Ram Dass’ Fixed Stars
Let’s look at fixed stars in natal astrology analysis via the life of Ram Dass. Ram Dass’ birth data is 4/6/31; 10:40 AM; Boston , MA.
Ram Daas’ Helical Rising Star, which tells of the soul’s destiny, is Rukbat, the foot of the Archer. It has a very steady, solid, long term energy that can be quite stubborn. Bernadette Brady says of Rukbat as Helical Rising: “To lead a life that is unswerving from what is held to be the true path.” This is what his life is all about: following a spiritual path in search of Truth above all else steadily for 40+ years.
His helical setting star, which shows his spiritual path, is Zosma, the back of the Lion. This is a star of victims or one who works with victims/the destitute. Brady says as Helical Setting: “Independent, to prefer death then servitude to an unloved career.” Ram Daas, as Richard Alpert, broke from a stodgy career as a college professor, to something much more independent because of his spiritual calling.
We’ll use parans to find connections between stars on angles at the same time planets are at the time of birth, rather then just Ptolemaic aspects. Rising stars influence youth; culminating influence the prime years; setting, the latter years; and on the nadir, what one is remembered for/legacy. Since most of what we know about Ram Daas occurred during his prime and latter years, let’s focus on those times of his life. He has 3 stars culminating when planets are on angles. Vega in the Lyre, as his Sun was rising: “Seeing the magic in life, touching another world.” (Brady) Indeed, his exposure to psychedelic drugs and Hinduism opened up magical, new worlds to him. Vega also gives great vision and the ability to be eloquent and convincing in relating it to others. Ram Daas did this through his books and lecture tours. He also has Vindemiatrix, the Gatherer, in the Virgin, culminating and in curtailed passage (giving it a “fated power boost”, so to speak) as the Sun is rising: “The one who gathers information, things or people.” (Brady) During this time of his life, Ram Daas collected and absorbed many spiritual teachings, and also gathered people to form ashrams to spread his guru’s (Neem Karoli Baba) words. The last star in paran during his prime years is one of the Royal Stars of Persia, Aldebaran, the eye of the Bull, a star of fate that the heavens dictate strongly through him. Aldebaran speaks of great success as long as one maintains integrity in dealings with others and has a solid plan. Ram Daas has the Moon on the nadir as Aldebaran culminates: “Physically gifted, or a lover of nature.” (Brady) Indeed, Ram Daas had a talent/gift that shined very brightly and cast him into the spotlight/fame that Aldebaran will bring.
Ram Daas has 4 stars setting, while planets are on angles, directly influencing his latter years. Alkes, in the Cup/Crater, is setting as Mars is setting. Alkes has long been associated with religious/spiritual leaders who hold something sacred for the Collective (in the cup/chalice). Brady says of this combo: “To take action to achieve and protect one’s ideals.” - exactly what he has done. Phact, the bow of the Argo, is setting as Mercury is setting. Phact is a risk-taker, an adventurer, going to places where others have not. Brady says: “An original thinker (or a foolish mind), always seeking new ideas.” Ram Daas has continued to write and lecture in his latter years, though slowed down by health issues. He also has one of the Twins, Castor, setting as Mars is setting. This is someone who is eternally curious and always positive-minded. Brady says of this combo: “A person who plans, a thinker, a solver of problems.” This backs up what’s already stated above, and Ram Daas is known for his incredibly genuine positive outlook on life by those who have met him personally. The last star setting with Venus setting is Sadalmelek, one of the lucky stars in the Waterbearer. This is “the lucky one of the king.” - someone who takes a chance at some point in their life and is rewarded by being in the right place at the right time. Brady says: “A sense and appreciation of beauty.” I bet Ram Daas would agree with that!
Looking at the stars on the nadir while planets are on an angle show two. We already have a great sense of what this man’s legacy is and will continue to be. Vindemiatrix is still with the Sun: so he will be remembered as someone who gathered a large body of information and people. The other star on the nadir is Alhena, one of the feet of the Twins, with the Sun rising. Alhena is all about one who is willing to sacrifice their life for a cause. This doesn’t mean they lose their life, but that they give up things others do not in order to advance their beliefs. Brady says: “A leader with a mission, a person who is identified with a cause.” That’s about as succinct as one could get about this man’s life.
Once again, fixed stars can be quite revealing as a tool in the astrology basket. Ram Daas’ natal chart is equally powerful and combined with fixed stars is a much larger article then this.
I am available for fixed star readings.