the chaffe so to speak, and cut out what is unnecassary in our lives, as we will find it easier to do so this week. If we can change our ways of thinking, we can change our physical reality. Getting support from others for your plans should be easier, and you may actually find some rewarding work/project/duty to perform. Venus' ingress into Libra, a sign it rules, will help us collaborate with others and find fair deals for everyone. Social times should be more pleasant and light-hearted during Venus' traverse through Libra. This puts us in the spirit of compromise/equity/fairness - a great time to hammer out relationship issues with grace and even dialogue.

Friday Pluto goes direct - a subtle shift that allows us to put into action ideas of transformation that have been simmering inside since early April. However, there is some confusing/awkward energy in the air Friday also from Venus quincunx Chiron and Mars quincunx Neptune. Our energy may be drained from us from disappointing encounters with others, and it actually may get us into quite an ornery/argumentative mood as Mercury semi-squares Mars - it's like a fight of desperation at that point that can be quite childish/egotistical in nature, and is bound to go nowhere/resolve nothing. Perhaps, well-measured movements or words would be the best balm on this bumpy day.

Venus joins the Cardinal T-square by opposing Uranus on Saturday: you may find yourself hanging out with a different crowd than normal. You may meet some exciting new people, but most times these connections are short-lived. You may also be attracted to strange/odd/out-of-character things on a whimsical level. The Sun sesiquadrate Jupiter this day too, says we may overdo it too this weekend - watch for putting your foot (or too much food/spirits) in your mouth, a hole in your wallet, dents in your own values, etc.

Venus then squares Pluto on Sunday and you may realize how far you went overboard Saturday. This can bring up some seriously deep relationship issues - arguments/fights/good-byes/intensity are all possibilities in close relationships this day. It will be easy to get on others' nerves and vice versa. People can become downright mean toward each other and use secrets to try and control each other, undermine each other, hold each other accountable for any slips. etc. Obsesssions. jealousy, envy, power plays are in the air. The best use of this energy is to deepen existing relationships by allowing our stuff/issues to come up and be dealt with in open and honest ways - it can end up powerfully transforming relationships on very deep levels. Mars also ingresses into Leo on Sunday, where it will remain until November 12th, finally leaving behind the waters of Cancer where it is most uncomfortable, as its normal active energy has been extremely watered down. This should amp up our energy and bring a blast of courage and willfullness that will have us strike out on our hero's journey and try to take control of our own actions and lives and push them forward with zeal and confidence.

Next week's blog may come early or late as I will be traveling.

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