Monday, May 16, 2011

Astrological Winds for Week of 5/16/11

Mercury and Venus continue to travel hand in hand across the heavens this week in Taurus - they have passed Jupiter and are on their way to conjoining Mars in the sign of the Bull. On Monday, they make their exact conjunction in Taurus continuing the energy of last week (see last week's blog for more details on these 2 together now). Relationships and socializing will continue to take on a mental/intellectual tone mainly, but now the inspiring ideas shared last week should be able to gain some solidity/a foothold in physical reality. This is a great time to clear the air in relationships and find stability within them, especially with both of them sextile Neptune today. This offers the opportunity to combine higher and lower forms of love into compassion and empathy for others. Spiritual/metaphysical/artistic conversations are favored, and intuition/imagination is sharpened/concise, and you may receive some hoped for wish today/this week. You may even get a sense of what others are thinking/feeling before they even express it. Romance and pleasant surroundings are also possible too. Tonight, however, the Sun sesiquadrates Saturn which may put the brakes on this energy  for awhile, as you may get into some disagreement/clash with those in authority, or situations you're involved in may require you to perform duties you'd rather not have to deal with, or you simply may run out of time today to accomplish all you wish.

Tuesday is the Full Moon in Scorpio: a time when the emotions may actually be boiling under the surface in concern over our current material/resource situation. With the Sun/Moon forming a fixed t-square with Neptune we may be deluding ourselves into thinking we can maintain the status quo while our inner emotions are screaming at us: "you know this is not so." The tendency here is to sweep real problems under the rug in order to maintain some type of physical stability, but this is actually gnawing away inside and may cause us to go off on others at any perceived slight, when in actuality we are upset with our own homeostasis and a seeming inability to take the actions to move forward into some new territory. The lesson is we may have to give up some of our creature comforts in order to have more emotional stability/happiness.  Right now, our fear of change is what's holding us back both individually and Collectively. We fear giving up some of the things we are used to will cause us great discomfort, but the imagined pain of "what will I do?" may actually be worse then reality if we are willing to give it a try, plus it will likely open up unseen doors that can be quite fulfilling ultimately. Deep fears and desires may surface over a stable life versus the inevitability of the death of all things including the way we live each day. On a Collective level, the distribution of resources will be highlighted in its current imbalance and the pain that it is bringing to many these days - a sense that something's got to give. This energy will continue/dominate this week as the exact square of the Sun to Neptune is not until Sunday.

On Wednesday and Thursday, Mercury/Venus/Mars all sextile Chiron opening up opportunities to correct these imbalances. People will be seeking new answers to old problems and will be searching each other out for advice in doing so, and can choose to take actions either individually or within groups to illicit change that heals self and all.

On Friday, Mercury catches up to Mars in Taurus conjuncting it with both trining Pluto, and then Venus does on Saturday. This will bring a boost of energy to get things done now - to move towards progressive transformation through deeper analysis of our problems, deeper connections with others to take on these issues together, and assertive actions using each's individual talents/gifts in making it happen. People will be very supportive of one and other and can clear much of what's holding them back at this time together. Trust and deepened relationships will be gained and personal growth will be powered forward.

Finally, on Saturday, the Sun will ingress into Gemini letting us know that Spring will be blooming into summer soon. This is a time of widened social connections, more travel, more learning, lots of new information coming your way, etc, but mainly on surface levels. There will be much to choose from to do in the next few weeks and we can flit from one thing to another like a butterfly to different flowers!

This is a week to ponder how we can overcome resource restrictions by making changes both individually and with others - to help each other out in doing so by sharing our anguish and turning it into progressive change.

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