Monday, July 9, 2012

Astrological Winds for Week of 7-9-12

Most of the heavy astrological weather occurs late in the week this week, but the Uranus/Pluto square remains very tight and active with Uranus stationary – the Vedic and ancient astrologers believe a planet is at its strongest when it is stationing, basically standing still in the sky, as it gets ready to turn retrograde or direct. The examples of stress of this square is all around us – a 1st quarter square that brings crisis to what we are trying to build. Another way to see these two players in this square is that Uranus in Aries is the risk taker: those who wish to push the world forward into unchartered territory in order to try and resolve the problems of the day, while Pluto in Capricorn represent the conservatives – those who wish to resolve the issues of the world by holding on or even returning to what worked in the past via methods of hierarchal control. The square’s job is to create crisis, so we can get ready to adjust our world.  Like I said last week, Jupiter in Gemini can give misguided optimism/enthusiasm, superficial gains, etc – we may try to kid ourselves for another year that things can continue in the same vein, or maybe another of the big risks we’ve taken and overlooked or denied the details on will blow up out of proportion in our faces/world. Some sensitive astrological aspects lie ahead this summer that can trigger the above energy acutely.

There’s two conflicting energies at work on Monday: the Moon enters Aries in the morning and opposes Mars mid-day and squares Pluto and conjuncts Uranus at night. This is very (in)tense energy – anyone you’ve had tension building up with or imposes upon you somehow may hear your wrath, and arguments/fights/battles may ensue. Be careful around angry people or dangerous places today, as their energy can easily be triggered. However, the Sun does sesiquadrate Neptune also today, and this should take some of the edge off the above energy, as should a weakened Mars in Libra. Many of us may just take what we see around us as disappointment and retreat/escape into our own private worlds of spirituality or creativity/art or inebriation to ease the pain we see/sense around us. It will be difficult to put our soft ideals into action in the hardened reality of today, so opting out may be our best option. Jupiter’s conjunction to Ceres can broaden our vision/perspective on nurturing somehow, or can have us get nurturing through ideas/information, and it may put large scale agriculture in the spotlight this week (this could be the effects of the drought on commodity crops, or the spiraling upward prices of food, or the big agriculture bill going through Congress right now). Vesta also ingresses into Gemini, joining Jupiter/Venus/Ceres/South Node there, once again, stressing the need to share information with others/groups – a good time to network, however it can make us emotionally distant/overly intellectual in our relations with others.

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are all pretty quiet days astrologically. 

Friday starts with the aforementioned Uranus going retrograde  for the next five months. This will be a time to look at our revolutionary tactics of change and re-assess/fine tune them to meet what we see going on in world around us that we’d like to change. It will help us to see what we need to break free from and what keeps us tied down in society. This also reminds us that true freedom comes from within. Sun semi-square Jupiter Friday night may have many people overdoing it with their partying to start the weekend, which can lead to physical and financial hangovers.

Saturday Mercury stations retrograde at 12* Leo – it will retreat to 1* Leo before turning direct on August 9th. Mercury retrograde will bring the usual snafus, delays, miscommunications, breakdowns, but also will have us questioning our own thinking and reacting: is it too subjective/egotistical and shutting out/down others/new information too quickly therefore? It may also have us re-assess what we do for creative output, and our relationships with lovers and children. Perhaps it is letting us know the courageous thing to do is to show our unique creativity to others, and will help us make a plan to do that. The Sun is also square Saturn this day, so it can be a heavy day thought/burden wise. You may feel the weight of the world on your shoulders and duties to others may require you to sacrifice pleasure for your self today. There can also be challenges from authorities or superiors. It is a good day to put yourself to some task that requires much discipline and eye for detail, but most people will be in a conservative zone today.

Sunday’s Moon in Gemini with positive aspects to Mercury and Venus should lighten things up and favors social events.

Next week can be a potentially explosive week with Mars locking into Uranus/Pluto square. There’s also a New Moon in Cancer and the Sun ingresses into Leo. Stay tuned!

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