Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Moon/Eclipse in Capricorn on January 4, 2011

A very powerful New Moon in Capricorn/Solar Eclipse today square Saturn and conjunct Mars, on the same day that Jupiter conjuncts Uranus in Pisces for the 3rd and final time, with Venus square Neptune and Chiron and trine Jupiter/Uranus exact! So, what does it all mean?

The effects of eclipses can last much longer than the current day/week/month. Many times they can represent a turning point that is not recognized as such until much afterwards. This one is indicating some significant innovative milestones are in store for humanity and in many of our personal lives. In Capricorn, it is asking for a re-assessment of our goals and objectives and how we go about attaining them. Capricorn is the sign most affiliated with hierarchal systems, big business, banking/finance, and corporations and their big bosses. It is conservative in nature, in the sense that it wants a reliable and efficient system in order to guarantee survival. It is also quite ambitious and solid/well thought out. The eclipse squares Capricorn’s ruler, Saturn, showing that it is a time of crisis and challenge in these areas. Yet, Saturn is very strong (exalted) in Libra, where it is very interested in justice and equality for all. I believe it is calling on us to build more equitable relationships with others and with the systems we all use together in order to survive these trying times. We can achieve this by disciplining our minds, emotions, and egos and give serious, grounded thought to “where do we go from here?” We may have to face lowered physical energy/activity. Life can bring hard, cold reality now for sure. Partnerships and agreements will have to be re-assessed, and you may have to cut your losses and agree that they are what they are and that you may never regain them. If they are built upon inequality, then they are likely to fail/go into crisis-mode, and the only solution may be moving on. How? With Pluto also in Capricorn and just emerging from its retrograde shadow (5* Capricorn) and conjunct the major asteroid Pallas Athene, it is a prime time to dialogue with other like-minded souls with similar ideas to your own and strategize about how to go into battle together to foster transformation. Like Saturn in Libra, Pallas is interested mainly in equality and justice for all. This is a time to set new long term goals and begin to transform your life in order to meet them. Also, Venus square Neptune and Chiron and trine Jupiter/Uranus shows that connections with others is most important now, and that we must be open and willing to work together in order for relationships to heal and become more spiritualized. The trines will help us connect with others harmoniously to share our innovative ideas where everyone can use their own unique talents to create new visions of beauty, aesthetics, pleasure, and personal gain. This new moon/eclipse wants us to cut out what we no longer need in order to reach higher goals that serve all of us better, and to reach our own creative potential in responsible ways. In order to reach our desires we must have commitment and discipline, for these are serious times on Earth. We will not be able to just run roughshod with our wills and egos to achieve now, but must go inside and reflect on what we really need to sustain us. In other words, we have to take care of our inner selves first before we can push our dreams/visions/will. Use the energy of the Mars conjunction to do this now.

The new moon/eclipse is at 13*-14* Capricorn. Look at your natal chart and find what house this falls into: this will be the area of life that will be most affected by it. For example, if 13*-14* Capricorn is in your 2nd house, then issues of security, both material and emotional, will be where it manifests. Also, any planets or points that are in the 13*-14* of any sign may be picking up an aspect to the eclipse and color your experience of it. For example, if your Neptune is at 13*-14* Scorpio, it will be sextiling the eclipse, and you may get an opportunity to enlarge your compassion, deepen your spirituality, inspire your creativity, etc.

Also, note the USA’s Sibley Birth Chart will pick up an opposition to its Sun and a square to its Saturn (a cardinal t-square) from the new moon/eclipse: a highly tense grand aspect that no doubt will be affecting the country in intense ways for some time to come. We must change our ways or they will be changed for us by fate, which will not be pleasant (the subject of another full article!). This is backed up by this being Saros Series 13 North Eclipse: the first time this series of eclipses started was on August 14, 1776! Right after the United States declared itself independent! It has been associated with large group projects that now require breaking of bonds in order to reach new achievements (Brady: "The Eagle and the Lark" pg. 326). What is in store for US? Secessions eventually perhaps???

One other significant astrological event to note this week: on Friday, Venus finally leaves Scorpio after an extended stay there due to retrograding through that sign, to move into Sagittarius where relationships and investments will open up and push boundaries that have not been reached before: risk taking, fun and pleasure, etc. will be on the menu for many of us, but be aware that the little things you overlook could come back to extract a price later on!

Also: from now until January 25th, no planets are retrograde. Thus, it is a great time to be active in pushing what you want, getting projects going, etc. In fact, January 17th & 18th are great days to initiate anything new, as Mercury will emerge from its retrograde shadow, and the Moon is still waxing and is in the cardinal sign of Cancer. You go boys and girls!

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