Monday, February 13, 2012

Astrological Winds for Week of 2/13/12

First, a couple observations on the tightening Uranus/Pluto square and the current Mars Retrograde period.  Remember last summer when we had the Cardinal T-Square being stressed every week whenever the Moon locked into a 4th harmonic aspect weekly with it, seemingly setting off the most stressful day of each week? I followed the budget talks in the US between President Obama and the Republican House, and each week the Moon locked into the T-Square it seemed that was the day that week that tempers reached a pitch, so to speak. I bring this up now because I’m noticing as we draw ever closer to the first exact Uranus/Pluto square on June 25th, each week on the day the Moon is forming a T-square with them or conjunction to one of the two of them and squaring the other, it is the day that seems where all the week’s pressure reaches some climax and all kinds of unexpected events, both positive and negative and many times simultaneously, just start exploding around us. So it’s good to be aware of this each week now. This week Friday is that day, when the Moon in Capricorn will be squaring Uranus and conjuncting Pluto – check in with your own emotional intensity that day and compare it and see how events prior led up to it. We should be able to observe this in world events too, especially ones being rocked by the
Cardinal Square
. An example is Syria, which I blogged on several weeks back, and how tightly its current crisis is being driven by the
Cardinal Square
. This past week when Moon opposed Uranus and squared Pluto on Friday and Saturday the rebellion reached new heights with an assassination of a general in the capital of Damascus and larger terrorist suicidal bombings in public areas.
            The second observation on Mars retrograde in Virgo: so far I’m noticing a more muted effect than the last few ones – perhaps with Mars already in Virgo, its normal effects are tempered down already, so it’s not making any big moves. One thing it is coinciding with is increased diseases seemingly at least locally here in Tucson, perhaps reminding us to take care of our bodies with diligence.

On Monday, Mercury first trines Saturn giving a brief reality check and sharp mind before it ingresses into Pisces, the sign its normal energy is most dysfunctional in. Mercury prefers intellectual acuity, an active mind, a restless spirit, an individual’s viewpoint, but in Pisces everything is opposite that. We may find our thoughts wandering/daydreaming/fantasizing much in the next few weeks, and our normal precise mental abilities may be in a bit of disarray. Details we’ve forgotten may come back to haunt us; emotional responses may overload logic circuitry; things may be lost; communications may be unclear; you may be easily swayed by others. The best way to use this energy is via enriched imagination – if you are a writer or artist, you should be able to access some new ideas now. Mercury’s conjunction to Neptune immediately after its ingress just doubly enhances this Piscean effect for the early part of this week.

Tuesday may not be the best day for financial news and resources, as Pluto squares Ceres and there’s a 3rd quarter square of the debilitated Moon in Scorpio to the Sun in Aquarius. Revelations found out this day may set us back in some way and could get us quite angry, in power struggles with others, and just feeling (in)tense. The aspects for this Valentine’s Day in general are ones of stress, so many of us may end up disappointed ultimately that our fantasy did not come to the exact fruition we desired. Jupiter’s sextile to Chiron may allow us to use the opportunity of disappointment to learn new things about ourselves and what we truly value.

Relationships get even more intense on Wednesday as Venus squares Pluto. We may be ready to strike back hard at those who hurt us, let us down, victimized us in some way. Relationships that are unsteady could easily breakdown today in a Valentine’s hangover. Those that are on solid footing may reach deepening levels of intensity that could illicit some very strong emotions/responses. This is also a “stalker” type energy that can bring up intense feelings of envy/jealousy/obsession/possession, so be aware of these feelings in self and others. Mars is also sesiquadrate Jupiter today – we may be feeling super-energized and it may be driven by the Venus/Pluto energy, however our actions for the most part may be seem to be bound for frustration and stoking our anger even more. We can easily get some uncontrollable urges under these influences combining! Careful!
Judgment is off and behavior can easily get reckless and domineering. This is also an aspect you can overstrain yourself physically under and end up with an injury.

Mercury is active on Thursday with a conjunction to Chiron and sextile to Jupiter. The conjunction to Chiron in Pisces could actually be quite beneficial, in the sense that with Mercury perhaps able to access normally hidden information through feelings or on imaginative levels that contributes to the mind the ability to go beyond its normal realm of thoughts and reactions to pain, fear, faith, wounds, ways of learning, etc and actually can bring some deeply moving healing experiences. Mercury’s sextile to Jupiter just re-enforces this opportunity to expand the mind through new ideas, plans, goals, plans, etc.

Friday is the day I mentioned above when Moon starts hard-aspecting the Uranus/Pluto square carrying over into Saturday. Saturday can truly be a “Saturn’s Day” with the Sun trine Saturn in the morning and the Moon in Capricorn all day. This is a great day to get projects done – if you are off from work, it’s a great day to take on some big project at home as you’ll have the patience and attitude to get the job done and get it done well. This is also an excellent day to deal with issues from those in authority/superiority as you will find them agreeable, or just working in your career in general. Getting advice, especially from older and wiser people, is favorable also. Mercury sextile Pluto will actually lend a hand by giving the mind the ability to focus on details/ get to the bottom of things well. This is a good aspect for deepening connections with others through deep forms of communications also. This is also an excellent day to work the mind via studying/learning/taking classes/reading/collecting and analyzing info, etc. Saturday night, the Sun joins Mercury, Neptune and Chiron in Pisces heralding the last third of winter in the Northern Hemisphere. A time of endings of cycles, yet with the seeds of new ideas in our hands/minds and the plan for our next planting ready to go. A time of deepened connections with others especially on emotional planes; a deepening sense of faith and idealism; a desire to merge with something larger than our self.

The Sun’s conjunction to Neptune on Sunday is perfect for a day of relaxing, revival, spiritual practices, contemplation, deep thoughts, artistic inspiration, etc – really this is the theme of this whole week – a Neptunian/Piscean energy brought down to our personal worlds via Mercury and the Sun. Next week, this continues with a New Moon in Pisces and the Sun joining Chiron and sextiling Jupiter, as Mercury will this week.

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