Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Astrological Winds for Week of 9/19/11

This blog is belated due to some traveling, however there were no major transits on Monday/Tuesday, although Tuesday night began the weekly lock in of the Moon (in Cancer this time) to the Cardinal T-square with a square to Uranus and opposition to Pluto -  and this was after a 3rd quarter Square of the Moon in the morning, so it could have been a stressful day where plans didn't work out due to others' decisions putting you into crisis mode with a desire to just break free of it all, or some facsimile thereof.

Wednesday, today, has two awkward quincunx's: first, Mars quincunx Chiron could have us over exert ourselves physically somehow and pay the price with some minor injury - don't move too fast/warm up the muscles first, etc. Someone else's aggression can also have wounding effects on you. Second, Sun quincunx Neptune shows we may have caught some spiritual/mystical glimpse of ourselves through some triggering event, but it ends up creating alot of confusion, loss of faith, etc or can have us easily misled by others. It's interesting to note the big story of the day is the planned execution of Troy Davis in Georgia, who claims he's innocent, as do 7 of the 9 eyewitnesses - this is so fitting of these two quincunxs - someone will be executed (Mars/Chiron) because of the twisted ideals of religious retalitory-type laws (Sun/Neptune) and there doesn't seem to be any logic to it, just a big disconnect by those in authority.

Watch for feeling too good in social situations and being out of balance on Thursday due to a Venus/Jupiter quincunx with the result being you mouthing off too much on your promises, what you can commit to, what you have the resources or time to do, due to a Mercury/Jupiter sesiquadrate. Also, it's easy to jump to faulty conclusions on this day and inserting your foot into your mouth.

Friday is the Autumnal Equinox with the Sun entering Libra (Mercury quickly follows the Sun into Libra on Sunday) - the day and night are equal in length now and in the Northern Hemisphere, the nights begin to lengthen for the next 3 months. This can be an very socially active time of the year with school and events in their normal swing. People want to actively engage with each other especially mentally/intellectually in harmonious ways. Mars trine Uranus on this day will fill us with zestful energy both physically and mentally. You may come up with some genius plan and take the first step(s) in working it. This is a very future/forward looking aspect and it could spark some sudden major changes, especially with the Sun opposite Uranus on Sunday also. Right now, there are jobless/homeless people committing themselves to sitting in front of the New York Stock Exchange on Wall Street in protest of the world's economic policies (there are also many holding protests in Georgia against capital punishment in the above-mentioned Troy Davis case). This is the type of event that could potentially explode during these transits. Sun/Uranus opposition shows that resentment has built up to intolerable levels for many and that they feel forced to do something radical/extreme.

Two more quincunxs on Saturday can make this day awkward also and blend into the above transits. A Sun/Chiron quincunx shows the need to make some major adjustments in our lives in order to adapt to new circumstances that on the surface can be painful, but are here to teach us a lesson so that we may become wiser and an example/leader for others in similiar circumstances. A Mercury/Neptune quincunx shows that we may need to use non-linear/idealistically driven thoughts to find solutions to the deceptions we've been fed that led us down the road we are on. It may prove very difficult to communicate what you envision/see/sense this day. It is easy to see how these two quincunxs can feed the Sun/Mars/Uranus energy above with just a need to do something now.

The time is ripe late this week to begin down the road of action to make revolutionary changes in our individual and collective lives.

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