Monday’s Moon in Capricorn conjunct Pluto and square Uranus, while the Sun quincunxs Pluto and trines Uranus, could possibly mean that what we are seeing deeply within ourselves and others gives us the desire to rebel/break free. Sun quincunx Pluto can give quite an internal struggle between the ego self and our soul’s spiritual will, while Moon/Pluto can have us diving deeply within to look at emotions being triggered from dark and obscured places. Relationships with others can reach quite deep/intense levels and people can release your judgements of them in a fury by what comes up now. Attitudes will be extreme, as will willful behavior. People may automatically just jump to defensive positions and perceive others as threats and thus try to manipulate them. This will feed into Moon/Uranus with very erratic behavior/reactions that tends to have us isolate ourselves in our own independence. The Sun/Uranus trine should take some of the edge off however, as we may feel freed to be more of our true self and discover some new activity/scene/people to put our energy into – this can be quite exciting/freeing. This is a good transit for study any type of science/technology also. Pallas Athene also goes retrograde on this day, helping us to re-assess our strategies for fighting the battles that we believe in, gain inner wisdom, and help us to decide how to act for justice, healing, and creativity.
Tuesday’s Venus trine Saturn will stabilize relationships in grounded, harmonious ways, but staying on the conservative side. You may find satisfaction with your loved/close ones is easy to come by. This is good for fair business deals too. Practicality rules over other considerations in relationships. Sun quincunx Chiron may show you that you must adapt/let go of some situation/person/thing, but Venus/Saturn should help you do so.
Wednesday is the main event of the week with a Full Moon at 10* Aquarius. We have been hearing about the “dawning of the Age of Aquarius” since the 1960’s, and indeed by precession of the equinox we are on the cusp of transition between the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius. There is no exact date this will happen – it is a gradual change that we are fully in the midst of as the ways of the Age of Pisces slowly crumble to be replaced by the Age of Aquarius. Aquarius is co-ruled by Uranus, one of the two planets helping to accelerate this change nowadays. Many of the ideas of what the Age of Aquarius will be like were born in the 60’s under the Uranus/Pluto conjunction in Virgo. Now as they two planets have reached their 1st quarter square to each other, these ideas have reached a crisis of action, where they are being implemented against the resistance of 2000+ years of tradition. This Full Moon sextiles Uranus (while the Sun trines it). Also, this Full Moon trines Jupiter and opposes Mercury Retrograde. This is an opportunity to use the unique talents and gifts that each of us has (Sun in Leo) to initiate the changes we’d like to see (Moon in Aquarius) that would bring about a more equal and just society where technology is used to help resolve the problems of the world for all, not just a few. The desire for change is palatable now – I honestly believe the extreme Right and Left have much more in common then they currently see. They are starting to realize they have common enemies, but just a different view of how to approach the problems they’ve created. Once this realization occurs fully, the power will be returned to the people to make the change they’d like to see/work towards together. More and more people every day see the current systems are not supportive to most people, nature, life itself, the earth – the tipping point for a desire to take a gamble/chance to do things differently draws closer every day. Use this Full Moon to allow the light to shine on your gifts and contribution to a better world for yourself, your loved ones, and all humanity. Remember: geneticists have proven there is no person on the planet who is more than a 34th cousin of you. If we begin to see everyone as part of our family, think of the power we could have to change the world for the better. Look to where 10* Leo/Aquarius falls in your natal chart – this is the areas of life where you can use your talents to help change the world. Any planets aspecting this Full Moon in your chart will add to the flavor of it personally for you. This is a great Full Moon to build common-unity under. It is time to offer your gift to the Collective. Trust your intuition and take a dive!
Thursday, the Sun sextiles Jupiter – this is considered traditionally a very lucky/positive transit where what you set out to do is successful. Add to that the Sun semi-square Venus and this can be a very positive social day for the most part either in leisure or working groups activities. This is also a good day to get help/support from superiors/authorities/the law or courts/teachers/gurus. Mars is also sesiquadrate Neptune on Thursday – this can definitely dissipate or frustrate physical movement/activities/energy, so don’t be surprised if you’re pretty exhausted this evening. This is also a time of spiritual doubts/questioning due to perhaps some discouraging circumstances/ailments. Also be aware of being deceived by another or trying to be so yourself. It might be best to take a walk, a nap, or do some yoga to honor this energy.
A couple more minor transits come on Friday. The Sun trine Pallas Athene is good for connecting with like-minded people on an intellectual/mental level to make plans to advance what you commonly believe in. This is a day where honor is respected and people are capable of performing brave actions. This can also ease the tension between the male/female polarity. Mercury Retrograde quincunx Neptune can get us kind of spaced out today, however we may draw inspiration from nether worlds that we can turn into some type of art/creation. Normal communications are in disconnect mode, but psychic/unspoken ones may perk up. During this transit, we mainly live in our own mental fantasy world and avoid cold reality/have some alone time.
Saturday and Sunday are both quite quiet with Moon in Pisces aspecting Jupiter and Venus – sounds like a summer weekend spent relaxing/enjoying life!
Next week, Venus finally leaves Gemini after spending months with the Twins due to her retrograde motion earlier in the summer/late spring for the waters of Cancer and Mercury goes direct.