Monday, May 30, 2011

Astrological Winds for Week of 5/30/11

A New Moon/Solar Eclipse at 11* Gemini trine Saturn is the highlight of this week on Wednesday. There will be 3 eclipses during this eclipse season from June 1st to July 1st, so get ready for some big changes and developments. In Gemini, this New Moon/Solar Eclipse asks us to open our minds to new information/knowledge/points of view/experiences, so that we are open to change and altering our reality. Its trine to Saturn in Libra will bring stability and the ability to absorb and use the new knowledge we gain in measured, stable ways, and to collaborate willingly and harmoniously with others. This eclipse is Saros series #13, which normally brings some type of expansion, but also many problems/issues because of this expansion. This New Moon/Solar Eclipse asks us to go beyond our normal mind/thinking processes and allow in something new. Look in your chart to see what house it falls into to see what area of life will be most affected. Any planets that you have at 10-12* will likely be making an aspect to the eclipse too, and will be blending their energy into it and onto you.

The New Moon/Solar Eclipse energy is supported by Mercury's ingress into the sign it rules, Gemini, on Thursday. This is where the Trickster is most happy, able to show both sides of its nature simultaneously. The Gemini archetype searches the world for its missing half, collecting all kinds of information and knowledge along the way, and then has an innate desire to broadcast/communicate in some way all that it has learned. The irony is that the missing half is so close by, that the Trickster overlooks it in his search for something out in the world with the ultimate answer, when that answer lies within: that is the other half that he seeks. The other irony is the half that is looking externally for an answer is able to keep a positive, smiling face on to show the world, yet inside is the other half that perceives the shadowy parts of physical existence and struggles to come to terms with that side.

On Friday, Mercury squares Neptune, which turns retrograde at almost the exact same time. We may feel quite lost mentally/intellectually during this time. Normal thinking/logic does not work/apply today and there will be a great desire to escape the mundane world. Expect confusing communications or misunderstandings or deceptions of some kind. This is not a good day to make any kind of deals on, as there are things being hidden or held back. It's best to use this energy for imagination, spiritual pursuits, or just dreaming. Neptune's turn to retrograde is a very subtle shift where we internalize much of our spiritual pursuits. It will end up going back into Aquarius during this retrograde period that lasts until November 9th.

Saturday brings a big change when Jupiter ingresses into Taurus. Resources and how they are distributed will be a big part of the next year. Finding comfort in what we already have and what is stable could actually cut down on the endless pursuit of expansion and wanting more, yet at the same time there is a danger that we will be too willing to accept where things are at and sweep material issues/problems under the rug. People may dig into their trenches and use alot of energy just safeguarding the assets they already have and be unwilling to take any risks. This will likely keep investors and the economy in a cautious mode for the next year, as fat cats will want to stabilize what they have and not make any big changes, and go into a "stand by" mode to see where the economy goes next. In fact, this placement can make people downright selfish. A good metaphor for this is the king who has all he wants, but now is presented with the problem of keeping it that way when there's a myriad of problems encroaching upon his kingdom that he just tries to ignore or comes up with more and more stubborn solutions that are just patchwork fixes as the foundation slowly de-stabilizes.

Saturday also has Mercury sextiling Uranus which can give us flashes of brilliant ideas - some of these may be pretty far-fetched, but opportunities may arise to present them and push the boundaries of others' thinking. A mentally stimulating day that can border on the edge of nerve-wracking.

Sunday has a very odd mix of energy: Mars square Vesta and Mercury square Chiron shows we can be challenged/hurt by groups we belong to, which may have us shut down socially (Venus sesiquadrate Saturn) and seethe with rage inside (Mars semi-square Uranus) and have us disconnect with others in order to process/soothe our own injured psyche afterwards ( Mercury quincunx Pluto). This is a day we can easily lose it and tell someone/others "Good-bye, I'm moving on."

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