Monday, Christmas Eve, is a quiet day with Moon in Taurus trining Mars at night ensuring we'll have energy bubbling tonight for out Christmas Eve activities.
Mars ingresses into Aquarius and will feed active revolution over the next 2 months or so. Those who share similiar ideas, especially alternative ones, will act together, and this can spur us to act on/out eccentic ideas individually. This can help us leave traditional habits and create new, advanced models. This can also put us/groups at war over ideals with others/other groups. A Moon/Jupiter conjunction in Gemini during the day should keep optimisim and joy highly festive for this holiday. However, the Sun locks into the exact square with Uranus tonight: individuals act out in surprising and often aggressive ways - think the Newtown massacre as an example of how extreme this can get. It's best to use this energy to challenge yourself somehow to change/revolutioize. Behavior can be erratic and we may have some odd experiences with others, or odd attractions, upsetting behavior by others, hot disagreements, restless undertones, accidents and natural disasters
Wednesday has one of the biggest aspects of the month and one that will be in potent effect through September of next year, as Saturn sextiles Pluto. These are the two most controlling/disciplined/focused planets in a positive aspect that gives us the opportunity to reform the foundations of societal structures and institutions, power bases, and our own approach to our lives. We will be able to tap into great resorvoirs of inner strength that allows us`to walk the long road of transformation in a step-by-step manner by knowing our limits and building for the long term. This is a great period to work on your career advancement plans too. The Sun sextile Chiron today will give us the opportunity to launch this reformation energy in their lives by using your own creativity and wisdom from experience. Venus opposite Vesta can make relationships to groups can be tricky/conflicting today. This can also bring up sexual issues.Thursday Mercury semi-squares Saturn and opposes Ceres, which can make communications and decisions difficult today. It's easy to get frustrated with controlling others, pinched resources, a pessimistic viewpoint, etc.
The Full Moon in Cancer joins the Sun/Pluto/Ceres square Uranus forming a Cardinal T-square. The intensity of this energy can get off the scale today as people can feel their security is threatened and may act quite munipulatively or out of base survival mode. Power struggles may reach extremes. This T-square wants us to take on the initiation of difficult change that is bound to cause some crisis in our lives by paying attention to insights on what we need to change in ourselves. This has much to do with dealing with our shadow/darker side and our own mortality and fear of loss. It is time to accept our responsibility to future generations by taking care of our world now. Give up the need to control others and circumstances. Trust life and Mother Nature to take care of us.
Saturday's only notable event is Sun quincunx Jupiter, which can enforce the need to adjust values and philosophies that are out of synch with current times. This can also show us where we are exaggerating ourselves and force us to pull back.
Sunday the Sun has its exact conjunction to Pluto and sextile to Saturn just continuing the energy of the above. Sun/Pluto can heighten aggressive energy to violent acts and give some powerfully intense experiences. We can experience the archetype of birth/death/rebirth somehow today. Power struggles, mechanical breakdowns, victimization could occur. Use the Sun/Saturn sextile to approach these problems with patience and discipline and the will to do so. You may be able to pick up some good advice to help today.
Mercury gets very active next week and is the next planet to join the Uranus/Pluto square - strap on in!