On Monday, a Grand Trine in Earth among Moon/Pluto/Mars and Sun sextile Pluto makes it a great day to do some deep inner core work by taking a steady look at what needs purging/cleansing/tidying/combing over/fixing in our lives. Things that are hidden from us or embedded deeply within us from deep past emotional experiences may arise to the surface and be looked at today with a balanced view and thus an honest assessment and an opportunity to break free/release and replace/repair some of this old baggage. We can also get help from others today in doing so. Creative change can be released today in a grounded way.
Tuesday is pretty quiet – Chiron conjuncts Pallas Athene, which may bring us some intellectual lesson or gift of knowledge that could lead to a new path. The Moon’s sextile to Mercury should lend a hand in learning and understanding.
Wednesday’s first quarter square of the Moon in Gemini to Sun in Pisces can be tricky – it’s as if the will and emotions have traded places. It may be challenging to get life to cooperate with you today. Nervous systems may be stressed and escapism may prevail.
Thursday Mercury quincunx Saturn can block/impede thinking/learning/communications, especially with those with some type of authority over you. Negotiations/understandings bog down and are just plain difficult, as the ability to see eye to eye intellectually seems to have disappeared and suspicion and narrow thinking obscure things.
Friday, Mercury heads off to Aries, where it will slow down and turn retrograde soon. Thoughts come quickly now and remarks can be off the cuff and start hard feelings if too tactless. Battles of wits with a prankster like attitude may ensue. Impulsive decisions and reasoning can lead to some problems later. It’s also easy to fall into the trap of taking others’ comments as challenges to you too personally. These manifestations can occur all through the time of Mercury in the sign of the Ram.
On Friday also, Mars is semi-square Saturn, frustrating/slowing down our actions. Be careful of overstraining self physically and getting injured or in an accident. We may just have to accept we may not be able to get it all done today. Also, once again, authorities can come down on us, and the worlds’ governments/military can get heavy handed/thuggish under this aspect with crackdowns and operations. We may also be forced to do things we would not choose to under this aspect, much like a soldier ordered to battle under questionable circumstances. This is also the day this week when the Moon hard aspects the Uranus/Pluto square, so a challenging day emotionally.
All of this leads into a rather intense weekend with the Sun opposite Mars retrograde on Saturday with Venus sesiquadrate Mars and Sun sesiquadrate Saturn. This could end up being a very frustrating day as restrictions can reach an overload point and have you or others explode in anger. There may be some very difficult decisions to be made. Misplaced physical energy can get things chaotic, painful, overblown rapidly. Competitive energy wins out over cooperative energy. It’s best to use this energy to do some physical work/project with detail, full immersion/attention, clean up as a theme. Ego energy is turned up to highest setting, so battles with others are likely.
Sunday has a Venus/Saturn opposition locked into a Cardinal T-square by the Moon in Cancer , which is likely a hangover response to confrontations on Saturday. We may be feeling conservative in our dealings with others and with decisions we make with finances/resources. Most dialogue occurs within ourselves and it may be just best to stay around home and have alone/quiet time today. It’s very easy to see the negative traits in others or feel restricted by responsibilities within relationships. It’s also easy to fall into the “poor me”/victim trap today attitude-wise.
Next week, Venus moves into Taurus, where she loves to be, while Mercury in Aries conjuncts Uranus for the 1st of 3 times over the next several weeks, and there’s a Full Moon in Virgo. Stay tuned!