Monday, February 20, 2012

Astrological Winds for Week of 2/20/12

A pretty quiet week this week.

Tuesday is the New Moon at 2* Pisces conjunct Neptune/Chiron/Pallas Athene. If there ever was a calling card astrologically built for spirituality and dissolving the illusion of perceived differences into the recognition of the connectedness of all then this is it. Over the past two years, many of the clients I've had are having similiar mundane issues in their personal lives surrounding the loss of money, resources, jobs, careers, etc. This, of course, is a sign of the times. Many of them are looking for something else to try/do. What has been remarkably interesting to me is that almost every one of them that has gotten to this point has a desire to find something that will help heal the world somehow and themselves at the same time and they have had the transiting Neptune/Chiron conjunction right on some personal planet or significant point in their charts! Well, consider this New Moon a calling to every person on Earth to do the same now. The reality is our own ignorance/blindness is what keeps ourselves and our world in pain and suffering and misery. Until we come to the realization that all life is connected and actually live that, we will remain at the mercy of our ignorance personally and collectively. Pisces, the final sign of the zodiac, knows this truth deep inside, yet the two fish swim away from each other by seeing differences in the world of maya that build up stubborn belief systems that ultimately enslaves self and others. The higher octave of Pisces/Neptune is to dissolve all perceived differences into the ocean of oneness. In order to do this we must dive deep within spiritually, rather than trying to push stuck belief systems upon others externally in order to fulfill a sub-conscious need to be right. The past 2000 years has been the Age of Pisces and because of humanity's ignorance, the Shadow side of this archetype has dominated via clashing belief systems leading to non-stop war. In order for this to end, people must go within and realize oneness first and then bring that out in every action towards others, not by preaching, but by our own actions and words of kindness/compassion/empathy. This is what will help complete the cycle of Chiron and turn our wounds and pain into healing and teaching. This is what we are all being called on to do now - to go to a place of non-judgement, to trust in our intuition/heart feelings, to connect with our version of the godhead, to break the cycles of illusion and addiction. The New Moon also sextiles Jupiter, the ruler of Pisces, allowing the greater beneficiary planet to lend a hand in making this transition, and Venus semi-sqaures Neptune also, allowing us to focus love into higher octaves/expressions today. During this New Moon take some time to meditate/contemplate upon these matters and resolve to bring what you sense inside, more into your daily actions outside. Look to what house this New Moon falls into in your chart to see what area of life it will affect the most for you. Also, any planets from 1-3* in your chart will be making aspects to this New Moon and add to its flavor to you on a personal level. Mercury is also sesiquadrate Saturn today, which can be difficult for ordinary communications, however with Mercury in Pisces also, perhaps it will help facilitate inner communications.

Wednesday has Venus quincunx Mars retrograde. This can be a bumpy day for lovers, or how you express your sexuality, or own creativity. Actions in these areas are off/awkward. Also, it may be hard to control emotions, or you may be attracted to someone who's not the best choice for you.

Thursday's Mercury opposite Mars Retrograde is normally ornery, but with the two of them in yin signs and debilitated, their normal energies are not likely up for a big knock-down/drawn-out tangle. Still, we may find ourselves at odds with others over decisions needing to be made or opinions on how to move forward. Be careful with you words or arguments will ensue - ego will be heavily involved. Also, rash actions can lead to accidents. With the Sun square Juno, the battle may end up being with a partner/SO.

Friday is Moon/Pluto/Uranus day this week with the Sun Conjunct Chiron on top. We may be licking our wounds this day possibly from any rows under Mercury/Mars yesterday. The Sun/Chiron conjunction should help us learn some lesson and possibly open up some new frontier for you possibly only in attitude, but one that can gets us thinking out of the box and re-assessing goals.

Saturday's Sun sextile Jupiter and Mercury semi-square Jupiter can get us in a very optimistic/Big Picture frame of mind. A day that you can allow yourself to dream "what if?" You may get some lucky break, opportunity, be at right place at right time, windfall that will have you feeling satisfied/good. A great day to spend with friends, with groups, or dealing with authorities. Not a good day for dealing with details however, as they can seem pesky to you. Venus semi-square Chiron could have you realizing that some relationships may be best with more distance between them. Asteroid goddess Vesta ingresses into Aries also today, asking like minded groups to take actions together as peaceful warriors to help ensure the survival of our species (and many others!) and planet. She may also may be asking us to recognize that even the most roguish/prodigal of our brothers and sisters, are still our brothers and sisters, and should be recognized for their individual contributions to the tribe/family.

Sunday is quiet and has 3 positive Moon aspects to Neptune/Jupiter/Sun and should be a harmonious, relaxing day for most part.

Next week, Mercury dashes off to Aries where it will come to a standstill and start retrograding a week or so afterwards. The Sun also gets to its oppostion with Mars retro.

1 comment:

Alica McKenna Johnson said...

Good to now now I can plan my week ad look forward to Sunday!