Monday, January 28, 2013

Astrological Winds for Week of 1-28-13

This week is relatively mild astrologically, but there are a few significant events on the same two days, Wednesday and Friday.


Monday is a continuation of last week’s dominant energy (see last week’s blog) with Uranus perfecting its conjunction with Pallas Athene. Those who wish to rebel/revolt together out of principle, the call now is very strong. This is a time when your thinking/ideas: can be changed rapidly, become more radical/freeing, be clarified by intuition, can be joined with others who share similar views, will fight for basic rights for all. It is possible to go overboard with anger and rebellious behavior over our principles under this energy also.


Another lighter day Tuesday does have a Sun trine Vesta, which will make it easy to come together with others who share the same ritualistic types of behavior as you. You will find comfort in each other’s company. You are willing to commit to ideals on deeper/sacred levels. Open-mindedness about sexuality is aided.


Wednesday the weather gets a bit heavier: stationary Jupiter turns direct in Gemini at 6* and will now speed to Cancer within five months at end of June. Ideas that we’ve been sitting on or that were slowed down or delayed will now take leaps forward. New insights we’ve had recently will be allowed to be integrated into our value systems/philosophies. Connections with others should have expansive effects. Things are not what they initially seem to be with Jupiter in Gemini, so be aware of your ideas becoming over-inflated and tying you up with lots of required commitments later.

The Sun is also square Saturn today, which can put a damper on many things. It’s easy to get pessimistic, see the dark side, feel tied down or restricted in some way likely because of duties/work/care of others/resources. It’s hard to be yourself/shine today as circumstances/others, especially with those in authority over you can, come down hard on you. This may be a tough/down day mentally and emotionally.


Thursday is our weekly hard aspects from the Moon (in Libra this time) to the Uranus/Pluto square day, this time with an opposition to Uranus in the morning having us rebel against the perceived selfish acts of others or making some ground breaking (with repercussions) decision that is independent in nature; and a square to Pluto in evening that may have us quite ornery/angry and best left to our own devices type mood.


Friday is the other significant day this week with two inner planet ingresses, both at night. First Mars ingresses into Pisces, a sign the Warrior is not most comfortable in because of its watery, elusive to tie down energy. However, this can enflame those with a religious/fundamentalist agenda to go on the attack/offensive, so we’ll hear much rhetoric during this period (next six weeks). On personal levels, this can dissipate our normal energy and drive, so we may find ourselves more tired than usual or lacking in our normal degree of confidence. This is helpful for taking charitable/compassionate actions. About one hour later Venus ingresses into Aquarius furthering the push to connect/relate to others who share similar ideals that are humanitarian in nature. The use of technology/science is another area where you can connect with others easily now. Important relationships are more platonic in nature during this period (month of February). However, this can indicate the beginnings of unusual new relationships.


Saturday has five lunar aspects, all positive except a late night Moon/Saturn conjunction, so just get to bed early to skate around it (except for maybe in your dreams). There is a Mercury/Pluto semi-square also which can give us an obsessed mind that is frustrated in an inability to get what it’s obsessing with at this time.


Sunday’s only notable event is a 3rd Quarter Square of Moon in Scorpio to Sun in Aquarius: there may be some deep emotional issues/challenges that come up between you and groups. There may be power struggles, resources issues, sexual issues, jealousy/envy. It will be a struggle to maintain ideals when deep emotions like this are triggered – that will be the challenge/crisis to overcome – by doing so relationships can be deepened /transformed/cleared.


Next week all three inner planets are active with aspects to outers and there’s a New Moon at 21* Aquarius.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Astrological Winds for Week of 1-21-13

Besides a Moon/Neptune square in the morning that may us have in a bit of a fog/disillusioned as we start the work week, Monday is a mainly a harmonious day with no big aspects and four positive lunar aspects including a brilliant Moon/Jupiter conjunction that can be observed in the night sky, so check it out – the Moon will be very close to Jupiter, the brightest “star” in the vicinity of the Moon.


Tuesday is a very Mercurial day with the Winged Messenger sextiling Uranus, trining Jupiter, and sesiquadrating Ceres – think big innovative ideas, strokes of genius that understands the Big Picture, and revolutionary changes of philosophy/values. Ideas/plans you have at work may hit some big pay off, new discoveries my open up large new vistas for you through your mind, new solutions to old issues should work out favorably, the mind is on the future, the mind is open and allows the new in, and study that blends values with technology are favored. Venus is semi-square Neptune today too, so relationships with unreliable others may let you down a bit, or the rose-colored glasses may be harder to keep on in relation to someone else. Your own romantic imagination/dream may be thwarted somehow.


Wednesday is pretty quiet with Moon void-of-course all day (sandwiched between 2 nice trines to Mars (early AM) and Neptune (late PM)) and the Sun sextile Pallas Athene  giving us the opportunity to act with wisdom and courage for the ideals we are willing to fight for.


Thursday the Sun follows Mercury’s lead and gets involved with Uranus and then Jupiter on Friday. This will keep personal unique creativity hopping along all week – a great week to get your ideas out there. This should be a day of some dynamic connections with others, brilliant ideas, acting for yourself, and exciting encounters. Mercury’s trine to Vesta will help us connect with like-minded groups who are “with us.” Both the Sun (sesiquadrate) and Venus (quincunx) have minor bumps with Ceres, so there may be some issues with family, nurturing, or basic needs. 


As mentioned the Sun perfects its trine to Jupiter on Friday, but we also get a Mercury/Saturn square, so the energy is a bit of an odd mix. Our spirit/optimism may still be high, yet somehow are thinking/ideas/communications are blocked/impeded today, possibly by someone in authority above us. It’s possible Sun/Uranus/Jupiter may have us so self-assured that we are right that our own stubbornness to meet others part of the way self-sabotages us. This is good for plowing through any heavy/detailed paperwork/intellectual work.


Saturday is a Full Moon at 7* Leo – tension comes from decisions needing to be made in trying to find balance between the need to honor the individual self and the need to belong to a group with similar viewpoints in order to feel secure emotionally. This Full Moon sextiles Jupiter and trines Uranus continuing the energy of the week and giving a great push to be your unique self, your special you, the talents that you have displayed openly in order to fulfill your highest destiny, for this is what would help the world the most. We each have a unique talent we may be afraid to acknowledge and use, but in order to become our fully potentiated self, we must take the risk and do so, or our world will continue to decay around us. We must also acknowledge that all have a unique gift that is equally important to any other’s, and that we have a need to connect with others and share common goals that are inclusive for all. Look to the houses this Full Moon falls into in your natal chart to see where it will most affect your life – any aspects it makes to planets or points in your chart (1-2* orb) will also influence its energy in your life.


Vesta also goes direct on Saturday urging groups with similar interests/rituals to move forward in actions taken/shared together. Mars semi-square Pluto can add a dose of intensity to this Full Moon as power struggles may break out and frustrate actions to transform. All this energy can lead to some frustrated actions that only cause to trip you up/irritate you some more. It’s also possible you may have to deal with angry others or dangerous situations, so keep your head up if so. Venus semi-square Chiron shows an inability to heal a relationship today and to have just let go for the time being. It could easily be associated to Mars/Pluto or the Full Moon.


Sunday is a pretty mellow day with only a Moon/Mercury opposition in morning perhaps forcing us to make some annoying decision, but it can also be used to do some important communiqué, paperwork, routine chores.


Jupiter turns direct next week while Venus and Mars change signs – stay tuned!      

Monday, January 14, 2013

Astrological Winds for Week of 1-14-2013

Monday has an early Mercury/Jupiter sesiquadrate perhaps greeting us upon awakening with a sense of much to do and the realization it’s not going to all happen because there are only so many hours in the day. Our minds will be thinking Big Picture and will likely underestimate the size of the task, but realize there are many hurdles along the way and it can be quite mentally frustrating. We can be stuck/married-too-hard to some philosophical position too that has a way of tripping us up now. Venus sextile Chiron can bring up people’s gentler side that wants to help others out – it’s also an opportunity to heal or learn through relationships in positive ways. Venus is also quincunx Jupiter, which can help continue the Mercury/Jupiter energy above by bringing it into our interactions with others and forcing some type of adjustment to avoid awkward situations. It can also make us overly passive/lazy. Pluto conjuncts Juno: this can bring an intense level of energy into partnerships – some type of change may be required to move forward. Power struggles may ensue that can go down some dark roads with those who are imbalanced in their viewpoints on close relationships. Jupiter square Chiron can have us questioning our own beliefs/values both personally and societal. There is much to learn and things are quite scattered right now – the ability to learn things on deeper levels seems to be escaping most now when that is what is needed to help heal the world and society. Different groups with different values continue to openly clash and wound each other and anyone else in the way. There are 5 pretty nice lunar aspects this day to at least aid the emotional side through an otherwise odd ride.


Tuesday is actually a pretty calm day with very little astrological activity.


Wednesday Venus perfects her conjunction to Pluto (with Juno still there too!). This is a highly sensitive weak for close relationships – inevitable change can come to any that are imbalanced. Any that are weak/on shaky ground may fail/fall. Others may reach new deep levels of emotional intensity that are revealing to both. Issues of jealousy/obsession/possessiveness/power/life & death/love & hate may come up in

relationships. Saturn sextile Juno could help to build some solid foundation/ground to start from…


…followed by Venus sextile Saturn Thursday. This is a relationship stabilizing aspect. We can get some good advice/support/help from others. People are willing to support one and other. This can also be helpful in business relationships or bring new career opportunities.


Sun conjunct Mercury can really get our ego/will tied up in our communications – this can come across as narcisstic/self-absorbed/manical-egotistical. Otherwise, it can be a very busy day and quite mentally stimulating. You may have much on your to do list in local area. This is also considered a good time to launch new business ideas, travel, making plans, and organizing. A First Quarter Square of Moon in Aries to Sun in Capricorn may have your restless spirits/emotions rebel against the proper way your self tries to live each day, and asks “Is there some other way? What do I have to overthrow in my life to make it some greater adventure?” Mercury than ingresses into Aquarius late Friday night where the Winged Messenger will remain until February 5th.  This can get people very stubborn with their intellectual outlook/principles. Those with different viewpoints may clash/have disputes with one and other. People are very clear on what they believe and will not back down/alter their views. This is helpful to the technological/scientific/mathematical side of the intellect and is great for coming up with new inventions/ideas/theories/solutions. This can be the scientific mind trying to achieve objectivity, so to speak. Sharing stimulating ideas is likely with like-minded others/groups.


Saturday, the Sun follows Mercury into Aquarius – the time of mid-winter in the Northern Hemisphere. This is a time when we want to use our uniqueness to create something that is our signature work. However, we may upset others along the way with our stubborn attitude or rebellious actions. We could bring some new knowledge/inspiration to the world, yet be too arrogant in doing so. We must learn to be open to others’ ideas also and not be so stuck in our position that we end up hurting ourselves. We could rally around others with similar views to take on the world, so to speak.


Sunday there is some Mars activity – besides a Moon/Mars square in morning that can really get us going, but also have us angry with others, Mars semi-squares Uranus, which can bring a great deal of restlessness and irritation at possibly not even knowing at exactly what!  There’s a desire to do something different and our actions can be accident prone/hasty/self-defeating. Mars trine Ceres should help a bit – you may be able to use some of this energy you have to help nurture or defend others somehow.


Next week is led by a Full Moon in Leo on Saturday. Stay tuned!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Astrological Winds for Week of 1-7-13

Excuse my absence at this space last week, as the flu bug hit me hard and it took the whole week to recover. Mercury tangling with the Uranus/Pluto Square (conjunct Pluto on Sunday and square Uranus on Wednesday) kept communications and negotiations ornery in the mundane world as we could see through the budget deal and Hurricane Sandy relief, as good examples. A pattern has been established and my expectation would be for it to continue as long as the Uranus/Pluto Square is active (through 2015): President Obama is Uranus in Aries, while Republican house plays Pluto in Capricorn. Every time 1 of the 4 inners (Sun, Mercury, Venus,  Mars) gets involved via hard 4th harmonic aspect (conjunction, opposition, square), there will be a political battle of wills that puts the nation/people in crisis of some form or another, and ultimately very little changes (similar to the weekly lunar one with Uranus/Pluto that I’ve mentioned multiple times on this blog in the past year as being the high emotional stress point of each week). Due to this, my expectation for much progressive change politically during Obama’s 2nd term is not to expect much really. The results of this we may reap during Uranus in Taurus – usually not a pretty sight. Friday was also a very dynamic day with Grand Trine in Air leading the way (Moon/Mars/Jupiter) to a big boost of energy, especially to ideas/thoughts being prepared for actions.


This week starts off with a very burdensome Mars/Saturn square. Physical energy is restricted or dictated to you somehow, and this can illicit responses that are angry in nature ultimately. The heavy hand of authority may strike some blow also. It favors long, slow or detailed physical projects that you are already knee-deep in – just getting it done, but with no reward today. It is easier to get angry at others or vice versa under this sign due to our egos feeling repressed. Working with metals and repairing machinery are favored. There is also a Void of Course Moon all day today to add to the irritation level the sense that nothing went as planned, which is likely. A Jupiter/Juno quincunx may also add the feeling of being disconnected to a partner because of differing ideals about something. Things could get blown out of proportion, feel quite unfair, and have you in despair about how to adapt.


Tuesday Venus moves on into Capricorn where the Goddess of Love can get quite concerned about money and possessions – those that “have” can look quite attractive now and this can be the signature of the love affair for more resource. Existing relationships take a more serious turn/tone and emotions are easier to control/manipulate. Moderation is favored in use of resources, although taste does not suffer.


Then Wednesday Venus sextiles Neptune – this is a very sweet, highly romantic aspect, where we can see/sense beauty in our world and have some inspiring moments spiritually/creatively/artistically. A great day to escape somehow and get in some quiet, reflective/meditative time, do some art, or blend with a lover.


Thursday, Mercury semi-squares Neptune, which could be the frustration of having to deal with the intellectually based real world after such an inspiring lift from Venus/Neptune. Communications can be easily misunderstood or be disheartening in some way. Thinking is foggy and confused. Pallas ingresses into Aries bringing out the Warrior archetype in the Warrior Goddess: initiation of actions based on principles are taken that are a call to arms to fight for what you believe in. This is the use of the body to perform great feats due to inspiration. A fighting spirit against the old/the past and what holds one back now that’s connected to that – the breaking from tradition/heritage’s rules and striking out on one’s own (like Merida, the princess, in Pixar’s “Brave” movie).


Friday is a New Moon at 21/22* Capricorn. Emotions can be quite restricted normally during this time of lunar month. This New Moon asks us to look at how our emotions and fears can be associated to lack/or not getting enough, and how that makes us respond by acting through power/control/manipulation of others to get what we want. What do we normally do when we feel insecure? How do we try and control? How can we react more responsibly to that feeling? How do we respond to others who we sense can bring us more security? How do we fall into power games/trips? Nature provides all we need, yet humanity has convinced itself and proven to its intellectual/discriminatory mind that there is not enough for all. We can each make choices in our lives (where we are at the top of the pyramid) that ensures there is enough for self and all, if we don’t react out of fear of lack unconsciously, even if the whole Western world spins on that economic/resource axis as we do so, we can begin to slow that day and allow nature/the earth to take care of all as she is so capable and willing to do – now, that would be true security! This New Moon says let go of what has defeated us/led us down the road of ruin, learn from the wisdom gained along the way, and start making more responsible choices. Look to the house it falls in in your natal chart to see what area of life it is time to do this in for you. Any planets it makes a tight (1-2* orb) aspect to will flavor it also for you personally.


The Sun is a bit active on Friday also with a semi-square to Chiron, sesiquadrate to Jupiter, and quincunx to Ceres. Sun/Chiron can bring some frustration in finding/projecting some new image of yourself. Sun/Jupiter can give an optimistic boost, but also too much to do/spend/overlook. Sun/Ceres can bring some forced resource adjustments/adaptations.


Venus is the next inner plant to fall into the Uranus/Pluto lockjaw on Saturday, as the Goddess of Love squares Uranus. We may feel stuck in some relationship and want to suddenly break free. People and places and things we normally don’t associate with seem intriguing, exciting. Relationships formed now can be explosive, changing, flirtatious but are short term in nature, and may cause issues with longer term friends.


Three minor aspects are worth mentioning for Sunday. Mercury quincunx Ceres may bring some communication breakdown in relation to nurturing or resources. Mercury semi-square Chiron may frustrate our ability to gather some info/knowledge we are seeking for self-help. Saturn quincunx Vesta is longer term and asks us to each adjust ourselves to meet the needs of self and others – to try and find a new balance between what we give and what we take. Issues may surround sexuality, work, duties, high standards.


Next week Venus continues her dance with Uranus/Pluto by conjuncting Pluto. The Sun’s ingress into Aquarius indicates its mid-winter in the Northern Hemisphere.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013