Monday, May 27, 2013

Astrological Winds for Week of 5-27-13

We indeed got some very potent Uranus/Pluto events last week during the exact third hit of the square also being triggered by inner planets aspecting it also. Most of these challenging events were shocking (Uranus) and exposed the Shadow/darker side and the consequences of repressing issues and how that can surface as rage and violence (Pluto). We had a Type 5 tornado hit the suburbs of Oklahoma City further exposing the intensity of the storms global climate change is making normal; a blatant media-staged terrorist attack in London to show Westerners what it’s like to live in unstable parts of the world – instability that has one of its causes as Western interference in cultures we don’t fully understand; a very fast turnaround in the stock market exposing this last rally as having very little real substance; and a bridge collapse on a major interstate in the western US highlighting the denial of the problem of an aging and ever dangerous infrastructure. These are just some of the examples that all are screaming: change, or be changed! Astrologers usually recommend the former as the less painful choice!

Lots of action early on Monday as the Sun quincunxs Saturn and Mercury conjuncts Jupiter in the wee hours and we wake up to a Moon/Pluto conjunction and Moon/Uranus square. Sun/Saturn can have us feeling inadequate somehow, as you can’t seem to get things done the way you want due to different blockages perhaps having their source within you. Fears of breaking rules may hold you back now and you can feel shy around others. Mercury/Jupiter in Gemini can really inflate everything that has to do with the mind: you can think in big terms/the larger picture today; you can take in large amounts of new information that open you up to other viewpoints; business can take off; and mental optimism can run high. Waking up to a Moon/Pluto conjunction may not be too fun: we may be quite moody this morning and feel stifled emotionally – Moon/Uranus shows we will want to make a break for our own freedom/independence somehow today. People may have quite a rebellious attitude.

Tuesday Venus catches up to Jupiter also conjuncting it – the spectacle on the Western horizon this week among these 3 planets conjuncting each other is well worth ducking outside for after dusk to observe! The two most beneficial planets conjuncting one and other should make for a positive day in general. This has a nice effect on relationships in general, mellowing peoples’ dispositions so that they get along well. Many may receive some good financial break/news too. We may get a bit self-indulgent also. Pallas Athene ingresses into Gemini today too joining the Sun/Mercury/Venus/Jupiter in the sign of the Twins, which favors using language and words for healing and conveying strong messages. This is one who is willing to debate what the truth is, battle with their words and wit, and speaks from knowledge gained from experience.

Wednesday is pretty quiet with Chiron trining Vesta helping groups that have formed over healing issues make some progress.

Thursday is pretty mellow too especially with the Moon in Aquarius trining the Mercury/Venus/Jupiter conjunction. Moon/Mars square in evening can get emotions steaming later.

Friday features two planets changing signs: first Mercury enters Cancer, a sign it’s not most comfortable in as emotions/subjective thinking can cloud clear mental processes. However, it can facilitate understanding things on deeper levels than just language. Many of our words now are colored by beliefs we picked up from our family/past/upbringing and may have little to do with current reality and thus may have you reacting inappropriately at times. This can also set people off in hissy fits when they are emotionally upset. On a positive side, it’s not easy to be deceived/fooled by others wild ideas. Mars enters Gemini a little later which can get physical energy up, but also scattered/frenetic at times. We may be being pulled at from so many different projects/objectives during this time that it’s difficult to give your all to any single one, and thus they may all suffer from varying degrees of incompleteness. Mars in Gemini can also bring up opposing views and thus an argumentative nature. Impulsiveness, impatience, and sloppy thinking can also plague us now. It does favor short, local trips however. Friday is also the Last Quarter Square of the Moon in Pisces to the Sun in Gemini: the emotions want a deep, “at-one” connection with someone/others/experiences, whereas the ego/self is content with superficial connections and information, so this tension is likely to express itself through us somehow today.

The Sun touches off the Uranus/Pluto Square in a mixed way on Saturday. First it quincunxs Pluto which indicates it’s difficult to understand the changes we are going through now – it seems like our experiences may be very intense today and it’s difficult to unwrap their meaning and why they’ve occurred to us. People may be arrogantly stubborn/stuck today and hurting themselves really – many of our interactions may degrade into power struggles. The Sun does sextile Uranus however to counteract the Pluto energy by bringing us some opportunities to do something different with someone different that can bring some excitement into our life. Minds will get quite lively under this energy. This is a good day to make some changes to your world and do something that satisfies your unique self.

Sunday Venus joins Mercury in Cancer where she is much more comfortable than the Winged Messenger. Here familial love and affection can take precedence in our relationship lives. This is supportive type love energy. Relationships with your parents, especially mother may take on extra importance now. You can get overly possessive of loved ones or family emotional baggage could surface also. Sunday night finishes the week with a Moon/Uranus conjunction in Aries and Moon/Pluto square. There may be a high degree of tension tonight and something may break/give that disrupts things and can bring on some intense emotions.

Next week Neptune stations retrograde as Mars squares it, and there’s a New Moon in Gemini.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Astrological Winds for Week of 5-20-13

This week marks the third of seven exact hits on Monday of the ongoing Uranus/Pluto square that is the defining aspect of this time in history. Long term transits stay in effect over the course of the entire period of exact hits and also can be felt prior to first hit and even after the final hit awhile. They do not necessarily trigger singular large events by themselves, but more set the tone for the types of large events that will be occurring during this period. Usually when inner planets form hard aspects to the long term transit is when we see a number of events that fire up the archetype of the long term transit in the real world. So this whole period of time will be one of revolution that brings transformation via crisis and challenges: that seems to be an everyday occurrence at this point. Many astrologers or those interested in astrology keep expecting some catastrophic event(s) to occur whenever the square becomes exact, but that’s not usually the way it works – it’s more drawn out. That being said, sometimes events do get more frenetic around the exact hits, so we’ll see, but we’ve been seeing that happen every time an inner planet hard aspects the Uranus/Pluto square already!

The Sun enters Gemini on Monday heralding the last part of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere – a time of connecting with others, gathering information, making your voice heard, pushing the mental side of yourself, and a quick and curious mind, yet sometimes easily bored, superficial, and gossipy. Venus square Chiron shows there may be some relationship damage control issues to work on today, as your own and/or others’ feelings may be hurt from some incident. Mercury sets off Uranus/Pluto in a mixed kind of way with a sextile to Uranus and a quincunx to Pluto. Mercury/Uranus is a highly charged/excited mind over new things/knowledge you have discovered. We have the ability to look at things from fresh perspectives and come up with innovative solutions to nagging problems. This favors study/learning especially scientific/technological/mathematical type subjects. Mercury quincunx Pluto can give a deep analytical mind, but you may not be up front with what you are up to with others (and vice versa). Deceptive methods could backfire and create an air of mistrust. This is a good time to examine your own thinking and make some adjustments to the way you do.

The Uranus/Pluto square is triggered by hard lunar aspects on Tuesday as the Moon in Libra squares Pluto and opposes Uranus, forming a Cardinal T-square: there may be individual acts of rebellion today from those who can’t handle the demands made upon them now. Impulsive acts and words, power struggles, acts to break away, sudden separations, and accidents are all more possible today than even yesterday when the Uranus/Pluto square was exact due to the Moon being a catalyst. It’s interesting to note that Uranus/Pluto also gets hit by Pallas Athene today with 2 minor but difficult aspects (sesiquadrate Pluto and semi-square Uranus) that will further trigger it and may have people ready to fight for their rights despite overwhelming odds. Mercury square Chiron adds to this difficult day as people may lose control of their tongues from the frustration and anger they are feeling and wind up hurting or being hurt via words. This is also a challenge to learn from our mistakes and push through them by finding solutions that bring healing.

Wednesday is a very mellow/quiet day astrologically with a void-of-course Moon in Libra until about 2:00 PST, so don’t start anything new this morning.

Thursday is pretty quiet too although Vesta perfects her opposition to Pluto and square to Uranus adding more fuel to that fire. This will bring challenges and decisions by groups to take on the status quo power base together.

Friday may be another intense day with a Full Moon/Lunar eclipse at 4* Sagittarius forming a mutable T-square with Neptune: there is so much information that we have to absorb coming at us so quickly these days that much of what is valuable wisdom we receive through intuition and sensitivity to subtle energies/worlds is being lost due to an inability to truly delve into it without being distracted by what is next – it’s like a mental feeding frenzy that has led a dissolute grogginess and an inability to finish up what we have started before moving onto something else. The self is busy collecting information and communicating with others now, but much of this energy is superficial and distracting in nature, whereas the emotional side is seeking deeper knowledge/wisdom that can break through old barriers and take one to new places/experiences. It is easy to get self-deluded or deceived now. This Full Moon wants us to seek out the spiritual side of ourselves and push old barriers down to allow new wisdom and knowledge in. Trust your feelings and intuition now. Look to the houses this Full Moon falls into in your chart to see the areas of life that will be most affected for you personally. Any planets or points in your chart that receives tight aspects (1-2*) will also flavor this eclipse’s energy for you. Eclipses are turning points, so there will be shifts for sure. Mercury also conjuncts Venus in Gemini today – this blends mind and emotions in our communications/relationships with others and we may be able to express ourselves quite eloquently. It is also good for artistic words like poetry, expressing love/affection verbally, business deals, and appreciation of aesthetic beauty.

Saturday has a couple bumpy sesiquadrates: first Mars sesiquadrate Pluto can be quite angering/irritating as you’d like to take action on making some changes to your world but many of them are thwarted/stuck for now. This gives much energy, so you can apply yourself to some big project but expect setbacks as part of the process. Actions you took in the past that were not completely up to par may come back and bight you now also. Feeling like this makes it hard to get along with others. Avoid dangerous people and places today as their energy is potent now. The second is Mercury sesiquadrate Saturn, which can have the effect of depressing the mind/getting a pessimistic attitude about life because of just seeing and experiencing restrictions and the darker side today. It will be very difficult to communicate with others today, so if you can put it off.

On Sunday Venus also sesiquadrates Saturn continuing the energy of restriction upon relationshipsn from Saturday. At the same time the Sun perfects its square to Neptune – this can be a bit draining on physical energy, so we may lay around feeling passive much of today. You can also be feeling a bit depressed/lost over all that has gone on recently. Idealism is high but could easily challenged by reality to prove itself. You could be a victim of some scheme or deceptive about the truth today too. Mars semi-squares Uranus on this very complex Sunday energy wise. We may get some bursts of energy/inspiration, but likely they will have no outlet or way to express themselves well today. All of what’s going on now can bring a sense of restlessness as if you sense something’s got to give. People can get quite rebellious under this energy, and disruptions to normal life are possible.

Next week Mercury and Venus will catch up to Jupiter, which should be some welcome relief, and Mercury, Venus, and Mars all change signs also.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Astrological Winds for Week of 5-13-13

You may be much more likely to want to not work/get going this week on Monday, as a Venus/Neptune square (and a Moon in Cancer) would prefer to escape to some beautiful, peaceful, romantic moments instead. We can be very unrealistic in dealing with loved ones, the way we see our loved ones, or someone we may desire for our own to the point of deceiving ourselves. It’s easy to cave in and you can be too compromising and be sucked into someone else’s fantasy/disconnection to reality. Troubled relationships could fizzle out.  It is possible to use this energy to get some inspired artistic work done however, especially with a Grand Trine in water among Moon in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio, and Neptune in Pisces. Later, Mercury triggers the Uranus/Pluto square by semi-squaring Uranus and sesiquadrating Pluto. Your mind may be frustrated/overstimulated by stuck situations that you are involved in. It’s easy to get angry at others and circumstances and just rip things apart by sudden, surprising decisions that just deepen the muck you’re stuck in. It would be best to use this energy to focus the mind on some work that needs details and a critical edge to weed out useless stuff. You can still expect much frustration even when doing this however. The Moon also does its weekly hard aspects to Uranus/Pluto late night/early morning, so you may go to bed with much angst tonight.

Venus quincunx Saturn is the only significant event on Tuesday – this can make relationships, especially with superiors/authorities/older people, bumpy/awkward, as they may make certain requirements in order to give you what you want from them that can be restrictive/demanding. This may trigger feelings of unworthiness/inadequacy. It is useful for having a mature, sober outlook about relationships however.

Wednesday’s main event is Mercury ingressing into Gemini, a sign it rules and is very comfortable in.Here we wish to collect information and broadcast to others what we’ve found – some may see the bright side while others may dwell on the shadow. The mind and communications can be quite superficial during the next few weeks and favors quantity over quality. It flits from one subject to another like a butterfly, easily bored and wanting more and more. The mind can be quite undisciplined and scattered at times and seems unable to complete any of the many projects it is chewing on. Letting others know what’s on your mind is of great importance now.

On Thursday, the Sun does what Mercury did to Uranus/Pluto square earlier in the week – semi-squares Uranus and sesiquadrates Pluto. An urge for freedom/breaking out of a rut or away from others you sense have control over you can reach an irritating level, yet for the most part it will be very difficult to change your situation now. Most likely, any move you make for more independence/control of your life will be met with equal or greater resistance by others or circumstances – quite frustrating and angering indeed. Disruptions should be expected today to your routine, relationships with others can be annoying, accidents or breakdowns could occur, and circumstances or authorities will test you.

Friday night has a 1st quarter square of the Moon in Leo to the Sun in Taurus. Once again, breaking out of a rut/routine/same old situation is the challenge today as the emotional side of you would like to get some recognition for its unique “me-ness,” which could lead to some voyeuristic/conceited behavior for attention.

Mercury squares Neptune early Saturday morning so pay attention to your dreams tonight for inspiring subtle communications. You may awaken with some creative ideas that you should jot down/record before they fade in a haze, or in a state of spiritual bliss that would be quite conducive for a long morning meditation session. Venus triggers Uranus/Pluto today with a sextile to Uranus and quincunx to Pluto. Venus/Uranus has us seeking some new form of pleasure through different people, places, or things that we are normally around. Life can have an exciting zing under this energy, but most connections we make today will be short-lived though inspiring. Venus quincunx Pluto can be quite tricky though, as your excitement of meeting new others may lead you to a bad choice of someone who is difficult to deal with. Issues of possessiveness/jealousy can easily spin out of control. Separations/break-ups are possible.

Sunday’s main event is Jupiter sesiquadrate Saturn: our projects/plans for expansion may be slowed down now. We may realize that we have to let go of certain people or situations in order to move ahead with our lives, and facing this reality can be tough to do. It may be difficult to live up to duties now and it may seem like they are keeping you stuck in place. It’s hard to be certain what to do in order to move forward – let things unwind a bit and signs will show up down the road. You may have to be patient with any business or financial plans now too, as circumstances are shifting.


Next week is bound to be intense as the 3rd of 7 exact Uranus/Pluto square perfects and we get another Lunar Eclipse.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Astrological Winds for Week of 5-6-2013

It’s May and we are quickly approaching the third exact square (of seven) between Uranus and Pluto, the main long term transit of these time in history. The world is a highly volatile state and we can start to see manifestations of the intensity of the square’s exactness being felt in this past week’s events. Some potent examples are the revelation that austerity measures have had the opposite effect on the economy than what leaders promised – shrinkage, not growth, and that this whole economic concept may be based on a computer program error; massive angry May Day rallies across the globe with capitalism as an economic model burned in effigy, etc; the collapse of a large clothing manufacturing plant in Bangladesh due to unsafe conditions that were ignored and the fact that many industries that are set up for cheap products for the West exist under similar squalid conditions; and Israel, as I suspected in earlier blogs, getting more and more involved with Syria situation by bombings – this has major potential to set off a major war from what I’ve seen in the countries involved charts. Note all of these events have hidden things by those on power coming to the surface – this is Pluto in Capricorn showing the Shadow, the destruction, the manipulation. Uranus in Aries is the potential of these revelations spurring people into violent revolt. It seems as if a war of “the haves versus the have-nots” could be right around the corner. This square is forcing us to take a look at ourselves and confront ourselves about our own roles in this, and to cut out old habits that contribute – things we deny – by shaking ourselves up somehow.

The week may start off a bit bumpy relationship wise, as Venus is sesiquadrate Pluto Monday morning. Intense interactions with others this past week may have us in frustrating/blocked power struggles without viable solutions. There may be simmering distrust and anger at certain others who have done you wrong somehow. Love relationships may hit some tie ups too. You may realize certain relationships are breaking down or shifting and you are powerless to stop it, so it may be best to just let it go. People can get manipulative, jealous, secretive, power tripping with each other. Later, Mercury trine Pluto will allow us to give ourselves an honest assessment of our own psyche and to get a better understanding of how our own mind works. This is good for getting/giving counselling, study of deep subject matter like psychology, the occult, depth studies, etc. It’s easy to get obsessed with an idea/thought, but the mind has great analytical/research abilities and a strong effect on self and your communications with others. The weekly stressful aspects of the Moon (in Aries) to Uranus (conjunct) and Pluto (square) will add to the intensity of this day.

Mercury is conjunct Mars in Taurus on Tuesday and both sextile Chiron. This would be a good day to take steps on healing self and others, all kinds of mental work, learning or teaching something. People could feel extra competitive or defensive today and it could end up in arguments if taken too seriously. Try to use this energy in a friendly jousting manner that is beneficial to all. I mentioned the Uranus/Ceres square in last week’s blog and to expect surprises in relation to food supplies and other resources this year. Today, Ceres perfects an opposition to Pluto also, forming a cardinal T-square with Uranus. The purpose of this T-square is for us to realize that there is a crisis in resources and that we must roll up our sleeves to take this problem on together or it could threaten the stability of the world. Many people could be ripped apart from loved ones if we allow this to get out of control. Power struggles between nations over resources are likely to reach crisis levels and wars may break out with citizenry getting caught up in the middle. Many people may experience deep sorrow/grief. We need to take a deep look at our use of resources and make some hard decisions in order to deal with it and break out of habits that threaten our reality/lives. Heavy for sure – using the Mercury/Mars/Chiron energy of the day toward brainstorming on problem solving would be helpful/a good use of these energies blended together.

Wednesday has a long term beneficial transit perfecting as Neptune trines Vesta and we may find it easy to merge with groups who share the same ideals. This can arise compassion within many of us to want and try and save the world or commit our lives to a spiritual path, or create ritualistic, healing art, or make soulmate connections.

Thursday is a New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Taurus conjunct the Mercury/Mars/Pallas Athene conjunction! Can you see the thread/signs the Universe is trying to reveal to us through astrology? Taurus is the sign most tied in with material resource and getting comfort from assets, objects, money, possessions, etc. Taurus prefers stability and reliability, natural rhythms, creature comforts, etc but at the same time denies the emotional and hidden tolls that these habits come along with – it prefers to sweep that stuff under the rug/hide it away. The problem is that it needs more and more stuff to fill up the empty space inside itself that is not getting filled by emotional stability and happiness. Eventually, a crisis ensues that forces us to lose or abandon many of our material comforts, but in doing so we discover a new security from emotional stability and happiness instead. Does this not seem what we have come to Collectively in the world today? We are surrounded with incredible material comforts in our everyday lives but look at the hidden toll: environmental damage, abuse of workers/producers, emotional instability of ourselves and families and children, an unsustainable economic system, etc. New Moons are times to plant new seeds – this one is asking us to plant a new one on the way we relate to resources. An eclipse is a turning point: we have reached that in relation to resources. This eclipse is about a release of tension in many situations that have been persistent problems – a sense of loss may be felt, but it helps clear out the old /the past for the new/the future. The Mercury/Mars/Pallas Athene energy should allow us to actively think of new solutions and be willing to fight for them. Look to what house this eclipse/New Moon falls in your chart to see where you need a new beginning. Any planets or points in your chart that it aspects tightly (1-2*) will also affect the energy for you. Venus ingresses into Gemini today also stimulating mental/intellectual relationships. This is a time of much superficial relating, when you are connecting to many different people in fun, entertaining ways. This is a period that favors arts expressed through words also.

Friday is the Sun’s exact conjunction to Pallas Athene (followed by Mercury conjuncting Pallas on Saturday) – a time we can solidify our positions in what we believe in and the causes we will fight for with courage and intelligence, and a time to broadcast that to the world. This is also a call to blend male and female energy together harmoniously.

Saturday, the Sun conjuncts Mercury (superior conjunction) – our egos can influence our tongues quite a bit today, so it may be easy to get a bit bombastic/overbearing. A day of much communicating with others most likely, and also a good day to start new projects/ventures/businesses. Also good for making plans/organizing and short trips/getting around locally. Mars square Juno shows partners may be in a crisis situation together. There may be imbalances in partnerships that require addressing, or you may feel anger at your partner for some reason.

Sunday is a pretty mellow day with a Moon/Jupiter conjunction in morning having us feel optimistic and cooperative and joyous most of this day. Chiron trine Ceres may give us some ideas to help heal the earth/our own resource situation.

Next week, Mercury heads off to Gemini, a sign it rules, and both Mercury and Venus square Neptune bringing in some confusion to our lives.