Monday, January 17, 2011

Astrological Winds for Week of 1/17/11

As I mentioned in 2 earlier posts, today and tomorrow are possibly the most ideal days this year to kick off a new project or at least start the process of seeding it, as there are no retrograde planets now, Mercury is out of its retrograde shadow, the Moon is waxing and it's going in to a cardinal sign today. To top that off, we have the Sun sextile Uranus today and Mercury conjunct Pluto. The Sun sextile Uranus shows that opportunities may come your way to show your unique talents or cutting edge ideas, especially in areas of technology, science, occult, etc. New insights and experiences brought to you from others can broaden your perspective and insights. It's a good day to break from your routine conciously in some manner or another, as restrictions/limitations ease off a bit. A great day to make changes in your surroundings that are uplifting/unique. Mercury/Pluto can give a mind with the precision of a laser to delve down deep to the bottom of things: excellent for research, analysis, and 1-on-1 connections. The danger is becoming too narrow in your focus and becoming obsessed with an idea that may only be important to you. Also, with the Moon in Cancer opposite this conjunction tonight, fear of lack in resources or love, may be hard not to obsess over.

On Wednesday, we have a Full Moon in the critical 29th degree of Cancer: a degree of either graduation or being left behind to learn again. This Full Moon is asking us: " do we need to emotionally control those we love, or is it possible to care for them while allowing them freedom to be themselves?" On an archetypal level, we can feel like we are emotionally fighting for survival/resources/love right now. Without awareness of this, we have a tendency to try and control those who are close to us, which can lead to the opposite effect of actually driving them away! Look to see where 29* axis of Cancer/Capricorn falls in your chart and any tight aspects it makes to planets/points in your chart to see how this will individually color your life. The Full Moon does aspect Jupiter positively (which is also at the critical 29th degree of Pisces right now), so the opportunity is out there now to rise above these feelings and to relate to others in a positive and cooperative manner where each person is recognized for their talents and is able to use them to benefit both self and others.

On Thursday, the Sun ingresses into Aquarius, and it will be a month where much energy will be focused on doing things that benefit the group, equality, the betterment of society for all inhabitants of Earth, cutting edge  ideas, etc. This can cool the emotions to a very detached state, but can also give what others may perceive as a passively stubborn approach that can be sensed as a conceited/dismissive/holier than thou attitude, and thus bring up subtle resistance to you and your ideas by others.

Saturday marks a major ingress as Jupiter goes into Aries where it will stay until June 5th. These 5+ months may see expanded aggression especially by religious types or anyone stuck in their philosophy of life/value system that feels threatened by what is going on in the world these days. Weapons dealers/industry, sports, and gambling are potential areas of growth in investments during this time. Expanded aggression/warlike behavior is also possible throughout the world now in any places where people feel their way of life is threatened. Arrogant/egotistical rhetoric will no doubt continue through this time. Some will react to this by doing anything they can to "win" and may leave a trail of wreckage behind them that others may have to clean up. It would be best to use this energy on a personal level to do some adventuresome travel (alone) or to assertively take on some new learning/subject manner that appeals to you.

Sunday has a Venus/Saturn sextile that gives us the opportunity to solidify new relationships or to calmly and practically deal with issues in existing ones. Emotions will be easier to control, as many of us will feel more reserved/cool in relating to others. New opportunities for success may present themselves from those superior to you in some manner, or you may get some wise advice from an elder. A good day for artists to be productive or to find outlets to present their works.

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