Monday, June 25, 2012

Astrological Winds for Week of 6-25-12

Last week, I blogged about the Uranus/Pluto square (again) – on a more personal level you may find yourself (and others perhaps) being sucked into the role(s) of the individual(s) who sees what’s wrong with a situation and realizes many other see the truths you see also. Most of these truths will be around the abuse of those in power or in superior positions and the rigidness of hierarchal structures they are entrenched in and seemingly unable to break free of the influence of. As more and more individuals realize these imbalances, they will be challenged to act together and to face off with these structures. These reactions can run a wide gamut of manifestations/actions. There’s no doubt that in our personal lives we will be confronted with these realities, and our individual powerlessness and sense of futility may be just the impetus to grind it out with others and begin to make the changes we wish to see within our lives and society. Saturn going direct in Libra asks now to take the responsible actions to join with others. (Aside: it’s interesting to note how closely Egypt is tied into this Uranus/Pluto square. I did a lot of blogging on Egypt’s situation a year and a half ago and showed how it was an example of the age of revolution we were just entering at the time as Uranus/Pluto got within orb of one and other. Yesterday, on the exact day of the first exact hit of that square, Egypt elects its new President and he is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood. Don’t be surprised if the Fukushima disaster comes up again soon too, as this disaster also occurred right at the beginning of the Uranus/Pluto square cycle. In astrology, seed events of a cycle seem to become acute events again whenever the orbs get real tight again, or another planet joins the aspect and triggers it strongly. It’s also interesting to note that Egypt is considered one of the cradles of civilization as we know it, and it is one of the countries where revolution has started and spread from in this past year and a half. Does this portend things to come for much of the rest of the world? Saturn going direct indicates the Egyptian people are trying to take responsibility for their situation, but Jupiter/Neptune shows that idealism and religious fanaticism has the energy imbalanced and likely shows there will be future repercussions/problems/crisis associated with this election.) Monday’s Jupiter square Neptune will expand idealism in ways that can be ultimately very deceptive: the question we need to ask now is “are we kidding ourselves?” under this aspect. And if we’re not, then who is? This may be when we find out that many of our ideals are ahead of their time/reality. This can put us in a charitable/compassionate mood, but we could be taken advantage of very easily too. With Jupiter in Gemini we may intellectually convince ourselves (and Neptune in Aquarius by appealing to his innate idealism) we are right, while overlooking the nagging details – the type that can cause great crisis/loss/confusion later. This is not a time to make any risky investments/deals/risks! Those who are already mentally imbalanced or with a loose grip on reality may drift afar this week. This is also a sign of religious fanaticism/delusions that can enflame holy wars with sword and pen. The exact Uranus/Pluto square is also triggered by Pallas Athene’s conjunction to Uranus and square to Pluto. Pallas is also known for reacting in war like manners initially when triggered before calming down. Uranus will likely overload Pallas’ circuitry and illicit acts of rebellion, but we may also be struck with strokes of genius. Pluto with Pallas will deepen our obsessions with what we believe is the right way. Mercury also ingresses into Leo Monday and this will feed a sense of self-righteousness to our ideas to boorish levels at times. There can be a lot of hot heads out there these days coming up! If balanced well, some can be good leaders in an organizational sense, or may have words of good advice to others. This is also good energy to tackle mental problems that must be resolved by yourself. Mercury will be slowing down for the next two weeks getting ready to go retrograde on July 14th. It will go into its shadow retrograde period mid-week, so we’ll be starting to feel it soon.

Tuesday can be emotionally tense with a Moon/Mars conjunction and a 1st quarter square of Moon in Libra to Sun in Cancer. The emotional need to connect with others is challenged by an instinctual drive to provide for self and your own primarily. Positive Moon aspects to Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus should help ease this tension/find ways to overcome fears and reach out to others.

Venus stations direct, still in Gemini, on Wednesday ending her retrograde run the past six weeks. Relationship issues should begin to move forward/be released/talked over in the next few weeks.

Thursday’s biggest aspect is Mercury quincunx Neptune, which can diffuse energy, but also get us in touch with inspirational/other-worldly/highly creative energies. Communications with others are in disconnect mode today, as everyone may seem to be in their own mind’s world mainly. This can also make nervous systems highly sensitive, so it’s best to avoid environments that disturb you (or you discover ones that do). Sun sesiquadrate Juno can bring up frustrating dilemmas/issues with partners where you may feel blocked by them in some way. It could ensue in a power struggle.

Friday could be a very intense day for some of us or in world events as the Sun locks into the tight Uranus/Pluto square as it opposes Pluto and squares Uranus. By the end of this week, we may be shaking our heads at the immensity of it all. There can be some very intense power struggle in our lives this week and it may be impossible not to react dramatically. Be aware of situations escalating into violence rapidly. Stay away from dangerous people and places if possible. This is very confrontational type energy and can trigger people easily. This is also a time where we may experience breakdowns of machinery/technology that has been showing signs of wear and tear. Expect disruptions to our lives and be aware of being accident prone. The best way to use this energy is to challenge ourselves to make the deepest changes we need to, to bring transformation to the way we live our lives. Mercury’s sextile to Jupiter should enable us to see what some of these ideas are and enable us too think bigger than we normally do. Use this energy to map a path to a brave new future/world as you can see the bigger picture well now. This is a good time to negotiate with others too, favors long distance travel, and study of higher education/philosophy.

Saturday has a Sun trine Chiron, which enables us to share our talents/wisdom with others easily and allows us to tap into our creative outlets. We may also get some new helpful knowledge bequeathed to us by another.

Sunday has a couple of odd aspects. First, Neptune squares Ceres. This can have us look at loved ones too idealistically, and we could be deceived or be an enabler in close relationships. Or we may be disappointed with a close relationship and seek some form of escape from it. Add to this Venus sesiquadrate Saturn, and we may have much frustration in relationships  today and may shut down on others, or at the very least take the conservative approach socially.

These are not easy times – humanity, as a collective is being forced to change. It all starts with the individual is what Uranus in Aries is here to remind us.

Next week, there’s a Full Moon in Capricorn, while Mars ingresses into Libra.

 I may try to get a brief blog up later or tomorrow on the Solstice Chart set for Washington, DC, as there are some disturbing indicators in it for the USA for next 3 months. Stay tuned!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Astrological Winds for Week of 6-18-12

This week starts off relatively quiet on Monday, although a Moon square Mars and trine Saturn in the evening may find us working late or taking on active duties/responsibilities.

Tuesday is a New Moon in Gemini at 28/29* - it is time to seek out new ways of communicating, gathering information, educating ourselves, relating to others – to move on/graduate from older/outdated/worn out ways -  the mental/intellectual side of us will dominate. It is a time when we can learn from listening to others and to what our very life experiences are trying to tell/teach us. Look to where this degree falls in your chart and it will tell you what area of life you will experience it the most. Any planets at 28-29* in your chart will also be aspected by this New Moon and blend in with its energy.

Wednesday is an odd mix of energy as Mercury squares Saturn, Venus quincunx Pluto and sextiles Uranus later, and Mercury semi-squares Venus also. Mercury/Saturn can make it a heavy day mentally where you feel burdened down by responsibilities, are stuck in a narrow viewpoint, can see the shadow side of life easily, and can be highly critical. It’s best to use this energy for heavy mental work or working on details, and if you can do it alone, it would be preferable. Venus quincunx Pluto will make it hard to get along with others anyway during the day (as will Moon square Uranus and opposite Pluto) as power struggles/disappointments may ensue. By evening the other two aspects will liven you up: Venus sextile Uranus desires new experiences through others. You may be bored with the usual lot and seek stimulation via new people/places/things/creativity.  Mercury’s semi-square to Venus re-enforces that we’ll want other people involved also to bang our ideas out to and receive their’s too. This is also the day of the Summer Solstice when the Sun slips back into southern direction by reaching its furthest point north latitude. This is a time of the year when summer kicks in full on and extra time may be spent with family, friends, vacations, home projects, on nurturing, emotions, instincts, etc. All in all, a day of heavy weather/much to process/deal with.

Thursday’s Mercury sextile Mars (and Moon conjunct Mercury/sextile Mars) will have minds moving quickly and expertly this day. A good day to get work done – it will likely be busy, but you should be up for the challenge positively.  It is best to work on projects you have a personal interest in however to maintain enthusiasm. Confidence should be high today and you may have a convincing voice around others. Mercury is also sesiquadrate Chiron today, so our quest for learning/info may be thwarted here and there.

Friday is on the quieter/positive side with sweet aspects of Moon to Venus/Jupiter/Uranus.

Saturday’s Sun trine Neptune may diffuse energy but in positive ways for the most part. You will likely be in touch with your idealistic/spiritual/imaginative side. This is an excellent day to spend in some type of contemplative/meditative retreat, doing charitable/volunteer work, spending the day on a romantic jaunt with your lover, or tuning into psychic/hidden messages. Venus sesiquadrate Saturn will likely have you feeling a bit anti-social/conservative socially anyway. Ceres also ingresses into Gemini joining the party there currently, where we will get nurturing through learning, communicating, being listened to, competence.

In a way Sunday can be looked upon as a day of reckoning for our age: the first of seven exact squares  between Uranus and Pluto that I have been blogging about here for months. We have gotten a good taste of this aspect already as soon as it moved into orb when Uranus went into Aries. The keyword is revolution in its broadest sense across all segments of society: politics, art, religion, values, technology, - anything you can think of will be shook up in these next four years. Strap in, for our world will be changing rapidly and permanently, over these next few years. If you just look at all that has gone on surrounding the word revolution in the past few months alone you’ll get a taste of what’s coming: the Arab Spring, Tea Party, Occupy Movement, scandals in Church/government/sports, fall of Eurozone, revolutions across Asian way of life, etc. Now we will be in among the seven squares fully and change will pick up and become more intense – many things will have to give. Saturn also stations direct: it is time to be responsible for what we truly believe in – to take concrete steps in backing that up and build the alliances we need to make it happen.

We are fully immersed into an age of revolution now and for next several years – it will not be boring!

Next week, Jupiter squares Neptune and Venus finally goes direct!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Astrological Winds of Week of 6-11-12

This week starts off with Mercury in Cancer locking into the cardinal square between Uranus and Pluto and forming a cardinal T-square, so the Uranus/Pluto will rev up a notch higher in octave as it approaches its first exact touch on June 24th. A cardinal t-square shows issues of survival are at the base of the tension. People’s emotions and reasoning may be at a frothy boil that is impossible to separate. Adding to that is a mutable T-square among Sun in Gemini, Moon Pisces, and Mars in Virgo. It’s an emotional drive for some depth/connection in our lives versus the superficiality of the society our selves/egos exist within. It will be easy to be critical of others today and to have our spinning emotions dictate what we are saying. Perhaps the best way to use this energy would be to use new revelations/technology/ideas to seek long term solutions by looking into depth at possibilities now. Collaborating/partnering with others could be important too, but everyone needs to be able to express their unique side.                                                                                                                                                                                                           These T-squares will likely be in the middle of many of the world events of the early part of the week. 

Topping off a very busy Monday is a big annual shift as Jupiter ingresses into Gemini, a sign it is quite weak in (detriment). Why? Because here Jupiter brings expansion to a sign that is already always seeking more input/stimulation/interests to the point of scattered-ness/frenzy at times – it’s overstimulating the nervous system, superficial communication/knowledge/information/big ideas with no grounding.  We’ve already been overstimulated in Gemini energy this month from Venus Retrograde located there, so this combines with a weakened Jupiter can bring out the shadow side of Gemini: lack of depth/spread too thin/trickery/over-reliability on mental processes and intellect/too detached of an outlook. I am concerned with this weak Jupiter adding fuel to the fire of the Uranus/Pluto square: I don’t think it will be good for business, investments, big business, law and order issues, higher education issues. The best use of this energy is maintaining an objective mind perhaps, advances in communication type technology, alternative education and medicine and value systems. Things will continue to change very rapidly in our modern world – strap in!

Chiron also turns retrograde on Monday – a subtle shift to favoring learning/healing from within – working on our own stuff so to speak for the next few months. Mercury trines stationary Chiron on Tuesday – the ability to find the right words to help others is accessible today, as are leaps in understanding about how you think: what’s influenced your thinking, and an objective view that allows you to think more for yourself. Hopefully, this will help with the emotional tension set off by Moon conjunct Uranus and square Pluto Tuesday also. We may realize we can’t follow through with some plans and it may have us quite put off by self and others.

The Sun trine Saturn is the perfect middle of the work week aspect as we are in  a great flow with whatever our daily duties (most of us work) are. This is an excellent day to deal with authorities/superiors as you will get favorable results in what you seek from them most likely. Other favorable activities include organizing/planning, cleaning stuff up, working on detailed jobs, finding cost/waste cutting measures, honestly assessing your life.

Thursday and Friday are quite quiet.

Saturday has Mercury semi-square Jupiter in Gemini, which stimulates the above Jupiter in Gemini energy by the ruler of that sign in frustrating ways – this mat be a day of overstimulation that could have you overdo it and say something that can damage a relationship, especially with Venus retrograde square Chiron retrograde also. Weak relationships may not survive this energy and troubled ones are stirred up.

Mercury sesiquadrate Neptune is a lazy Sunday type aspect. This can be a day of doubts and not one you want to have to face the world of harsh reality with much. Best spent just relaxing, as physical energy will be low anyway, meditating/contemplating, making music/poetry/fantasy, spiritual practices/study.  It is easy to get discouraged spiritually under this aspect or mentally confused, tongue-tied, spacey, secretive, deceptive.

Next week there’s a New Moon in Gemini, the Sun ingresses into Cancer (Summer Solstice!), and the first exact square of 7 over 3+ years of Uranus/Pluto – this summer may be aflame in many ways!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Astrological Winds of Week of 6-4-2012

As we inch closer to the exactness of the first exact hit of the Uranus/Pluto square on June 24th, the intensity of everything will continue to accelerate. On the day that Uranus went into Aries so that the square became applying and active by sign and within orb by degree the earthquake/tsunami/nuclear disaster at Fukiyama occurred. Meanwhile revolutions swept the world: the Arab Spring, the Occupy Movement, food riots, riots in Greece/Spain/Italy in Europe. If there was ever any doubt of astrology marking the times, it should be permanently erased now. And as we get closer and within the seven exact aspects of this square, just remember revolution will be the keyword across all segments of society, not just people in the streets. The events occurring in the past two weeks just seem to quicken and deepen in intensity as if things are ready to burst out at the seams literally across the fabric of civilization as we know it. Venus retrograde transit in Gemini seems to be acting like a Mercury Retrograde on steroids with information overload and surprises in relationships leaving people tongue and mind twisted.

Monday will feed right into these times intensity with a Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse at 14* Sagittarius forming a mutable t-square with Venus retrograde in Gemini and finicky Mars in Virgo. Things may be flying so high in relationships that it may be impossible to keep up/balance with all that’s going on. The effects can be both positively exhilarating and negatively overwhelming/overstimulating. There’s a big possibility of saying/acting too quickly and upsetting the apple cart somehow, which can result in bruised feelings to arguments/battles. Creativity is boiling hard also and you may be able to achieve much in any endeavor you take on that plays into that. This Full Moon eclipse says to collaborate with others and get your wildest/edgiest ideas out there to be seen/exposed. Look to what houses in your chart it falls into and any planets that aspect it tightly to see where and how it will be felt in your own life. Neptune also goes retrograde on Monday, a much subtler shift where we retreat within to contemplate our own spirituality, ideals, inspirations for solace.

Tuesday is the big astronomical event you likely have been hearing about lately. Venus’ transit across the face of the Sun – essentially Venus eclipsing the Sun, an event that occurred 8 years ago almost to the day, and will not occur again in our lifetimes (105 years). Astrologically, Venus conjunction to the Sun brings up personal magnetism, interest in aesthetics/arts, finances, attention on relationships, the leisurely life, the empowerment of the female. Since Venus is retrograde, much of what comes up may be associated with the past in some way. With Moon square Uranus and conjunct Pluto this day, we will definitely be processing some deep/intense emotions from the past two day’s events and emotions.

Wednesday is pretty quiet.

Thursday Mercury speeds off into Cancer and there’s an ornery square of the Sun and Mars. Mercury in Cancer has our emotions influencing our thinking and communicating more than normal, and thus giving us a very subjective state of mind that is influenced by our past and our habits more than we may recognize. People will have a tendency to get emotionally upset easier especially if what they are familiar with is stirred up while Mercury traverses this sign. The Sum/Mars square can rev this energy up to an out and out argument/fight with another/others. These two bodies both represent ego, thus our egos are inflated on this day and we can be very defensive/offensive in our dealings with others. It will be hard to work in groups this day, as individuals seek their own glory (or infamy!). This is a day best spent doing hard physical work/activities alone to blow off your steam. Competition will be in overdrive; conflict is likely; accidents will happen; belligerence is the fad of this day, are some of the effects to expect.

Friday, Mercury is trine Neptune – this is an excellent day/night to go out and collaborate with others/in groups over imagination, ideals, inspiration, the occult, spirituality, art, fantasies, etc. People will be highly attuned to one and other on psychic/subtle levels and may communicate non-verbally effortlessly. We will also be empathic/compassionate of others’ plights and helpful with our words to them.

The weekend is actually pretty quiet with lunar aspects to Jupiter and Neptune on Saturday, and to Venus on Sunday,  making it a summer weekend to be enjoyed in leisurely and social activities with lots of good feelings to share.

Next week is a huge shift with Jupiter ingressing into Gemini (pun intended!)