Monday, September 17, 2012

Astrological Winds for Week of 9-17-12

This past week and this week and next week will bring a spike to the Uranus/Pluto square, as on Tuesday the exact second hit of seven occurs, while Pluto is standing still/turning direct on Monday. This will make this one extra intense and indeed it is already, as a movie made in the USA by an Egyptian Coptic Christian with a very shady past depicting the Prophet Muhammad in all types of immoral acts, set off a firestorm across the Arab world against US consulates resulting in death and destruction; large protests in France/Greece/Spain/Portugal against the rich and current banking systems controlling nations have even the ultra wealthy arguing among themselves about what they owe society in order to keep it from descending into chaos; large protests in Russia against Putin and the government and in support of the punk all female band Pussy Riot; a boiling dispute between Japan and China over some very small islands resulting in protests in China and naval war games; large antinuclear protests in Japan forcing the government to completely phase out nuclear power over next 40 years; intense weather disrupting both major parties conventions; Samsung losing a landmark case about copyright violations of electronic devices to Apple, etc – these are just some of the big stories this past week. I’ve blogged about the Uranus/Pluto square many times before here and have re-iterated the point that it’s all about revolution: and not just your revolution, but everyone’s, no matter what that may be and, whether you personally agree with it or not. There is no subjective judgment in astrology: it’s revolution affecting everyone simultaneously on both personal and Collective levels. I’ve also written before that I fully expected the first half of Pluto’s sojourn through Capricorn (while it is squaring Uranus) to be a time period of those in power circling their wagons as they watched the world slip into revolution/chaos, and that their reactions would become more egotistical/subjective/war-like/revolutionary in their own right. The problem here is all these overreactions by those in power can easily lead us to war in these times: there are so many sensitive places in the world today waiting to explode like a powder keg over the slightest provocation that it is down right terrifying. Any of these places could easily suck the rest of the world down a road of ruin during these next few years. What can we do here? Frankly, big change is occurring no matter what any of us do.  Large structures, organizations, systems will be forced to change or die. Things that no longer serving us well must be discarded. It is very encouraging to see how many individuals are willing to revolutionize/transform their lives, but have we given our power away for too long to get it back? Thinking outside the box may be the only way to find a new solution and it will have to be BIG! The problem with squares is the line crisscrosses at 90* - you have to turn some corner to take it on or it will whack you in the side and off your straight course. It has to do with dealing with those who have different objectives and don’t see eye-to-eye at all. It requires hard work and evokes much anger in all parties involved. The tension gets thick, palpable surrounding the issue and it will grind out over a number of years, not happen overnight. Yet there is a sense within us of some excitement over the possibility of great change and what that could mean and lead to. None of us will be able to control this no matter how much material power we have. Our lives are all changing – we might as well embrace it and be prepared. This will be a week where we can take a big leap forward in doing so. We must reclaim our power and save ourselves by breaking chains to certain values/structures/power bases. We must meet the challenge of changing our world head on – there’s nothing else left to do.

Monday also has a Mercury/Neptune quincunx, which can bring much idealistic inspiration but difficulty communicating it through normal channels. It can work for non-normal channels however like psychic downloads, sensing feelings, musical notes, etc. Sensitive people can be easily overwhelmed/deluged with input today. Mercury also semi-squares Mars, which can bring mental frustration over ideas, or with others, and perhaps some testy/touchy communication exchanges. Egos are on the defensive and bursts of anger may result.

Mercury continues to instigate peak reactions to the Uranus/Pluto square by getting into a T-square with it on Thursday with an opposition to Uranus and square to Pluto and a quincunx to Chiron too. In effect, this will keep the above energy of the Uranus/Pluto square at a rolling boil. We need to use our minds to come up with the ideas to resolve these issues: to combine our lower and higher minds to make some powerful moves toward meeting the challenges of change. Expect the insights we get now to be met with much resistance and be aware of your own motives. We can see deeply now into the problems we face, but it can illicit outbursts of incisive/cutting words that can devolve into arguments and battles. It’s easy to get irritated and distracted and thus make mistakes, or just overwhelmed/stimulated mentally and scattered all over the place. Impatience with others will be at a peak. The mind is crowded and conversations can be dense. It would be best to use this energy to get insights on your own mind and challenge yourself to change. Mercury’s quincunx to Chiron says we must refine/adjust our attitudes and beliefs to do so. There is also an exact square of Neptune and Juno today: we may be deluding ourselves in relation to a partner and it may be causing some challenges at this point that are hard to get a handle on. We may be disappointed with them or realize we are being victimized by them somehow. Venus sextile Jupiter is usually considered one of the “lucky” transits, but with all this intense energy about this week it may not register much, or it may just help us maintain civility through intense times. You could get some relief through friends, socializing, or a financial break.

Friday, the Sun squares Ceres, and once again issues with resources may be challenging/hard to manage for some of us, and environmental concerns, food issues, crop issues may all be in the news. We may also have issues within our families over care, sacrifice, intimacy, or you may feel smothered by a family member, or may not be taking care of your own needs somehow.

Saturday is the Autumnal Equinox and fall is upon us in the Northern Hemisphere. It is a time of making connections with others, much interaction with our partners, seeking balance and harmony in our lives, and peace and justice for all, and taking in input from others. A First Quarter Square of the Moon in Capricorn to the Sun in Libra immediately follows and those who are stuck in rigid systems that give them some power may be unwilling to negotiate today. The emotions may be too rigid today to let others in yet to influence us.

The Sun quincunx Neptune on Sunday may give us some individual spiritual/magical moment but it is likely a figment of our imagination or an idealistic overreach. Once again, this can bring great sensitivity to others and/or environment and leave us feeling lost/deceived/misunderstood/disenchanted/self-blaming. This is a good day to be in service to others if you can maintain some boundaries.

We are living in intense times these days, but we’ve all contributed to getting here, so we are all are going to have to contribute to getting out of here. The time of revolutionary change is upon us: do what you think is best to bring it on.

Next week, the Uranus/Pluto square energy will continue to boil, perhaps to one of its highest peaks, as the Full Moon in Aries/Sun in Libra form another T-square with it.

1 comment:

Claire Vimala Anderson said...

Hanging in...
thanks for the report