A New Moon/Solar Eclipse at 11* Gemini trine Saturn is the highlight of this week on Wednesday. There will be 3 eclipses during this eclipse season from June 1st to July 1st, so get ready for some big changes and developments. In Gemini, this New Moon/Solar Eclipse asks us to open our minds to new information/knowledge/points of view/experiences, so that we are open to change and altering our reality. Its trine to Saturn in Libra will bring stability and the ability to absorb and use the new knowledge we gain in measured, stable ways, and to collaborate willingly and harmoniously with others. This eclipse is Saros series #13, which normally brings some type of expansion, but also many problems/issues because of this expansion. This New Moon/Solar Eclipse asks us to go beyond our normal mind/thinking processes and allow in something new. Look in your chart to see what house it falls into to see what area of life will be most affected. Any planets that you have at 10-12* will likely be making an aspect to the eclipse too, and will be blending their energy into it and onto you.
The New Moon/Solar Eclipse energy is supported by Mercury's ingress into the sign it rules, Gemini, on Thursday. This is where the Trickster is most happy, able to show both sides of its nature simultaneously. The Gemini archetype searches the world for its missing half, collecting all kinds of information and knowledge along the way, and then has an innate desire to broadcast/communicate in some way all that it has learned. The irony is that the missing half is so close by, that the Trickster overlooks it in his search for something out in the world with the ultimate answer, when that answer lies within: that is the other half that he seeks. The other irony is the half that is looking externally for an answer is able to keep a positive, smiling face on to show the world, yet inside is the other half that perceives the shadowy parts of physical existence and struggles to come to terms with that side.
On Friday, Mercury squares Neptune, which turns retrograde at almost the exact same time. We may feel quite lost mentally/intellectually during this time. Normal thinking/logic does not work/apply today and there will be a great desire to escape the mundane world. Expect confusing communications or misunderstandings or deceptions of some kind. This is not a good day to make any kind of deals on, as there are things being hidden or held back. It's best to use this energy for imagination, spiritual pursuits, or just dreaming. Neptune's turn to retrograde is a very subtle shift where we internalize much of our spiritual pursuits. It will end up going back into Aquarius during this retrograde period that lasts until November 9th.
Saturday brings a big change when Jupiter ingresses into Taurus. Resources and how they are distributed will be a big part of the next year. Finding comfort in what we already have and what is stable could actually cut down on the endless pursuit of expansion and wanting more, yet at the same time there is a danger that we will be too willing to accept where things are at and sweep material issues/problems under the rug. People may dig into their trenches and use alot of energy just safeguarding the assets they already have and be unwilling to take any risks. This will likely keep investors and the economy in a cautious mode for the next year, as fat cats will want to stabilize what they have and not make any big changes, and go into a "stand by" mode to see where the economy goes next. In fact, this placement can make people downright selfish. A good metaphor for this is the king who has all he wants, but now is presented with the problem of keeping it that way when there's a myriad of problems encroaching upon his kingdom that he just tries to ignore or comes up with more and more stubborn solutions that are just patchwork fixes as the foundation slowly de-stabilizes.
Saturday also has Mercury sextiling Uranus which can give us flashes of brilliant ideas - some of these may be pretty far-fetched, but opportunities may arise to present them and push the boundaries of others' thinking. A mentally stimulating day that can border on the edge of nerve-wracking.
Sunday has a very odd mix of energy: Mars square Vesta and Mercury square Chiron shows we can be challenged/hurt by groups we belong to, which may have us shut down socially (Venus sesiquadrate Saturn) and seethe with rage inside (Mars semi-square Uranus) and have us disconnect with others in order to process/soothe our own injured psyche afterwards ( Mercury quincunx Pluto). This is a day we can easily lose it and tell someone/others "Good-bye, I'm moving on."
I am a professional astrologer based in Tucson, AZ. This blog is for articles, comments, thoughts, etc I have on astrological subject matter. I will also use it at times to look at the astrology of the year/month/week/day.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Monday, May 23, 2011
Astrological Winds for Week of 5/23/11
A quiet week of astrological weather.
On Monday, Venus catches up to Mars in Taurus, the sign she rules, but a sign Mars is weakened in. Thus, Venus/Taurus energy should be able to get the Warrior to slow down and smell the (fresh blooming) roses. Relationships will stabilize and romance/sexuality is in the air. This can also manifest as highly creative/artistic energy. Even if this does not mean romance in your life, social times should be stimulated/fun-filled now.
The Sun sextiles Uranus on Tuesday: opportunities to put your unique, fresh, cutting-edge ideas into creative action/drive are highly favored under this transit. You will have to stimulate the action, so don't sit around waiting for it to happen - make it happen, or chances could pass you by. Some interesting/offbeat events/encounters could occur to stimulate your mind and day. The mind is sharp and clear and intuitive. A good day to do something different from the norm.
Mercury/Venus/Mars all quincunx Saturn this week, showing that our desires may be out of step with the duties and responsibilities we have - they will feel like they are dragging you down/keeping you from what you really want to do. It's a good time to re-assess duties and try to align your life with them and strike a better balance. This could require some serious shifts/releases/changes.
The Sun squares Chiron on Thursday challenging us to establish a new balance of our image to the world: to learn from the battles and wounds we've been in/gotten lately, and to turn them into something postive/healing/growth-oriented first for ourselves, and then as an example to others. On a mundane level, it will continue to show how a patriarchal/male perspective in the world is causing much anguish and pain to others and driving much of the crisis' in the world today.
Mercury's semi-square to Uranus on Friday can be very irritating to the mind. It's too much going on at one time in order to process everything around us, which can whip us up into a frenzy of nervous energy, and cause lots of little mistakes that can build up into an irritating pitch that has us shoot off words out of our mouths without much thought behind them and build up tension with others from our crassness/tactlessness.
Saturday the Sun is quincunx Pluto: this is a time to seriously assess all we've been through lately and to let go of much of what is causing us pain. Clear the clutter out of your life both literally and figuratively now. It's as if your higher self knows what the answer is but the obsessed ego is struggling against letting go even though it's likely the best thing for you and others. This can create quite a deep inner conversation with yourself. The danger is projecting this shadow out onto others or the world and having some negative reactions to it that can get quite intense. Stay away from dangerous places and people if you are struggling internally, as you will attract them to you if you are not fully aware.
Sunday Mercury sesiquadrates Pluto and whatever came up on Saturday from Sun/Pluto can become an immense mental blockage as you can obsess over something you have no power to change now. Not a good day for those with OCD. Best to use this energy to do your own deep psycological analysis on yourself, or you may find yourself in endless power struggles/arguments/mental warfare with others.
And I said it was a quiet week mainly? :) Use this week to truly assess what needs to be cleared out of your life so that new opportunities have the room to get into it.
On Monday, Venus catches up to Mars in Taurus, the sign she rules, but a sign Mars is weakened in. Thus, Venus/Taurus energy should be able to get the Warrior to slow down and smell the (fresh blooming) roses. Relationships will stabilize and romance/sexuality is in the air. This can also manifest as highly creative/artistic energy. Even if this does not mean romance in your life, social times should be stimulated/fun-filled now.
The Sun sextiles Uranus on Tuesday: opportunities to put your unique, fresh, cutting-edge ideas into creative action/drive are highly favored under this transit. You will have to stimulate the action, so don't sit around waiting for it to happen - make it happen, or chances could pass you by. Some interesting/offbeat events/encounters could occur to stimulate your mind and day. The mind is sharp and clear and intuitive. A good day to do something different from the norm.
Mercury/Venus/Mars all quincunx Saturn this week, showing that our desires may be out of step with the duties and responsibilities we have - they will feel like they are dragging you down/keeping you from what you really want to do. It's a good time to re-assess duties and try to align your life with them and strike a better balance. This could require some serious shifts/releases/changes.
The Sun squares Chiron on Thursday challenging us to establish a new balance of our image to the world: to learn from the battles and wounds we've been in/gotten lately, and to turn them into something postive/healing/growth-oriented first for ourselves, and then as an example to others. On a mundane level, it will continue to show how a patriarchal/male perspective in the world is causing much anguish and pain to others and driving much of the crisis' in the world today.
Mercury's semi-square to Uranus on Friday can be very irritating to the mind. It's too much going on at one time in order to process everything around us, which can whip us up into a frenzy of nervous energy, and cause lots of little mistakes that can build up into an irritating pitch that has us shoot off words out of our mouths without much thought behind them and build up tension with others from our crassness/tactlessness.
Saturday the Sun is quincunx Pluto: this is a time to seriously assess all we've been through lately and to let go of much of what is causing us pain. Clear the clutter out of your life both literally and figuratively now. It's as if your higher self knows what the answer is but the obsessed ego is struggling against letting go even though it's likely the best thing for you and others. This can create quite a deep inner conversation with yourself. The danger is projecting this shadow out onto others or the world and having some negative reactions to it that can get quite intense. Stay away from dangerous places and people if you are struggling internally, as you will attract them to you if you are not fully aware.
Sunday Mercury sesiquadrates Pluto and whatever came up on Saturday from Sun/Pluto can become an immense mental blockage as you can obsess over something you have no power to change now. Not a good day for those with OCD. Best to use this energy to do your own deep psycological analysis on yourself, or you may find yourself in endless power struggles/arguments/mental warfare with others.
And I said it was a quiet week mainly? :) Use this week to truly assess what needs to be cleared out of your life so that new opportunities have the room to get into it.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Astrological Winds for Week of 5/16/11
Mercury and Venus continue to travel hand in hand across the heavens this week in Taurus - they have passed Jupiter and are on their way to conjoining Mars in the sign of the Bull. On Monday, they make their exact conjunction in Taurus continuing the energy of last week (see last week's blog for more details on these 2 together now). Relationships and socializing will continue to take on a mental/intellectual tone mainly, but now the inspiring ideas shared last week should be able to gain some solidity/a foothold in physical reality. This is a great time to clear the air in relationships and find stability within them, especially with both of them sextile Neptune today. This offers the opportunity to combine higher and lower forms of love into compassion and empathy for others. Spiritual/metaphysical/artistic conversations are favored, and intuition/imagination is sharpened/concise, and you may receive some hoped for wish today/this week. You may even get a sense of what others are thinking/feeling before they even express it. Romance and pleasant surroundings are also possible too. Tonight, however, the Sun sesiquadrates Saturn which may put the brakes on this energy for awhile, as you may get into some disagreement/clash with those in authority, or situations you're involved in may require you to perform duties you'd rather not have to deal with, or you simply may run out of time today to accomplish all you wish.
Tuesday is the Full Moon in Scorpio: a time when the emotions may actually be boiling under the surface in concern over our current material/resource situation. With the Sun/Moon forming a fixed t-square with Neptune we may be deluding ourselves into thinking we can maintain the status quo while our inner emotions are screaming at us: "you know this is not so." The tendency here is to sweep real problems under the rug in order to maintain some type of physical stability, but this is actually gnawing away inside and may cause us to go off on others at any perceived slight, when in actuality we are upset with our own homeostasis and a seeming inability to take the actions to move forward into some new territory. The lesson is we may have to give up some of our creature comforts in order to have more emotional stability/happiness. Right now, our fear of change is what's holding us back both individually and Collectively. We fear giving up some of the things we are used to will cause us great discomfort, but the imagined pain of "what will I do?" may actually be worse then reality if we are willing to give it a try, plus it will likely open up unseen doors that can be quite fulfilling ultimately. Deep fears and desires may surface over a stable life versus the inevitability of the death of all things including the way we live each day. On a Collective level, the distribution of resources will be highlighted in its current imbalance and the pain that it is bringing to many these days - a sense that something's got to give. This energy will continue/dominate this week as the exact square of the Sun to Neptune is not until Sunday.
On Wednesday and Thursday, Mercury/Venus/Mars all sextile Chiron opening up opportunities to correct these imbalances. People will be seeking new answers to old problems and will be searching each other out for advice in doing so, and can choose to take actions either individually or within groups to illicit change that heals self and all.
On Friday, Mercury catches up to Mars in Taurus conjuncting it with both trining Pluto, and then Venus does on Saturday. This will bring a boost of energy to get things done now - to move towards progressive transformation through deeper analysis of our problems, deeper connections with others to take on these issues together, and assertive actions using each's individual talents/gifts in making it happen. People will be very supportive of one and other and can clear much of what's holding them back at this time together. Trust and deepened relationships will be gained and personal growth will be powered forward.
Finally, on Saturday, the Sun will ingress into Gemini letting us know that Spring will be blooming into summer soon. This is a time of widened social connections, more travel, more learning, lots of new information coming your way, etc, but mainly on surface levels. There will be much to choose from to do in the next few weeks and we can flit from one thing to another like a butterfly to different flowers!
This is a week to ponder how we can overcome resource restrictions by making changes both individually and with others - to help each other out in doing so by sharing our anguish and turning it into progressive change.
Tuesday is the Full Moon in Scorpio: a time when the emotions may actually be boiling under the surface in concern over our current material/resource situation. With the Sun/Moon forming a fixed t-square with Neptune we may be deluding ourselves into thinking we can maintain the status quo while our inner emotions are screaming at us: "you know this is not so." The tendency here is to sweep real problems under the rug in order to maintain some type of physical stability, but this is actually gnawing away inside and may cause us to go off on others at any perceived slight, when in actuality we are upset with our own homeostasis and a seeming inability to take the actions to move forward into some new territory. The lesson is we may have to give up some of our creature comforts in order to have more emotional stability/happiness. Right now, our fear of change is what's holding us back both individually and Collectively. We fear giving up some of the things we are used to will cause us great discomfort, but the imagined pain of "what will I do?" may actually be worse then reality if we are willing to give it a try, plus it will likely open up unseen doors that can be quite fulfilling ultimately. Deep fears and desires may surface over a stable life versus the inevitability of the death of all things including the way we live each day. On a Collective level, the distribution of resources will be highlighted in its current imbalance and the pain that it is bringing to many these days - a sense that something's got to give. This energy will continue/dominate this week as the exact square of the Sun to Neptune is not until Sunday.
On Wednesday and Thursday, Mercury/Venus/Mars all sextile Chiron opening up opportunities to correct these imbalances. People will be seeking new answers to old problems and will be searching each other out for advice in doing so, and can choose to take actions either individually or within groups to illicit change that heals self and all.
On Friday, Mercury catches up to Mars in Taurus conjuncting it with both trining Pluto, and then Venus does on Saturday. This will bring a boost of energy to get things done now - to move towards progressive transformation through deeper analysis of our problems, deeper connections with others to take on these issues together, and assertive actions using each's individual talents/gifts in making it happen. People will be very supportive of one and other and can clear much of what's holding them back at this time together. Trust and deepened relationships will be gained and personal growth will be powered forward.
Finally, on Saturday, the Sun will ingress into Gemini letting us know that Spring will be blooming into summer soon. This is a time of widened social connections, more travel, more learning, lots of new information coming your way, etc, but mainly on surface levels. There will be much to choose from to do in the next few weeks and we can flit from one thing to another like a butterfly to different flowers!
This is a week to ponder how we can overcome resource restrictions by making changes both individually and with others - to help each other out in doing so by sharing our anguish and turning it into progressive change.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Astrological Winds for Week of 5/9/11
Mercury and Venus are in lockstep together this week like two partners on the dance floor. Mercury is still moving a little slower than normal, about 1* per day now, thus traveling at same speed as Venus. On Monday, they are exactly conjunct in Aries. When these two get together, it usually means our social lives/relationships become very intellectual/mental in nature. Indeed, life should be extra chatty/gossipy this week, and many of us will have inspiring ideas that we need to commincate in some way. However, these ideas are likely to be highly subjective/egotistical in nature. Agreement with them from others may not be the case, and all these words can end up in heated disagreements/arguments. For those in close realtionships, this is a good week to clear the air in assertive ways, but if it becomes aggressive expect a defensive reaction. Emotions can be put into words more easily this week, so if you are feeling inspired by someone/something, be sure to express it. This is a good week to tell someone how you really feel about them, if you've been holding back in some way. You may be surprised by the response you get: it could either propel the relationship to new levels, or create an awkward "oops, I overshot the mark" moment. This is a good aspect to hammer out business agreements under also.
On Wednesday, both Mercury and Venus also conjunct Jupiter: get up early (right before dawn) and see this amazing spectacle in the pre-dawn eastern sky for yourself! Venus and Jupiter conjunctions traditionally have been one of the "luckiest" aspects there are where we can receive some kind of financial/relationship/etc windfall/lucky break. Adding Mercury to the mix, will bring positive inspiration to the mind and spirit. It may seem like so much is coming at you at same time that there is no time to absorb it before something else comes up. This is a Big Picture aspect that does not have time for details and discipline, so be aware that your ideas now can be tripped up/slowed down later by the overlooking of certain factors. People will be optimistic/friendly/extroverted/more tolerant, etc this week.
Wednesday also brings Mars ingress into Taurus, the sign of its detriment. Why? Because Mars likes quick action, whereas Taurus prefers to slow actions down and smell the roses. This is a good time to get into some longer term projects in yard/garden/home, and to bring some stability into your life and actions. Don't expect immediate results: be more like a marathon runner in your approach. Those who are very active physically may feel frustrated by this slowing down of energy and can become touchy with those they perceive as responsible for that.
This slowing down of actions is fortified on Thursday when Mars sextiles Neptune. This can bring some absolutely positive inspirations/ideas that is like a slow moving wave excitement building up. This is a great day to get into some type of slow movement physical activity like hatha yoga, tai chi, choreographed dance, etc. It's also a good time to do works of charity or group projects that are healing/spiritual in nature. If you're not up for group activities, it's also good for some alone time to meditate/contemplate: perhaps a solo hike/walk in nature would be fitting, or study of spiritual/metaphysical subjects.
Friday could be a somewhat frustrating as a Sun/Pluto sesiquadrate can block your desires in some way. The natural inclination will be to strike out at whomever or whatever is messing with you, but that may only sink you deeper into a quagmire of power trips, emotional manipulation, etc. and still not remove the blockage and leave your temper absolutely seething beneath the surface, where it can easily be triggered to explode and have you saying and doing things that will only entangle you deeper and wish you hadn't done in retrospect. This is a day best handled by "bighting the bullet" and doing some serious inner work to bring about the changes you desire.
Sunday Mercury and Venus ingress into Taurus together, the sign Venus rules. Relationships and resources have a tendency to stabilize under this influence and communications slow down and become grounded/solid. This is a time to enjoy all the earthly pleasures around us that mid-Spring brings.
On Wednesday, both Mercury and Venus also conjunct Jupiter: get up early (right before dawn) and see this amazing spectacle in the pre-dawn eastern sky for yourself! Venus and Jupiter conjunctions traditionally have been one of the "luckiest" aspects there are where we can receive some kind of financial/relationship/etc windfall/lucky break. Adding Mercury to the mix, will bring positive inspiration to the mind and spirit. It may seem like so much is coming at you at same time that there is no time to absorb it before something else comes up. This is a Big Picture aspect that does not have time for details and discipline, so be aware that your ideas now can be tripped up/slowed down later by the overlooking of certain factors. People will be optimistic/friendly/extroverted/more tolerant, etc this week.
Wednesday also brings Mars ingress into Taurus, the sign of its detriment. Why? Because Mars likes quick action, whereas Taurus prefers to slow actions down and smell the roses. This is a good time to get into some longer term projects in yard/garden/home, and to bring some stability into your life and actions. Don't expect immediate results: be more like a marathon runner in your approach. Those who are very active physically may feel frustrated by this slowing down of energy and can become touchy with those they perceive as responsible for that.
This slowing down of actions is fortified on Thursday when Mars sextiles Neptune. This can bring some absolutely positive inspirations/ideas that is like a slow moving wave excitement building up. This is a great day to get into some type of slow movement physical activity like hatha yoga, tai chi, choreographed dance, etc. It's also a good time to do works of charity or group projects that are healing/spiritual in nature. If you're not up for group activities, it's also good for some alone time to meditate/contemplate: perhaps a solo hike/walk in nature would be fitting, or study of spiritual/metaphysical subjects.
Friday could be a somewhat frustrating as a Sun/Pluto sesiquadrate can block your desires in some way. The natural inclination will be to strike out at whomever or whatever is messing with you, but that may only sink you deeper into a quagmire of power trips, emotional manipulation, etc. and still not remove the blockage and leave your temper absolutely seething beneath the surface, where it can easily be triggered to explode and have you saying and doing things that will only entangle you deeper and wish you hadn't done in retrospect. This is a day best handled by "bighting the bullet" and doing some serious inner work to bring about the changes you desire.
Sunday Mercury and Venus ingress into Taurus together, the sign Venus rules. Relationships and resources have a tendency to stabilize under this influence and communications slow down and become grounded/solid. This is a time to enjoy all the earthly pleasures around us that mid-Spring brings.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Astrological Winds for Week of 5/2/11; First Look at Bin-Laden Death Chart
After today (Monday), it's a very quiet week astrologically. Monday is the New Moon in Taurus, a day after Beltane/Mayday, the halfway point between the equinox and the solstice. This was traditionally a holiday to celebrate the joy of life after surviving the winter/season of scarcity. It is named after the goddess, Maya, who tempts us with all the pleasures of earthly life: very Taurean indeed, since this is the first Earth sign of the zodiac and celebrates the joy of being in a body on Earth and all the sensual pleasures we can enjoy here in physical existence. It acknowledges the mystical union of heaven and earth. The New Moon is in this similiar vain: it reminds us to connect with our bodies, the earth, to turn our ideas into form, and to take a step-by-step approach to life now. It is a time of practicality and methodology. The Sun/Moon quincunx Saturn shows a need to seperate ourselves from old outdated methods/approaches before we can move on: to seperate ourselves from what holds us back both physically and emotionally. The Moon's trine to Pluto shows that any effort made in this direction will be with the flow and that transformation can be had much easier now. It is also a time that as a race, we must collectively question our methods of obtaining and using resources. The issue with Taurus energy is always can one balance both emotional and material satisfaction? Do I have to sacrifice one to obtain the other? What does one have to lose in order to have greater joy/happiness emotionally? And what can one maintain to remain grounded? This is a great day to remind yourself of your connection with nature in some way. Look to the house this New Moon falls in in your chart (12* Taurus) to find out what area of life this is influencing the most and work with it practically. Look to any tight (1-2*) aspects it makes to other planets to see who will help or challenge you.
Otherwise, we are still in Mercury retrograde's shadow, but the Winged Messenger is picking up speed and slowly returning the pace of life to normal.
An initial look at the Bin Laden death chart is very interesting: from the press I got this info: death occurred on May 2, 2011 at 1:15 AM local time in Abbottabad, PAK giving an Aquarius Ascendant of 8*. Before I even saw the chart, I knew it would be very fitting of the overall situation with Bin-Laden, as it occurred in the "Dark of the Moon" - less than 24 hours before a New Moon = death!, but also all things hidden from view. That's a perfect way to describe Bin-Laden and his terrorist network: hidden from view in secret, dark places for years, and ultimately killed in one of those places by a secret, covert operation! Saturn is the ruler of the chart and it is retrograde in its sign of exaltation, Libra: the conquering king has fallen from his throne! It is also in the 8th house of death/endings and rules the 12th house, another house of death/endings/powerlessness, and is of course square Pluto, the Reaper. It also is aspecting the cross of matter with an exact semi-square to the M/C and trine the ASC: the timing on earth had come for his end and it happened quickly. Saturn's quincunx to the Sun shows that it was the release of a traditional ruler by those in authority.
The Fixed Stars add to the poignancy of the timing of this event. Uranus, which shows the public opinion, culminating with Ras Alhague setting: "An event that brings hope or healing to many." (all quotes from Bernadette Brady's Starlight program). Neptune, which shows hopes and fears of people, rising with Regulus setting: "The leader fails, the king is dead." Regulus, one of the Royal Stars of Persia, is a major star of fate and speaks of those who use their power to exact revenge, thus setting them up for a great fall/death. Bin-Laden played out this archetype succinctly! Pluto, which shows the crisis and changes that occur, rising with Alhena setting: "A shift of foundations." Pluto setting with Rigel rising: "The will of one person imposed upon society; a defiant act." Pluto culminating with Denebola setting: "A breakdown in the administration or establishments power." Pluto on nadir with Vindemiatrix rising: "A cyclone...metaphorically." Pluto setting with Alnilam rising; "A polarizing time; us versus them." Indeed, this event is already polarizing the world and will likely have major repercussions. The Helical Rising Star, which shows the background energy of the time and place of the event, for Abbottabad this time of year is Fomalhaut, another of the Royal Stars of Persia and very karmic in nature: "Idealism, illusion, and even deception abound." The Sun, which also shows the background energy of the event, rising with Procyon on nadir shows the success of this event may be short-lived: "A time of sporting success, or short lived ephemeral glories." The Moon was culminating as Antares was setting showing the emotions of people from this event: "A crime of passion." Mercury, shows the media's reaction to the event, rising with Algol rising: "Scandal and emotions running high." Mercury on nadir with El Nath setting: "One who speaks out; abrasive language or speeches." Venus, which shows how society accepts the event, on nadir with Ankaa on nadir: "A revolution; a rebirth of old ideas." Venus setting with Scheat setting: "The social order confronted with change." Mars, shows the actions of the day, rising with Spica setting: "Assertive, intelligent, well-planned actions wins through." Jupiter, indicates what types of actions will be successful, setting with Procyon culminating: "Finding the unexpected solution." Jupiter rising with Hamal rising: "The brave and reckless succeed." Jupiter on nadir with Aculeus rising: "To come at a problem from a different angle." And last is Saturn, showing the law and civic order: "The law needing to concern itself with the harder issues."
Obviously, the fixed stars reflect this event very accurately and I could blog the details for pages, but this will have to suffice for now. Once again , the power of astrology in helping to explain events is uncanny!
I do fixed star readings professionally if interested. They are just as revealing for individuals as they are for events.
Otherwise, we are still in Mercury retrograde's shadow, but the Winged Messenger is picking up speed and slowly returning the pace of life to normal.
An initial look at the Bin Laden death chart is very interesting: from the press I got this info: death occurred on May 2, 2011 at 1:15 AM local time in Abbottabad, PAK giving an Aquarius Ascendant of 8*. Before I even saw the chart, I knew it would be very fitting of the overall situation with Bin-Laden, as it occurred in the "Dark of the Moon" - less than 24 hours before a New Moon = death!, but also all things hidden from view. That's a perfect way to describe Bin-Laden and his terrorist network: hidden from view in secret, dark places for years, and ultimately killed in one of those places by a secret, covert operation! Saturn is the ruler of the chart and it is retrograde in its sign of exaltation, Libra: the conquering king has fallen from his throne! It is also in the 8th house of death/endings and rules the 12th house, another house of death/endings/powerlessness, and is of course square Pluto, the Reaper. It also is aspecting the cross of matter with an exact semi-square to the M/C and trine the ASC: the timing on earth had come for his end and it happened quickly. Saturn's quincunx to the Sun shows that it was the release of a traditional ruler by those in authority.
The Fixed Stars add to the poignancy of the timing of this event. Uranus, which shows the public opinion, culminating with Ras Alhague setting: "An event that brings hope or healing to many." (all quotes from Bernadette Brady's Starlight program). Neptune, which shows hopes and fears of people, rising with Regulus setting: "The leader fails, the king is dead." Regulus, one of the Royal Stars of Persia, is a major star of fate and speaks of those who use their power to exact revenge, thus setting them up for a great fall/death. Bin-Laden played out this archetype succinctly! Pluto, which shows the crisis and changes that occur, rising with Alhena setting: "A shift of foundations." Pluto setting with Rigel rising: "The will of one person imposed upon society; a defiant act." Pluto culminating with Denebola setting: "A breakdown in the administration or establishments power." Pluto on nadir with Vindemiatrix rising: "A cyclone...metaphorically." Pluto setting with Alnilam rising; "A polarizing time; us versus them." Indeed, this event is already polarizing the world and will likely have major repercussions. The Helical Rising Star, which shows the background energy of the time and place of the event, for Abbottabad this time of year is Fomalhaut, another of the Royal Stars of Persia and very karmic in nature: "Idealism, illusion, and even deception abound." The Sun, which also shows the background energy of the event, rising with Procyon on nadir shows the success of this event may be short-lived: "A time of sporting success, or short lived ephemeral glories." The Moon was culminating as Antares was setting showing the emotions of people from this event: "A crime of passion." Mercury, shows the media's reaction to the event, rising with Algol rising: "Scandal and emotions running high." Mercury on nadir with El Nath setting: "One who speaks out; abrasive language or speeches." Venus, which shows how society accepts the event, on nadir with Ankaa on nadir: "A revolution; a rebirth of old ideas." Venus setting with Scheat setting: "The social order confronted with change." Mars, shows the actions of the day, rising with Spica setting: "Assertive, intelligent, well-planned actions wins through." Jupiter, indicates what types of actions will be successful, setting with Procyon culminating: "Finding the unexpected solution." Jupiter rising with Hamal rising: "The brave and reckless succeed." Jupiter on nadir with Aculeus rising: "To come at a problem from a different angle." And last is Saturn, showing the law and civic order: "The law needing to concern itself with the harder issues."
Obviously, the fixed stars reflect this event very accurately and I could blog the details for pages, but this will have to suffice for now. Once again , the power of astrology in helping to explain events is uncanny!
I do fixed star readings professionally if interested. They are just as revealing for individuals as they are for events.
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