Monday, August 27, 2012

Astrological Winds for Week of 8-27-12

Mercury forms a Black Kite with the Uranus/Pluto square this Monday and Tuesday: we may be looking for solutions that are just not available now: how frustrating, as our best mental efforts are blocked by static situations we will be required to wait out. This can be enraging and easily lead to flying off the handle in some way, likely verbally with sarcasm, a flippant attitude, obsessed thoughts, forced points-of-view, unpleasant manipulative statements, etc. This energy may be best used to look within yourself for the sources of frustration, or for the study of new, intriguing, yet deep subject matter, because anything we try to force on external world is likely to get mired in the quagmire of the circumstances of this day. The Moon’s squares to Saturn and Mars on Tuesday will just re-enforce the above and have us quite stuck emotionally and perhaps even isolated.

Wednesday the Sun trines Pluto while Mercury sextiles Saturn: a good day to get serious and detailed about making progressive changes to your life. The intense experiences of earlier in the week/month may have you taking a serious look at your life today and assessing what you’d like to reform/change. This is a good day to clean the “garbage” from your life, as it will be easier to do so, as you can see how it holds you back. With these two transits working together, you can get to some very deep and detailed thought patterns that thoroughly weighs every problem/decision/thought. One thing to note however, is that Mercury is square Juno too, so partners may disagree or see things differently than you.

Thursday is the Sun’s annual opposition to Chiron, while Venus sesiquadrates Chiron also: this may be a day where ourselves or others are called upon to stand up for those/someone in a weaker position than us and help them out in some way. It’s also possible another’s decision could be a painful lesson or force us to react in some less than ideal way. We also may get a strong life lesson today in some way, or have the chance to give another one. Some relationships may prove to be quite difficult/frustrating and best left just to be for now as is, with some distance between the parties involved. However, the Sun’s quincunx to Uranus may push us over the edge in some way via someone going too far with their degree of selfishness and catching an earful from you/others in retribution. This can also give us a sense of restlessness about the rules we have to live under and get us quite ornery, unpredictable, reactionary and thus set up our own trip ups/falls.

Friday is a Full Moon at 8* Pisces: the willful side of us desires following the rules and etiquette of society – it wants things done in the procedurally correct way, and can be quite judgmental/critical of those who do not, while the emotional side wants no boundaries at all but wants to merge into something larger than itself. This is another aspect that challenges the real world with ideas on a more ideal world: a recurring theme these days. Virgo is fearful of losing the self somehow in all of this: the individuality of the self, that is. Will I survive as “I” if I merge into something bigger than myself? Yet, there seems to be an inherent emotional desire within humans to do so – to be part of something greater than the self or the sum-of-the parts. Venus’ semi-square to the Sun will help tip the scales toward the Pisces side of the axis, as she is the exalted ruler of Pisces, and can charm the Virgo Sun into relaxing just a little. Later, Mercury ingresses into Virgo also, a sign the Winged Messenger rules and is also exalted in. There is great potential to tap into the ingenious part of our minds during this time, work out the fine details on any of our plans, plow through any paperwork/computer work we have to do,  get the most efficient use out of things, study thoroughly, use our inherent skills precisely, etc.

Saturday, Mercury opposes Neptune which can really confuse the mind. Your own or others’ decisions can be misleading, secretive, deceptive, etc., however we are highly attuned to more subtle forms of communication/psychic messages, but this can open us up to misinterpreting the message. This is not a good day to make final decisions on anything really.

There is another shift on Saturday that I feel is the biggest astrological event of the week: the Nodes slide back onto the Taurus (South Node)/Scorpio (North Node) axis for the next year and a half. This is the axis of material and emotional security and resources. The Nodes are more fateful than other parts of astrology in general because they are associated with our karma and dharma. In a Collective shift like this, it seems we will have many lessons to learn about resources and security in the upcoming 18 months – this fits in snugly with the ongoing Uranus/Pluto square. The South Node is what we are good at: using material resources to further physical comfort and security, but it is also where we sow the seeds of our karma – the damage we have done to the source of these resources: the earth, will now rise to the surface under the North Node in Scorpio and our dharma will be to decide where we go from here with it, and one thing is for certain: transformation will occur. We will all have to look deeply at the way we use resources and realize that material ones will not be able to fill the void of not having emotional security. On a more mundane level for most people, this portends to having to make do with less, or continue to do so, if they are already doing so. We need to look for other sources of satisfaction besides things, is what this seems to be saying. Deeper relationships and inner growth are two possible replacements. It does not seem that this is good news for the economy for most for this period. Lessons about our relationship to materials sums it up.

The weekly Moon hard aspect hook up to the Uranus/Pluto square has slid back to Sundays at this point and this week Moon in Aries squares Pluto and conjuncts Uranus. There will be lots of emotional tension/uneasiness in the air today ready to spring loose at the slightest provocation. Moods/words/acts shift rapidly and a desire to express our individuality is high.

Next week there are some helpful planetary aspects for those looking for change/transformation, and Venus heads off for Leo.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Astrological Winds for Week of 8-20-12

Monday will be an intense day emotionally as the tightening Uranus/Pluto square has its weekly hard aspects to the Moon (in Libra) with a square to Pluto and opposition to Uranus forming another Cardinal T-square.  Moon/Pluto says that there will be many demands on us this day coming from both external and internal forces that fire up some intense emotions that will warn others to “back off” or face our wrath/fury, while Moon/Uranus may force` us to make some distracting decisions and may have us act out against others/circumstances in some bizarre ways. It’s easy to get stubbornly obsessive today and it may be quite difficult to get along with others. Fortunately, we can get some help from a Sun/Mars sextile: this is a good day to do your own thing, work on your own projects, focus on what’s important  to you personally, as you can channel the intense emotions of the T-square to move some mountains if you seize the opportunity. However, there is even a danger here as Mars also sesiquadrates Jupiter, and` we can easily bight off more than we can chew and trip our own selves up/overwhelm ourselves. There may be an undeniable urge to just get away from it all today. It will be very easy to fall into extremely egotistical behavior today, so be aware/concious of yourself and motivations in order to avoid sticky situations. Things should ease off tonight with sweet lunar aspects to Mercury, Venus and Jupiter.

Tuesday is quieter except for the Moon conjuncting the now seperating Mars/Saturn conjunction later in the day. This may restrict/put a damper on some of our preferred activities, as duty may trump fun. This could get us a bit moody/depressed and angry at those we perceive as holding us back.

Wednesday ushers in the last third of summer (in the Northern Hemisphere) as the Sun ingresses into Virgo and gets our focus on the finer details of things, service to others,  and health regimes. This is a good month to work out the finer points of projects, use a critical eye in assessing things, plow through paperwork, hammer out detailed plans with others, and be careful with our choice of words. The`danger here is to get too critical of others and their ways, or cause our own nervous distress that could affect our health/general well-being. Mercury sextile Jupiter  is great for making big plans and the Virgo energy should help us not to overlook details. This is a favorable day for business deals, travel, and study.

Thursday,  Mars leaves its debilitated position in Libra and moves to a sign it rules, Scorpio. Here the strong passion of the Warrior can reach intense depth and commitment. This is a place where Mars will not give up and will fight to the death (and even beyond!) for what he believes in. He is in it for the long haul and sees every challenge as just a gate to a greater  beyond/adventure. Of course, this can get us extremely obsessive. This can deepen the passion of lovers to places they’ve never traversed before. The greatest concern here is that those who are already doing battle will (individuals and countries) intensify their fighting to levels unseen before. Enemies may be ready to go to full on war now: battle lines are drawn and stepped over. Try to use this energy to deepen the most important relationships in your life, or to take actions on your own projects that will propel them significantly forward.

Despite the above energy of Mars in Scorpio, Friday is a very diffusive day for energy as the Sun makes its annual opposition to Neptune. The big danger here is that our own or another’s idealism can mislead us into very impractical decisions. The Moon in Sagittarius squares both Sun and Neptune forming a mutable T-square among the three that will require flexibility in order to overcome. Venus also joins the party by sesiquadrating Neptune also. If it feels like your fooling yourself or another is deceiving you, then that is likely the case. We may put others on pedastals they do not deserve. All of this can leave us in a fog of confusion.  Backing down or sweeping problems under the rug will lead to bigger problems further on down the road. We can easily fall into the role of victim or martyr now. Relationships that are based on spiritual bonds are most favored for working with today, like getting advice from a guru, but no matter what our interactions are with others today, take it with a grain of salt, or question it within, in a grounded way.

Mars hooks up with Neptune too on Saturday with a sweet trine. This can make our psychic abilities right on target, so trust what you’re sensing. This is a great day for well-measured, relaxed actions with the energy unfolding in a harmonious roll. Charitable/spiritual activities that benefit others or all of us are strongly favored. Your’s and others’ concerns for each other are much more honest today.

Sunday is quieter and with harmonious aspects between the Moon in Capricorn  and Neptune, Mars, and the Sun. However, by the evening, the Moon joins the Uranus/Pluto square again with a conjunction to Pluto and square to Uranus: the possible deceptions of earlier in the week may rise to the surface and enrage you at another/others, and have you wanting to cut them loose.

Next week, there is a major shift in energy as the Nodal Axis slips back to Scorpio/Taurus: many lessons await us all over the next 18 months with our relation to materialism/creature comforts. I feel this will be a major turning point for the Collective and will have much more to say about it in next week’s blog. Mercury will also ingress into Virgo, where the Winged` Messenger is strongly dignified.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Astrological Winds of Week of 8-13-12

Venus takes center stage this week locking into the Uranus/Pluto square and bringing relationships and finances and artistic creativity under the stress of revolution leading to transformation. Monday starts to prepare us as Moon in Cancer conjuncts Venus at mid-day and then opposes Pluto and squares Uranus. Normally, Moon/Venus in Cancer can be a very caring/empathic love for family and friends, but the opposition to Pluto shows some harsh emotions may be pulling apart under the surface surrounding the decisions of another or because of another – the dreams you had in regard to them may be snagged or crushed in some way. This will have us desiring to break for some freedom/independence. This can be a day of heavy emotional manipulation within relationships, but this energy can also be used to deepen them in caring and understanding ways.

Tuesday has Sun sesiquadrate Pluto, and Uranus on Wednesday, forming a Black Kite among the three of them: perhaps the most frustrating Grand Aspect there is – more likely than not news of being misled by those in power will have us feeling extremely frustrated and angered at them, yet there’s a sense not much can be done about it now. We will be aware of a large chasm between the approaches of different parties/groups to similar problems that seem to be relentlessly stuck in neutral. Forces from both external sources and inner voices may be hard to handle and have you stuck/indecisive. This may also be a day that problems with things that you’ve been sweeping under the rug will break down completely.

Wednesday is the pinnacle of intensity for this week’s astrological weather, as Venus perfects its opposition to Pluto and square to Uranus, while Mars conjuncts Saturn in Libra. On a personal level, a Venus/Pluto opposition can deepen existing relationships or even start significant new ones. However, mixing in Uranus (and a Sun/Juno square) brings in the urge for something new and different, some kind of indiscretion, quick affairs with someone from out of your normal circle, flirtatious behavior, etc, which can all lead back to some intense experience/battle in existing relationships. Venus/Pluto/Uranus can also stimulate our creative/artistic energy into odd places, and stress out finances and investments. In the mundane world, this week may bring some ugly exposure of financial institutions and their secret power plays and how they operate under a completely different set of rules that the public is led to believe – think of the growing LIPCOR scandal and the current fury over the admitting of the purposeful trashing of the Glass-Steagall Act by our financial leaders. I have read some very disturbing pieces on these two scandals recently, and it seems more may be exposed about how deep they ran that could literally shake the very foundation of the economic world we all have a vested interest in. Debilitated Mars in Libra conjuncts Saturn and gets exalted reception from the Lord of Time in this sign. This may buy the Establishment some time to come up with a new plan. Normally, this is the energy of hard work/fulfilling one’s duties actively and any big projects you have on your plate are good to take on today. Still, it will be easy to get irritated/tripped up by lots of little reality feedback annoyances today. This will also help us to sharpen the focus on the gap between ourselves and others who approach life differently based upon the generation and environment they grew up in. Some will rebel against heavy handed authority while others will take on the role of that authority. This energy is best used by exhausting one’s self in a long term endeavor. Venus is trine Chiron also, but the heavy energy of all of the above aspects may wipe this little wave out that normally heightens our awareness of aesthetic value in certain things/environments for healing and teaching – if you can catch this wave today, then by all means ride it to ease some of the heavier energy of the day.

Thursday is pretty quiet, but a Venus sesiquadrate to Juno shows some close relationships may have gotten damaged yesterday and are in the “silent treatment” zone today.

Friday is a New Moon at 25* Leo sextile the Mars/Saturn conjunction. This New Moon is asking each of us what unique talent do we have that is our sacred duty to share with the world to help and protect it in the interest of all? And also to recognize that every person has a unique contribution to bring to our world’s foundation to make it stronger and more cohesive, and that no one’s gift has a greater value than another’s – that they are all necessary in order for society to function well. On a personal level it asking you to plant the seeds of using your gift now – that the ground is ready, and to stop holding back out of doubt or conditioning. Leo asks us to come from our heart and intuition – to take a leap when it seems the time is right, because it likely is. It is also asking us to bring back the virtues of honesty and integrity in our dealings with others for we can only start healing our world through all our every day relationships and that is not possible by acting deceivingly. Our intuition will point us to our own truth and show us the way – we are being asked to trust it and act on it now. The New Moon joins the above mentioned Black Kite pattern, so the Hero’s Journey may seem long and daunting at this juncture, and indeed that’s likely the case, but the only other option is to retreat into passivity and ultimately powerlessness. The sextile to Mars/Saturn should help us have a sober assessment of what’s possible now. Look to which house this New Moon falls into your chart to see the area of life it’s activating for you – any aspects to other points/planets in your chart will also color its energy personally for you. This New Moon promises success if we and others fulfill our duties and play our truthful parts. Trust your gift and take a leap with it! Forward moving Mercury re-visits a quincunx Pluto again Friday – here’s what I blogged on this aspect 3 weeks ago and is relevant again: “… This is an excellent day to delve deep into your own psyche and make some tweaks and adjustments. Your mind may be able to solve some very complex problems, and can also appreciate the humor in the audacity of things….”

Saturday Mercury trines Uranus again, and again I quote myself from 3 weeks ago: “we may be filled to the brim with great ideas… It will be difficult to keep pace with the mind today, as far as actually getting anything real solid down. Still, jot down/record the best ones because they could be strokes of genius! You may also get drawn into some great conversations with different people from your normal crowd. Great perceptions come today and a move to break the routine somehow…” Combined with Mercury quincunx Chiron, we can use these ideas to refine and heal some of our damaged attitude and ideals. Venus square Pallas Athene shows we may get in some intellectual disagreements with groups we belong to.

Sunday, the Universe gives us a day off with not even any lunar aspects – should be calm waters at least for one day of respite.

Next week, the Sun ingresses into Virgo and opposes Neptune, while Mars ingresses into Scorpio and trines Neptune.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Astrological Winds for Week of 8-6-12

People have been telling me they had crazy Mercury retrograde week last week and I have to agree with that assessment – the Trickster is up to the games he likes to play reminding us of the duality of this physical reality we live in. It seems every time some stunning negative manifestation of Mercury retrograde event occurs, it has been quickly followed by an equally surprising good turn of events – what an odd (retrograde) way to achieve balance! Leaves you speechless and shaking your head. The reality is as Mercury slows down and stations its effect is felt stronger, so early this week while it’s standing still, we may get some last blasts from the retrograde cycle. On Tuesday, it stations exactly direct and starts to crawl forward in Leo again. It won’t reach its shadow point until August 22nd, so expect to feel residual, but weakening effects until then.

Monday is the weekly Moon hard aspect to Uranus/Pluto square day with Moon in Aries conjunct Uranus and square Pluto. The second exact hit (of 7 total) of Uranus/Pluto is starting to loom on the horizon and will be upon us on September 19th. Late September is showing a big astrological storm gathering. This is around the time of the year when the Market many times gets the jitters, and with a Presidential election coming, who knows what type of reaction will occur?  Moon/Uranus/Pluto on Monday can make this an intense day full of sudden annoying surprises that can push up tension and may have people explode upon one and other. Urges to break free may be hard to resist.

Besides aforementioned Mercury turning direct on Tuesday, which should start to get communications/travel/mechanical & technological/etc issues to start to unwind/operate normally, Venus finally leaves Gemini for the shores of Cancer. There’s a danger here with the Goddess of Love wanting to return to the safety and comforts of the past as security dwindles around her. Venus will end up tangling in hard aspect to Uranus/Pluto while in Cancer, so challenges in relationships and finances lay just around the bend for many of us. Venus in Cancer is considered favorable marriage weather, as it can bring out the affectionate side of us, but it can also bring out the insecure fear of losing someone side and degrade to manipulative behavior out of jealousy, envy, etc. This is also a time when many of us will have to deal with issues surrounding our mothers.

Wednesday is a quiet day.

Thursday there is a Last Quarter Square of Moon in Taurus to Sun in Leo: the emotional side is seeking security, while our willful side would prefer some new adventure. Venus in Cancer trining Neptune will likely have the secure emotional side win out in this struggle, as the Goddess of Love seeks some idealistic notion of merging higher and lower forms of love together into a deep romantic reverie to float away upon. If this type of relationship is unavailable to you right now to sink into, then artistic/spiritual inspiration may be the manifestation of Venus/Neptune for you. This really is a sweet energy aspect but it can make us quite passive and lost in fantasy. This is good energy to work for some charitable/empathic cause under also.

Friday is another calmer day.

Saturday, Mercury, now moving forward again re-visits its quincunx to Neptune that I blogged on last week, so expect to revisit this energy: “…can get us kind of spaced out today, however we may draw inspiration from nether worlds that we can turn into some type of art/creation. Normal communications are in disconnect mode, but psychic/unspoken ones may perk up. During this transit, we mainly live in our own mental fantasy world and avoid cold reality/have some alone time….” So this day is like a continuation of the Venus/Neptune energy dominating this week. Jupiter is also conjunct Vesta today and this can bring a big expansion to our connections with those we share ritualistic behavior with over some common serious interest. This can expand our knowledge of the world in some way big time, and we may be ready to take on some large issues.

Sunday’s Mars sesiquadrate Chiron can be a bit of a bumpy ride. Be careful in whatever weekend physical activities/sports/adventures you partake in of not injuring yourself or getting into some accident. You may have to think on your feet here to overcome some obstacle or get around some frustrating blockage. Adaptability is key, and be aware frustrating anger may come up between you and others that could end up hurting someone.

Next week, Venus tangles with the Uranus/Pluto square while Mars catches up to Saturn in Libra, and we have a New Moon in Leo. Stay tuned!