Monday, July 23, 2012

Astrological Winds for Week of 7/23/12

The world got an ugly dose of Mars locking into the Uranus/Pluto square last week:

-another mass shooting in Colorado, yet the weakness of Mars in Libra still sweeps the issue of handgun control under the rug as an issue that no one wants to touch due to the bullies in the room (Pluto in Cap).
-the Mexican drug cartel war reaching the streets of Puerto Penasco, a place may Arizonans like to vacation, with guns most likely bought in AZ or USA – another issue being swept under the rug, except by those wishing to single out an individual as blameworthy due to political considerations – debilitated Mars at it again.
-the rebellion in Syria breaking out into an all out civil war (officially) and the leadership of that country taking a huge blow with a successful assassination to their inner circle, and the wagons seemingly circling the President, as his capital city (and prior safehaven) is now a battleground.
-a terrorist blast in Bulgaria aimed at Jewish tourists, amping up the discord between Iran and Israel.
-a report in Rolling Stone ( detailing how bad global warming really is (worse than the computer models predicted) and how this year’s weather events are literally off the scale compared to the recent past, yet also showing the governments of the world allowing oil/gas/coal companies to continue business as usual despite, claiming humanity will just have to “physiologically adjust” (seriously!)
-a spreading prolonged drought in USA that will ratch up food prices at the same time Congress takes away more food stamps for the poor, as reports show poverty in the US has reached early 1960’s levels – 15%+ now living in poverty – a war the US thought it had won and would never return to not so long ago.
-and Mercury Retro in Leo showing just how stubborn we can all be, as our crowned corporate royalty and love of pop culture lead us to just what?

It seems the worst part of Mars in Libra is manifesting, as divisions just seem to widen and enemies become more openly blatant. Those of us that would prefer different options need to use Mars in Libra to find ways/acts to soften the enemy in reaction to whatever situation presents itself to us instead. It will not be easy with Uranus/Pluto. If you are in power, the world really needs you to be Uranus in Aries, the rogue warrior fighting for our survival, right now – to find new ways for this system before we mess up the planet’s environment beyond repair through our own greed and fear. Mars will still be in orb in the T-square all this week, so trigger-happy will likely continue to be an apt descriptive adjective. Humanity is indeed in great turmoil – I honestly believe that only love can win this battle and it must start in every person’s every day interactions (all of them) with one and other right now – then we’ll know the right things to do about all these problems. Look we have no choice: this Uranus/Pluto square is going to drag us down some very dark alleys otherwise, full of our worst fears being realized – it is proving the old world order must change, and if it does not, well kicking and screaming may be the next apt descriptive adjective unfortunately.

Mars is opposite Pallas Athene (the Female Warrior) on Monday: once again, this can lead to all out war between enemies, and favors making strong decisions/actions in standing for what we believe in.

Tuesday, Mercury retrograde backs up into a sextile with Jupiter – this is a pretty weak sextile with one planet retro and the other in detriment, plus they both are in hard aspect to Chiron: Jupiter square and Mercury retro quincunx. Add to this Sun quincunx Neptune too! Any great ideas you get today better be checked twice and for some degree of objectivity – it may feel like the mind has some grandiose schemes to save itself, but they may be pretty shallow ultimately. Still, this is a good day to make some plan internally to focusing on higher values/knowledge/wisdom in guiding you forward to a refined attitude about your beliefs and values. We may also get an opportunity to see our and others more spiritual side somehow, but we can also be easily misled/fool ourselves.

Wednesday, Mercury retro backs into a trine with Uranus: in a way it really just continues much of Tuesday’s energy – we may be filled to the brim with great ideas, but they really need to be edited/cross referenced thoroughly. It will be difficult to keep pace with the mind today anyway, as far as actually getting anything real solid down. Still, jot down/record the best ones because they could be strokes of genius! You may also get drawn into some great conversations with different people from your normal crowd. Great perceptions come today and a move to break the routine somehow.

Mercury retro continues its backward touches to seemingly every planet in the solar system this week when it quincunxs Pluto on Thursday. This is an excellent day to delve deep into your own psyche and make some tweaks and adjustments. Your mind may be able to solve some very complex problems, and can also appreciate the humor in the audacity of things.

Friday is quiet.

Then on Saturday, Mercury hits its highlight of the week with its inferior conjunction to the Sun and a semi-square to Venus. This is the height of Mercury retro’s energy and we may put others off somehow due to our own pompousness, egotistical behavior/words, flair for dramatics, voyeurism. Be careful travelling today – keep your eyes on the road, so to speak. Once again, this energy is best used to make some inner plan first before strutting your stuff.

Sunday has Saturn sesiquadrate Chiron – we may get some sense of how stuck we are in patterns/behaviors and the task to break out of them may seem insurmountable, yet it will still be difficult to convince yourself or others or the world to change.

Next week features a Full Moon in Aquarius.

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