Monday, July 16, 2012

Astrological Winds for Week of 7-16-12

Mars is a very powerful figure in the astrological weather of this week, as it locks into the Uranus/Pluto square, trines Jupiter, quincunxs Chiron, and sesiquadrates Saturn. Some business astrologers believe this could be a serious trigger this week to the markets. Traditionally, Mars is one of the malefic planets – it is the planet of strong individual action, which can be aggressive in nature, imbalanced yang in energy, egotistical, etc., yet these are also its strengths in proper balance: ones of assertiveness, group actions, working for progressive change, confidence, and enthusiasm. Mars is traditionally at its weakest in three signs: Libra - where it currently is transiting, Taurus, and Cancer. Why? Because these three signs naturally go against normal Martian energy.  In a world currently and in the recent past dominated by imbalanced yang energy, I have found that Mars in at least two of these three signs of debilitation actually seems to help balance the aggressive Mars energy by what I call “eroding the edge/sharpness” off of its normal energy. Libra is one of these two signs (FYI: Cancer is the other) I have found to help Mars control his more aggressive tendencies down to a focused assertiveness in the interest of justice and equality for both self and the group/Collective.  Mars here can have a friendly competitiveness to him. Planets that are weakened by sign placement favor alternative ways of working their energy then the normal way for that planet. Thus, I can see this as an advantage that can be used this week and time period while Mars in Libra aspects the square – a time when groups of alternatives/radicals/revolutionaries can act for the common good to bring about change and transformation centered around justice/equality issues. In the imbalanced real world, this can have the negative effect of severely imbalanced competitive streaks bursting forth in warfare/taking on enemies/etc.  Mars in an air sign will continue to dry the air and heat it up also – the drought that in the US that is seemingly tied in to Uranus/Pluto will likely deepen during this week and next.      

Monday has a few minor aspects: Sun sesiquadrate Chiron can find us imbalanced after the weekend and having a hard time slipping back into some other image of ourself for the work week, or just feeling plain stuck in the normal routine/world that does not seem to really be working well.  Juno goes direct in Scorpio giving the opportunity for partners(ships) to deepen and act together in the external world for the upcoming weeks. Lovers can deepen their emotional and sexual bonding during this time also. Uranus sextile Ceres may keep family issues in the news and perhaps some innovative ideas on how to meet needs. Neptune square Vesta may bring confusion to groups you share values with as recent events may have shown you subsurface machinations that now find you personally confused about your values and loyalty toward them. You may also feel like certain parts of your belief system are not proving out to be valid and are seeking a new outlet that your not sure exists a this point.

Mars dominate Tuesday first with its trine to weakened Jupiter in Gemini – this can definitely cause things to jump/hop/skip (markets/finances/actions/risks/businesses/profits). People should feel confident, enthusiastic, energetic this day and willing to take chances they normally wouldn’t. But remember we are dealing with two weakened planets right now, so we can easily overshoot the mark today/overlook important details that can trip us up later/release negative energy that has been building up somehow also – and those consequences may become apparent by the end of this day when Mars squares Pluto exactly. This square can release some very powerful energy and force  us into some crisis situations, at least in an analogical sense. There will be incredible resistance to any types of changes by those on power or benefitting from the way things are now. Power struggles in our personal lives can reach apexes of violence/ruthlessness/guile. Weak points in your armor can be exposed. Individuals may find themselves up against groups. If you are in power yourself, you may find it challenged somehow. The best use of this aspect is tapping into the incredible energy it gives and try to move some mountains in your life. It is advisable to avoid violent people and places today and expect mechanical breakdowns especially with Mercury retrograde.

Mars then opposes Uranus on Wednesday while Jupiter perfects a quincunx to Pluto. Mars/Uranus is very dangerous energy due to acts of rashness, impulsiveness, unthought-out setting up accidents/disasters. Their can be explosive acts of rebellion/violence in the world this day/week. Many peoples’ normal lives may be disrupted this week from events that affect them. On a personal level, these energies can be used to liberate yourself somehow by inviting in some type of radical change in your life, but you will have to fight to get it. Jupiter quincunx Pluto asks us if we are using our creative powers well, or do some adjustments need to be made? This may have to do with being able to sacrifice even more of what you want personally. Once again, look at how you might try to power trip others or patronize their ideas versus yours. This quincunx will also play into the energy of resistance to change of those already in power in any situation.

There’s also a New Moon in Cancer on Wednesday night at 27* hitting the beginning of the three last critical degrees of any sign, where one needs to look to graduate or evolutionize the highest, most conscious use of the archetypal energy of the sign. In Cancer, we must learn better ways to care for ourselves and all of the human family to ensure survival for anyone blessed to be on this planet – that means a deep look into how we emotionally manipulate others because of an instinctual fear of not being able to survive/have enough resource. We must put ourselves into being the part of main player on the stage of our lives instead of trying to get others to do it for us, or even worse, living life through others’ lives. Now is a good time to delve into our emotions – look to the house this New Moon falls in in your chart to see the area of life it will most affect you – any planets in your chart making tight aspects (1-2*) to it also will color the flavor of the energy for you. We can use this New Moon to help balance the male-oriented, Cardinal T-square of Mars/Uranus/Pluto, to help come from the heart, and tap into our natural rhythms. Ultimately, this New Moon is another push to ask us to question what we truly value and ask if there’s a better way, much like the spirit of this age. This New Moon squares Saturn, also in Libra, asking us to take responsibility for our own emotional responses – to take on the challenge of overcoming restrictions put on you in the past and repressing what you really feel you should be doing now. We may feel quite introverted during this New Moon, which is OK, as we need to incubate these emotions and our values together to know what to do next.

Mars quincunx to Chiron perfects on Thursday. This is a time where we may see how we overdo things and thus have a chance to adjust how we do so. On a more mundane level, this is a day you could overdo it physically and get worn out/injured.

Jupiter is sesiquadrate Saturn on Friday – we wish to rid ourselves of the old and what binds us still to the past, but progress is very slow right now, so frustration levels may be high. You’d like to make some changes but reality is not allowing it – it’s like treading water and it’s difficult to figure out exactly the root of the problem and therefore what to do about it. It’s good to be conservative with finances and business deals today.

Saturday Jupiter sextiles Uranus breaking free of Saturn’s clutch a bit. A good day rto make some changes to your environment. Also, you may get some news/info that is quite stimulating and has you all abuzz sharing ideas in person or electronically. This is a good day to approach old problems from new angles to help resolve also. New opportunities may arise, or sensible risks. Change your plans if the situation calls for it. In the mundane world, this could stoke the fires of revolution/rebellion/protest.

Sunday the Sun ingresses into Leo giving all of us our chance to shine in our own special way – what house is Leo on the cusp of in your chart? This is the area of life where you have some talent that can be brought out now. Leo’s lesson is to use our talents and to respect others’ talents as equal to your own in importance. To serve both the best interest of self and other – to make them one and the same – to take the hero’s journey and take your rightful place on the throne of your life giving life energy to those around you, and protecting others.

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