Monday, October 1, 2012

Astrological Winds of Week of 10-1-12

As I mentioned last week, four planets are ingressing into different signs this week and one of the major asteroids also, plus one planet is changing direction, so there will be some shifts in background energy.


Monday is a pretty quiet day with Moon opposite Saturn in mid-afternoon being most challenging aspect: responsibilities have us in a serious/practical/conservative/pressed mode. The Moon goes void of course afterwards and then into Taurus about an hour later.


Venus sextiles Saturn on Tuesday which brings the opportunity to stabilize relationships and finances, get or give advice/wisdom/guidance, good working relationships that can strike fair deals, and the ability to get creative details worked on. Later, Venus becomes the first planet to change signs this week, as she ingresses into Virgo, the sign of her fall, where her ability to express herself is most repressed/denied. Here, love and relationships are satisfied through service to others. The danger is you may play the martyr to get love and attention from others.  Indeed, perceptive people can take advantage of others who are too quick to please now. This is a good time period to work on artistic/creative projects in detail, as you are willing to sacrifice parts of the self for your creation/work. Your higher standards could rub people the wrong way however, as they perceive you as nitpicking/hypercritical. This is also a good time to start a diet or some new health plan, as you’re in the right frame of willing to sacrifice some of your indulgences.


Venus’ sacrificial energy peaks even more on Wednesday as she opposes Neptune: here she wants to blend mundane love with higher spiritual expressions of love. However, we can be extremely unrealistic in all our dealings surrounding love in any form today. Our ideals about love can crash hard on the shores of reality and leave us quite disappointed in others or disillusioned with the world. The trap of giving in order to receive is set on this day and you may be disappointed if you don’t catch your prey or something goes awry. In effect, it’s easy to get deceived by others because you are being too receptive/open/pie-eyed. There is a chance you may have some amazingly moving encounter or experience today that seems to bridge worlds together, but the experience is mainly one of perception, not necessarily physical reality. This is a good day to be of service to others as long as you remain clear-headed (hearted!) and maintain some boundaries. Pallas Athene ingresses into Pisces also today beckoning the Warrior Daughter Princess to use non-violent protest, art, spirituality, healing, and compassion as her weapons of choice now in fighting injustice and imbalance.


The Venus/Neptune opposition stays very active on Thursday as the Moon in Gemini gets between them and forms a mutable T-square: watch what you say today, as insensitive remarks can hurt sensitive others. Jupiter in Gemini stations retrograde also and will travel backwards from our viewpoint for the rest of the calendar year and until January 31st next year. Plans of expansion may be put on hold,  words from the past may come back to us for re-assessment somehow, big decisions may need constant adjusting/mulling over, and/or information overload may have us indecisive. This is a good time to look within at both sides of the values/opinions/viewpoints we have developed and list the positives and negatives in weighing what may require some tweaks/adjustments.


Mercury is very active Friday, first conjuncting Saturn: this can get us into a heavy, pessimistic frame of mind, where the shadow side is accentuated, narrow-mindedness is prevalent, judgmental attitudes rule, and conversations take on a heavy tone. It is excellent for precise work, especially types that require mental energy. Mercury then ingresses into Scorpio, where balanced thoughts are lost in the depths of emotions. Here, the mind is fascinated by mystery – what lies behind/below, and any subject matter that relates to that. It wants to know why things work the way they do. The danger is allowing ourselves to become obsessed by the emotional force behind what we are interested in and becoming a manipulative  power pusher about it through the use of the mind. This can also get into the frame of not standing for any fools around us without giving them a dressing down, as the mind’s penetrating perceptions has a hard time understanding why others don’t see what you see or how foolish their own ways are. We can also get into dark humor now or involved in secretive behavior. Mercury finishes its day by trining Neptune, which can lift our thoughts into the idealistic atmospheres. This is aided by a sesiquadrate to Jupiter early Saturday morning. Imagination/inspiration is stimulated and you’ll want to share it with others. This also raises the mind’s psychic powers, so that non-verbal forms of communication become more easily accessible. This is also a time when the mind will take “the higher road” and will have soothing words and ideas for others. An excellent time to also learn new information involving magick, metaphysics, spirituality, art with words, etc.


Saturn ingresses into Scorpio also on Friday - this is a big event – the biggest of the month for sure. Saturn will spend the next 2 ½ years in the depths of Scorpio. Those in authority will be working hard to cover their tracks, work secretively, consolidate power, repress information, and restrict others. This will likely be a period of intentional international manipulation of finances by authorities that represent investors and multi-national corporations. We may see the death of more investment banks/houses during this time and corporate earnings will continue to contract.  We may also have to Collectively face some large death events. This really plays into the first half of the Pluto in Capricorn transit, as those in power and in fear of losing it through tumultuous times circle the wagons and the ruts get ever deeper, the desire to control ever stronger. On personal levels, many of us may experience deep psychological changes through this time, as certain energies/behaviors come to the surface and must be addressed responsibly. What motivates us may confront us! Attempts to remain clam and cool can result in extreme acts when rage can not be controlled.


Mars has a late Friday night trine to Pallas Athene on Friday/Saturday early AM, which can aid us in making plans of action and ready to take on the “good fight.” Mars then ingresses into Sagittarius Saturday night, which can fire the warrior up to some risky behaviors, courageous acts, grand adventures, etc. Your ideals fuel your actions during this time and you mat need some time for more personal freedom/independence.  Mars can get ornery here over conflicts about values, judgments, philosophies, religion, law – so it can flare up as mass rebellious acts at times.


Mars square to Neptune on Sunday will enflame idealistic behavior for some and drain the energy out of others. This is a good day to relax physically or just do gentler exercise/movement like yoga. Sudden movements can even injure now. Energy dissipates and is hard to sustain. It will be hard to take on anything too big or your personal battle to the world today and anything you try will likely have discouraging results. It’s easy to get into self-pity after demoralizing interactions/situations. Temptations at deception should be avoided. With Venus opposite Chiron forming a mutable T-square with Juno, close partnerships could be stressed today, and there may be major lessons to learn about relationships and the inherent conflict that love brings in how much we must give up to others in close relationships. There can be romantic/sexual/emotional/fidelity/competition issues within relationships.


Next week features an exact Saturn/Neptune trine in water signs.


1 comment:

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