Monday, September 24, 2012

Astrological Winds for Week of 9-24-12

Last week Mercury triggered the Uranus/Pluto square and we got things like Mitch Romney’s words (Freudian slip) about how he (and the 1%) truly feels about many people, and the effects of internet movies and newspaper cartoons when insulting large segments of the worlds religious beliefs. The shadow side was exposed via words/communications. This week the Sun forms the T-square with them and it could get even more intense as will and ego and the physical world will become more seriously involved in this energy.


Monday is relatively quiet: a Moon (in Capricorn) square to Saturn and Sun opposite Pallas Athene may have us feeling a bit down about groups and responsibilities we owe them, decisions we have to make because of them, fears in taking responsibility for our own power within them, and issues with father/authority type people in our lives.


Venus and Mars are quite active in stressful ways through most of mid week.  They form an exact square on Thursday, but on Tuesday and Wednesday they get into a number of stressful aspects with outer planets. Mars will sesiquadrate Uranus and semi-square Pluto first, and then Venus will sesiquadrate Uranus also, forming a Black Kite, and sesiquadrate Pluto also. This can make relationships very complex and ultimately frustrating/stuck-feeling, leading to dark thoughts, a desire to break free, lots of jagged energy, a desire to change circumstances but an inability to do so, accident-prone behavior, harsh judgments of others fueling anger, chaotic excitement, and a desire to enjoy life more without regard for repercussions in the moment. This is dangerous energy to play with, so one should exercise some caution in proceeding before doing so. There is creative energy available here for use, and you may find yourself with some odd attractions to the shadow side of your life that has you stuck/hung up in some way and creates friction in your being. However, real answers will likely remain inaccessible now.


Ceres ingresses into Cancer also on Tuesday, a sign it has much affinity with through the archetype of the Mother. Here she gives the gifts of nurturing, unconditional love, being cared for, and acceptance of others.


Mercury is active on Wednesday also with a sesiquadrate to Neptune and trine to Jupiter. This will spur on our innate idealism, interest in spirituality/religion/mysticism/philosophy/higher forms of knowledge/broadened thinking. Mercury/Jupiter is useful for making plans, business deals, and intellectual work, but Neptune can cloud/soften that up a bit, so you may not get the acute results you’d normally expect.


Thursday is the exact square between Venus and Mars, so things could get a bit more spicy between people/lovers and/or our creativity can have an alluring edge hitting a peak.


The Sun then starts to perfect its T-square with Uranus/Pluto, first quincunxing Chiron (with Mercury sesiquadrating Chiron also) on Friday, knocking things/people/communications off balance, tarnishing images, and requiring great adaptation/adjustment to our lives in order to deal with the challenges ahead. The T-square perfects early Saturday with an opposition to Uranus drawing lines in the sand between opposing forces, bringing much chaos, and intellectual/ideological clashes fueling sudden acts of rebellion. In our personal lives, we can get surprises from partners/allies/known enemies. The Sun/Pluto square heats up the energy of conflict and a stubborn “not backing down” attitude. Powerful energy is building up and can be triggered violently/explosively very easily right now. We may feel much pressure from within to do something to make something shift/change in our lives. Power struggles may ensue, especially against real or perceived authorities. This can also be the energy of disasters/accidents both large and personal. Once again, the best way to use this energy is to fuel your own desire to change by confronting yourself somehow, and try different solutions to problems you have with others or self.


Sunday we will no doubt still be feeling Sun/Uranus/Pluto, but a Neptune/Ceres trine may have many with the desire to give empathy/compassion/understanding towards others as their response to the above tension – an almost angelic aspect, in the sense of caring. People will have a great sense of what others need and be willing to help them get it. This can also be tuned toward a higher spiritual love for all earth and its beings.


Next week 4 planets change signs (Venus, Saturn – a big shift here, Mercury, and Mars, plus another goes retrograde [Jupiter]), so there will be significant shifts in the winds directions. Stay tuned for that forecast.

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