One quick observation from one of my recent blogs: in the news this morning was the amazing descent of James Cameron to the bottom of the Mariana Trench some seven miles deep under the ocean – this fits right in with “new discoveries from under the sea energy” of Neptune entering Pisces, triggered by Mercury Retrograde going back into Pisces this weekend!
Monday has Mercury retrograde semi-square Jupiter – this can be an information and/or commitment overload – schedules may be brimming and in some cases boiling over and everything on the “to do” list may just not squeeze into this day. Be careful of making promises you can’t keep. In general optimism will be high, but details will be ignored/overlooked, or are perceived as a downer – later, they may trip us up.
Tuesday is quiet for bigger astrological events, but Moon in Gemini sextile Uranus and Sun, and square Mars should make it an active/dynamic/energetic day where much can get accomplished, but there could be some heady differences of opinion.
Wednesday’s Venus sesiquadrate Pluto can test some deeper emotional relationships, as frustration and tension with loved ones can have you feeling stuck/victimized/manipulated, and it may be very difficult to impossible to hash out an agreement with them today, as power struggles ensue. There could also be financial distress/bad news.
This energy can intensify even more so on Thursday under the Sun’s square to Pluto: what has come up from under the surface is now dragged out into the light and challenged to transform – this can leave us very stressed about our own or other’s “stuff.” Pressure comes from both within and without, however the potential for self-transformation is great if you arise to the occasion. It’s also possible to get into tussles with authorities today, have mechanical breakdowns/failures, or get into fights. Mercury retrograde sextile Venus can help facilitate some dialogue with those you feel upset with, or can open up pathways of inner dialogue and greater understanding of how we get ourselves in the situations we find ourselves in.
Friday is the weekly “Moon hard aspect to Uranus/Pluto square day” joined by a first quarter square of Moon in Cancer to the Sun. This can be a very challenging day emotionally where others actions/plans seemingly grate against yours and our need for emotional security is challenged by life’s uncertainties and the need for us to not cower from them, but rather to face them courageously and do the best we can under trying circumstances – to “never give up the fight” so to speak.
Saturday has a bumpy Mars retrograde quincunx Uranus – physical energy may be very sporadic, off center, rash/impulsive and we may find ourselves having to clean up messes in the aftermath. Watch you temper today, as you can be feeling quite rebellious. Find some physical outlet but realize it won’t be a smooth ride and the potential for accidents/injury is greater than normal.
Sunday is quieter/less stressful than the last three days although, people will be quite flamboyant with a Leo Moon trining Uranus.
Next week Venus will dash off into Gemini (and square Neptune and Mars) where the Goddess of Love will eventually station retrograde on May 15th, while Mercury will go direct (!), and there’s a Full Moon in Libra.