Monday, February 25, 2013

Astrological Winds for Week of 2-25-13

The heaviest weather of this week is right off the bat on Monday as we get a Full Moon in Virgo at 7* in a partile mutable T-Square with Jupiter in Gemini. We are in the midst of the Pisces archetype heavily these days, but here it is challenged by the need to have some logic and order and a rulebook in order to get our dreams/ideals grounded into some serviceable form. In this case, a very weak Jupiter squaring the Full Moon is not going to help: Jupiter has a natural inclination towards Pisces energy as it is (it rules Pisces) and in Gemini (detriment) it will easily overinflate the fanatical/my-way-only side of Pisces and we may see some extreme behavior by any fundamentalist types. We may find ourselves getting extremely judgmental/critical of others whose values differ from ours. We may also easily fall into the trap of dreaming big without knowing how we’ll pull it off – in other words, conveniently overlooking the details/reality of the situation. Our spirituality/faith needs to be assessed practically. If we want our Piscean dreams to come true they need some tethering to the earth. We may have some crisis in our faith/beliefs also that has us assess what we truly believe inside versus what we have been taught to believe from external influences. Thus, we may find some newer, freer part of ourselves that can continue to have compassion for those and what we leave behind. Look to the houses this Full Moon falls into in your chart to see what areas of life it will affect the most for you. Any of your natal planets/points that receive tight aspects from it (0-2*) will also flavor the energy of it for you.

Venus joins the planetary gathering in Pisces on Monday also. The Goddess of Love is very strong here (exalted). She wants to merge deeply with (an)other(s) in a love dream of soul union here: sacred sexuality, compassion and empathy, spiritual connection, artistic immersion, romantic fantasy, peaceful surroundings, etc. The only issue may be that certain others may perceive this as a weakness in you and may try to take advantage of your good intentions.

Tuesday, is the second (retrograde) exact hit of the Mercury/Mars conjunction (ooposite the Moon in Virgo) that has basically been in effect all month so far – here’s what I said about it a few weeks back: “Mercury catches up to Mars and conjuncts the Warrior. Normally, this can bring fighting/aggressive words, but in Pisces much of this edge could be eroded. This does give much mental energy and it's a good day to tackle paperwork. Look out for angry people trying to draw you in to fights over beliefs, as they can be quite irritating.”

Wednesday’s biggest event is the Sun’s annual conjunction to Chiron which may have us a bit jacked up about what we’ve learned/overcome/healed from in the recent past and have us in a positive frame of mind to innovate with what we have, take steps towards some new goals, and/or take on a role as mentor/teacher. This night is the weekly Moon (in Libra) stressful aspects to Uranus/Pluto square of the week, which can find emotions intensified and the desire to break free – relationships can be the stress point this time.

Thursday is a day of experiencing some beautiful moment(s) in our lives, as Venus conjuncts Neptune in Pisces. This is the blending of mundane/physical love with spiritual/ideal love. It can bring great acts of compassion and empathy, soulmate encounters, artistic inspiration, charitable work, etc. The biggest issue is that much of this may not be able to be met ideally and we may encounter some disappointments due to reality.

Friday, the Sun hooks up with the two planets of power and control in harmonious aspects as it sextiles Pluto and trines Saturn. Sun/Pluto gives us the opportunity to make great strides in transforming ourselves somehow – things that have come up to the surface of your psyche in the past few weeks can be used as tools to have the discipline and endurance to take solid steps forward as the Sun/Saturn trine lends a helping hand. This is a good day to also change our outer environment to reflect the changes going on within. Any projects that require detail, patience, organization, endurance, clean up, repair, maintenance, clearing out junk are favored. This is also a good day to have clear-the-air conversations with others. Group/work projects should go smoothly. Mars is square Ceres today also: this may bring up issues with children/parents, feelings of inadequacy/powerlessness in relation to others, discipline from those with authority over us, nurturing/care issues, etc.

Saturday is pretty quiet although it is truly “Saturn’s Day” as a Moon/Saturn conjunction kicks off the day at dawn and may lay down a day of fulfilling duties/responsibilities, but the Moon’s trine to the Sun and Mercury should make the road/going smooth.

Sunday is also quiet with the biggest event of the day a Moon/Neptune square in the evening showing we may just be worn out from our weekend’s events and ready to relax/numb out/get to bed early.

Next week the Sun and Mercury Retrograde make their inferior conjunction and Saturn makes it second exact sextile to Pluto – one of the main background aspects of this year I blogged about at first exact hit a few months back and will refresh us on. Venus is also very active. Until then…blessings…

Monday, February 18, 2013

Astrological Winds for Week of 2-18-13

The Piscean energy of this month continues this week with a triad of events that starts on Monday as the Sun ingresses into the 12th sign of the Fishes for the next month. Our desire to merge with something greater than ourselves is strong now especially in the house of our charts that the Sun in Pisces is transiting through. We are looking for a union that is spiritual, otherworldly and of a blending quality. People can be highly emotionally sensitive and have a tendency to dive into their favorite escapist tendencies. It is a favorable for meditative/contemplative/quiet time. The danger is becoming too fundamentalist about what you believe takes you “there” and believing that your path is the best one for everyone, to the point of dividing or pulling apart. On a more mundane level, Pisces can bring people together, but it can also push them apart into distinctly different factions at war with one and other over beliefs – i.e., religious wars – so expect the war like atmosphere between different religious factions to get fanatical over the next few weeks. Issues with water may be more in the forefront of current events also.

Saturn goes retrograde in Scorpio on Monday also telling us to look deep within ourselves to see where we need to be more disciplined/responsible with our power, authority, desires, and shadow side. This may be as period of deep inner change for some, but it will require some hard work. Issues that continue to be repressed may come out in some ugly ways now (an ex-LA cop showed us just how intense that can manifest as in physical reality when authorities abuse others. This can also be seen these days as computer hackers being the very same mistreated employees of the company they are hacking; the use of steroids in all sports; the financial and corporate business world being put in positions of government/regulatory power; the fights over gun control, immigration, and government fiscal policies as just some examples). Ideally, we would use this retrograde phase (through July 7th) to assess deep within how we can change our approaches to these issues and be more responsible, however many may use it to engage in secret behaviors or deals whose aim is even greater power and control, while others may just repress feelings even more than usual for fear of losing control.


Venus is also active Monday as it trines Ceres, squares the Nodes, and semi-squares Uranus. The trine may have us caring for others/loved ones in some nurturing capacity that we willingly give, but the square to the Nodes and semi-square to Uranus can make us very restless with certain relationships and create much tension between you and others. You may feel compelled with the need to break from your normal crowd and find a new one to hang out with to meet unfulfilled needs. Thus, relationships with those who are familiar may be disharmonious today, while those with new acquaintances can take on the air of excitement. We may also look for financial outlets, odd investments, new entertainment.


Tuesday is a quiet day with the Moon Void-of-Course the second half of the day.


Wednesday, big Piscean event of the week #2 occurs when the Sun conjuncts Neptune (with Moon in Cancer also – a perfect storm of the water element). Inspiration and imagination will be strong today and may fill our life with some beautiful moment of some form. We are highly idealistic and thus self-deluded quite easily. Escape of reality may be the may thrust of our acts. People are highly attuned to one and other on psychic levels, and inspired by the spiritual/unseen world(s). Many will feel the need to withdraw to some contemplative space and avoid the external world as senses are easily overstimulated and hard to put a finger on what the source is, and is thus ultimately confusing. With the Moon square Uranus and applying to a late night opposition to Pluto, this can also be a day filled with fanatical acts of rebellion.


Thursday is a day that should be “in the flow” as there’s a Grand Trine in Water among the Moon in Cancer, stationary Saturn in Scorpio, and Mercury/Mars in Pisces. Emotional connections with other open easily and processing can be stabilizing, unifying, and nurturing. A good day to take on projects together to advance shared ideals.


Friday, Venus semi-squares Pluto which may find you in some frustrating power struggle within a relationship or powerless to currently change some irritating circumstance with someone you care for/love. It can bring up feelings of jealousy/envy/possessiveness in relationships. You may adopt a flippant attitude toward loved ones. Relationships may just be intense in some way today.


Saturday, big Pisces event of the day #3 occurs as Mercury goes retrograde at about 20* and stays so until March 17th at 5*. Mercury is weakest in Pisces in a traditional sense as the normal sharpness of the mind/intellect is dulled/eroded by emotions/unseen forces/the spiritual side, thus affecting its normal way of functioning. Add to this the normal effect of Mercury retrograde on external events and this could end up being a particularly trying retrograde period this time round. Communications may be hopelessly misunderstood or just plain screwed up, stormy weather could mess up travel plans big time, normal thinking processes may be impossible to access, plans may drift so far off course they may as well be lost at sea. It would be best to use this time to contemplate deeply, journal imaginative ideas for later seeding, dream and visualize what you want, communicate to others on non-verbal levels, and create art.


Sunday is a quiet restful day with a Moon in Leo opposition to Venus at night allowing us to relax, indulge the senses, be with friends, be entertained or socialize.


We are deep in the waters of Pisces now – drifting along with the current is the path of least resistance and allows us to access places we have not gone to before.


Next week, Venus joins the party in Pisces and links up with Neptune, while we have a Full Moon in Virgo. Happy sailing!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Astrological Winds for Week of 2-11-13

Last week’s Mercury/Mars/Neptune conjunction in Pisces square Jupiter really seemed to download much information from multiple sources into our psyches that may take some time to unwind/sort out/ground into reality. It may be difficult to get a grip on what it all means right now and thus almost impossible to explain to others. Fortunately, both Mercury and Mars will aspect Saturn and Pluto positively this week and bring some discipline to the mind and all this new stimulation and what to do with some of it. Monday is a continuation initially of all the Pisces energy as the Moon in Pisces conjuncts Mercury and Mars early in the day, however then the energy shifts as the Moon sextiles Pluto and trines Saturn and Mercury sextiles Pluto. Mercury/Pluto will give us the opportunity to focus the mind and look deep within ourselves and the way we think and find ways to transform by releasing old psychological junk and claiming the power over our own psyche. This is excellent for studying any subject matter that is shadowy or hidden much of the time like the occult, psychology, magick, sexuality, etc. Be aware we can get very narrow-minded/obsessive mentally under this energy and block out much external stimulation messages. Mercury’s square to Vesta shows that challenge comes from groups we normally belong with and seeing how they are stuck and perhaps slowing you down from going to places where you may have to go without them, as they may not be able to relate to your current message/interest (at least not on the your current level.)

Then on Tuesday Mercury trines the Great Taskmaster, Saturn, and you can really get down to business in putting things in their proper place/perspective. We feel positive about our duties/work and can accomplish much. This is particularly good for paperwork/computer work/intellectual work, as the mind has great discipline and focus and can really plow through things succinctly. A good day to make plans, negotiations, business deals, get advice from experts, organize things, etc. The mind is serious and wants to move forward. Mars is conjunct Chiron today also which gives us great power to take on things we normally would not/give in to, which can have a powerful healing effect/boost to self-esteem. We may take responsibility for our own learning and healing also. Pluto is square Pallas Athene exact today too, a longer term transit that is longer and not as acute in daily energy, but can be seen to represent more female type values/approaches to power and the challenge that is to get instilled in a patriarchal system. Continued issues surrounding sexual identity/roles, as seen mundanely through societal issues surrounding gay marriage and partner benefits, and gays and women in the military, will continue for some time. On personal levels, this transit may feel like we are fighting blocks in our own lives to feel free sexually/creatively. It’s also a calling to clear out certain obsessions/habits we may have in our minds, so that we may allow it to transform.

Wednesday is our weekly dose of hard lunar aspects to the Uranus/Pluto square with a conjunction to Uranus and a square to Pluto exasperated by a Sun/Pluto semi-square: we may find ourselves in some very frustrating power struggles/highly tense situations today that can set off explosions of anger, wrath, quick movement, desires to break free, etc. Issues with authorities/superiors are possible. Pressure may be building up on incomplete projects that need addressing, while at the same time your inner make-up is being challenged by circumstances/others.

Thursday, Valentine’s Day, is quiet and peaceful for most part with an evening Moon/Sun sextile making harmony among lovers, on this special day for them, easy to achieve.

Friday, Mars following Mercury, sextiles Pluto: we can tap into incredible amounts of sustained energy/effort today and achieve many progressive acts for ourselves. A good time to set and take action on goals for self or with groups or best of all, a combination of both. You can move with purpose, courage and strength today.


Mars then trines Saturn on Saturday, which gives great sustained effort and the ability to do much disciplined physical work. Energy is released in a “timer release” type form and you have the patience to see long, even tedious jobs through. Good for detailed work of any kind. Also, good relationships at work especially with the boss, as you can make him feel he can count on you. Mars square Vesta however can cause an imbalance in male/yang energy and drive others from you or bring up sexual issues. It may be hard to live up to all you promised others today. Over aggression is possible too.

Sunday’s only notable event is a 1st Quarter Square of the Moon in Taurus to the Sun in Aquarius: the emotions may feel threatened by having to sacrifice some of our creature comforts in order to live in a braver, newer world of equality and justice on all levels. Meeting this challenge however can actually bring us a greater sense of security than falling back on any of our old habits could ever meet. We can learn to be the creator/inventor of our own new world.

So then theme of this week is to start build something solid upon all of the inspiration this current Piscean energy is bringing us.

Next week, the Sun joins the Piscean waters also and links up with Neptune, while both Saturn and Mercury go retrograde. Keep floating along!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Astrological Winds for Week of 2-4-13

February is the normal time of the year where we fall under the influence of Pisces, as the Sun and Mercury and Venus make their annual treks through the waters of the Fishes, around now. This year that energy will be greatly enhanced with the presence of both Mars and outer bodies Neptune and Chiron also in Pisces. In general, I see this month ahead as one where we may catch a bit of a break from the intensity of these times. Some form of distraction/escape will keep our consciousness off the more mundane events and more focused on ideals that are inspirational/imaginative, perhaps spiritual/creative/romantic in nature. We may be able to get some serious inner healing and learning about the self done during this time, a time of reflection and contemplation on the numinous. Our dreams may become more meaningful also.

The week starts off with a big push Monday in the above direction as Mars (which just entered Pisces - see last week's blog) conjuncting Neptune and the Moon in Sagittarius squaring them. We will be highly motivated/driven to act on our ideals now - inspiration is bubbling highly and we are ready to take a mysterious/exciting journey somehow that brings us to an edge and then begins to dissolve it. We will act out on desires (perhaps subconscious) to connect with others on deeper levels, to bond with a common group. Charitable type work is favored. However, this can also act as a lowering of our normal energy, especially physical energy. We may just be tired out or beaten down by circumstances or ill or lazy/unmotivated for some underlying reason we may not even have a grip on ourselves. On a mundane level, this can lead to religious influenced violence/war, general civil dissatisfaction with the state of things, and mass discontent Ceres also stations direct today indicating is time to take steps to secure resources or reach out to give and get more nurturing.

Tuesday, Mercury joins the Pisces party as the Winged Messenger ingresses into the Fishes, where it will slow down and turn retrograde at 20* on February 23rd, really pushing the urge to take a deep journey within our own psyches and find our place in being a part of everything. Mercury is in detriment and fall in Pisces because it dulls the normal intellectual approach of logic and hard science mentally - here the mind learns more through intuition/feelings/unseen or immeasurable forces. Communications with others can also be fraught with misunderstandings/non-clarity, but it is easier to connect to others on non-verbal levels. Thinking is easily influenced by our emotions and past. This is a time to tap deeply into our most creative, imaginative part of the mind and find veins we have not explored before. We are attracted to softer subjects or charismatic people/subject matter.

The above theme hits overdrive levels on Wednesday when Mercury conjuncts Neptune, when ideal thinking will hit an apex and may actually be mentally deluding/confusing/self-trickery. We may reach some deeper understandings that we can share with others or turn into some artistic media. Interest in unseen worlds of spirit/religion/the occult/subconscious mind can be quite attractive now. This can also lead to deceptive words or big fish stories from self or others. We may not be as smart/tricky as we think!

Venus is also very active Wednesday, as she sextiles Uranus and trines Jupiter. This can be a very exciting day socially as you'll have opportunities to connect with others you don't get a chance to often and it will have mutual benefits. Attractions to something new will make life have an exciting quality/buzz and expand to new fortunate horizons. Great day to actively socialize, connect with others, and/or indulge/entertain yourself somehow, therefore.

Thursday is a pretty quiet day - an early morning Moon/Pluto conjunction could give some intense dreams that give a sub-conscious hangover upon awakening.

Friday, Mercury catches up to Mars and conjuncts the Warrior. Normally, this can bring fighting/aggressive words, but in Pisces much of this edge could be eroded. This does give much mental energy and it's a good day to tackle paperwork. Look out for angry people trying to draw you in to fights over beliefs, as they can be quite irritating.

Saturday has a powerful New Moon in Aquarius at 21* exactly square the Nodal Axis: this is a powerful dharmic/karmic call to start down a new road/path together with others based on equality and justice . Old ways are dying and a our world is transforming on intellectual and technical levels that were unimaginable less than 10 years ago, but no one should be left behind. Old belief systems that are inequitable in nature and fear-based are fading away to be replaced by cutting edge ideas and philosophies. It is time to make a new solid commitment in your life to take active steps down that path. Look to the house this New Moon falls into in your natal chart to see where this will be for you. Any planets in your chart that make tight aspects to the New Moon will also add their energy to the equation. With South Node in Taurus, we are collectively reaping the karma of our infatuation with getting security through materialism to the detriment of the health of our emotional selves. With North Node in Scorpio, the key is to deepen the understanding of our own psyche and what controls it so that we are the ones in power over our own lives, and to deepen our emotional connections to others - to commit to one and other in this time of struggle and necessary change. With Mercury square Jupiter and Sun semi-square Uranus, there will be many new expansive ideas to tap into, but there will also be many challenges along the way in battling the status quo and entrenched value systems. We must remember that nature will respond to us if we take the difficult steps that are required now.

On Sunday, Mars square to Jupiter can give us a dash of physical energy, so it's a good day to go out and do something physically stimulating. This can give us an aggressive/egotistical attitude that can rub others the wrong way, and possibly risky behavior. Still, we'll be feeling optimistic/excited about some big plan or power we have. However, there is a Venus/Saturn square also, so some of this excited energy may be toned down or played close to the vest in social situations. We may actually be more in a quiet/conservative zone with others, or just want to be around those we are most comfortable with and don't challenge us much. Mercury conjunct Chiron in Pisces can hit us with a download of information from sources we normally don't have access to that can be quite soothing to the mind.

Next week, Mercury and Mars get involved with Saturn and Pluto, but in constructive ways.