Monday, January 24, 2011

Astrological Winds for Week of 1/24/11

This is a pretty quiet week astrologically. The biggest event is Saturn turning retrograde in Libra on Tuesday until June 12th. Usually, when Saturn turns retro it does not necessarily mean a slowdown in our duties and responsibilities in outer world, unless one of your luminaries/inner planets/key points in you natal chart is receiving a transit from Saturn. If so, then that is a possibility for sure. Rather, inner dialogue about balancing responsibilities to outer world versus honoring your own needs becomes more of your focus. It is a time when inner discipline with ourselves to do what we must to meet duties more responsibly and efficiently and still have time for other activities. It's also a time where we need to be our own "taskmaster": to get ourselves into a solid, practical course to achieve what we want more constructively. We need to make a solid inner committment before things in the outer world start moving for us. It's interesting to note that Saturn will be retrograde though the period of Jupiter in Aries (until June 5th). I believe this is an excellent mix, as Saturn retro will not allow Jupiter in Aries to take off too aggressively, and Jupiter in Aries won't allow Saturn retro to bog you down completely. These 2 will be in opposition to each other starting in late March and I believe working with their 2 energies together can bring long term stable success to whatever you focus that energy on. Jupiter in Aries can be used for inspiration and taking action on that inspiration. It's a good time to start some kind of physical program: hit the gym, start jogging/bike-riding/individual types of sports like tennis. It's also a time to take solid actions in regard to your value systems: fight the good fight for yourself.  Saturn retro in Libra can also have us re-assess our relationships with others and determine whether they are fair and equal, and Jupiter in Aries can have us take the actions to make them so.

On Wednesday, Mercury in Capricorn squares stationary Saturn, while at the same time we have a 3rd quarter square of the Moon in Scorpio to Sun in Aquarius. Can you spell S-T-U-B-B-O-R-N? With these 2 aspects, both yourself and others are likely to be so. Emotionally, we want to know what's in it for us personally. All those Aquarian ideals of higher values, supporting the Common Good, and a new utopian visions of the world are great aspirations, but there better be some pay off for me too says the voice inside. Mercury/Saturn narrows the mind/thoughts with controlled/pointed energy. It's a good time to use this energy on detailed input/output with analysis, study, hashing out details with others, but don't expect it to be easy or fast. It's very easy to get too narrow minded/obsessed with an idea to the detriment of receptivity to other ideas, and to get intellectually critical. If you are alone most of this day, the weight of the world could become a heavy burden, as it's easy to see faults and shadows now. Use your practical mind to work on your own projects is the best way to use this energy. Focus on paperwork, study, research. We will start feeling this energy even by Monday night as the Moon in Libra squares Mercury and conjuncts Saturn then.

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