Monday, July 25, 2011

Astrological Winds for Week of 7/25/11

As this week rolls along, the quieter period of astrological weather of the past 2+  weeks will wear off.

Tuesday, is when Ceres stations retrograde exactly on the 0* Aries/Equinox Point - I've blogged about Ceres and this stationing for the past 2 weeks, and as I suspected, Congress and the President have been unable to come up with a budget/debt ceiling deal. We have also witnessed the Rupert Murdoch Empire showing serious signs of disintegrating, a terrorist in Norway slaugther over 90 people, many of them teenage children, and another entertainment diva unable to handle the addiction and fame and take an early exit from this existence. 0* Aries is a time of new beginnings - a time when we are compelled to seek balance. Ceres is unconditional love, the caring for all through the meeting of their needs for resources, motherly love toward children, the assurance that life is part of a cycle with death and rebirth, issues of attachment/seperation/loss, agriculture work & food. These are the places where we need to make a new beginning to find a new balance. With Ceres retrograding right back into Pisces for rest of year, it will give us time to reflect on how to do so. All of the issues above can be tied into this archetype and have lessons for all involved and the Collective itself.

Wednesday the energies start to pick up with the Sun trining Uranus giving us the jolt of inspiration to use our own gifts to make some progressive changes in our lives. Magnetic energies will lock in together and break the ice and extend the cutting edge in their lives. You will likely have some unexpected event or meeting rock your world in exciting ways. However, it will require a letting go of certain issues/pain/loss/grief/wounds from the past, as the Sun is quincunx Chiron also. The reality is this is a day you can make some major breakthroughs in adaptation to current circumstances if you make the right moves, and the energy is favorable to do so.

Thursday is the most active day astrologically this week with 2 planets changing signs and a few aspects worth mentioning. Venus ingresses into Leo in the morning bringing out our more flamboyant, playful sides in relationships. Romance and/or involvement with children is at a high point during these next few weeks. Be aware that vanity and voyeaurism are expressions of this energy too, yet still it is a great time to make yourself attractive to whomever you wish to impress for whatever reason. Mercury ingresses into its sign of rulership and exaltation, Virgo, later in morning, however it is also stationing at 1* Virgo before going retrograde next Tuesday (more on this next week) and going right back into Leo. Mercury also is opposite Neptune this day, and this can make thinking and communicating very nebulous, unclear, deceiving, naive, etc. You may be forced to make some decision but information is being hidden, kept secret, or outright dishonest from you. This is good energy for writing or getting inspired/idealistic ideas together, but the actual work of getting it down may remain out of reach. Be aware too this is an aspect when people like to talk about each other to others in embellished ways, both negative and positive. Venus quincinx Neptune just adds to this energy with twists of pie-in-the-sky romanticism that may have little basis in reality. However, Venus sextile to Juno and trine to Ceres show our existing relationships will be in good form this day. To top all of this off, the Sun quincunx Pluto also on this day, indicating that inside many of us, the continuing crisis of a need to transform our lives is a nagging necessity at this point, as we continue to need to adjust to resource issues and self-disempowerment.

Saturday is a New Moon at 7* Leo conjunct Venus, trine Uranus, square Jupiter, and quincunx Pluto. Leo is about our self-creativity and this New Moon should give it a new spark. Look to see what house 7* Leo falls in in your chart to see what area of life needs a fresh dose of self-creativity to stimulate it and get it out of a rut. The conjunction with Venus reminds us to include others and to be loving/heart-centered, while Jupiter gives us room to expand that part of us, and Uranus gives us the spark to act. Deep changes may allow us to break free of the past and get more in touch with our spiritual side. This is a time to let your light and talents shine, to not hold back in doubt. To remember, the Grail serves you.

Sunday's trine of Venus to Uranus continues the New Moon's and Sun/Uranus trine's energy. You may find yourself involved with some new group, person, circumstance that is beyond your normal familiarity zone, and quite uplifting/exhilirating.

Get Ready for Mercury retrograde for most of August next week.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Astrological Winds for Week of 7/18/11

As I mentioned last week, the astrological weather for the next 3 weeks would be pretty quiet. This week is the nadir of the period, and it shapes up to being a very mellow week. The Ceres station on the 0* Aries/Equinox Point is the main influence going on now, and  as I mentioned last week, likely has much to do over the budget impasse in Washington, DC and in many of the US states too, and over in Europe with the problems in Greece, Spain and Portugal. For that matter, it is very revealing of the problems of the global economy and massive consumerism/capitalism. Pondering/reflecting upon the archetypal energy of Ceres these past few days and the current global economic crises' and what it all may mean to us, I was struck with some thoughts. Ceres is the Roman Goddess that was Demeter in the Greek pantheon. Her mythology along with the fate of Persephone is one off the main myths of the Roman/Greek world. Persephone, Ceres' beloved daughter, is kidnapped by Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, and taken there and tricked into eating some pomegranate seeds, thus allowing Pluto to claim her. In her sorrow and rage, Ceres, who is the goddess of agriculture/crops, lets all the fields and crops go fallow. Zeus is forced to arrange a compromise where Persephone spends half the year with her mother and the other half in the Underworld as Pluto's wife. Thus, we have the time of eternal spring/summer (Eden) turn to a time of seasons on earth: duing spring and summer, when Persephone and Ceres are together the earth is bountiful, and during fall and winter, while they are seperated, the earth is barren and fallow. Demeter/Ceres is the Mother Earth aspect of the female archetype. She rules the crops, harvests, seasons and thus the Cycle of Life. Ceres started the Eleusian Mysteries as initiation rights to humanity to ease our fear of death by helping us realize that rebirth awaits afterwards, that all Life is going back to the present economic crises in the world, one might ask is Ceres, at the 0* point of the zodiac, asking for the earth and humanity to allow the old ways of living according to an old economic model to distribute her resources, to die, and be reborn into something else that is more bountiful and caring for all her children? As I mentioned last week, Ceres is stationing retrograde on August 2nd, and returning to Pisces for rest of 2011. I do not expect any real solutions to this current crisis now, but rather more deception, shady deals, foggy notions, Collective denial, etc. to just kick it down the road for the time being, further weakening the whole foundations ultimately. Next February/March, Ceres will be back in Aries and then join the Cardinal Square/Aspect of our Times with a conjunction to Uranus and square to Pluto. It seems the situation may hit some shocking boiling point then, and the challenge of transformation of resource management will have to be taken on. It seems that what our focus should be is what Ceres' ultimate lesson to humanity is: out of death will come rebirth and spring again. A new economic model could bring a new economic spring. Just saying...

Now the quiet week:

Tuesday may bring up some frustration and complete stoppages in relationship areas. You may find yourself in a situation with someone that has no current resolution available as Venus is sesiquadrate Chiron this day. It's best to let this situation go for the time being, although it will be difficult to, as you or another may be feeling wounded and ready to add fuel to the fire. In time, it will work out, as we'll recognize the lesson and let go and re-balance the relationship. Resource shortage can be particuarly annoying today too.

Wednesday is the day the Moon locks in with Cardinal T-Square conjuncting Uranus, squaring Pluto and opposing Saturn on Thursday morning, this week, triggering the emotional depths of the Cardinal T-Square. Here, we are really asking for a break from the morass and to hell with anyone/anything standing in our way. Only problem is the next morning you may have to be explaining yourself to authorities, superiors, etc.

The biggest event of the week is the Sun's ingress into fixed Leo on Friday, the middle/height of summer in northern hemisphere - a time to enjoy life's bounty and your own creative part to their fullest. Many of us are more involved with our children this time of year too due to school being out and vacations. A good time to remember the Grail serves you.

Saturday is an odd mix of two minor aspect energies. Mercury semi-square Saturn is similiar to a Mercury/Saturn square but a bit lighter, and to our responsible (Saturn) side more frustrating, as we will unlikely be able to achieve all we set out to do this day. Still, it is a good day to get work done: paperwork, computer work, home chores for the weekend, etc. Minds will be serious, down to business, stoic, detailed. However, the Sun's quincunx to Neptune may be part of the reason we don't achieve as much as we planned, as this dissipates physical energy and mental clarity, and puts us into the "can I just laze the rest of the day away mood?" You may actually get a dose of artistic/creative/spiritual inspiration this day and drop those more mundane tasks to act in the moment upon it... which is not a wasteful decision...following your muse, that is...

Sunday, we should get a boost of physical energy from Mars' semi-square Jupiter. This is a good day to get out and do something with family, friends or even alone, that is adventuresome, challenging, athletic, active, etc.

Things get a bit more active next week. Enjoy this quiet(er) week.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Astrological Winds for Week of 7/11/11

We've had some intensified heavy storms of astrological weather the past few weeks and starting next this week we have a  few weeks back to a bit more normal degree of chaos on Planet Earth. :)

Some of you have conveyed the wish I could do this daily, and I wish I could too, as for the most part I have to ignore lunar transits when doing a weekly forecast. Right Now, Life in all It's Infinite Wisdom has not deemed me the resources necessary to pull that off, so I trust Its Reality in the Now is right for me now (if you can follow that convulated stream). One thing I do have to remind you though (because I think I mentioned it before in a past blog) is that while the Cardinal Square/T-Square between/among Pluto and Uranus/Saturn is active (through 2015 for the square people!), every week the Moon will have one day with hard aspects to it, and that will be the day you will emotionally feel the issues of today's world and your own personal issues connected with that the most/deepest - so that will be a stressful day: this week it is Wednesday, last week it was Thursday. Last Thursday, people were calling me stressed out all day.

This Monday is an excellent day to get the week started and get working on whatever you're doing with a Sagitarrius Moon and Mercury in Leo sextile Mars in Gemini: expect lots of communications, plans to take action, filling of the calender, short trips and errands, etc. It's also a great day to do work either/or/both physically and mentally. (Aside: my blog is so late today because of this Mercury/Mars combo: phone has been ringing and e's filling box all day!)
Ceres ingresses into Aries today also, but is stationing also right on the very important 0* Aries Point (beginning of the zodiac), and will go retrograde on August 4th (through November 12th) and head right back to Pisces for remainder of this year. This may have something to do with the budget talks in being so slow on all levels - Pisces has made it a very slippery affair trying to divvy up resources this year on all levels and it looks like it will continue to do so. Now it goes into Aries as Obama and Congress battle it out over the debt ceiling - a decision that must be made right when Ceres goes retrograde -  and the fighting words/boxing gloves are on politically. Don't expect any solid long term solution though - it will remain nebulous for the long term. It's actually possible they may let the US fall into default as a country over an inability to compromise now. Same in our personal lives with resources. Ceres in Pisces is trying to teach us to love our Mother Earth and understand the Oneness that connects all/everything we share on Earth also and how to honor that.

Wednesday, Venus makes the last of its hard aspects to the Cardinal T-square creating a Cardinal Grand Cross (see last week's blog for more detail on this). Venus square Saturn will cool off/sober up relationships. You will see the Shadow side of others, feel restricted by responsibilities to others, be conservative in social situations. etc. This is actually a good day to work alone or to have work as the focus of your relating with others. Solid relationships can be built now, or big challenges within relationships can be acted upon. Once again, this is an indicator of resticted resources. This will likely not be a good week for the markets, economies, investments.

Thursday is the Full Moon in Capricorn. It is very easy to slip into fear on the Capricorn/Cancer axis and try to control everything/everyone around you via manipulation, ruthlessness, restriction, etc. What we need to do is remember the original source here of why this energy exists: to survive and protect - to make sure our loved ones and ourselves are able to survive - a form of love! That's why we take measures to nurture and give, to create boundaries and relegate duties - so that the ones we love can survive! Fear of losing them/their love/our ability to help them survive is a vicious cycle to fall into, for fear feeds fear, and then the worst parts of this axis comes out. This Full Moon should help us to see where these fears lie and to begin the emotional alchemical process of returning them to love, a nurturing/understanding/protective love for all - everyone deserves it: you, your family, your friends, and all the rest of the world - who are all at the most only 34th cousins or less to you relations-wise according to the latest genetic studies. That's how we can begin to re-create the world through the power of our individual actions and through love: to remember we all deserve it always! This helps us to understand others and thus ourselves in the process. Look to the houses in your chart to see what areas of life this will manifest for you personally. Each must do their part, but along with others, to ensure the survival of both self and humanity - that's what this Full Moon is telling us. Empathize with others to the level that you do with yourself - and if you don't for yourself, then find someone or something to help you learn to do so, so that you in turn may do so for others. Mercury opposite Vesta, sesiquadrate Uranus, with Mars quintile Uranus and trine Vesta on Thursday/Friday will fill these two days up with electric connections that are imbalanced, exciting, nerve-wracking, visionary, and very active.

Saturday is a good day to chill out with Venus sesiquadrate Neptune and 3 positive Moon aspects. Have fun, relax, socialize, go see/make art, etc. Ditto with Sunday.

See, more normal astrological weather, but the reality is (or metaphor), we've changed the weather for good: we are in accelerated times and there's no slowing down in the forecast.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Astrological Winds for Week of 7/4/11

So like I mentioned last week, it's Venus' turn to aspect all the outer planets hard this week in the Cardinal T-square making it a Cardinal Grand Cross. With Venus involved, relationships will likely be the area of manifestation, but finances, art/creativity, leisure pusuits can all be affected too. Venus in Cancer is interesting: it's an affectionate/warm/protecting kind of love that is conjugal and familial in expression many times. Thus, a great time of the year for marriage, or school being out and the family unit spending QT with one and other on vacation/outings. The Shadow side of Cancer can be emotional manipulation or "smothering"types of love from certain family members who's own life is empty without family to find some self-value through.

On Monday, Venus hits the sweetest of the sweet with a trine to Neptune - perfect for 4th of July in the typical familial gathering. There's a beautiful connection between higher and lower forms of love when these two meet up and even more so with a trine. Romance, compassion, empathy, creativity, inspiration, deep spiritual connections/experiences, positive emotions, emotional sensitivity/connectedness, etc. are all part of this make up. At the same time that theses deep positive emotional vibes are going on, Mercury in Leo is trine Uranus in Aries too, bringing boldly inspired inspiration, ideas, self-expression to our mental side. This is fun loving and mischievious even: go out and have some fun with loved ones on this holiday.

Tuesday, Mercury squares Jupiter, which can fill us with grandiose ideas and bring what seems to be some positive expansion, at least on the surface and in the present. However, I have seen this aspect many times show up quickly with many problems from bighting off more than you can chew, and the gamble/risks you take now may have you on the losing end when all plays out. Use your intuition and be smart here - run through all the details as Moon is in Virgo and practicality is available. This energy could be used more safely by just challenging yourself to learn more about anything you need to know. Mercury is actually involved in another short term, yet very powerful aspect this day: it is quincunx both Chiron and Pluto, which are sextile each other. This forms a yod, or Hand-of-God/Fate, aspect with Mercury at the point. It shows a need for one to work on the self to do some deep psychological purging in order to release guilt and fear and accept the weaker, Shadow sides of ourselves. It asks us to redefine our attitudes about our fear and negative traits - to love ourselves despite. If we are able to tap into deep enough of a level, we can sense a deep need to do this and an actual desire of the self to do so - there's also some fear/trepidation, but an excitement in wondering what life can be like with less of a load that is blocking you from a deeper part of your true self, not your programmed self.

Wednesday Mars in Gemini is trine Saturn: this is an excellent day to get work done/be majorly productive/efficient, either physical or mental or any combination thereof. Truly, you will get a deep self-satisfaction out of what you can achieve today.

Thursday is the first of three trines of Jupiter in Taurus to Pluto in Capricorn in effect through mid-March next year. These two together can normally bring some big, powerful expansions in markets, finances, investments, strength, knowledge, power bases, value systems, the law. My feeling with this one is that it will give some gains to those already in power, but for the rest of the world, it may actually teach us to be more efficient and to realize how much we already have, and putting what we do have to a more maximum output in order to regain some sense of stability. This can also spur more growth in spiritual and self-healing pursuits. It is best to use this energy for mutual benefits to self and others by reforming the world around us into more harmonious ways of living.

Venus sqaures Uranus on Thursday also, and this usually indicates a desire to break away from the same people you normally relate to every day and find some new folks to hang out with. However, these new relationships are usually very short-termed in nature. Many of us may experience this by meeting someone different today who may be a bit eccentric in nature. Relationships that are under stress at this time may be suddenly and surprisingly be broken from, or you may make some rash decision that can upset existing relationships. Your patience for your normal loved ones may be thin and sarcasm/cynicism between you could creep in. There could also be shocks with finances/investments, or you could come up with some brilliant creative ideas. With Sun sesiquadrate Neptune this day too, some of us may end up thoroughly confused/lost by these shocks, while others may be in a listless/lazy/escapist zone.

Friday, Venus opposes Pluto and sextiles Jupiter. Normally, Jupiter/Venus together in a sextile can bring some lucky breaks, but in this case it may just inflate the energy of the stronger Venus/Pluto opposition. This could be a harbinger for the continued divide between us (regular people struggling to have secure resources) vs. them (those with more and more resources and power) that is dominating the political landscape these days across the planet. This is the aspect of fierce power struggles within relationships both personal and Collective/mundane. Lines are being drawn/dares are being made - who will decide to make a move to break the impasse? Sub-concious energy/fears dominate our relations with others. This a is a time where we have to be careful with our investments on all levels and seriously question our own relationship to resources. Powerful creative output is available too, especially when we can come together equally with another or group. Venus trine Chiron will help facilitate that.

On Saturday, with Mercury sextile that day's ruler, Saturn, we will have the opportunity to get much work done and the energy to make it happen. This is good for any type of mental work or detailed work/planning. The mind will be on serious concerns but in a controlled enthusiastic way. It's a good day to work with others too. Uranus goes retrograde this day too, a subtle shift. It will remain so until Decemer 11th, reminding us that the revolution we want to see in our outer world is driven by the one we must first make in our inner world, and that ultimately we are all on our own in our Hero's Journey - that no one can force us onto it - we must choose to take that lonely, yet rewarding path of our own volition.

Relationships will be the issue this week - striking the right balance between your's and other's needs will be key in resolution.