Monday, July 30, 2012

Astrological Winds for Week of 7-30-12

Monday’s Moon in Capricorn conjunct Pluto and square Uranus, while the Sun quincunxs Pluto and trines Uranus, could possibly mean that what we are seeing deeply within ourselves and others gives us the desire to rebel/break free. Sun quincunx Pluto can give quite an internal struggle between the ego self and our soul’s spiritual will, while Moon/Pluto can have us diving deeply within to look at emotions being triggered from dark and obscured places. Relationships with others can reach quite deep/intense levels and people can release your judgements of them in a fury by what comes up now. Attitudes will be extreme, as will willful behavior. People may automatically just jump to defensive positions and perceive others as threats and thus try to manipulate them. This will feed into Moon/Uranus with very erratic behavior/reactions that tends to have us isolate ourselves in our own independence. The Sun/Uranus trine should take some of the edge off however, as we may feel freed to be more of our true self and discover some new activity/scene/people to put our energy into – this can be quite exciting/freeing. This is a good transit for study any type of science/technology also. Pallas Athene also goes retrograde on this day, helping us to re-assess our strategies for fighting the battles that we believe in, gain inner wisdom, and help us to decide how to act for justice, healing, and creativity.

Tuesday’s Venus trine Saturn will stabilize relationships in grounded, harmonious ways, but staying on the conservative side. You may find satisfaction with your loved/close ones is easy to come by. This is good for fair business deals too. Practicality rules over other considerations in relationships. Sun quincunx Chiron may show you that you must adapt/let go of some situation/person/thing, but Venus/Saturn should help you do so.

Wednesday is the main event of the week with a Full Moon at 10* Aquarius. We have been hearing about the “dawning of the Age of Aquarius” since the 1960’s, and indeed by precession of the equinox we are on the cusp of transition between the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius. There is no exact date this will happen – it is a gradual change that we are fully in the midst of as the ways of the Age of Pisces slowly crumble to be replaced by the Age of Aquarius. Aquarius is co-ruled by Uranus, one of the two planets helping to accelerate this change nowadays. Many of the ideas of what the Age of Aquarius will be like were born in the 60’s under the Uranus/Pluto conjunction in Virgo. Now as they two planets have reached their 1st quarter square to each other, these ideas have reached a crisis of action, where they are being implemented against the resistance of 2000+ years of tradition. This Full Moon sextiles Uranus (while the Sun trines it). Also, this Full Moon trines Jupiter and opposes Mercury Retrograde. This is an opportunity to use the unique talents and gifts that each of us has (Sun in Leo) to initiate the changes we’d like to see (Moon in Aquarius) that would bring about a more equal and just society where technology is used to help resolve the problems of the world for all, not just a few. The desire for change is palatable now – I honestly believe the extreme Right and Left have much more in common then they currently see.  They are starting to realize they have common enemies, but just a different view of how to approach the problems they’ve created. Once this realization occurs fully, the power will be returned to the people to make the change they’d like to see/work towards together. More and more people every day see the current systems are not supportive to most people, nature, life itself, the earth – the tipping point for a desire to take a gamble/chance to do things differently draws closer every day. Use this Full Moon to allow the light to shine on your gifts and contribution to a better world for yourself, your loved ones, and all humanity. Remember: geneticists have proven there is no person on the planet who is more than a 34th cousin of you. If we begin to see everyone as part of our family, think of the power we could have to change the world for the better. Look to where 10* Leo/Aquarius falls in your natal chart – this is the areas of life where you can use your talents to help change the world. Any planets aspecting this Full Moon in your chart will add to the flavor of it personally for you. This is a great Full Moon to build common-unity under. It is time to offer your gift to the Collective. Trust your intuition and take a dive!

Thursday, the Sun sextiles Jupiter – this is considered traditionally a very lucky/positive transit where what you set out to do is successful. Add to that the Sun semi-square Venus and this can be a very positive social day for the most part either in leisure or working groups activities. This is also a good day to get help/support from superiors/authorities/the law or courts/teachers/gurus. Mars is also sesiquadrate Neptune on Thursday – this can definitely dissipate or frustrate physical movement/activities/energy, so don’t be surprised if you’re pretty exhausted this evening. This is also a time of spiritual doubts/questioning due to perhaps some discouraging circumstances/ailments. Also be aware of being deceived by another or trying to be so yourself. It might be best to take a walk, a nap, or do some yoga to honor this energy.

A couple more minor transits come on Friday. The Sun trine Pallas Athene is good for connecting with like-minded people on an intellectual/mental level to make plans to advance what you commonly believe in. This is a day where honor is respected and people are capable of performing brave actions. This can also ease the tension between the male/female polarity. Mercury Retrograde quincunx Neptune can get us kind of spaced out today, however we may draw inspiration from nether worlds that we can turn into some type of art/creation. Normal communications are in disconnect mode, but psychic/unspoken ones may perk up. During this transit, we mainly live in our own mental fantasy world and avoid cold reality/have some alone time.

Saturday and Sunday are both quite quiet with Moon in Pisces aspecting Jupiter and Venus – sounds like a summer weekend spent relaxing/enjoying life!

Next week, Venus finally leaves Gemini after spending months with the Twins due to her retrograde motion earlier in the summer/late spring for the waters of Cancer and Mercury goes direct.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Astrological Winds for Week of 7/23/12

The world got an ugly dose of Mars locking into the Uranus/Pluto square last week:

-another mass shooting in Colorado, yet the weakness of Mars in Libra still sweeps the issue of handgun control under the rug as an issue that no one wants to touch due to the bullies in the room (Pluto in Cap).
-the Mexican drug cartel war reaching the streets of Puerto Penasco, a place may Arizonans like to vacation, with guns most likely bought in AZ or USA – another issue being swept under the rug, except by those wishing to single out an individual as blameworthy due to political considerations – debilitated Mars at it again.
-the rebellion in Syria breaking out into an all out civil war (officially) and the leadership of that country taking a huge blow with a successful assassination to their inner circle, and the wagons seemingly circling the President, as his capital city (and prior safehaven) is now a battleground.
-a terrorist blast in Bulgaria aimed at Jewish tourists, amping up the discord between Iran and Israel.
-a report in Rolling Stone ( detailing how bad global warming really is (worse than the computer models predicted) and how this year’s weather events are literally off the scale compared to the recent past, yet also showing the governments of the world allowing oil/gas/coal companies to continue business as usual despite, claiming humanity will just have to “physiologically adjust” (seriously!)
-a spreading prolonged drought in USA that will ratch up food prices at the same time Congress takes away more food stamps for the poor, as reports show poverty in the US has reached early 1960’s levels – 15%+ now living in poverty – a war the US thought it had won and would never return to not so long ago.
-and Mercury Retro in Leo showing just how stubborn we can all be, as our crowned corporate royalty and love of pop culture lead us to just what?

It seems the worst part of Mars in Libra is manifesting, as divisions just seem to widen and enemies become more openly blatant. Those of us that would prefer different options need to use Mars in Libra to find ways/acts to soften the enemy in reaction to whatever situation presents itself to us instead. It will not be easy with Uranus/Pluto. If you are in power, the world really needs you to be Uranus in Aries, the rogue warrior fighting for our survival, right now – to find new ways for this system before we mess up the planet’s environment beyond repair through our own greed and fear. Mars will still be in orb in the T-square all this week, so trigger-happy will likely continue to be an apt descriptive adjective. Humanity is indeed in great turmoil – I honestly believe that only love can win this battle and it must start in every person’s every day interactions (all of them) with one and other right now – then we’ll know the right things to do about all these problems. Look we have no choice: this Uranus/Pluto square is going to drag us down some very dark alleys otherwise, full of our worst fears being realized – it is proving the old world order must change, and if it does not, well kicking and screaming may be the next apt descriptive adjective unfortunately.

Mars is opposite Pallas Athene (the Female Warrior) on Monday: once again, this can lead to all out war between enemies, and favors making strong decisions/actions in standing for what we believe in.

Tuesday, Mercury retrograde backs up into a sextile with Jupiter – this is a pretty weak sextile with one planet retro and the other in detriment, plus they both are in hard aspect to Chiron: Jupiter square and Mercury retro quincunx. Add to this Sun quincunx Neptune too! Any great ideas you get today better be checked twice and for some degree of objectivity – it may feel like the mind has some grandiose schemes to save itself, but they may be pretty shallow ultimately. Still, this is a good day to make some plan internally to focusing on higher values/knowledge/wisdom in guiding you forward to a refined attitude about your beliefs and values. We may also get an opportunity to see our and others more spiritual side somehow, but we can also be easily misled/fool ourselves.

Wednesday, Mercury retro backs into a trine with Uranus: in a way it really just continues much of Tuesday’s energy – we may be filled to the brim with great ideas, but they really need to be edited/cross referenced thoroughly. It will be difficult to keep pace with the mind today anyway, as far as actually getting anything real solid down. Still, jot down/record the best ones because they could be strokes of genius! You may also get drawn into some great conversations with different people from your normal crowd. Great perceptions come today and a move to break the routine somehow.

Mercury retro continues its backward touches to seemingly every planet in the solar system this week when it quincunxs Pluto on Thursday. This is an excellent day to delve deep into your own psyche and make some tweaks and adjustments. Your mind may be able to solve some very complex problems, and can also appreciate the humor in the audacity of things.

Friday is quiet.

Then on Saturday, Mercury hits its highlight of the week with its inferior conjunction to the Sun and a semi-square to Venus. This is the height of Mercury retro’s energy and we may put others off somehow due to our own pompousness, egotistical behavior/words, flair for dramatics, voyeurism. Be careful travelling today – keep your eyes on the road, so to speak. Once again, this energy is best used to make some inner plan first before strutting your stuff.

Sunday has Saturn sesiquadrate Chiron – we may get some sense of how stuck we are in patterns/behaviors and the task to break out of them may seem insurmountable, yet it will still be difficult to convince yourself or others or the world to change.

Next week features a Full Moon in Aquarius.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Astrological Winds for Week of 7-16-12

Mars is a very powerful figure in the astrological weather of this week, as it locks into the Uranus/Pluto square, trines Jupiter, quincunxs Chiron, and sesiquadrates Saturn. Some business astrologers believe this could be a serious trigger this week to the markets. Traditionally, Mars is one of the malefic planets – it is the planet of strong individual action, which can be aggressive in nature, imbalanced yang in energy, egotistical, etc., yet these are also its strengths in proper balance: ones of assertiveness, group actions, working for progressive change, confidence, and enthusiasm. Mars is traditionally at its weakest in three signs: Libra - where it currently is transiting, Taurus, and Cancer. Why? Because these three signs naturally go against normal Martian energy.  In a world currently and in the recent past dominated by imbalanced yang energy, I have found that Mars in at least two of these three signs of debilitation actually seems to help balance the aggressive Mars energy by what I call “eroding the edge/sharpness” off of its normal energy. Libra is one of these two signs (FYI: Cancer is the other) I have found to help Mars control his more aggressive tendencies down to a focused assertiveness in the interest of justice and equality for both self and the group/Collective.  Mars here can have a friendly competitiveness to him. Planets that are weakened by sign placement favor alternative ways of working their energy then the normal way for that planet. Thus, I can see this as an advantage that can be used this week and time period while Mars in Libra aspects the square – a time when groups of alternatives/radicals/revolutionaries can act for the common good to bring about change and transformation centered around justice/equality issues. In the imbalanced real world, this can have the negative effect of severely imbalanced competitive streaks bursting forth in warfare/taking on enemies/etc.  Mars in an air sign will continue to dry the air and heat it up also – the drought that in the US that is seemingly tied in to Uranus/Pluto will likely deepen during this week and next.      

Monday has a few minor aspects: Sun sesiquadrate Chiron can find us imbalanced after the weekend and having a hard time slipping back into some other image of ourself for the work week, or just feeling plain stuck in the normal routine/world that does not seem to really be working well.  Juno goes direct in Scorpio giving the opportunity for partners(ships) to deepen and act together in the external world for the upcoming weeks. Lovers can deepen their emotional and sexual bonding during this time also. Uranus sextile Ceres may keep family issues in the news and perhaps some innovative ideas on how to meet needs. Neptune square Vesta may bring confusion to groups you share values with as recent events may have shown you subsurface machinations that now find you personally confused about your values and loyalty toward them. You may also feel like certain parts of your belief system are not proving out to be valid and are seeking a new outlet that your not sure exists a this point.

Mars dominate Tuesday first with its trine to weakened Jupiter in Gemini – this can definitely cause things to jump/hop/skip (markets/finances/actions/risks/businesses/profits). People should feel confident, enthusiastic, energetic this day and willing to take chances they normally wouldn’t. But remember we are dealing with two weakened planets right now, so we can easily overshoot the mark today/overlook important details that can trip us up later/release negative energy that has been building up somehow also – and those consequences may become apparent by the end of this day when Mars squares Pluto exactly. This square can release some very powerful energy and force  us into some crisis situations, at least in an analogical sense. There will be incredible resistance to any types of changes by those on power or benefitting from the way things are now. Power struggles in our personal lives can reach apexes of violence/ruthlessness/guile. Weak points in your armor can be exposed. Individuals may find themselves up against groups. If you are in power yourself, you may find it challenged somehow. The best use of this aspect is tapping into the incredible energy it gives and try to move some mountains in your life. It is advisable to avoid violent people and places today and expect mechanical breakdowns especially with Mercury retrograde.

Mars then opposes Uranus on Wednesday while Jupiter perfects a quincunx to Pluto. Mars/Uranus is very dangerous energy due to acts of rashness, impulsiveness, unthought-out setting up accidents/disasters. Their can be explosive acts of rebellion/violence in the world this day/week. Many peoples’ normal lives may be disrupted this week from events that affect them. On a personal level, these energies can be used to liberate yourself somehow by inviting in some type of radical change in your life, but you will have to fight to get it. Jupiter quincunx Pluto asks us if we are using our creative powers well, or do some adjustments need to be made? This may have to do with being able to sacrifice even more of what you want personally. Once again, look at how you might try to power trip others or patronize their ideas versus yours. This quincunx will also play into the energy of resistance to change of those already in power in any situation.

There’s also a New Moon in Cancer on Wednesday night at 27* hitting the beginning of the three last critical degrees of any sign, where one needs to look to graduate or evolutionize the highest, most conscious use of the archetypal energy of the sign. In Cancer, we must learn better ways to care for ourselves and all of the human family to ensure survival for anyone blessed to be on this planet – that means a deep look into how we emotionally manipulate others because of an instinctual fear of not being able to survive/have enough resource. We must put ourselves into being the part of main player on the stage of our lives instead of trying to get others to do it for us, or even worse, living life through others’ lives. Now is a good time to delve into our emotions – look to the house this New Moon falls in in your chart to see the area of life it will most affect you – any planets in your chart making tight aspects (1-2*) to it also will color the flavor of the energy for you. We can use this New Moon to help balance the male-oriented, Cardinal T-square of Mars/Uranus/Pluto, to help come from the heart, and tap into our natural rhythms. Ultimately, this New Moon is another push to ask us to question what we truly value and ask if there’s a better way, much like the spirit of this age. This New Moon squares Saturn, also in Libra, asking us to take responsibility for our own emotional responses – to take on the challenge of overcoming restrictions put on you in the past and repressing what you really feel you should be doing now. We may feel quite introverted during this New Moon, which is OK, as we need to incubate these emotions and our values together to know what to do next.

Mars quincunx to Chiron perfects on Thursday. This is a time where we may see how we overdo things and thus have a chance to adjust how we do so. On a more mundane level, this is a day you could overdo it physically and get worn out/injured.

Jupiter is sesiquadrate Saturn on Friday – we wish to rid ourselves of the old and what binds us still to the past, but progress is very slow right now, so frustration levels may be high. You’d like to make some changes but reality is not allowing it – it’s like treading water and it’s difficult to figure out exactly the root of the problem and therefore what to do about it. It’s good to be conservative with finances and business deals today.

Saturday Jupiter sextiles Uranus breaking free of Saturn’s clutch a bit. A good day rto make some changes to your environment. Also, you may get some news/info that is quite stimulating and has you all abuzz sharing ideas in person or electronically. This is a good day to approach old problems from new angles to help resolve also. New opportunities may arise, or sensible risks. Change your plans if the situation calls for it. In the mundane world, this could stoke the fires of revolution/rebellion/protest.

Sunday the Sun ingresses into Leo giving all of us our chance to shine in our own special way – what house is Leo on the cusp of in your chart? This is the area of life where you have some talent that can be brought out now. Leo’s lesson is to use our talents and to respect others’ talents as equal to your own in importance. To serve both the best interest of self and other – to make them one and the same – to take the hero’s journey and take your rightful place on the throne of your life giving life energy to those around you, and protecting others.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Astrological Winds for Week of 7-9-12

Most of the heavy astrological weather occurs late in the week this week, but the Uranus/Pluto square remains very tight and active with Uranus stationary – the Vedic and ancient astrologers believe a planet is at its strongest when it is stationing, basically standing still in the sky, as it gets ready to turn retrograde or direct. The examples of stress of this square is all around us – a 1st quarter square that brings crisis to what we are trying to build. Another way to see these two players in this square is that Uranus in Aries is the risk taker: those who wish to push the world forward into unchartered territory in order to try and resolve the problems of the day, while Pluto in Capricorn represent the conservatives – those who wish to resolve the issues of the world by holding on or even returning to what worked in the past via methods of hierarchal control. The square’s job is to create crisis, so we can get ready to adjust our world.  Like I said last week, Jupiter in Gemini can give misguided optimism/enthusiasm, superficial gains, etc – we may try to kid ourselves for another year that things can continue in the same vein, or maybe another of the big risks we’ve taken and overlooked or denied the details on will blow up out of proportion in our faces/world. Some sensitive astrological aspects lie ahead this summer that can trigger the above energy acutely.

There’s two conflicting energies at work on Monday: the Moon enters Aries in the morning and opposes Mars mid-day and squares Pluto and conjuncts Uranus at night. This is very (in)tense energy – anyone you’ve had tension building up with or imposes upon you somehow may hear your wrath, and arguments/fights/battles may ensue. Be careful around angry people or dangerous places today, as their energy can easily be triggered. However, the Sun does sesiquadrate Neptune also today, and this should take some of the edge off the above energy, as should a weakened Mars in Libra. Many of us may just take what we see around us as disappointment and retreat/escape into our own private worlds of spirituality or creativity/art or inebriation to ease the pain we see/sense around us. It will be difficult to put our soft ideals into action in the hardened reality of today, so opting out may be our best option. Jupiter’s conjunction to Ceres can broaden our vision/perspective on nurturing somehow, or can have us get nurturing through ideas/information, and it may put large scale agriculture in the spotlight this week (this could be the effects of the drought on commodity crops, or the spiraling upward prices of food, or the big agriculture bill going through Congress right now). Vesta also ingresses into Gemini, joining Jupiter/Venus/Ceres/South Node there, once again, stressing the need to share information with others/groups – a good time to network, however it can make us emotionally distant/overly intellectual in our relations with others.

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are all pretty quiet days astrologically. 

Friday starts with the aforementioned Uranus going retrograde  for the next five months. This will be a time to look at our revolutionary tactics of change and re-assess/fine tune them to meet what we see going on in world around us that we’d like to change. It will help us to see what we need to break free from and what keeps us tied down in society. This also reminds us that true freedom comes from within. Sun semi-square Jupiter Friday night may have many people overdoing it with their partying to start the weekend, which can lead to physical and financial hangovers.

Saturday Mercury stations retrograde at 12* Leo – it will retreat to 1* Leo before turning direct on August 9th. Mercury retrograde will bring the usual snafus, delays, miscommunications, breakdowns, but also will have us questioning our own thinking and reacting: is it too subjective/egotistical and shutting out/down others/new information too quickly therefore? It may also have us re-assess what we do for creative output, and our relationships with lovers and children. Perhaps it is letting us know the courageous thing to do is to show our unique creativity to others, and will help us make a plan to do that. The Sun is also square Saturn this day, so it can be a heavy day thought/burden wise. You may feel the weight of the world on your shoulders and duties to others may require you to sacrifice pleasure for your self today. There can also be challenges from authorities or superiors. It is a good day to put yourself to some task that requires much discipline and eye for detail, but most people will be in a conservative zone today.

Sunday’s Moon in Gemini with positive aspects to Mercury and Venus should lighten things up and favors social events.

Next week can be a potentially explosive week with Mars locking into Uranus/Pluto square. There’s also a New Moon in Cancer and the Sun ingresses into Leo. Stay tuned!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

A Look at Solstice Chart for USA (6/20/12)

The Solstice Chart set for Washington, DC can be read as a good indicator of what’s to come for the country in the next quarter/three months. Set at 7:09 PM EST, the chart has Sagittarius Ascendant making Jupiter lord of the chart. This is disconcerting as Jupiter is extremely weakened in the chart in Gemini (detriment) in the 6th house (cadent) conjunct the South Node and retrograde Venus, tightly square Neptune and Chiron in the 3rd house. The Ascendant/1st house marks the general self-image mood of the country at this time. Jupiter in the condition above can give us a false image of ourself that is still relying on the past, old relationship values, superficial knowledge/information, over-idealizing certain situations, false optimism about finances and investments, denial of reality, and religious delusions that can actually put the country as a whole in a weakened position on the world stage. In effect, the USA’s whole value system may be tested over these three months and there may be many issues involving religions or the mixing of religion and state. There also may be major issues over the Law and the Judicial System and judges, and the university education system. Truth may be slippery in these areas. No doubt the country’s image will take a beating this quarter. Jupiter rules the 4th house also, so I wouldn’t expect real estate market to get much better either and there may actually be over valued property on market still that can’t fetch the asking price. Pluto is rising in this chart in the 1st house indicating secrets being revealed to the nation, possible violent outbreaks, the use of secret law enforcement, and the need for the nation to transform itself to be strong again. It is tightly square Uranus in the 4th house, indicating sudden catastrophic events over the land/communities, disasters with crops, collective dissent/revolution in the homeland, energy interruptions, and a focus on new technology.

The North Node in the 12th house shows a collective dharma/destiny/goal/association having to do with hidden things, large institutions/bureaucracies, and the sharing of public places. Neptune/Chiron are square the Nodes, which once again shows people can be deceived, exploited, hurt in communal situations  and there can be lack of good judgement, disappointments, or even misfortunes/wounds in these situations.

The Sun represents the leader or President and is in the 7th house of allies and open enemies. Being that it is election season full on now, this is fitting as the open enemy is Romney that the President must spend much of his focus on now. However, this also indicates foreign affairs with allies and enemies and wars will be a significant focus for the President now too. There is a wide opposition to Pluto, which can be worrisome. There’s no doubt the President has many enemies that would like to see him fall from power by some underhanded means. I would personally advise him to be very careful during this time and not leave himself open to attacks of any type, physical or otherwise. The Sun’s trine to Neptune in the third house shows the President is still driven by his idealism and that communicating this will put him in harmony with the majority. It also shows he will continue to favor the oil industry, and that perhaps his image is one more based on glamour/illusion than reality, but it sells well. I think all of this bodes well for the President as he approaches Election Day later in the year.

The Moon in this chart is still in its new phase and is conjunct the 8th house cusp in the sign she rules, Cancer, and trine Chiron. The people are still looking for new security/assistance from those they perceive are against them/have hurt them: the taxman, the banker, the corporate CEO, the Grim Reaper. The Moon is also widely opposite Pluto, like the Sun. The people have been victimized by those in power, especially those mentioned above. Women’s rights will continue to be attacked by those in power also. The Moon and Mercury are loosely conjunct and square retrograde Saturn in Libra (exalted) in the 10th house. The people are still looking for President Obama, the Law, and the governmental institutions to make strong commitments on their part to tackle the many issues of the day strongly and decisively, yet there’s a disappointment/sense that not enough is getting done, or that their will is not being fully heard/paid attention to. This can also indicate the use of the state to suppress information/communication from the people to supposedly protect them, and more misleading by financial/corporate entities.

One last bigger point (could get into this chart much deeper and really pick apart) is that Mars is the highest planet in the chart conjunct the M/C in Virgo and in the 9th house sextile Mercury. The world’s perception of the USA is the aggressor, the war-maker, the policeman. Mars this high in the chart shows a country at war, but can also indicate internal rioting, the use of force by military/police against the people. The 9th house shows college students may become a big flash point, as well as religions. The sextile to Mercury indicates that many are assertively discussing new value systems/ways of doing things in society.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Astrological Winds for Week of 7-2-12

Monday has no major transits although the Moon in Sagittarius squares Mars in mid-afternoon keeping our energy high, but our emotions likely agitated into the evening.

Tuesday is the big day of astrological weather this week with a Full Moon at 12* Capricorn conjunct Pluto and square Uranus, while both Mercury and Venus quincunx Pluto forming a yod, or Finger of God/Hand of Fate, and Mars ingressing into the sign of his detriment, Libra, and thus also going into orb to a square to Pluto and opposition to Uranus, forming another volatile Cardinal T-square with Uranus/Pluto. This is very similar to the energy of last week or so when inner planets (Sun and Mercury last) trigger the ongoing Uranus/Pluto square deeply stirring up its archetypal energies. Last week, during the exact square and the aspects of the Sun we had record breaking heat (Uranus in a fire sign) over the continental USA (Pluto in earth sign); record breaking numbers for the percentage of USA in drought conditions (72%); power outages/blackouts (Uranus rules electricity, Pluto rules the dark) affecting millions due to sudden electrical thunderstorms with windbursts (Uranus rules electrical storms); wildfires torching the western US (fire on earth) and invading neighborhoods/structures of civilization (Uranus/Pluto/Sun); a surprising break from the conservative majority of the US Supreme Court by one loan Justice to rule in favor of “Obamacare” (Uranus in Aries acting out as the rogue against the hierarchal system or Pluto in Capricorn); and a surprising decision by the Eurozone to act in new, more liberal financial ways to get an agreement to keep their alliance together economically. These are only some of the mundane events that took on the flavor of the Uranus/Pluto square being acutely triggered last week. What will happen this week with all of this energy coming to an apex Tuesday?  The Full Moon is in detriment in Capricorn – a time when the emotions can be cooled/limited and calculating in desire to maintain power and control and order with the ways that have worked before – in a word, detached, really. Meanwhile, the Sun in Cancer’s desire is for safety and nurturing, which can also bring up issues of control too, thus we get a power struggle within ourselves and with others over nurturing/control/emotional manipulation (especially conjunct Pluto also)/jealousy & envy. This is a time best used to look within at our own issues with power and survival. Moon/Uranus can help us take on the challenge, and Mercury’s sextile to Venus both quincunx Pluto shows the blending of mind and emotion can lead to completely new ways of seeing things that allow in the possibility of adjustments made in order for transformation. This will be a bumpy road, no doubt. Mars ingress to Libra and into orb with Uranus/Pluto is potentially explosive in many ways over the next few weeks, however Mars’ normal high energy in Libra is softened or eroded and the Warrior is more likely to lay down the shield and listen to negotiation/diplomacy as an option at this time. This is a good time to work in cooperative partnerships, see both sides of the story before acting, act out for justice, etc. I will blog more on this T-square as it gets closer to exact.

The Mercury/Venus sextile hits Uranus in easier ways on Wednesday as Mercury trines and Venus sextiles it. Mercury/Uranus can give us strokes of genius as it blends the higher inspirational/inventive mind with the lower detailed/reality mind. It is likely some new type of information/knowledge will inspire your mind/wake you up. Favorable for study, especially of sciences/technology/math, travel to new destinations, and conversations with unusual people/a different crowd. Venus/Uranus aids in our desire to widen our connections with others beyond our normal range. This is favorable for social events also, which is perfect for 4th of July.

Thursday has Mercury quincunx Chiron – with Moon in Aquarius too and aspecting Venus/Uranus well – this is a good day to fine tune our attitudes based on what we’ve gone through these past few days. It’s also a good time to adjust our ideas and ways of communicating.

Friday is a quiet day astrologically.

Saturday’s biggest event is Venus square Chiron. Relationships that are on shaky ground can be very challenging today to the point with some where “good-bye” is preferable. At the very least we will be more sensitive socially and to how others react to us or what they say to us. It’s easy to hurt others/or get hurt by others. Moon/Neptune conjunction and Moon/Venus square can contribute to this too. Confusion may reign in relationships this day.

Mars quincunx Neptune on Sunday will diffuse physical energy, but inspire artistic endeavors – a nice, lazy Sunday-type aspect. Be careful of giving in too easily, or being deceptive with your actions, or feeling overly discouraged by something, or if you have to work, physically overexerting yourself. A good day for soft exercise like yoga, tai chi, etc. (or sleeping in).

Next week, both Mercury and Uranus go retrograde – now that could be mind bending! Stay tuned.