Monday, May 2, 2011

Astrological Winds for Week of 5/2/11; First Look at Bin-Laden Death Chart

After today (Monday), it's a very quiet week astrologically. Monday is the New Moon in Taurus, a day after Beltane/Mayday, the halfway point between the equinox and the solstice. This was traditionally a holiday to celebrate the joy of life after surviving the winter/season of scarcity. It is named after the goddess, Maya, who tempts us with all the pleasures of earthly life: very Taurean indeed, since this is the first Earth sign of the zodiac and celebrates the joy of being in a body on Earth and all the sensual pleasures we can enjoy here in physical existence. It acknowledges the mystical union of heaven and earth. The New Moon is in this similiar vain: it reminds us to connect with our bodies, the earth, to turn our ideas into form, and to take a step-by-step approach to life now. It is a time of practicality and methodology. The Sun/Moon quincunx Saturn shows a need to seperate ourselves from old outdated methods/approaches before we can move on: to seperate ourselves from what holds us back both physically and emotionally. The Moon's trine to Pluto shows that any effort made in this direction will be with the flow and that transformation can be had much easier now. It is also a time that as a race, we must collectively question our methods of obtaining and using resources. The issue with Taurus energy is always can one balance both emotional and material satisfaction? Do I have to sacrifice one to obtain the other? What does one have to lose in order to have greater joy/happiness emotionally? And what can one maintain to remain grounded? This is a great day to remind yourself of your connection with nature in some way. Look to the house this New Moon falls in in your chart (12* Taurus) to find out what area of life this is influencing the most and work with it practically. Look to any tight (1-2*) aspects it makes to other planets to see who will help or challenge you.

Otherwise, we are still in Mercury retrograde's shadow, but the Winged Messenger is picking up speed and slowly returning the pace of life to normal.

An initial look at the Bin Laden death chart is very interesting: from the press I got this info: death occurred on May 2, 2011 at 1:15 AM local time in Abbottabad, PAK giving an Aquarius Ascendant of 8*. Before I even saw the chart, I knew it would be very fitting of the overall situation with Bin-Laden, as it occurred in the "Dark of the Moon" - less than 24 hours before a New Moon = death!, but also all things hidden from view. That's a perfect way to describe Bin-Laden and his terrorist network: hidden from view in secret, dark places for years, and ultimately killed in one of those places by a secret, covert operation! Saturn is the ruler of the chart and it is retrograde in its sign of exaltation, Libra: the conquering king has fallen from his throne! It is also in the 8th house of death/endings and rules the 12th house, another house of death/endings/powerlessness, and is of course square Pluto, the Reaper. It also is aspecting the cross of matter with an exact semi-square to the M/C and trine the ASC: the timing on earth had come for his end and it happened quickly. Saturn's quincunx to the Sun shows that it was the release of a traditional ruler by those in authority.

The Fixed Stars add to the poignancy of the timing of this event. Uranus, which shows the public opinion, culminating with Ras Alhague setting: "An event that brings hope or healing to many." (all quotes from Bernadette Brady's Starlight program). Neptune, which shows hopes and fears of people, rising with Regulus setting: "The leader fails, the king is dead." Regulus, one of the Royal Stars of Persia, is a major star of fate and speaks of those who use their power to exact revenge, thus setting them up for a great fall/death. Bin-Laden played out this archetype succinctly! Pluto, which shows the crisis and changes that occur, rising with Alhena setting: "A shift of foundations." Pluto setting with Rigel rising: "The will of one person imposed upon society; a defiant act." Pluto culminating with Denebola setting: "A breakdown in the administration or establishments power." Pluto on nadir with Vindemiatrix rising: "A cyclone...metaphorically."  Pluto setting with Alnilam rising; "A polarizing time; us versus them." Indeed, this event is already polarizing the world and will likely have major repercussions. The Helical Rising Star, which shows the background energy of the time and place of the event, for Abbottabad this time of year is Fomalhaut, another of the Royal Stars of Persia and very karmic in nature: "Idealism, illusion, and even deception abound." The Sun, which also shows the background energy of the event, rising with Procyon on nadir shows the success of this event may be short-lived: "A time of sporting success, or short lived ephemeral glories." The Moon was culminating as Antares was setting showing the emotions of people from this event: "A crime of passion." Mercury, shows the media's reaction to the event, rising with Algol rising: "Scandal and emotions running high." Mercury on nadir with El Nath setting: "One who speaks out; abrasive language or speeches." Venus, which shows how society accepts the event, on nadir with Ankaa on nadir: "A revolution; a rebirth of old ideas." Venus setting with Scheat setting: "The social order confronted with change." Mars, shows the actions of the day, rising with Spica setting: "Assertive, intelligent, well-planned actions wins through." Jupiter, indicates what types of actions will be successful, setting with Procyon culminating: "Finding the unexpected solution." Jupiter rising with Hamal rising: "The brave and reckless succeed." Jupiter on nadir with Aculeus rising: "To come at a problem from a different angle."  And last is Saturn, showing the law and civic order: "The law needing to concern itself with the harder issues."

Obviously, the fixed stars reflect this event very accurately and I could blog the details for pages, but this will have to suffice for now. Once again , the power of astrology in helping to explain events is uncanny!

I do fixed star readings professionally if interested. They are just as revealing for individuals as they are for events.

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