Monday, April 29, 2013

Astrological Winds for Week of 4-29-2013

It seems like last week’s Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse gave us much to reflect upon from the violent events of the week before – much of the “stuff” we hide in our sub-conscious both personally and Collectively has oozed to the surface in some raging manifestations. Many people are becoming aware that there are many things wrong in the way we go about doing things both materially and emotionally – that strong premises and prejudices are driving many things to a tipping point where something seemingly big has to give. Many are asking is there another way to do things. Much self-examination is needed, as is honest connection and dialogue with others. Shared thoughts can change a shared world – a place to begin, and then we must live it and act it – the change we want to become ourselves and as a race.

Monday is a pretty harmonious, mellower day this week. The Moon in Capricorn trine both Mars and Sun on Monday night will give us a good boost of energy and a great flow of energy in whatever we are doing, although something active is favorable.

Tuesday can be a day of slowed or blocked actions as Mars is opposite Saturn. Authorities or laws could block us or force us into some serious decisions. This can have the effect of angering us and ego battles with others. You may have to take a step or two back today, and your confidence could be shaken up a bit. Others can hit you where it hurts/kick you while you’re down, and you may withdraw from socializing. Illness and injuries are possible also. This energy is best used to take on hard tasks/work that require a slow and steady concentrated effort. Mercury semi-square Chiron will likely act with this opposition and frustrate the mind today.

Wednesday Mercury ingresses into Taurus joining the other three inner planets in the sign of the Bull. This can stabilize, ground communications and information. People will be more practical-minded and will think things through thoroughly and will make decisions based upon reliability and constructiveness. Common sense and past experience matter now. The Sun trine Pluto today shows it is a ripe time to make progressive inner changes, as it will be much easier to do so and you really want to now. You can have some deeply moving experience that helps break up anything that’s been holding you back. Good for research, study, psychology, depth studies, the occult, and transformation. You can also gain positions of influence with others and are able to direct much and thus get much done that is important to you.

Thursday has a 3rd Quarter Square of the Moon in Aquarius to the Sun in Taurus: there is an emotional need to use new ideas and the intellect to expand our world and help/connect with others, versus a personal need to maintain safety and security in what we have materially already: once again, this is a reflection of these times – what we are used to that helps us feel safe may be failing around us but it also spurs us on to make new connections and push for ideals. Mercury semi-square Jupiter is bound to help expand the mental side of this equation by inflating ideas perhaps beyond what reality is really capable of at the moment. We are thinking big now, but it may be more than we can chew. The Sun sextile Chiron will bring opportunities for healing/learning/teaching and an ability to use our special gift/talent to help both self and others get what they want.

Friday is a Mercury/Neptune day, as they sextile each other and also each get sextiled by the Moon in Pisces. This will bring up opportunities to communicate with others over shared ideals, the ability to communicate psychically, creative communicating/writing, fire up imagination, make you sensitive to the spirit world, and interest in spirituality/religion/mysticism.

Saturday is pretty quiet although a Sun/Juno square can bring up a challenge or tension from your partner. Otherwise, the Moon in Pisces sextile Mars/Pluto/Sun shows it’s a harmonious day with chances to achieve much if you put yourself to it.

Sunday is a pretty active day. First, thinking and communicating may be stifled/slowed down by a Mercury/Saturn opposition. This has us get into a tendency of dark, negative thoughts, seeing the Shadow side of life, especially because it seems everyone may be out to spoil your fun by heaping duties upon you. Your mind will be filled with serious concerns and decisions. It’s easy to get depressed and feel isolated under this aspect. Relationships with others could be quite trying at times. This is a good day to do heavy, detailed paperwork/mental work however. Mars trine Pluto can help us get to the bottom of things and take some actions to bring serious transformation into our life. What we do under these two transits can have far/long lasting consequences, so it’s good to do some serious work on yourself today. Venus semi-square Uranus shows we may have an encounter with a stranger that jolts us a bit and may actually help spur us on to try and change, even if results are not immediately gratifying. Finally, there is the 1st exact square of Uranus to Ceres: a sign of the times. This can bring shocking events to the world’s food supplies and natural resources – a crisis could occur over the next year surrounding these issues (we are already seeing farmers in the USA’s Midwest having to delay spring planting due to floods/soggy soil). In a way, this is not surprising as we seem to be building towards that over the past several years. Food prices may fluctuate rapidly. Availability of some products may become unreliable. This can also lead to individual acts of rebellion against society and what has nurtured us – those with familial imbalances experiences during childhood are particularly susceptible to lashing out in anger against society under this aspect. People will also have a tendency to distrust their own intuition on what to do under the given circumstances of today’s reality. No doubt, this will add fuel to the fire that is boiling the cauldron of our world today.

Next week Mercury is very active and Venus heads off to Gemini. Stay tuned.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Astrological Winds for Week of 4-22-13

How I ended my blog last week: “A pretty heavy astrological weather week – lots to process these days as significant events seem to become more and more rapid and closer together.”

A Headline of Arizona Daily Star on Sunday: “Our Terrible Week Is Finally Over”

From my blog last week: “…most people seemed to be unable to lift themselves to the higher octave of Aries, the Peaceful Warrior, during this time and instead fell to the lower expression, into patterns of aggressive, ego-driven behaviors instead.”

Some of the events of the past that occurred in the US during April when Aries energy has been high:

-1993: Waco Branch Davidian showdown

-1995: Oklahoma City bombing by Timothy McVeigh

-1999: Columbine High School Shootings

-2007: Virginia Tech shootings

-2013: Boston Marathon Bombings

Then there was the explosion of a pesticides factory in West, Texas. Does anyone see the irony here and wonder what the Universe/Life/Spirit/God is trying to tell us? First off, let me be clear that I do not condone any acts of violence, but can’t we see why these things happen – how it’s all a big (karmic) circle. Two people from a country whose youth grew up knowing war: watching sanctioned terrorism kill family, friends, and neighbors – a war brought to them by one of the super powers. In their lives/homeland, explosives, death, blood, missing limbs, killed innocents are common place. So some of them later snap – they just don’t find a way to handle the pain well enough and heavy astrological weather brings the environment for going over the edge in certain (very few) individuals. And they commit acts of violent terror against others…using ingredients in their bombs that are made by pesticide companies and are widely available despite being not only highly explosive/dangerous but are also used by millions of us to slowly kill the environment around us. Then we find out the corporation that pushes these poisons for profit has violated safety rules brazenly in the very said plant that blew up and took most of a town with it and more deaths and casualties than two individuals in Boston did. So which one of these acts is a greater act of terrorism? Ask yourself this and answer it honestly. It’s easy to get into some nationalistic furor over an individual act of terror with a media driven sensationalized manhunt, then it is to get upset that corporations every day endanger our very lives and our environment in the name of profit and greed and that anyone who stands in their way become fodder for their cannon while those responsible walk off free. Once again, who is the greater terrorist?

And in case you missed it these events also occurred last week:

-a massive earthquake in China while the Mercury/Uranus conjunction was near exactness

-a challenge to the election results in Venezuela as Chavez’ hand-picked successor barely wins majority and the people do not take to the streets to support him, as they used to do with Chavez. Venezuela has two birth charts and both are being hit hard by the Uranus/Pluto square right now.

-at this point in Egypt there is a full on civil war going on as the Muslim Brotherhood are trying to sweep out judges that do not see things the way they do, and the people battle it out with their followers in the streets.

-the USA getting more and more involved with the rebels in Syria by giving the beginning of military aid to them now despite knowing they are radical Muslims and enemies of Israel

-an inability by Congress to make any kind of gun legislation pass and the heated rhetoric by the two sides of the debate. And this despite growing evidence that Mexican drug cartels are setting up in the US and assassinating law enforcement people with guns they obtained in the US because of our free market with them in some border states.

-ricin in letters sent to the President and Congressmen (more Mercury/Uranus/Pluto here for sure = sudden death in the mail!)

-major flooding in the Midwest that were just in drought conditions a year ago.

Obviously, all of these events are very Uranus/Pluto, but what triggered them was 3 inner planets: Mercury linking up with a conjunction to Uranus and square to Pluto, and Sun/Mars conjunction in Aries: as I said this is very egotistical/subjective energy, and for those with energy like that naturally, who are imbalanced, it can be enough to push them over the edge into acts of aggression/violence/rebellion. Astrologers have known this spring was going to be quite possibly a very volatile time because of the alignments of aspects going on, and sure enough we are off with a bang. Pluto is involved, thus karma, and death and rebirth and transformation are bound to be part of the process. I can’t help but see within the complexity of these events links to one and other and to the decisions we as humans are making Collectively. If we don’t choose to change, we will be changed. We will be powerless to stop it.  All that we do as a society are based on thoughts/premises we have made and continue to make. We can change them in the blink of an eye by just changing our thoughts. Here’s one to contemplate: do we really need money to be the #1 thing we all strive for?…do we really need it at all? Did anyone need it when confronting the tragedies that were unfolding in front of them in Boston and West? No. What they needed was other human beings to help them, to help each other – that’s what had true value, compassion and empathy, a helping hand. That’s what gave them comfort and the knowledge that they would survive and see another beautiful day on earth. Mercury/Uranus/Pluto has given us much to contemplate this past week.

This upcoming week is not going to be the easiest either as Saturn is activated and we will have many responsibilities to deal with, but it should not be quite as intense as last week, despite being very busy astrologically.

That starts right off on Monday as Venus is opposite Saturn, which can cool relationships down to sober and serious tones. There may be some serious decisions to make in regard to other people. It may be very hard to have any time for your own enjoyment today and that can be a bit depressing for sure. It can be easy to fall into a negative funk about others or your own condition today. We are forced to face reality through our relationships in some way that feels restrictive.

Tuesday the Moon in Libra triggers the Uranus/Pluto square with an opposition to Uranus and square to Pluto. Once again, others can trigger us to make sudden, upsetting decisions as we may become involved in power struggles, arguments, manipulation, etc. There is a Mercury/Jupiter sextile also which can be quite useful in expanding ideas, information, knowledge, and communication. This can make this a very busy/active day, especially mentally – lots will be going on to try and process. You can accomplish much with this energy. This is also a good day to express what you truly believe in, as you will be quite convincing. There is a long term transit that perfects today that is quite helpful also, though in more subtle/background ways: Pluto trine Pallas Athene, which allows us to use the mind in strong ways to influence others and get them behind your cause. This can give us great healing ability of our psyche/minds now and help us make deep psychological changes.

Wednesday starts with a Venus/Pluto trine that can really deepen existing relationships to new levels. Sexual attractions can be intense and you can have some moving experiences shared with your partner. Artistic/creative expressions can be profound/intense. This is all fed by the Sun sextile Neptune which inspires imagination and idealism – in a way this is the perfect two aspects for lovers as we seek some highly romantic experience that is deeply moving and opens us up to another on levels we’ve never shared before. Definitely soulmate fodder. Sun/Neptune can also have us in willing service to others through charitable type works, and/or perk up our interest in spirituality/religion/mysticism. Vesta ingresses into Cancer today also bringing a period of commitment to family or those who are dependent on us somehow. However, people can also get hyper-sensitive to others now and actually withdraw from group activities or become overly needy/co-dependent. People have a need to feel loved/taken care of and can become insecure if they are not feeling they are getting that. Venus square Ceres can put us at odds with our family or partner somehow, or we may feel unsatisfied/rejected with the way others respond to us.

Thursday is a Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse at 5/6* Scorpio. Here there is a battle between the need for emotional security and depth versus the need for material comforts and stability. This seems to be a very fitting lesson for these times as I blogged about when the Nodes ingressed into Taurus/Scorpio – a need to decide what’s more important as a resource, material things or deeper relationships and emotional fulfillment. To find a balance between both of these needs that seem to be extremely imbalanced these days toward the South Node in Taurus. Eclipses are times of great change where a light can be shined upon things we normally do not see both in the inner and outer worlds. This eclipse is asking us to change what we value: to move away from blatant materialism being the yardstick of success, and to value deeper experiences shared with others. To do this we must cut away much of what is no longer useful to us.  We must face our deepest fears and gain strength from doing so. This Full Moon is also opposite Mars (ruler of Scorpio), trine Neptune, and conjunct Saturn, so it’s quite a mix of energy. We may feel blocked trying to live up to our ideals in some way and that can bring up much anger/resentment. This Full Moon is asking us to change what we value in order to welcome in new definitions of living. Look to the houses in you chart it falls into to see what areas of life it will affect you the most in. Any planets/points in your chart it makes a tight aspect (1-2*) to will also color the energy of this eclipse for you. Venus conjunct Pallas Athene today also can give a boost of creative energy, or have you fighting for women’s rights, and has us at ease sexually. Venus also sextile Chiron can bring healing opportunities to relationships, while Mercury semi-square Neptune can bring nebulous/shifty communications and misunderstandings that are frustrating. The mind may idle/daydream quite a bit and the truth may be hard to nail down. This is good for spiritual/mystical study however.

Friday has Mars/Neptune sextile which gives the opportunity to get into some fulfilling community/charitable type work/project. A good day to take some type of spiritual journey by yourself. This is also a good day to take action on aligning goals to your ideals.

Saturday is relatively quiet: Sun sextile Ceres shows it’s a good day to nurture those close to us/our family or to just work in garden. A Moon/Neptune square at mid-day may tire us out early today – a nap may help and then we can use the Moon/Uranus trine tonight to go out and have some fun/exciting times.

Sunday the Sun/Saturn opposition perfects, which can have us feeling stifled by our duties or authorities. You may have to make some serious decision in regard to others that can feel quite restrictive/depressing. You may feel separated/isolated from others even when you’re with them. It’s difficult to find balance between your needs and the needs of others. It can be just a “heavy” kind of day. Saturn’s second (retrograde) exact hit of its trine with Ceres is today also – a period of stability in nurturing/emotional/familial relationships.

Next week, Mercury joins the Taurus party, and Mars wrestles with Saturn.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Astrological Winds for Week of 4-15-13

This week starts a shift from the heavy Aries energy of the past couple weeks towards the more grounded energy of Taurus, and from my observations, not too soon, as most people seemed to be unable to lift themselves to the higher octave of Aries, the Peaceful Warrior, during this time and instead fell to the lower expression, into patterns of aggressive, ego-driven behaviors instead. This shift starts right away on Monday, as Venus ingresses into a sign she rules, Taurus, where she is quite comfortable enjoying the sensual pleasures of life. This is Venus at her most receptive, yin side: a great time for lovers. This brings much stability/commitment to relationships and a love for the finer things in life like art, food, wine, dessert, relaxing, passivity, and other material indulgences. The Moon sextiling the Sun, Mars, and Venus will make this a harmonious, pleasant Monday as we get along well with others.

Tuesday has an odd little mix: there is a Grand Trine in water early with Moon in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces and trine Saturn in Scorpio – an ability to be empathic/sensitive and empathic/compassionate toward others can lead to breakthroughs that are deeply profound/moving. However, this Grand Trine is up against Mercury square Ceres showing we should not assume what we think others need from us or there’s bound to be misunderstandings and we could be angering others without them telling us so. With both Sun and Mars semi-square Chiron also, there is likely frustrating anger bubbling below the surface of many of us and an inability to get around blockages or adapt right now to what life is throwing at us. With the Moon square Uranus and opposite Pluto later we may easily fall into blame games and power struggles with others, and a desire to break free of our current circumstances. People will be edgy, irritable, possibly explosive.

Wednesday, the Sun conjuncts Mars in Aries: this is ego squared! Those who have strong tempers may be unable to control them today. Most people will be energetic, feisty, aggressive, ego-driven in very active/initiating ways. It is a good day to do something physical, but you can also easily get injured. It’s best to work on projects alone, as others are likely to annoy you.

Thursday starts with a First Quarter Square of the Moon in Cancer to the Sun in Aries (and square Venus and Mars also) as there is tension between the emotional need to feel safe and nurtured and the self’s desire to seek new adventures/experiences. Venus sextile Neptune and Ceres will soften much of the edge of this day as we have opportunities to have some kind of ideal love experience, romantic moment with another, life itself, spirit, etc. This is a good time to create art also. There is also one long term background aspect getting its second (retrograde) hit: Saturn opposite Pallas Athene which brings a sense of being blocked by authorities of truly expressing who you/we are thus snuffing much creative genius. This brings a lack of confidence in leaders and present conditions, as people realize they may never achieve true success, as that is currently defined by society.

Friday’s biggest event is the Sun entering Taurus joining Venus in the sign of the Bull. It is mid-Spring in the Northern Hemisphere when life abounds and enriches again. It is a time when material comforts become more stabilizing. People will be more grounded, into creature comforts, stable and secure, and even-minded. The danger is repressing emotional needs through material appetites. The Sun semi-square Jupiter will enhance the indulgent/extravagant side of Taurus today. There is a Mercury/Saturn quincunx today too which can bring communication issues with authorities, hidden fears to the surface of our minds, stubborn thinking patterns, a cynical outlook, misinformed suspicions, yet a detailed mind. Another long term transit perfects today with Neptune trine Ceres indicating there are many people ready to take the next step in the evolution of human consciousness – one of giving, of unconditional love, oneness with Earth Spirit, psychic communications, and artistic expressions, and that all this could very well happen to them.

This weekend Mercury in Aries locks up in the Uranus/Pluto square starting on Saturday with a conjunction to Uranus. This can bring individual strokes of rebellious genius via the means of communications and information. The mind moves quickly today and can get easily over-stimulated or jammed with too many exciting ideas and may make decisions without thinking things through. Leaps of intuition should be common. Excellent for scientific/mathematical/technical/occult work. Watch for accidents from moving too fast. Mars is also active Saturday as the warrior joins Venus and the Sun in Taurus, the sign of its detriment, as Mars normally active energy can be stymied while in the sign of the Bull. It will be difficult to take initiative and if you do normal means will not be successful. This can be angering. People will be more stubborn than usual and harder to get going. They may also fall into selfish, possessive behaviors. This is favorable for long term, craft-type projects, as you have the patience to chip away at them. Mars semi-square Jupiter today can actually ratch energy up physically despite Mars entry into Taurus, however there’s a sense that our optimism is really covering up reality, which may not be as so grand looking. Be careful of not getting tyrannical of others or others acting that way.

Mercury then squares Pluto on Sunday which can give a deep, penetrating mind that can cut through the BS and get to the heart or depths of the matter. It will be hard to stand fools today. It’s easy to get obsessed with an idea or another. People can be quite argumentative and have intellectual battles with no one able to convince the other to change the way they see things ultimately. It’s best to use this energy alone either probing your own psychological make-up, or studying deep subject matter like psychology, occult, etc.

A pretty heavy astrological weather week – lots to process these days as significant events seem to become more and more rapid and closer together. Next week is led by a Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio – deep, stormy weather may lay ahead.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Astrological Winds for Week of 4-8-2013

Monday starts much like much of last week: relatively quiet astrologically. There is a diffusive Sun/Neptune semi-square which can frustrate some of our idealistic ideas/dreams/hopes and get us feeling a bit discouraged in general. This can also drain physical energy, so we may feel a bit tired/passive. Any attempts at deception are likely to backfire on you also. However, Neptune is working in a more subtle way also with a sextile to Pallas Athene perfecting today bringing strong faith in your belief system, opening to the sub-conscious mind/psychic-type energies, and the ability to use art to make spiritual statements. The Moon is void-of-course until noon Pacific time, so morning may not go as expected, but lunar ingress into Aries should give a boost of energy to counter Neptune’s effects.

Tuesday, the Moon gets in its weekly stressful aspects with the Uranus/Pluto square conjuncting Uranus and squaring Pluto. Moon/Uranus can give a lot of ingenious ideas that may raise hopes too high into the unrealistic zone and anger us and have us rebel/seek freedom in some disruptive ways. People may trip themselves up by being too quick/impulsive and then find themselves in some dark zones afterwards (Moon/Pluto). Power struggles with others are possible over unmet expectations. Projection is prevalent. Mercury is also sesiquadrate Saturn today and it can be from the results Moon/Uranus/Pluto that we find ourselves in a pessimistic/narrow/conservative thought and communication zone. It is easy to see the shadow side of things today, which can be depressing. This energy is best used to take on some practical, mundane tasks that require mental focus done alone.

Wednesday has the lead event of the week with an early morning Full Moon in Aries at 20/21*. This is a time to start something new by taking assertive action on it. It is time to launch yourself on some grand adventure – to be decisive and independent, yet take personal actions that benefit all. We must realize this can be done within the confines of our everyday existence through protecting those we love. Aries is strong masculine energy, the Warrior – choose to be the Peaceful Warrior now, not the destructive/tyrannical one. Those who have angry/aggressive personalities may not be able to control themselves, so violent actions are possible. With this New Moon also conjunct Venus and Mars, hopefully most will be able to find balance/harmony between male/female, active/receptive, ying/yang energy instead. Under this Aries New Moon use your energy wisely to help both self and others/society. Look to the house in your chart this New Moon falls in to see what area of life it will affect the most for you. Any planets or points it tightly aspects (1-2*) in your chart will color the energy for you. Mercury is also square Vesta today so we may find ourselves at odds with groups we belong to. Communication difficulties, overthinking others’ intentions, an inability to learn, and/or sexual issues may all come up in interactions with others.

Thursday is pretty quiet although a Moon/Saturn opposition during the day could put the dampers on us through authorities/superiors coming down us, serious decisions having to be made that can seem “no-win”, an overload of responsibilities, and judgmental attitudes.

There is a couple of subtle background shifts on Friday. First, Pluto goes retrograde until September 20th. This asks us to look within and see how we try to control things out of fear and contemplate how we can transform that before we ask others to transform how they misuse their power for the very same reason. Second, is the second (retrograde) hit of Saturn quincunx Uranus. This energy can be sensed in increasing tension in the general populace about feeling stuck or railroaded by the System/our leaders. It seems like many have no answer to the doldrums that they are in. There is a growing sense of restlessness that can lead to disruptive bursts of freedom/independence. This is a very fitting aspect for the turmoil of our times, and requires serious adjustments to the structure of society and the separation of ourselves from traditional ways of current civilization. Saturn square Juno while Uranus sextiles it shows partnerships may be under tension from the Saturn/Uranus quincunx and that some may choose to break free of one and other. Venus semi-square Chiron today also can bring some frustrating tensions to our relationships.

On Saturday, Mercury finally leaves Pisces behind after an extended stay with the Fishes due to its retrograde phase taking place there, and moves into Aries joining the Sun, Venus, Mars, and Uranus in the sign of the Ram. Communications will become more assertive, but also more subjective/egotistical, thus possibly creating arguments/disputes. The mind moves very quickly and independently under this influence and can be quite witty, even aggressive, but also does not think decisions through well and thus can draw wrong conclusions that trip yourself up ultimately. This is a time when people will fight for their rights/what they believe in willfully.

Venus semi-square Jupiter on Sunday shows this should be a day of pleasure spent relaxing with friends or at social events. We may overspend out budget under its influence.

Next week, the energy begins to shift toward Taurus, as the Sun, Venus, and Mars head off for the sign of the Bull.  

Monday, April 1, 2013

Astrological Winds for week of 4-1-2013

It’s April, a month named after Aphrodite or Venus, the Goddess of Love. It is a time when the earth is most receptive (yin) in the Northern Hemisphere as the ground warms up and is ready for receiving seed. April 1st, commonly known as April Fool’s Day, was originally known as “All Fool’s Day” and honored the Trickster, who made sure that society was not becoming too rigid in its beliefs and values. The Fool is like the Court Jester: the one person who can safely show the king the foolishness of his ways and not risk his wrath. Perhaps it is a good time to reflect on all of us becoming jesters in our current society: the stories of extreme weather, environmental destruction, economic inequality, random acts of violence and insanity, and how our scientific solutions to these problems only breed more problems all show that “the Emperor (our current societal systems) wears no clothes” (or nature will not cooperate with us) and many people are seeing this clearly now, and can thus take actions that pronounce the absurdity of our ways. It is interesting to note that the word “apocalypse” is derived from a Greek word which means “the lifting or uncovering of the veil,” or in other words, the Emperor wears no clothes! Lifting this veil can give us a new vision and meaning to our lives. More and more people see the insanity of our current society’s ways. A shift in consciousness could occur on mass scales that lift the veil on our old ways and show us new paths we can take together. We could rapidly leave the old system and those who cling to it behind. This is a tense time that could use the Fool or Jester to help lighten the atmosphere. It is also a sacred time of transition when we live between two worlds: one that is dying and fading away and one that is just being born and needs new stories, myths, traditions that we need to co-create. Getting in touch with nature and connecting with other people seem to be the key to the lifting of the veil for good! This is where true support for our lives exists: when we take care of each other and take care of the earth which sustains our lives. Tap into your genius side now (we all have one), call on your guardian angel to guide you, take a chance with your destiny to lift the veil and play the Fool. One other note on April (All) Fool’s Day: traditionally, the playing of tricks only occurred in the morning or until noon, and then it was time to get back to reality and adjusting it to what has been revealed to us.

Here’s a little personal transit tale: last week on Tuesday you’ll recall Mars squared Pluto and I mentioned this can bring acts of violence, destruction, etc. There are many different forms this energy can take, but why would it effect some people more acutely than others? Herein lies an answer: transiting Mars on Tuesday was also sesiquadrate my Ascendant (physical body) and quincunx my Pluto (see Mars/Pluto above) and I ended up being the third vehicle of a five vehicle violent/destructive accident with two serious injuries (not me, and not at fault in any way either). So Mars/Pluto energy hit my physical body/life acutely because my chart lined up with the transits of the day also. I also believe that although the two aspects (sesiquadrate and quincunx) are considered difficult they are still minor aspects and thus my vehicle absorbed most of this destructive force and my body escaped unscathed. What it caused for me was mainly a need to adjust my schedule the rest of the week (quincunx) and some frustrating blockage I could do nothing about really at that time (sesiquadrate). Indeed this modern world with its many personal possessions seems to somehow involve our possessions with absorbing much of our karma for us physically at times!

This week will be much mellower than last week as it gets an optimistic boost right off on Monday as the Sun sextiles Jupiter and opportunities to expand our world in some way may present themselves. It’s easy to be positive, optimistic, cooperative today. We may catch some lucky break or get some good news. A good day to make plans, ask for favors, deal with authorities, and be with others.

Tuesday can actually be a(n) (in)tense day with as a 3rd Quarter Square of the Moon in Capricorn aligns with the Uranus/Pluto square as the Moon conjuncts Pluto and squares Uranus also. People will be having a very intense pull on their emotional side to try and control things around them by manipulating or restricting others and their own emotions, yet at the same time be acting out rebelliously against structures/disciplines that are in decay and threatening their survival. Many may be spurred to act out independently on some greater adventure or hero’s journey that can be rugged/aggressive at times, and  they can be unaware of their effect on others around them.

Wednesday is a quiet day although an early morning Moon/Mars square could have us awake early or very energetic upon awakening.

Thursday has a long term transit hitting exactness for the first time as Pluto sextiles Chiron – this is 5 hit transit and the first two exact hits occur within weeks of each other as Pluto is actually slowing down now and getting ready to go retrograde. It will last until November of 2014 when the fifth and final hit occurs, so therefore it will be a subtle shift that will give us opportunities to bring new transformative healing methods into our lives and the lives of others that help heal deep wounds. There is a deep urge within all of us to be healed in some way, and if we can acknowledge this during this period of time some great breakthroughs can occur in our lives. These are likely not acute events but gradual solid shifts that can take us a long way without us even being strongly aware of it as it unfolds, but is stunning in its magnitude when looked back upon afterwards.

Another subtle shift on Thursday is Ceres ingress into Cancer, a sign I believe it has much affinity with as the Mother archetype: one who nurtures and gives unconditional love. We may find ourselves caring for others in parental ways more often now, or maybe even more involved with our own parents lives. The danger is becoming over-protective of others and not giving them enough independence or creating co-dependent relationships or clingy emotional attachments. Issues with food, crops, agriculture, water, and natural resources may be of greater concern now on the world stage.

Friday is another quiet day with lunar sextiles to Sun/Venus/Mars making it very pleasant socially.

Venus catches up to Mars in Aries and conjuncts the Warrior on Saturday night – a good night to go out on the town and have some fun! Socializing, friends, romance, self-creativity, strutting your stuff, etc are all favored. Sexual desire is usually tuned up high under this transit.

Sunday is another quiet day – there is a Moon/Mercury conjunction at night that will blend mind and emotions and thus allow our feelings to affect our thoughts and decisions and communications.

Next week there’s a New Moon in Aries and spring should truly be in the air full on! Until then happy trails to you and your’s!