Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Astrology of Hurricane Sandy

As I stated in my weekly blog, the great storm that hit the Northeast of the US was driven not only by a Full Moon on an earth/water axis when the tides are highest and the behavior of everything in natural world can become exaggerated, but it was greatly enhanced by the energy of the Mars in Sagittarius opposite a debilitated and retrograde Jupiter in Gemini that gave the gift of expansion to Mars’ normal level of action which is already enhanced in a fire sign like Sagittarius. Mars opposite Jupiter creates super power/activity and old limits/restrictions/barriers are broken. A third factor in this storm was Mercury in Scorpio square Neptune in Pisces (winds from the sea and seawater flooding) almost exact at same time as Full Moon on Monday.


Since then the storyline of the storm has followed the daily transits energy. On Tuesday, the storm was enhanced by Sun sextile Pluto weaving a destructive wake behind that will require much clean-up and un-cluttering and purging. Then today, as the storm begins to clear, issues of fresh water, food, supplies, sanitation must be dealt with on the day Ceres turns retrograde and squares Venus: the need for care from others in a crisis situation. Also, the Moon in Gemini keeps the Mercury/Neptune square active as it forms a T-square with them and keeps the winds and waves churning even as it begins to dry out a bit.  And if being stuck and having to obey authorities and be conservative and responsible in your own movement/actions doesn’t describe a Mars/Saturn semi-square, then what does?


Now we’ll be entering the rest of the week with Venus forming an exact T-square with Uranus/Pluto: you can be sure tattered and bruised nerves will have people lashing out at each other, while others form quick yet deep respectful bonds to overcome a challenge together. With Pluto at the top of the point of the T-square, transformation and reformation will be permanent, deep, scarring. Issues of shared life and death and rebirth experiences will be a part of many people’s lives. With Mercury Retrograde approaching next week, you can be sure residual issues in normal communications, travel, commerce, education, information, and routine will continue to be felt acutely for the next month.


On a personal note, my Mom & Dad live in Toms River, NJ so the center of the storm hit them dead on. Pt Pleasant Beach is the town on the ocean side of the bay that got buried in sand 3 feet deep. Since I was standing on that street 2 months ago, it’s hard to imagine the change that has occurred. Mom and Dad made it safely through storm with a short power outage (lines are underground in their neighborhood = smart!) and some broken tree branches. Right out on the highway, boats from the harbor two miles away were now parked! Last year NYC got a freak blizzard Halloween week, this year a hurricane. This is the time of the year when the spirit world is said to be closest and most influential upon people and affairs of the earth. Is the spirit of the Earth/Gaia/Mother Nature striking blows to the epitome of human civilization as represented by New York City/Manhattan? A thought we should all be pondering perhaps, especially as we approach an election that no one wants to seem to talk about climate change consequences in, or how economy can continue to pay for the costs of these storms/disasters without producing more debt. And remember, Mitt Romney wants to eliminate FEMA. You’d be on your own to work it out privately with for profit companies. Ouch.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Astrological Winds for Week of 10-29-12

We come to the beginning of this week sailing high off the energy of the Mars/Jupiter opposition on Sunday leading right into a Full Moon at 6* Taurus on Monday. People on the east coast of the USA are getting to experience this peak of high energy x2 in the form of a monster hurricane/perfect storm. People in the northwest got a large earthquake with some tsunami action. This Full Moon across the resource axis will drag into the light our fears about resources and which type is more important: material or emotional? Can we find balance between these competing needs where we don’t stuff our emotional side by acquiring more and more stuff and sweeping deeper issues under the rug? This is a stubborn, fixed battle within us: the need for both deep emotional satisfaction and a desire to be comfortable in our material surroundings. This Full Moon asks us to assess these two needs and try to find a balance between the emotional need to connect with others and our inner selves on intense levels, and the body and self’s need to be comfortable with our environment and lives. Our Western society is seriously out of balance on this scale with material needs strongly outweighing emotional ones, so many may find out how little we can actually get by on and yet still enrich our lives in other ways through relationships and dealing with emotions honestly. We may experience as the death of some things in our lives and thus the clearing of some blockages that can lead to a rebirth/revival. Since these two signs also rule money, banks, financial institutions, multi-corporations, etc., more may be brought into the light about them, so that they are forced to change their ways also. Look to the houses in your chart this Full Moon falls into to see where it will most affect you. Any tight aspects it makes to planets or points in your chart will also influence its flavor in your life.


Mercury is also square Neptune on Monday, so there may be a lot of mental confusion/indecision/misunderstandings/bad moves in the air. This will stimulate imagination and is good for creative writing/storytelling. It also good for studying spirituality, mysticism, religion, art. However, this aspect can also make us lazy/passive/worn out mentally and in need of a break, so we may waste much of this day away.


Tuesday has a Halloween season type aspect with Sun sextile Pluto.  We have some personal power now and can make some changes in our surroundings/environment that is beneficial personally and can clear the air/bring in the new. This is an excellent aspect to work creatively within groups and communities to bring changes you want to make together. On personal levels, we can see deeply into our own make up and find some answers to what makes us tick that are not overwhelming but rather stimulating and self-empowering instead. You can use this energy to do research type work to get to the bottom of anything you’re interested in.


Wednesday, Halloween day, has Venus square stationing retrograde Ceres. Now we will enter a period where we can reflect on nurturing – how we give and receive it. It also may be a time where issues with food supplies may come up. Venus/Ceres could make your loved ones extra sensitive today and damaged by remarks unintentionally. Mars is also semi-square Saturn today – this can be some heavy frustrating energy: perhaps injuries or illness slow us down, or heavy handed authorities stand in our way, or our bodies are just worn out. Whatever it may be, we may feel stuck and unable to get out of the rut and quite irritated or inadequate.


The rest of the week is dominated by a Cardinal T-Square, as Venus in Libra opposes Uranus Thursday and squares Pluto on Saturday. This will be a major test of relationships and those under stress may suffer to points of breakage. The desire to break free of the same crowd will peak on Thursday and people may act out impulsively or unusually in some way, or you may be forced into collaborating with someone completely different than you. You can be tempted to act in out-of-ordinary ways in trying to connect with others. You want to have some fun by doing something different with someone different.


On Saturday, crisis may reach a pitch as intense feelings peak within relationships with the Venus/Pluto square exact. We may be forced to deal with some situations we’d rather not in regard to others. This can also get us into power struggles with others, or victim type relationships/scenarios. Relationships can get destructive this weekend – be careful.


Sunday, Saturn trine retrograde Ceres can stabilize nurturing relationships over the next few months. People support one and other in familial type ways more easily now.


Yes, it’s time for Mercury retrograde next week again – stationing right on Election Day. This can definitely have an effect on the results. Stay tuned.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Astrological Winds for Week of 10-22-12

This week starts with the Sun’s ingress into Scorpio on Monday.  We enter the middle of autumn in the Northern Hemisphere, where the lines between the worlds are said to be thinner than any other time of the year and thus things normally unseen arise to the surface. This can also be sensed within ourselves, as we may have to deal with some intense emotions built into the human condition we share together like birth/death/rebirth, issues over power and money, fears of mortality/sexuality, betrayal and revenge, etc. Yet what we allow to come to the surface and deal squarely with can be transformative and self-empowering ultimately – it can allow our own unique brand of creativity be born and take flight. This is an excellent time to confront yourself deeply and/or deepen certain relationships, and to make connections to the spirit/under worlds.


The Sun is trine Neptune and sesiquadrate Jupiter on Tuesday making this an inspiring/spiritual/religious/mystical/compassionate day. Idealism about values and philosophies will be important and you will want to connect and share with others of a similar vein as yourself. Others may want to use this energy to be alone in quiet, meditative states.


Wednesday is relatively quiet with 4 harmonious lunar aspects to planets making it a mainly pleasant day.


Thursday some heavy clouds move in in the form of the annual conjunction of the Sun to Saturn. Duties and responsibilities may build up to stifling levels or those with authority over you may come down very hard on you. This can get you into a very serious state of mind that is a somber reality check. It is beneficial for performing administrative type tasks or doing detailed work, but moods in general will be pessimistic/depressed/narrow. You could be recognized for your degree of expertise but with it can come added responsibility. A good day to organize/make plans/do physical work meticulously.


Slowing down Mercury allows Venus to catch up and form a sextile between them for the second time in the past 10 days. This can perk up the desire to connect with others to share/digest/rehash emotional experiences and get feedback. This will also help counter/soften some of the effects of Sun/Saturn as we can find sympathetic ears for our plights. This can also have us find some moment of beauty through art or environment.


The Sun trines Ceres on Friday, which opens up our unconditional/caring love of others that nurtures and strengthens them and vice versa. This is a time where we are spurred on to help who may be weaker, older, or younger and need some special care.


The stressful lunar aspects to the Uranus/Pluto square perfect overnight late Friday/early Saturday, so keep yourself out of dangerous environments/situations at that time. The Sun trines Chiron on Saturday which allows us to use talents and/or experience to tap into new potential energy or help teach others.


Sunday has the most activity of the week starting with the Sun quincunx Uranus having us rebel against those as we perceive to be too authoritarian/self-centered. There’s a very restless energy here but it is awkward in direction and can be quite stubborn/angry. Accidents can easily occur, and this will all be exponentially amplified by a Mars/Jupiter opposition: it will be very easy to go overboard today and get too egotistical/aggressive/headstrong. You will want to take more in today and expand your world, but you can easily get over-zealous/over-bearing in doing so. You could take risks on things you normally would not dare too and actually achieve results, or you could set yourself up for a big fall. Overtaxing your body despite feeling much physical vigor is possible. If your actions and decisions are well-measured however, you could move mountains with this energy. One last softer aspect to mention is Venus quincunx Neptune – this can take some of the edge off Mars/Jupiter and get you into the “creative inspiration zone.”  This can also bring up the desire to connect with others in softer/romantic/imaginative ways, but it’s a bit like fairy dust and not based in reality for most part, and thus can create some awkward moments.


Also on Sunday two planets change signs. First, Venus ingresses into Libra, a sign she rules and is thus quite comfortable in, as the desire to connect with others/form partnerships/beautify surroundings/find balance over the next few weeks is pushed up. This is extroverted energy that wants to bring others into our world. It’s also a time we may make our own personal spaces more beautiful somehow. Focus can be more on pleasurable relationships over work ones. Mercury meanwhile trudges into Sagittarius where the Winged Messenger will station soon and turn retrograde and make its way back to the waters of Scorpio in the next few weeks. This is a weakened placement (detriment) for Mercury where ideas can get too far-fetched to come to fruition. The mind is fascinated with new, inspiring knowledge/experiences over the practical ones. It prefers to ignore details with its grandiose schemes now. People can get preachy with their words/communications during this time and believe in their own version of the stretched truth so much that they fervently block out all other opinions. However, there’s great opportunity to be exposed to something new that can expand the mind’s horizon during this time.


Next week kicks off with a Full Moon in Taurus, and then Venus gets tangled up with the Uranus/Pluto square and relationships will be tested/stressed.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Astrological Winds for the Week of 10-15-12

This is a relatively quiet week with most of the action early featuring a New Moon at 22* Libra on Monday. This is a call to look at the way we handle relationships and finding balance with the requirements of our duties in them and the need to serve/be ourselves. This is a time we may form new partnerships, get into some beautification project in our environment/surroundings, seek out others to make agreements with, be a peacemaker/diplomat, and come together with others over ideas you share.  This is a time we are being called upon to bring harmony to the world around us.  Look to the house this New Moon falls into in your chart to see where the action will be in your life. Any planets it makes aspects to will also color the energy for you personally.


Mars is trine Uranus on Monday also and this can give us a super boost of energy this day that works smoothly for us and allows us to get much done both physically and mentally. This can also get libidos going, confident brashness that can actually attract others, breaks from your normal routine, a willingness to try things you normally wouldn’t, and breaking through restrictions easily.


Jupiter retrograde is also sesiquadrate Saturn Monday: normally these two work well together even in hard aspects, but right now our efforts/projects/works that were looking promising not too long ago may be getting stuck/bogged down/delayed by reality right now, and there may not be much we can do to force circumstances to flow our way right now - we’ll likely have to just wait it out and go through some contraction. Efforts we do make now are likely to miss their mark/go askew.


Both Mercury and Venus are active together on Tuesday keeping social energy perking: they sextile each other while Venus squares and Mercury quincunxes Jupiter, and Venus also semi-squares Saturn. For the most part this is agreeable energy, as people wish to connect/share with one and other, but there’s a tendency to go over the limits with boisterous behavior, stretching of the truth, imbalanced judgments, overspending of money and resources, lazy passivity, and indulgent extravagance. Later on, Saturn will remind us of the price we’ll have pay to reality.


Wednesday through Friday there is a lull in planetary activity and most of the Moon aspects are mellow except for a Moon/Mars conjunction Thursday morning which can bring up egotistical/angry/aggressive behavior and is best used by doing something physical solo.


Saturday, Mars conjuncts Juno, which can bring up issues of anger or aggression within relationships, but can fire up sexuality between partners.  Mercury’s sesiquadrate to Uranus is jagged mental energy blockage that can overload nerves or frustrate solutions. Vesta also goes retrograde bringing in a period of change that causes reflection within groups you belong to and perhaps reassessment of your role.


Sunday, Mercury semi-squares Pluto, which gives the ability to see deeply into things, but be disturbed by the state of what you see, and an inability to transform it presently. The Moon in Capricorn’s first quarter square to Sun in Libra can restrict emotions when dealing with others despite the need to connect with them. Social contacts may be stressful today.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Astrological Winds for Week of 10-8-12

The Sun sesiquadrate Neptune on Monday morning may find us struggling to get going energy wise on physical/spiritual/inspirational levels – everything can seem like a drag and we may look for an excuse to get out of doing what we’re supposed to, procrastinate our way out of it, make poor judgments, live in a fantasy world, etc. It is actually a good day to take some downtime if you can. A Venus/Uranus quincunx has relating to others bumpy/off/awkward/bored/restless. Weakened ones can be tested to the point of separation.  The Sun trine Jupiter retrograde on Monday night will surely give an optimistic boost to the mind and communications with others. This transit brings in a desire for peace/getting along, even if superficial and short-lived, thus is quite good for all types of social interacting, good impressions/recognition of some type, and the seeking of common goals. Mercury trine Chiron will lend a soothing/understanding voice to those we can teach or learn from or help heal/get healing from.


Venus trine Pluto on Tuesday can deepen certain relationships to some powerfully enriching moments. This favors romantic relationships reaching intense experiences. We can learn much about our own need for relating to others also. This energy can also be filtered into intense creative projects/output. Uranus is also trine Juno and this can help facilitate healthy change in relationships that allow more expression of each person involved. This can help liven up stale ones, or bring you in touch with eccentric, yet lovable characters. Mercury quincunx Uranus and Sun semi-square Mars can get things a bit edgy – the mind is in overdrive and it may be tapping into some irritable frustration now that can have words blurted out in angry tones. It may be difficult to focus mentally and actions may be off.


Wednesday has one of the biggest aspects of the whole month: Saturn trine Neptune (first of three exact hits and thus in effect for quite some time). Perhaps we can find some way to bridge the gap between our ideals and reality during this time, or come up with resources not considered before to help us out. On personal levels, we may be able to find our place in the world easier now: to see how things fit together to create our reality, and thus be able to work with that energy in bringing together reality and ideals. This is a time we are willing to sacrifice part of ourselves for the greater good or deeper understanding of ourselves. We have gained wisdom, now is the time to put it to use.  Mercury is also sextile Pluto on Wednesday giving a focused mind that has the opportunity to get to the bottom of things, get research done, make psychological changes, study, and work with language/words in detail.


Thursday is relatively quiet – lowered energy during afternoon from a Moon/Neptune opposition will awaken in the evening from a Moon/Mars square.


Friday is also quiet and has four positive Moon aspects – should be a sweeter/harmonious day overall.


The only notable aspect on Saturday is the Sun sesiquadrate Chiron: it may be hard to find our balance today, or our preferred image may be under duress and unable to let go. We may see the kinks in our ego’s armor for the most part and feel a bit stuck/down about it.


Mars square Chiron is the big aspect of Sunday: we may be challenged today by some frustrating blockage that we need to find a new course of action in order to resolve – this will not be easy. It can easily enrage/enflame those who have been injured by others or those who can not control their anger at times. It may take some shrewd moves to make it through some minefields today.


Next week kicks off with a New Moon in Libra.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Astrological Winds of Week of 10-1-12

As I mentioned last week, four planets are ingressing into different signs this week and one of the major asteroids also, plus one planet is changing direction, so there will be some shifts in background energy.


Monday is a pretty quiet day with Moon opposite Saturn in mid-afternoon being most challenging aspect: responsibilities have us in a serious/practical/conservative/pressed mode. The Moon goes void of course afterwards and then into Taurus about an hour later.


Venus sextiles Saturn on Tuesday which brings the opportunity to stabilize relationships and finances, get or give advice/wisdom/guidance, good working relationships that can strike fair deals, and the ability to get creative details worked on. Later, Venus becomes the first planet to change signs this week, as she ingresses into Virgo, the sign of her fall, where her ability to express herself is most repressed/denied. Here, love and relationships are satisfied through service to others. The danger is you may play the martyr to get love and attention from others.  Indeed, perceptive people can take advantage of others who are too quick to please now. This is a good time period to work on artistic/creative projects in detail, as you are willing to sacrifice parts of the self for your creation/work. Your higher standards could rub people the wrong way however, as they perceive you as nitpicking/hypercritical. This is also a good time to start a diet or some new health plan, as you’re in the right frame of willing to sacrifice some of your indulgences.


Venus’ sacrificial energy peaks even more on Wednesday as she opposes Neptune: here she wants to blend mundane love with higher spiritual expressions of love. However, we can be extremely unrealistic in all our dealings surrounding love in any form today. Our ideals about love can crash hard on the shores of reality and leave us quite disappointed in others or disillusioned with the world. The trap of giving in order to receive is set on this day and you may be disappointed if you don’t catch your prey or something goes awry. In effect, it’s easy to get deceived by others because you are being too receptive/open/pie-eyed. There is a chance you may have some amazingly moving encounter or experience today that seems to bridge worlds together, but the experience is mainly one of perception, not necessarily physical reality. This is a good day to be of service to others as long as you remain clear-headed (hearted!) and maintain some boundaries. Pallas Athene ingresses into Pisces also today beckoning the Warrior Daughter Princess to use non-violent protest, art, spirituality, healing, and compassion as her weapons of choice now in fighting injustice and imbalance.


The Venus/Neptune opposition stays very active on Thursday as the Moon in Gemini gets between them and forms a mutable T-square: watch what you say today, as insensitive remarks can hurt sensitive others. Jupiter in Gemini stations retrograde also and will travel backwards from our viewpoint for the rest of the calendar year and until January 31st next year. Plans of expansion may be put on hold,  words from the past may come back to us for re-assessment somehow, big decisions may need constant adjusting/mulling over, and/or information overload may have us indecisive. This is a good time to look within at both sides of the values/opinions/viewpoints we have developed and list the positives and negatives in weighing what may require some tweaks/adjustments.


Mercury is very active Friday, first conjuncting Saturn: this can get us into a heavy, pessimistic frame of mind, where the shadow side is accentuated, narrow-mindedness is prevalent, judgmental attitudes rule, and conversations take on a heavy tone. It is excellent for precise work, especially types that require mental energy. Mercury then ingresses into Scorpio, where balanced thoughts are lost in the depths of emotions. Here, the mind is fascinated by mystery – what lies behind/below, and any subject matter that relates to that. It wants to know why things work the way they do. The danger is allowing ourselves to become obsessed by the emotional force behind what we are interested in and becoming a manipulative  power pusher about it through the use of the mind. This can also get into the frame of not standing for any fools around us without giving them a dressing down, as the mind’s penetrating perceptions has a hard time understanding why others don’t see what you see or how foolish their own ways are. We can also get into dark humor now or involved in secretive behavior. Mercury finishes its day by trining Neptune, which can lift our thoughts into the idealistic atmospheres. This is aided by a sesiquadrate to Jupiter early Saturday morning. Imagination/inspiration is stimulated and you’ll want to share it with others. This also raises the mind’s psychic powers, so that non-verbal forms of communication become more easily accessible. This is also a time when the mind will take “the higher road” and will have soothing words and ideas for others. An excellent time to also learn new information involving magick, metaphysics, spirituality, art with words, etc.


Saturn ingresses into Scorpio also on Friday - this is a big event – the biggest of the month for sure. Saturn will spend the next 2 ½ years in the depths of Scorpio. Those in authority will be working hard to cover their tracks, work secretively, consolidate power, repress information, and restrict others. This will likely be a period of intentional international manipulation of finances by authorities that represent investors and multi-national corporations. We may see the death of more investment banks/houses during this time and corporate earnings will continue to contract.  We may also have to Collectively face some large death events. This really plays into the first half of the Pluto in Capricorn transit, as those in power and in fear of losing it through tumultuous times circle the wagons and the ruts get ever deeper, the desire to control ever stronger. On personal levels, many of us may experience deep psychological changes through this time, as certain energies/behaviors come to the surface and must be addressed responsibly. What motivates us may confront us! Attempts to remain clam and cool can result in extreme acts when rage can not be controlled.


Mars has a late Friday night trine to Pallas Athene on Friday/Saturday early AM, which can aid us in making plans of action and ready to take on the “good fight.” Mars then ingresses into Sagittarius Saturday night, which can fire the warrior up to some risky behaviors, courageous acts, grand adventures, etc. Your ideals fuel your actions during this time and you mat need some time for more personal freedom/independence.  Mars can get ornery here over conflicts about values, judgments, philosophies, religion, law – so it can flare up as mass rebellious acts at times.


Mars square to Neptune on Sunday will enflame idealistic behavior for some and drain the energy out of others. This is a good day to relax physically or just do gentler exercise/movement like yoga. Sudden movements can even injure now. Energy dissipates and is hard to sustain. It will be hard to take on anything too big or your personal battle to the world today and anything you try will likely have discouraging results. It’s easy to get into self-pity after demoralizing interactions/situations. Temptations at deception should be avoided. With Venus opposite Chiron forming a mutable T-square with Juno, close partnerships could be stressed today, and there may be major lessons to learn about relationships and the inherent conflict that love brings in how much we must give up to others in close relationships. There can be romantic/sexual/emotional/fidelity/competition issues within relationships.


Next week features an exact Saturn/Neptune trine in water signs.