Monday, November 5, 2012

Astrological Winds for Week of 11-5-12

For those in the grip of Hurricane Sandy, the Cardinal Grand Cross among Uranus/Pluto/Venus/Ceres manifested in quite intense ways last week: sudden challenges/crisis bringing destruction/death/permanent transformation/the forging of unexpected deep relationships/scarcity of the necessities of life. A perfect storm that I blogged about a few days ago. This week Mercury goes retrograde in Sagittarius (and back to Scorpio eventually) on Tuesday, Election Day in the USA. The effects of Sandy will slow things down in the Northeast throughout this whole month during Mercury retro: communications, travel, and relationships will be affected, and it will be a backwards process at first seemingly in order to go forward again. People will have much time to use this energy to look deep within their own psyches and face their fears and sub-conscious drives and how they affect their own thinking and communications with others. This can likely be a heavy time where parts of our mental ideas die/fail us. We must remember the old must move out before the new can move in during this month. Some of the deeper questions about life may weigh us down, yet we can use this energy to get to the bottom of things and find new self-empowerment. We must be careful not to let our emotions sweep us away and throw off our logic too far.


Getting to the significance of Mercury retrograde happening on Election Day: the last time this occurred was in 2000 when the Supreme Court decided who would be President, not the People. More and more we see how the deck is stacked against the middle/working/poor classes – that the government is run by the wealthy and their servants. It seems this election with a very wealthy white man as one of the candidates with virtually no political experience but a multi-national corporate background represents this growing awareness and schism. Something odd is likely to occur this election for sure – for awhile last week, I wondered if they’d delay it because of hardships caused by Sandy, but that’s seeming less likely now. There have been widespread reports of attempted disenfranchising of large segments of voters especially in key states like Florida, Ohio, and Indiana, and with Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius/Scorpio that is likely. I still believe President Obama will win this election, but will he sit in office or be ousted by the Courts or fraud or the Electoral College despite? The possibility definitely exists. The Sun is quincunx Jupiter Tuesday also, showing leaders having to make value/philosophical adjustments/separations. The Moon in Leo makes a Third Quarter Square to the Sun in Scorpio late in the afternoon: the emotions want to make a show for the self, while the self is on a much deeper journey to be bothered by such frivolity. This is also a bit confusing in light of the election: the people (Moon) seem to be behind the king (Leo), yet a crisis may be occurring due to those with secret powers (Scorpio) attacks on the leader/king (Sun). Indeed, this will be an interesting election day.


Venus trine Jupiter on Thursday is one of the sweetest aspects there is and if nothing else people should feel good/optimistic/lucky for some reason. Relationships should be very smooth and creativity should be high. Smart investments can be made. It’s easy to get passive under this transit but that may be OK because we could all use a break at this point! Good for all social occasions and entertainment/fun.


Friday has a Mars/Vesta opposition that could manifest as some angry male energy erupting against female energy – many times this is rooted in inadequate sexuality. Choices may have to be made or actions can be blocked because of others. Venus sesiquadrate Neptune later can have us in a dreamy fog about relationships, or overly sensitive toward others. This can definitely be a bit of a touchy day.


Saturday’s main event is Neptune going direct, although this is quite a subtle shift. Over the next few months we should be able to move forward with our spiritual and creative ideals. We may be able to put compassion and sensitivity to work in the world around us. This is also the day of stressful Moon/Uranus/Pluto aspects with another T-square forming – relationships will be tested again.


Sunday may be a bit choppy for relationships too especially on intellectual levels with Mercury semi-square Venus and Sun sesiquadrate Uranus. There’s some restlessness here that could have people a bit uptight/snippy and seeking something different or at least an argument/verbal joust. Three positive lunar aspects to Jupiter, Venus and Mars should keep the lid on it/not let it get out of hand for the most part however.


Next week there’s a Solar Eclipse/New Moon in Scorpio, and Mars heads off to Capricorn, where it is exalted.

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