Monday, November 26, 2012

Astrological Winds for Week of 11-26-12

We are in the midst of Mars locking in exactly with the Uranus/Pluto square these days – events can be quite intense right now. While Israel and Hammas fired missiles at each other as we built toward the exact Mars/Uranus square, on the day of the exact Venus/Neptune trine, they negotiated a cease fire, while the people of Egypt are again in the streets, this time against their newly elected President, and protests spread all over Europe and other parts of the world in earnest. Here in the US, on the day before the exact Mars/Uranus square, we had a 100+ car pile up on I-10 in Texas from people driving too fast and recklessly (sounds like Mars/Uranus behavior to me). The exact Mars/Pluto conjunction is on Tuesday can make life very difficult this week – the problems that arise can be quite hard to handle without losing your !@#^ somehow! Anger will arise to the surface and violent physical manifestations both large and small may occur in our/the world. This is the energy of personal power – wanting it and going for it. This can be good if it spurs us to acts of courage and confidence we would normally fear taking. It can be quite bad if you abuse any power you have however, as people can become dictators under this energy and heavy-handed in approach. This will also give extra-ordinary physical energy to most this week, so it’s a great time to get some project done/work hard. And Pluto will help you sort out what’s useless and discard it easily. The potential for power struggles is highly likely this week – things can easily spin out of control, if so. Be aware, be careful.


Monday is a very active day: it starts with a burst of innovative/excited energy from Sun trine Uranus. This can make progressing/changing quite easy. You also want to do or be with something/someone different. Awareness is strong and you can make an individualistic mark on the environment/scene around you. This is also good for studying/working with new technology, numbers, science. The Sun is also square Chiron, which is likely a response to Sun/Uranus leaving us feeling a bit imbalanced, especially in our habits or behaviors rooted to the past, when we can see we can be so much more than that. So the challenge this square is asking is “how do you get there?”. It can end up upsetting others when you make a move toward that also.


Mercury Retrograde also stations direct on Monday and will slowly start to pick up forward motion. Many of those traveling this weekend may get one last dose of inconveniences as Mercury stations. Its retrograde effects will still be strong for a few days before it slowly releases them as it moves through its retrograde shadow over the next 3 weeks. Monday ends with a Venus/Saturn conjunction. This will turn relationships to serious and sober levels. Many people will prefer to be alone during this evening. We may also get reality checks on any new people we connected with during Sun/Uranus or Venus/Neptune trines. This is also a sign many people won’t have the money/resources they need to fill out the holiday gift lists.


Tuesday is the exact Mars/Pluto conjunction I opened this blog with commenting on above.


Wednesday is a Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse at 6/7* Gemini. This Full Moon is usually about overstimulation, trying to do too much, information overload, superficial interests, focus on the Big Picture while overlooking details, many stimulating connections/communications, new knowledge, travel, etc. However, the eclipse makes this Full Moon even deeper, as it shines a light into our psyche to reveal things previously unseen perhaps, or not seen as clearly.  Here we may see some of the surface ways the mind reacts and creates duality as a reality, yet realize that underneath that is unity and that’s where our path must lie – that we need to filter out the trivial, unimportant information for the true nuggets of wisdom that come our way to help us find a higher path, live towards higher values, and welcome in what breaks us free from the habitual mind. What Gemini seeks is inside and so close, not so much out there in the world. The Moon is conjunct the planet that rules Sagittarius, Jupiter, thus the Jovian one gives an extra push to the Sun and pushes us to take some new big step in our path, some risk that can change our lives in big ways. The Moon sextile Uranus will offer the opportunity to do something different, the choice is yours. Look to the houses in your chart this eclipse falls in to see the areas of life it will be affecting most for you. Any planets in your chart that makes tight aspects to it will also add to the energy for you. Venus is also sextile Pluto Wednesday: this can deepen relationships significantly if you wish to. Emotions are felt on transformative levels also under this transit.


Thursday has a sweet Venus sextile Mars. Creative energy is high, love may be in the air, friendships are important, and there’s a balance between male/female energies that can be tapped into. People express themselves easily under this transit. There may also be financial opportunities available you can act upon.


Mercury moving slowly forward bumps back into its sesiquadrate with Uranus Friday. The tempo of this day may get nerves jittery, or your ideas may be blocked somehow. Communications can also be difficult/frustrating today.


A yod forms on Saturday as both Venus and Mars, still sextile quincunx Jupiter. Couples or others in relationships with each other may come to some serious philosophical disagreement here, and it may be a matter of principles giving both parties the inability to adjust, but that is what’s required. This can also make some relationship get really big/out of proportion, but also fateful, and thus in need of playing out/going along despite the overkill in it. Neptune trines Ceres, a long term transit that will help perhaps shifts humanity’s values into a more giving/compassionate/understanding tone. It may be much easier to relate to others/put ourselves in other’s shoes, and thus shift our attitudes toward giving now.


The Sun makes its annual opposition to Jupiter on Sunday continues this week of expansion – if there was a week this year we are being called upon to take some risk and reach for some new horizon, this is it. Optimism may be able to fuel success now. If there has been something building up in your life over the past few weeks and its decision time now, it is time to take the chance. As long as you are not over-extending yourself too far or are blinded by your own sense of righteousness, it is a good day/week to take a big step/chance in your life.


Next week is a very quiet week astrologically - after the intensity of the past few weeks, a welcome respite.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Astrological Winds for Week of 11-19-12

Last week the Solar Eclipse/New Moon in Scorpio combined with Mercury retrograde backing up into Scorpio indeed revealed brought some deep secrets and fears to light. Witness the scandals within the military and CIA coming to light, as some of our military leaders have been involved in all kinds of sexual and secret cover ups (now is that Scorpio or what?!), and the win of President Obama and the Democrats in the Senate, as the revelations of who backed the Republicans and their real policies from behind closed doors were revealed and turned many a voter away from Mitt Romney, and the extreme Tea Party candidates, as just two examples. I'm sure most of us had revelations within our personal lives too that were covered up/unseen before (I sure did). Prepare now for some very intense energy these next 2 weeks, as Mars locks into the Uranus/Pluto square - the drums of war and violence are already being heard in Israel, and the crisis there is bound to become more and more enflamed as the week goes on. This is quite worrisome for all of the world.

Monday starts off the week with Mercury retrograde backing into a semi-square with Pluto - here's what I said about this aspect last month on its first pass: "... gives the ability to see deeply into things, but be disturbed by the state of what you see, and an inability to transform it presently."  This sums up much of what we see going on these days, as power trips of others we have no control of can be quite frustrating and dispiriting. On this middle pass, we really can feel stuck in our ability to do much about it (witness the Israeli/Palestinian situation as one good example). Mars opposition to Ceres indicates the hounds of war will cause much collatoral damage on women, children, and the elderly, and the basic living necessities that the populace needs. In general, harsh male energy can hurt innocent others under this aspect.

Tuesday's 1st quarter square of the Moon in Aquarius to the Sun in Scorpio can bring some tension between emotional ideals to include all versus the narrow need for self-preservation. Fortunately, 5 positive lunar aspects to other planets should soften this, as should Venus sesiquadrate Jupiter, which is an aspect of over-indulgence and excess that can be enjoyable in the moment, but can extract frustrating consequences/bills due later. Pallas Athene's going direct may help to fuel external battles, as those with causes are ready to march and take action.

Wednesday has both the Sun and Venus changing signs with the Sun entering Sagittarius, where we can find new inspiration from breaking through old barriers and going out on the edge somehow. People are willing to take more risks now, which can lead to both great gains and losses. With Sagittarius' ruler, Jupiter, in weakened status now (retrograde and in detriment), going too far and hurting ourselves is a very real possibility in the next month, so we must be very concious of our actions during this time in order to not go overboard. Meanwhile, Venus leaves a sign it rules (Libra) and enters a sign it is very weak in, Scorpio (fall). Relationships can get quite intense during this time and dissolve into the "War of the Roses" and we may find that we may not have us much money/resource than we thought. Power trips among people are common for this energy, and envy and jealousy may rear their ugly heads quite acutely. Yet, we can use this energy to bring relationships to new depths that can connect us forever with another and cut out what is unnecessary in our lives or what is draining us. Odd desires may perk up to the surface also, and the means to satisfying them can be quite dark/underhanded. The Sun also squares Neptune today, bringing considerable confusion and a draining of our energies. This is not a good day to make big decisions, as we may be deluding ourselves or we may be being deceived by others, which can be quite discouraging. This aspect is best used to try and put our idealism into work somehow, although there will be challenges in doing so. Study of metaphysics, spirituality, and art are favored.

There's a bit of a respite on Thanksgiving Day, as Venus trines Neptune, an ideal aspect for a holiday where we are giving thanks and sharing our love and compassion with others. This aspect combines lower (mundane) and higher (spiritual) forms of love in a harmonious blend. It does not give us extra energy to get ahead, as we'd rather sit back and relax and let go instead. It is also excellent for artistic/creative inspiration/ideas. This is also a "soulmate" aspect, so you may meet someone today that has that potential for you. Unfortunately, Mercury retrograde also gets in on the act today with 2 frustrating aspects: the Winged Messnger sesiquadrates Uranus and semi-squares Mars, which can lead to heated words between people over differences of opinion, so the post Thanksgiving conversation has a danger of becoming jagged and edgy.

Friday is when the heat gets really turned up as Mars perfects a square to Uranus and is locked into the Uranus/Pluto square strongly. This is explosive, and potentially destructive energy. Rebellious actions are taken without much thought of consequences. People are high strung and impulsive, and actions are jagged. There is great restlessness/impatience with the way things are and people are looking for quick change. It is re-enforced by the Moon in Aries also conjuncting Uranus and squaring Pluto. This is the infamous Black Friday, where Christmas buying season officially begins. In the past, this has led to some pretty rowdy/unruly behavior by shoppers, and these aspects will feed selfishness and brashness. On the world stage, any groups of people who feel repressed by others will be ready to go to war against perceived enemies. The situation in the Middle East can potentially explode this week into full scale war. The best way you can use this energy is to bring change into areas of your life that are in a rut. Novel ideas may spur us to take action to re-arrange our existence somehow. There is some help available with Mars sextile to Chiron offering us opportunies to change from what we've learned recently. This whole week and next week will be acutely under the energy of Mars/Uranus/Pluto, so expect major disruptions in the world and in your personal life.

Saturday has a helpful Mars/Saturn sextile, where our actions can be more well-measured and concise. We can achieve much with our work or any projects we are involved in, as plans will likely work out.

Sunday is led by a Venus/Uranus quincunx - any relationships that are unstable or restrictive will have us itching to break from. There is a sense of restlessness within relationships and we may need to adjust in some big way to maintain them. Otherwise, we may may seek out some new, exciting ones. Venus is also trine Chiron, so this may help soften the blows of Venus/Uranus, or help us capture a beautiful moment or two.

This is a good week to put energy into praying/meditating on peace, because the world is going to need every ounce of it from anyone who can to help through volatile times. Next week, volatility will continue with Mars conjuncting Pluto, but Mercury will finally turn direct, and the Sun will make its annual opposition to Jupiter. 

Monday, November 12, 2012

Astrological Winds for Week of 11-12-12

Monday is quiet to start the week with a Moon/Saturn conjunction in Scorpio steering the energy toward responsibilities/duties having to be met, hard work, dependability, practicality, and conservative views.


Tuesday is the most active day of the week led by a Solar Eclipse/New Moon at22* Scorpio. This eclipse has been traditionally about making deeper commitments and can have you involved with your family more deeply/intricately in the weeks ahead. There is usually a sense of satisfaction afterwards in some sense. Solar eclipses are like a new start and shine a light into previously unexplored areas. In Scorpio, things that have been hidden from us can be brought into the light: our deepest fear, desires, issues, fate. This New Moon asks each of us to use the power we do have to transform the world around us without getting too hell-bent in doing so – to tap into new areas of power used wisely by finding strength from our shadow side. Look to the house this eclipse falls into in your chart to see the area of life this energy will be focused in for you. Any of your natal planets or points receiving tight aspects from the New Moon/Eclipse will also color the energy for you. Mercury retrograde re-perfects its square to Neptune this day – the reality is we’ve been under the influence of this aspect for 2 weeks already as its first pass was on October 30th: “… there may be a lot of mental confusion/indecision/misunderstandings/bad moves in the air. This will stimulate imagination and is good for creative writing/storytelling. It also good for studying spirituality, mysticism, religion, art. However, this aspect can also make us lazy/passive/worn out mentally and in need of a break, so we may waste much of this day away.”  is what I wrote about it 2 weeks ago – expect more of the same…and then things can get real deep into the psyche as Mercury backtracks into Scorpio: this will give us a double dose of deep contemplation on how our minds function and the fears and desires that dictate how we react for most of the rest of the month. Venus sesiquadrate Chiron shows certain relationships can be holding us back/have us stuck/are hurting us, and all this Scorpio energy may help pinpoint which ones and how, but it may not be easy to untangle them at this time.


Chiron follows Neptune (these 2 have been doing a waltz together now for several years!) by going direct on Wednesday in Pisces: once again, a subtle shift that may see us put more idealistic healing modalities into work in the world around us over the next few months. The Sun trine Pallas Athene should give us the confidence to act on our intellectual ideals and perhaps come up with some novel new approaches to acting on them. This could also put the battle of the sexes into a peaceful mode. The Sun semi-square Pluto is the most trying aspect this day as we may get frustrated with those who have power/authority over us in some way. Minor power struggles may ensue and people could end up irritated/angry with each other.


Thursday’s Saturn/Uranus quincunx is a long term transit that is a sign of these times in general: a desire for many groups of people to break free of whom they perceive as their oppressors, acts of rebellion against traditional society, unpredictable reactions to restrictions, struggling turmoil, and disruptions to normal life.


Friday can be a complex day for sue with the Moon conjuncting Pluto and squaring Uranus during the day. People may be quite moody and want to break free somehow. The biggest event of the day is Mars ingressing into Capricorn, where the warrior is exalted. Here, he is able to command/take charge and get the actions done that he wishes to. Ambition is quite high and you are willing to do what it takes to climb to the top over the next couple of months. Actions are well-measured and in control and can lead to great success. Career becomes quite important to many of us now. Saturn trine Chiron is also a long term, more subtle transit that will help us find our path with well measured and rewarding steps. Venus trine Vesta brings harmonious interactions within groups you belong to that have similar goals/views.


Saturday has 2 bigger events: first, Mars sextile Neptune can bring some idealism into our actions that can create some unique opportunities. This is a great day to get into group activities that benefit all. It’s also good for going off alone to contemplate like on a hike. We are also motivated by hidden worlds/psyche today. There is also Mercury’s inferior conjunction to the Sun, which also benefits the inner life/contemplation on this day too. The biggest issue is our thinking is extremely subjective, but we could find new nuggets of wisdom deep inside ourselves.


Sunday is pretty quiet, but a Moon/Saturn square mid-day may hit us with some duties that take away our fun and relaxing we’d normally choose to do on a Sunday.


Next week, Venus is trine Neptune on Thanksgiving Day – a perfect aspect for this holiday!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Astrological Winds for Week of 11-5-12

For those in the grip of Hurricane Sandy, the Cardinal Grand Cross among Uranus/Pluto/Venus/Ceres manifested in quite intense ways last week: sudden challenges/crisis bringing destruction/death/permanent transformation/the forging of unexpected deep relationships/scarcity of the necessities of life. A perfect storm that I blogged about a few days ago. This week Mercury goes retrograde in Sagittarius (and back to Scorpio eventually) on Tuesday, Election Day in the USA. The effects of Sandy will slow things down in the Northeast throughout this whole month during Mercury retro: communications, travel, and relationships will be affected, and it will be a backwards process at first seemingly in order to go forward again. People will have much time to use this energy to look deep within their own psyches and face their fears and sub-conscious drives and how they affect their own thinking and communications with others. This can likely be a heavy time where parts of our mental ideas die/fail us. We must remember the old must move out before the new can move in during this month. Some of the deeper questions about life may weigh us down, yet we can use this energy to get to the bottom of things and find new self-empowerment. We must be careful not to let our emotions sweep us away and throw off our logic too far.


Getting to the significance of Mercury retrograde happening on Election Day: the last time this occurred was in 2000 when the Supreme Court decided who would be President, not the People. More and more we see how the deck is stacked against the middle/working/poor classes – that the government is run by the wealthy and their servants. It seems this election with a very wealthy white man as one of the candidates with virtually no political experience but a multi-national corporate background represents this growing awareness and schism. Something odd is likely to occur this election for sure – for awhile last week, I wondered if they’d delay it because of hardships caused by Sandy, but that’s seeming less likely now. There have been widespread reports of attempted disenfranchising of large segments of voters especially in key states like Florida, Ohio, and Indiana, and with Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius/Scorpio that is likely. I still believe President Obama will win this election, but will he sit in office or be ousted by the Courts or fraud or the Electoral College despite? The possibility definitely exists. The Sun is quincunx Jupiter Tuesday also, showing leaders having to make value/philosophical adjustments/separations. The Moon in Leo makes a Third Quarter Square to the Sun in Scorpio late in the afternoon: the emotions want to make a show for the self, while the self is on a much deeper journey to be bothered by such frivolity. This is also a bit confusing in light of the election: the people (Moon) seem to be behind the king (Leo), yet a crisis may be occurring due to those with secret powers (Scorpio) attacks on the leader/king (Sun). Indeed, this will be an interesting election day.


Venus trine Jupiter on Thursday is one of the sweetest aspects there is and if nothing else people should feel good/optimistic/lucky for some reason. Relationships should be very smooth and creativity should be high. Smart investments can be made. It’s easy to get passive under this transit but that may be OK because we could all use a break at this point! Good for all social occasions and entertainment/fun.


Friday has a Mars/Vesta opposition that could manifest as some angry male energy erupting against female energy – many times this is rooted in inadequate sexuality. Choices may have to be made or actions can be blocked because of others. Venus sesiquadrate Neptune later can have us in a dreamy fog about relationships, or overly sensitive toward others. This can definitely be a bit of a touchy day.


Saturday’s main event is Neptune going direct, although this is quite a subtle shift. Over the next few months we should be able to move forward with our spiritual and creative ideals. We may be able to put compassion and sensitivity to work in the world around us. This is also the day of stressful Moon/Uranus/Pluto aspects with another T-square forming – relationships will be tested again.


Sunday may be a bit choppy for relationships too especially on intellectual levels with Mercury semi-square Venus and Sun sesiquadrate Uranus. There’s some restlessness here that could have people a bit uptight/snippy and seeking something different or at least an argument/verbal joust. Three positive lunar aspects to Jupiter, Venus and Mars should keep the lid on it/not let it get out of hand for the most part however.


Next week there’s a Solar Eclipse/New Moon in Scorpio, and Mars heads off to Capricorn, where it is exalted.