Mercury forms a Black Kite with the Uranus/Pluto square this Monday and Tuesday: we may be looking for solutions that are just not available now: how frustrating, as our best mental efforts are blocked by static situations we will be required to wait out. This can be enraging and easily lead to flying off the handle in some way, likely verbally with sarcasm, a flippant attitude, obsessed thoughts, forced points-of-view, unpleasant manipulative statements, etc. This energy may be best used to look within yourself for the sources of frustration, or for the study of new, intriguing, yet deep subject matter, because anything we try to force on external world is likely to get mired in the quagmire of the circumstances of this day. The Moon’s squares to Saturn and Mars on Tuesday will just re-enforce the above and have us quite stuck emotionally and perhaps even isolated.
Wednesday the Sun trines Pluto while Mercury sextiles Saturn: a good day to get serious and detailed about making progressive changes to your life. The intense experiences of earlier in the week/month may have you taking a serious look at your life today and assessing what you’d like to reform/change. This is a good day to clean the “garbage” from your life, as it will be easier to do so, as you can see how it holds you back. With these two transits working together, you can get to some very deep and detailed thought patterns that thoroughly weighs every problem/decision/thought. One thing to note however, is that Mercury is square Juno too, so partners may disagree or see things differently than you.
Thursday is the Sun’s annual opposition to Chiron, while Venus sesiquadrates Chiron also: this may be a day where ourselves or others are called upon to stand up for those/someone in a weaker position than us and help them out in some way. It’s also possible another’s decision could be a painful lesson or force us to react in some less than ideal way. We also may get a strong life lesson today in some way, or have the chance to give another one. Some relationships may prove to be quite difficult/frustrating and best left just to be for now as is, with some distance between the parties involved. However, the Sun’s quincunx to Uranus may push us over the edge in some way via someone going too far with their degree of selfishness and catching an earful from you/others in retribution. This can also give us a sense of restlessness about the rules we have to live under and get us quite ornery, unpredictable, reactionary and thus set up our own trip ups/falls.
Friday is a Full Moon at 8* Pisces: the willful side of us desires following the rules and etiquette of society – it wants things done in the procedurally correct way, and can be quite judgmental/critical of those who do not, while the emotional side wants no boundaries at all but wants to merge into something larger than itself. This is another aspect that challenges the real world with ideas on a more ideal world: a recurring theme these days. Virgo is fearful of losing the self somehow in all of this: the individuality of the self, that is. Will I survive as “I” if I merge into something bigger than myself? Yet, there seems to be an inherent emotional desire within humans to do so – to be part of something greater than the self or the sum-of-the parts. Venus’ semi-square to the Sun will help tip the scales toward the Pisces side of the axis, as she is the exalted ruler of Pisces, and can charm the Virgo Sun into relaxing just a little. Later, Mercury ingresses into Virgo also, a sign the Winged Messenger rules and is also exalted in. There is great potential to tap into the ingenious part of our minds during this time, work out the fine details on any of our plans, plow through any paperwork/computer work we have to do, get the most efficient use out of things, study thoroughly, use our inherent skills precisely, etc.
Saturday, Mercury opposes Neptune which can really confuse the mind. Your own or others’ decisions can be misleading, secretive, deceptive, etc., however we are highly attuned to more subtle forms of communication/psychic messages, but this can open us up to misinterpreting the message. This is not a good day to make final decisions on anything really.
There is another shift on Saturday that I feel is the biggest astrological event of the week: the Nodes slide back onto the Taurus (South Node)/Scorpio (North Node) axis for the next year and a half. This is the axis of material and emotional security and resources. The Nodes are more fateful than other parts of astrology in general because they are associated with our karma and dharma. In a Collective shift like this, it seems we will have many lessons to learn about resources and security in the upcoming 18 months – this fits in snugly with the ongoing Uranus/Pluto square. The South Node is what we are good at: using material resources to further physical comfort and security, but it is also where we sow the seeds of our karma – the damage we have done to the source of these resources: the earth, will now rise to the surface under the North Node in Scorpio and our dharma will be to decide where we go from here with it, and one thing is for certain: transformation will occur. We will all have to look deeply at the way we use resources and realize that material ones will not be able to fill the void of not having emotional security. On a more mundane level for most people, this portends to having to make do with less, or continue to do so, if they are already doing so. We need to look for other sources of satisfaction besides things, is what this seems to be saying. Deeper relationships and inner growth are two possible replacements. It does not seem that this is good news for the economy for most for this period. Lessons about our relationship to materials sums it up.
The weekly Moon hard aspect hook up to the Uranus/Pluto square has slid back to Sundays at this point and this week Moon in Aries squares Pluto and conjuncts Uranus. There will be lots of emotional tension/uneasiness in the air today ready to spring loose at the slightest provocation. Moods/words/acts shift rapidly and a desire to express our individuality is high.
Next week there are some helpful planetary aspects for those looking for change/transformation, and Venus heads off for Leo.