Monday, March 26, 2012

Astrological Winds for Week of 3/26/12

One quick observation from one of my recent blogs: in the news this morning was the amazing descent of James Cameron to the bottom of the Mariana Trench some seven miles deep under the ocean – this fits right in with “new discoveries from under the sea energy” of Neptune entering Pisces, triggered by Mercury Retrograde going back into Pisces this weekend!

Monday has Mercury retrograde semi-square Jupiter – this can be an information and/or commitment overload – schedules may be brimming and in some cases boiling over and everything on the “to do” list may just not squeeze into this day. Be careful of making promises you can’t keep. In general optimism will be high, but details will be ignored/overlooked, or are perceived as a downer – later, they may trip us up.

Tuesday is quiet for bigger astrological events, but Moon in Gemini sextile Uranus and Sun, and square Mars should make it an active/dynamic/energetic day where much can get accomplished, but there could be some heady differences of opinion.

Wednesday’s Venus sesiquadrate Pluto can test some deeper emotional relationships, as frustration and tension with loved ones can have you feeling stuck/victimized/manipulated, and it may be very difficult to impossible to hash out an agreement with them today, as power struggles ensue. There could also be financial distress/bad news.

This energy can intensify even more so on Thursday under the Sun’s square to Pluto: what has come up from under the surface is now dragged out into the light and challenged to transform – this can leave us very stressed about our own or other’s “stuff.” Pressure comes from both within and without, however the potential for self-transformation is great if you arise to the occasion. It’s also possible to get into tussles with authorities today, have mechanical breakdowns/failures, or get into fights. Mercury retrograde sextile Venus can help facilitate some dialogue with those you feel upset with, or can open up pathways of inner dialogue and greater understanding of how we get ourselves in the situations we find ourselves in.

Friday is the weekly “Moon hard aspect to Uranus/Pluto square day” joined by a first quarter square of Moon in Cancer to the Sun. This can be a very challenging day emotionally where others actions/plans seemingly grate against yours and our need for emotional security is challenged by life’s uncertainties and the need for us to not cower from them, but rather to face them courageously and do the best we can under trying circumstances – to “never give up the fight” so to speak.

Saturday has a bumpy Mars retrograde quincunx Uranus – physical energy may be very sporadic, off center, rash/impulsive and we may find ourselves having to clean up messes in the aftermath. Watch you temper today, as you can be feeling quite rebellious. Find some physical outlet but realize it won’t be a smooth ride and the potential for accidents/injury is greater than normal.

Sunday is quieter/less stressful than the last three days although,  people will be quite flamboyant with a Leo Moon trining Uranus.

Next week Venus will dash off into Gemini (and square Neptune and Mars) where the Goddess of Love will eventually station retrograde on May 15th, while Mercury will go direct (!), and there’s a Full Moon in Libra.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Astrological Winds for Week of 3/19/12

Once again last week we got a couple very poignant “proofs” of astrology in the larger world. On the day of the exact Venus/Jupiter conjunction in Taurus we get the highest day the stock market has had in months led by bank stocks! Venus is financial investments and Jupiter is expansive risk taking with them – two benefic planets come together and you get a beneficial result with banks leading the way, which are ruled by Taurus (which is ruled by Venus, and thus Venus gives reception to Jupiter also). Also, the Rush Limbaugh saga of Mercury (now retrograde) conjunct Uranus in Aries of the belligerent rogue shooting off his mouth and getting more defensive and losing face to the community, continued to unfold with multiple advertisers abandoning him and even radio stations pulling him off the air for what seems an “insincere” apology, and the news that he’s getting sued for defamation of character by his victim.

Late Monday/early Tuesday is the Vernal Equinox, as the Sun ingresses into Aries, the time of spring and activity blooming in the Northern Hemisphere. A quick look at the Equinox chart set for Washington, DC shows an Ascendant of 12* Sagittarius, which is pretty significant, as it conjuncts the ascendant of the Sibly Chart, one of the most commonly used birth charts (myself included here) of the United States! Also, the North Node is conjunct the Ascendant and rising in the 12th house, plus Pluto is in the 1st house also. It seems a change in the USA’s destiny/dharma could be in store soon. Retrograde Mars in Virgo is exactly square the Nodal Axis in the 9th house (the house “naturally” ruled by Sagittarius!). I’ve blogged about retrograde Mars significance in mundane astrology before. Mars represents the military, enemies, workers, and internal strife. The military is in a weakened position now under the microscope (Virgo) for their acts of aggression in foreign places (9th house). This is a very weak Mars: retrograde, cadent, square nodes, opposite Chiron – the military could end up looking bad here. Also, the continued use of force against students (9th house) and workers in their protests/”riots” against Wall Street and government, as the 99% and other movements are likely to flare up again in these next few months of warmer weather (and Uranus/Pluto square reaching 1st exact hit in late June). Mars ruling the 12th house shows hidden agendas by large institutions are the source of much of this tension. Jupiter, the ruler of the Equinox chart is still conjunct Venus in Taurus, although it’s getting wide (5*), in the 5th house, and still in a Grand Trine in Earth with Mars in the 9th house and Pluto in 1st house. I believe this rally of stocks and the economy will likely continue for awhile – at least 5 weeks anyway, but possibly longer if not interrupted by other outside forces that can influence the market/consumers psychological state. Jupiter ruling the 4th shows real estate prices should slowly and steadily rise too. The Sun is conjunct Mercury Retrograde and Uranus in the 4th house: issues about the use of land, agricultural practices, nationalism, socialism, and women’s rights could reach shrill pitches with many off-the-cuff remarks, words and acts of rebellion, severe misunderstandings, frayed nerves, etc. This also shows that the communication/technology networks are vulnerable now to natural disasters or terrorist/rebellious acts (also Sun ruling 9th and Uranus co-ruling 3rd – the communication/education axis). This is also the signature of the intellectual revolution spurred on by the internet/technology. The Moon, representing the people, is conjunct Neptune in the 3rd house, indicating that the people are in a vulnerable state these days and could easily be being deceived, led by the mainstream press. There is an innate sense of idealism here and it shows that many are ready to open dialogue on a more socialist society, but it also shows our addiction to oil, war, and fashion of the pop culture are used against us to keep us in a world of illusion and fascism. Retrograde exalted Saturn in the 10th house but conjunct the 11th house cusp gives the hope that perhaps the Executive and Legislative branches of the government may be able to work together and get some bills passed. I would not be surprised if the US is forced to deal with some significant changes to its collective destiny during this next quarter and year based on this chart.

Wednesday is the exact conjunction of the Sun and Mercury retrograde (inferior conjunction), usually a time of increased inner reflection, however with the conjunction in Aries, this may not be as much so. People will be full of their own individualistic ideas and may not be able to resist firing them off – with Mercury semi-square Venus too, feelings could be hurt and arguments could ensue.

Thursday’s New Moon in Aries conjunct Mercury Retro and Uranus and square Pluto can be a powerful turning point. This has the potential for explosiveness in terms of actions and words. In Aries, this New Moon is asking us to take a first step to a new beginning, but Uranus/Mercury retro want it to be something different/alternative. This is a time of being a Warrior – a time to fight for yourself and your rights and to not let others or your own self deter you/stand in your way (square to Pluto). This is a time where each person must figure out for themselves where they stand and what they can contribute toward a new world. Look in your chart where 2* Aries is – that house will be the one most activated by this New Moon for you personally – any planets making aspects to this New Moon from your chart will also color the energy for you (1-2* orb).

Friday, Mercury retrograde backtracks into Pisces – we may be ready to finally settle our minds down a bit and contemplate/chew over/look for spiritual significance in all that’s gone on lately, or we may take our agitated ideas to another level by declaring war on all of those who oppose them and locking into a faith driven zeal with those who support them. Retrograde Mars opposite Chiron shows a strong need to assert one’s self and it may be driven by some hidden wound coming to light to teach us some new lesson. However, it can also drive us over the brink and have us take harmful actions toward others – this is especially possible when combined with the blind fervor of Mercury retro in Pisces, so be very aware of your thoughts and actions today! Venus semi-square Uranus may give us odd attractions to persons or things that we ordinarily aren’t interested in.

Saturday, the Sun has its annual exact conjunction to Uranus just adding to this whole Mercury/Uranus in Aries energy of this week – this is a week of possible large natural or man made disasters. Rebellious acts by individuals can reach an apex today too, as people just reach for more freedom/independence in assertive to aggressive ways – expect many protests and riots across the world this week too. Juno also goes retrograde on Saturday giving us time to re-assess partnerships and how they are working for us.

Sunday the Moon triggers the Grand Trine in Earth again (conjunct Jupiter in Taurus and trine Mars and Pluto), but this harmonious flow is interrupted by two bumpy quincunxes: Sun quincunx Mars shows our actions may be off/awkward today or our energy may be jagged coming in fits and bursts. Mercury retrograde quincunx Saturn can also give labored thinking/communicating – it may be we are just tired out/worn out both physically and mentally from all the hyper-activity of the week and just need a day to relax and not be under any pressure/deadlines/schedules.

Next week the Sun locks into an exact square to Pluto keeping the Uranus/Pluto square very active.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Astrological Winds for Week of 3/12/12

Mercury retrograde is upon us again come Monday stationing at about 7* Aries. The Winged Messenger will backtrack to about 24* Pisces on April 4th before returning to direct motion and not emerging from its retrograde shadow until April 24th. The shadow period is important on a personal level when experiencing Mercury retrograde. Whatever planets or points in our natal charts that is in that shadow period is subject to 3 exact hits from transiting Mercury during that time. So instead of the normal Mercury transit that lasts 1-3 days, the energy of the one in the shadow period will be in effect for most of the shadow period. So if you had transiting Mercury conjunct your Saturn this past week, it will be retrograding back over that point in a week or two and after going direct on April 4th, hit it again a couple weeks or so later. In the mundane world, this will be Uranus at 4* Aries: the energy that I blogged about last week on the Mercury/Uranus conjunction will be in effect through most of this Mercury retrograde period. Mercury retro in Aries conjunct Uranus is liable to jump to conclusions mentally way too quickly. This is also the energy of nervous tension/stress/scattered mind that can be harmful to one’s overall well-being. This is also acts of individual independence taken to the extreme and perhaps backfiring (that’s you Rush!). Those with mental instabilities may have a very difficult time trying to control them during this period. There’s also the possibility of taking sarcasm/wit too far and turning people off, or getting aggressively defensive of your logic.

Monday also has the third and final trine between Jupiter in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn, the first hit being last July 7th. This is an aspect that shows that tremendous leaps of progressive change can be made – it is one of the aspects of the whole 99% Movement of the last six months or so. On an individual level, great leaps psychologically and spiritually can be made under this aspect. It is the world looking for a new vision/breakthrough, a time of reformation. Individuals can also find great success under this energy. In earth signs, it shows meticulous steps are required – to maintain a certain discipline/value system.

Tuesday and Wednesday have the other big event(s) of this week: go outside Tuesday night and see the spectacle for yourself as Venus and Jupiter are conjunct in the western sky and exactly trine fiery red Mars in the eastern sky. All three of them are trine Pluto (see Monday above on Jupiter/Pluto) in a Grand Trine in Earth together – four of the eight planets in a harmonious aspect (Pluto’s square to Uranus and the Sun’s semi-square to Jupiter also bring in their energy to the equation). This should give a pleasant boost to interactions with others and a deepening of relationships at same time. The earthen element will allow us to take this harmony within, and our actions out in grounded, well proven ways. It is time to put our talents into action in detail and welcome in controlled expansion that can move mountains. A time to commit to your values, correct procedures to attaining them, connecting with others who feel the same, and transforming our physical reality. This energy can also spark romantic relationships, allow you to become a master of efficiency, a hard and diligent worker, and give you some rewards you deserve.

Thursday has now become the day of the week that the Moon is locking into the Uranus/Pluto square (weekly) in hard aspect, as the Moon in Capricorn squares Uranus and conjuncts Pluto, so this will be the most emotionally tense/stifling day this week, where we may make chaotic jumps for independence from what bothers us most inside.

The weekend is quiet, however Mercury retrograde is in exact conjunction with Uranus again (see above on Monday and last week’s blog for more on this) ratching up nerves and chattiness, etc. The Sun is also quincunx Saturn, which can bring up issues with authorities/older people. Self-confidence may take some kind of blow today and you may practice some self-denial. Circumstances or others may limit you somehow, or you may feel tied down by some rules/duties. It may be best spent alone or quietly.

Next week is the Vernal Equinox when the Sun (and New Moon) gets to join the Mercury retro/Uranus party in early Aries and Mercury retro slides back into Pisces on the weekend.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Astrological Winds for Week of 3/5/12

First an announcement: I will be part of a panel sponsored by the Tucson Astrologers Guild (full disclosure: I’m Vice-President) on “What’s Up With 2012?: An Astrological Perspective.” Three of us will be giving short (20-30 minute) talks on aspects affecting 2012. My part is entitled “2012: Choosing Hope or Fear?” This event is free of charge and all are welcome. It will be held at the Bio-Touch Center at
5634 E. Pima St
on Friday night at 7:30 PM. If any group is interested in having me give this lecture in a longer format, contact me.

Some pretty heavy retro Mars in Virgo/Sun in Pisces opposition energy this past week – just 3 examples:
1)    Huge storms in Southeast/Midwest USA fueled by hot/cool air mix (Sun in Pisces – moist/warm air, stationing Mercury in Aries – excessive hot air movement, retrograde Mars in Virgo – over land that is cooled off).
2)    Rush Limbaugh losing his mind in ultra judgemental/hypocritical/aggressive/egotistical ways over contraceptive belief systems.
3)    Here in Tucson, the aggressive use of force to break up Occupy encampment by the police.

There are two distinctly different energies in play on Monday, as Venus ingresses into Taurus, a sign it rules and is extremely comfortable in, where it will remain until April 4th. In Taurus, the Goddess loves the pleasures of earthly life: the planting and spring and the Earth coming to life in the North, and the harvest time of Earth’s delights in the south. Venus in this placement stabilizes relationships and creative output – if anything the danger is getting too static or possessive and closing off other things. This is a month of enjoying the finer things in life, however you define that nowadays. However, the much more poignant energy felt on Monday will be the perfection of the Mercury/Uranus conjunction (on the heels of Saturday’s Sun/Mars opposition) that we likely have been feeling building the past couple days already. This is a joining of the higher and lower mind in Aries – this is throttle to the floor mentally and get nervous systems wired and minds scattered/overwhelmed by all the processing necessary. Ingenious ideas will come and go quickly, so if you have any Einstein-moments be sure to stop and jot down the details or all could be blown away rapidly by the next brilliant idea that strikes you. If nothing else, the mind will be fully engaged/active in whatever it’s being used on. This is a good day to work with science/math/technology/intuitive ideas/R&D/solutions/experimentation that can lead to new revelations/understandings.

Tuesday is a sweet Venus/Neptune day as they sextile one and other and have aspects to the Moon. Together, they blend conditional/unconditional love in a harmonious mix and can bring a pleasant/dreamy/romantic day if the opportunity is taken. Dispositions should be pleasant/agreeable and complaining should be minimal or non-existent. Artistic inspiration is quite possible too. The danger with this day is it may be easiest just to let it float along and not really progress so much, and to rest on our laurels and indulge in fantasy or escapism instead. Mercury is conjunct Vesta also today, giving the opportunity for assertive group communications or actions together. In fact with Mercury slowing down and becoming stationary by the weekend, this conjunction will remain tight all week (as will Mercury’s conjunction to Uranus), so this is a great week for group collaborations.

Venus semi-square the Sun continues Tuesday’s theme into Wednesday, while the Moon locks into the increasingly tighter Grand Trine in Earth among Mars/Pluto/Jupiter. This should be another day that’s in general more harmonious/easy to flow through.

Thursday is the Full Moon at 18* Virgo. This Full Moon will trigger issues of service like service to self versus service to others, work issues, the caring for others, health issues in self or others, relying upon others some way, etc. Tension arises from the emotions wanting something exact/precise/correct/doing what it claims it does, while the true self knows that life is not as exacting as that, and that being in the flow and finding inspiration is the path of least resistance and at times the only answer to some of our deeper questions/tensions/decisions – that having some belief system to hang on to when all our attempts to micromanage life fail is very important for our outlook/attitude. Of course, it is important to balance this with the mind and intellect, so that’s what this Full Moon is asking us to do in our lives: to blend mind and feeling, procedure and belief, in a properly harmonious balance. Look to the houses in your chart it falls into to see what areas of life will be affected most for you personally. Any planets or points in your chart that make tight aspects (1-2*) will also flavor its energy for you personally. Virgo’s ruler, Mercury, is stationary in Aries and about to turn retrograde, so the emphasis will either be to let go more with emotions or to use some intellect to ground yourself depending on who you are or the circumstances in front of you. On a spiritual level, this Full Moon asks us to let go of harsh judgments of others when we feel triggered emotionally, and to examine how our own belief systems can also become overly judgmental of those who don’t agree with them. Taking an honest look at the internet shows how we all push our own opinions as beliefs and actually believe we can push others into seeing it our way. Indeed, much to reflect upon for us all as Mercury goes retrograde next week and eventually returns to Pisces.

The weekend is actually pretty quiet astrologically as it leads to next Monday’s Mercury retrograde, which keeps the Mercury/Uranus conjunction in tight orb all next week. Saturday has Venus sextile Chiron, which continues to bring out opportunities for service to others in loving/caring ways, especially to family/friends/lovers. Sunday, once again, has four pleasant Moon/planetary aspects that should make it an enjoyable/relaxing day with self/others, but easy to get excessive in our indulgences with.

Next week: Mercury retro and how it affects you on personal levels – what to look for.