Monday, November 12, 2012

Astrological Winds for Week of 11-12-12

Monday is quiet to start the week with a Moon/Saturn conjunction in Scorpio steering the energy toward responsibilities/duties having to be met, hard work, dependability, practicality, and conservative views.


Tuesday is the most active day of the week led by a Solar Eclipse/New Moon at22* Scorpio. This eclipse has been traditionally about making deeper commitments and can have you involved with your family more deeply/intricately in the weeks ahead. There is usually a sense of satisfaction afterwards in some sense. Solar eclipses are like a new start and shine a light into previously unexplored areas. In Scorpio, things that have been hidden from us can be brought into the light: our deepest fear, desires, issues, fate. This New Moon asks each of us to use the power we do have to transform the world around us without getting too hell-bent in doing so – to tap into new areas of power used wisely by finding strength from our shadow side. Look to the house this eclipse falls into in your chart to see the area of life this energy will be focused in for you. Any of your natal planets or points receiving tight aspects from the New Moon/Eclipse will also color the energy for you. Mercury retrograde re-perfects its square to Neptune this day – the reality is we’ve been under the influence of this aspect for 2 weeks already as its first pass was on October 30th: “… there may be a lot of mental confusion/indecision/misunderstandings/bad moves in the air. This will stimulate imagination and is good for creative writing/storytelling. It also good for studying spirituality, mysticism, religion, art. However, this aspect can also make us lazy/passive/worn out mentally and in need of a break, so we may waste much of this day away.”  is what I wrote about it 2 weeks ago – expect more of the same…and then things can get real deep into the psyche as Mercury backtracks into Scorpio: this will give us a double dose of deep contemplation on how our minds function and the fears and desires that dictate how we react for most of the rest of the month. Venus sesiquadrate Chiron shows certain relationships can be holding us back/have us stuck/are hurting us, and all this Scorpio energy may help pinpoint which ones and how, but it may not be easy to untangle them at this time.


Chiron follows Neptune (these 2 have been doing a waltz together now for several years!) by going direct on Wednesday in Pisces: once again, a subtle shift that may see us put more idealistic healing modalities into work in the world around us over the next few months. The Sun trine Pallas Athene should give us the confidence to act on our intellectual ideals and perhaps come up with some novel new approaches to acting on them. This could also put the battle of the sexes into a peaceful mode. The Sun semi-square Pluto is the most trying aspect this day as we may get frustrated with those who have power/authority over us in some way. Minor power struggles may ensue and people could end up irritated/angry with each other.


Thursday’s Saturn/Uranus quincunx is a long term transit that is a sign of these times in general: a desire for many groups of people to break free of whom they perceive as their oppressors, acts of rebellion against traditional society, unpredictable reactions to restrictions, struggling turmoil, and disruptions to normal life.


Friday can be a complex day for sue with the Moon conjuncting Pluto and squaring Uranus during the day. People may be quite moody and want to break free somehow. The biggest event of the day is Mars ingressing into Capricorn, where the warrior is exalted. Here, he is able to command/take charge and get the actions done that he wishes to. Ambition is quite high and you are willing to do what it takes to climb to the top over the next couple of months. Actions are well-measured and in control and can lead to great success. Career becomes quite important to many of us now. Saturn trine Chiron is also a long term, more subtle transit that will help us find our path with well measured and rewarding steps. Venus trine Vesta brings harmonious interactions within groups you belong to that have similar goals/views.


Saturday has 2 bigger events: first, Mars sextile Neptune can bring some idealism into our actions that can create some unique opportunities. This is a great day to get into group activities that benefit all. It’s also good for going off alone to contemplate like on a hike. We are also motivated by hidden worlds/psyche today. There is also Mercury’s inferior conjunction to the Sun, which also benefits the inner life/contemplation on this day too. The biggest issue is our thinking is extremely subjective, but we could find new nuggets of wisdom deep inside ourselves.


Sunday is pretty quiet, but a Moon/Saturn square mid-day may hit us with some duties that take away our fun and relaxing we’d normally choose to do on a Sunday.


Next week, Venus is trine Neptune on Thanksgiving Day – a perfect aspect for this holiday!

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