Monday, January 31, 2011

Astrological Winds for Week of 1/31/11

Last week was a light week for astrological winds. This week is much more full with lots going on in the sky to influence the energy on Earth.

Mercury and Venus are both traversing the ends of the signs they are in and thus will both be influencing the same planets, but in different manners. Both will be changing signs this week too.

On Tuesday, Venus sextiles Neptune and Chiron, both in the last degrees of Aquarius. This softens us up with desires and dreams of romance, reverie, spirituality, creativity, and the desire to help others. The problem is these aspects are so soft that they may not motivate us to go out and take actions on them in the real world. It's more of an idealized, inner state we are feeling. A candlelight dinner with your significant other after a massage or something similiar to this is the type of things we may desire. Nothing earth shaking that's for sure. Those who are artistic or spiritual may receive lots of inspiration in abstract forms, and may try to tie it into their practice to somehow benefit the greater good. Forgiveness/empathy/compassion for others will be high too.

Yet this energy will quickly fade due to Mercury sextiling Uranus, Mars semi-squaring Uranus, and Venus squaring Uranus on Tuesday/Wednesday. All 3 of these aspects will bring a rebellious attitude out in many of us due to frustration building up and an inability to get it out completely despite possible efforts to do so. Suddenly, it will seem like the same old relationships/work/circumstances are boring/stifling, and a need to connect with someone out of your circle may be acted upon. You'll have plenty of radical ideas brewing and you may even get the emotional support you need, but reality may hold you back some how due to lack of resources needed most likely. It's best to share these ideas with someone who you normally wouldn't to get a fresh perspective. Stimulation will come from anything new.

There is also a New Moon in Aquarius on Wednesday (mid-winter's day, aka: Groundhog Day, Candlemas, Imbolc)  night that ushers in a Sun/Mars/Ceres conjunction. Anger/fights can easily arise with this high energy combination against anyone who you percieve to be against your viewpoint. Rhetoric in the political world will be thick this week and revolutions may manifest in physical reality in our own personal worlds and in the world at large. In Aquarius, it shows the masses are fed up with the dominant paradigm's unequal distribution of resources and seek a change, while those in power do all they can to block these changes. Entrenchment on both sides is immovable now. This is a time when we are all being called upon to act with great courage to bring the action of change to our lives and to the world at large. Facing our fears is necessary and we need to draw strength from the fact that we are not alone in them, that we can build networks of constructive support.

On Thursday, Mercury ingresses into Aquarius and will take the energy of this New Moon out into the world at large over the next 2-3 weeks to discuss how we can implement necessary change in our communities and nations. Venus ingressing into Capricorn shows that relationships will get much more serious and grounded and anything superfluous will have to be trimmed out. With both of these planets aspecting Jupiter on the weekend, we will definitely have some uplifting connections that will expand the visions we have and have us believing that anything may be possible if we can adhere to higher values.

Both the Sun and Mars trine Saturn, ruler of Aquarius and Capricorn, where Sun/Mercury/Venus/Mars/Ceres/Neptune/Chiron/Pluto/North Node/Pallas/Vesta are all presently residing. This is the time to do it: to use our talents both individually and collectively to demand change, and if we don't get it, to make it happen ourselves. It's become obvious our leaders are not willing to lead us to it, so it is time for the people to lead. The reality is the energy of this week is explosively potent. We can already see in other parts of the world: people demanding change from their leadership now. The potential for this to spread like a wildfire across the planet is very extreme now. It's the same in our personal lives: many of us are treading water hoping that change will come and rescue us, yet these energies are screaming: "Be the change that you wish the world to become." Births are not easy usually - many times they can be downright violent - and scary. Support is needed. Going it alone and just toughening up has played itself out and left wreckage and carnage in its wake. Stand up for yourself, stand up for each other. We are all in the same boat. Don't let others delude you into thinking you have to figure it out alone. We are in this together. The 2 trines to Saturn tell us to do it now together and we may just get some cooperation from those in power.

The Astrological Winds are blowing hard this week: do your best to sail with them; try not to get blown away.

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