I've had many people freaking out about the circumstances of their lives the past 2-3 weeks. Indeed, Mercury retrograde in Aries had a serious influence on "business as usual" by making it anything but that. The good news is that Mercury is now direct as of Saturday and is slowly picking up speed as the week goes on. Some tendrils of its retrograde energy may still be felt for the next week through May 12th when it finally leaves its retrograde shadow, but for the most part life's normal flow should start to return this week. Otherwise, this is a relatively quiet week except for Venus activity.
On Wednesday, Venus (which just had a conjunction with Uranus on Friday and is locked into the cardinal t-square among Uranus, Pluto and Saturn this week) will exactly square Pluto in Capricorn. Venus in Aries is in detriment and I wrote about this last week: relationships will be majorly tested this week. Any that are on shaky ground have a very real chance of being torn apart now. Venus in Aries with Uranus wants something new, spontaneous, exciting, but it is bound to be short-lived. This could cause you to take some foolish risks within relationships that can rock the boat. On Wednesday, the repercussions of these acts will emerge. Secrets and indiscretions may rise to the surface and put you in some very uncomfortable circumstances with others. Jealousy/envy/possesssiveness/obsessions/steamy affairs/power plays are all in this wild mix. At the very least powerful experiences in love relationships will manifest in some form or another. If you and your partner feel stuck, it's a good time to air it all out, as this can make room for some powerful transformation within your relationship, but you will have to deal with intense emotions both within and from your SO in doing so. A big danger here is clinging on to another just out of insecurity. This will turn the other off and have them running for the door. This transit can also shake up our finances/investments in some pretty major ways.
Then on Saturday, Venus is exactly opposite Saturn: If you made some spontaneous move (Uranus/Venus) last week that had serious repercussions (Venus/Pluto) this week, by the weekend you will be dealing with the residual and whatever restrictions that those actions have now imposed upon you. Resentment levels can be high and you and others may be cool and reserved on the outside in reaction to being burned/victimized, but on the inside you'll be feeling still pretty angry about having to deal with these imposed-upon restrictions/karmic outcomes. You could also feel quite isolated/alone inside even in social situations. This is not a good time to take any risks with money either, as they are likely to result in losses.
Saturday also has a Mars/Jupiter conjunction which is a super boost of energy, especially on the physical level. You may feel as if you can conquer the world this day. A great day to go out and do something physically active, to challenge yourself to break through some prior limitation. You may be feeling extra lucky, but you should be aware you could take some unnecessary risks this day which could result in injury or some type of loss if not well thought out.
Overall, a week when existing relationships will be the focal point with a need to change some of the structure of them in order to renew them, or you could be sucked into a power struggle and resentment over the way they are going.
I am a professional astrologer based in Tucson, AZ. This blog is for articles, comments, thoughts, etc I have on astrological subject matter. I will also use it at times to look at the astrology of the year/month/week/day.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Monday, April 18, 2011
Astrological Winds for Week of 4/18/11
This Mercury retrograde period seemed to start off (3/30) with a whimper in its 1st week, but its intensity has picked up in the past week and a half, from my own and others' observations of events in our lives. It is retrograding back through Aries, which is ruled by Mars, which is in Aries also, and thus they will be meeting in a conjunction this week on Tuesday. This is why the intensity has picked up (I'm calling it Hermes with vengeance borrowed from the God of War), and I'm noticing the main effects seem to be in mechanical breakdowns/problems (Mars rules machinery), and in the actions we take (Mars rules action too), which seem to be running from a step forward to a step back to right where you started from at a very quick pace, sometimes within moments of the step forward. The situation in Libya these days is very reflective of this energy: a war going on where every day the same territory is gained/lost/re-gained/re-lost and the NATO airstrikes can't figure out who is who and thus where to drop their bombs - the Trickster in the Warrior's garb: it's not pretty! Very frustrating indeed, and I suspect that will be the main theme of this week, not only due to the above, but Mars is also opposite Saturn on Monday. This puts a brake on our actions due to people/circumstances forcing us to make decisions that ultimately restrict the flow of our desired actions. Inside, this could have us seething with anger at being held back. It's best to use this energy to take cautious/solid/small steps in the direction we'd like to go, and to put off any expectations of a fast payoff, or achieving any significant amounts this week. It is also reminding us that even if we are alone most of the time, we don't live in a vacuum, and the chances for success for any of our individual actions is actually reliant upon others' and your own cooperation and society's groundwork/structure. Hang in there until the Saturday, when Mercury finally (after 24 days this time instead of the normal 20/21) goes direct again, however remember Mercury will be in its retrograde shadow until May12th, so full speed ahead on plans/business/education/communications/repairs will not be until then. It will be small steps forward those 1st 3 weeks after Mercury's direct motion begins again.
Wednesday we have 2 planets making ingresses: first, the Sun moves into Taurus, the middle of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere, with the return of our agricultural roots and our reliance on crops taking precedence and energy. A time where we can slow down our pace and sink some roots into the ground to get stability for the seedlings we've planted so that they may grow strong and robust, and a time where we can start to enjoy the sensual pleaures of our planet now that we have survived the Winter (figuratively and metaphorically). Venus also moves into Aries, the sign of its detriment, that day. Relationships will take on the air of more spontaneity in action, which could cause some not-well-thought-out decisions on our part. This amps up the purely sexual part of relationships, rather than the softer romantic side, so it could be easy to ruffle others' feathers during this time.
The Sun also sextiles Neptune on Wednesday which is a good opportunity to get into a inner meditative/contemplative state. Idealism/spirituality/inspirations will be important this day. It's a great day to take some break by yourself and get in touch with your inner higher self. Your energy physically may be lower than normal. Neptune continues to influence the energy of Thursday too, as Mars semi-squares Neptune, which can diffuse energy in very frustrating ways. It's like you just can't get started, and even if you do it's at a much slower pace than normal. This is the energy of slow flowing movements like hatha yoga or tai-chi, etc, and perhaps that would be a good way to meet this energy, as you just won't be up to getting alot done this day.
Friday Venus conjuncts Uranus, which adds to the energy of Venus going into Aries earlier in week. You will be bored of existing relationships, and if there are any smoldering/underlying issues that you are having in existing relationships, it is likely to explode forth. This is the perfect energy to break your routine socially and go out to somewhere different with a different than normal crowd for you, otherwise your boredom and need for excitement could put others off, as if you are seeking some kind of battle just to stir things up. There's also a chance of some unexpected change to your resources/finances/investments.
Sunday the Sun sextiles Chiron giving us the opportunity to connect with others to do some kind of healing or humanitarian type of work that benefits the community at large and yourself simultaneously. Your unique talents have an opportunity to shine and help others today. This is also a good day to heal any wounds/misunderstandings brought on by Friday's Venus/Uranus conjunction.
One more week of this Mercury retrograde, so hang in there, and business as usual should begin to pick up next week.
Wednesday we have 2 planets making ingresses: first, the Sun moves into Taurus, the middle of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere, with the return of our agricultural roots and our reliance on crops taking precedence and energy. A time where we can slow down our pace and sink some roots into the ground to get stability for the seedlings we've planted so that they may grow strong and robust, and a time where we can start to enjoy the sensual pleaures of our planet now that we have survived the Winter (figuratively and metaphorically). Venus also moves into Aries, the sign of its detriment, that day. Relationships will take on the air of more spontaneity in action, which could cause some not-well-thought-out decisions on our part. This amps up the purely sexual part of relationships, rather than the softer romantic side, so it could be easy to ruffle others' feathers during this time.
The Sun also sextiles Neptune on Wednesday which is a good opportunity to get into a inner meditative/contemplative state. Idealism/spirituality/inspirations will be important this day. It's a great day to take some break by yourself and get in touch with your inner higher self. Your energy physically may be lower than normal. Neptune continues to influence the energy of Thursday too, as Mars semi-squares Neptune, which can diffuse energy in very frustrating ways. It's like you just can't get started, and even if you do it's at a much slower pace than normal. This is the energy of slow flowing movements like hatha yoga or tai-chi, etc, and perhaps that would be a good way to meet this energy, as you just won't be up to getting alot done this day.
Friday Venus conjuncts Uranus, which adds to the energy of Venus going into Aries earlier in week. You will be bored of existing relationships, and if there are any smoldering/underlying issues that you are having in existing relationships, it is likely to explode forth. This is the perfect energy to break your routine socially and go out to somewhere different with a different than normal crowd for you, otherwise your boredom and need for excitement could put others off, as if you are seeking some kind of battle just to stir things up. There's also a chance of some unexpected change to your resources/finances/investments.
Sunday the Sun sextiles Chiron giving us the opportunity to connect with others to do some kind of healing or humanitarian type of work that benefits the community at large and yourself simultaneously. Your unique talents have an opportunity to shine and help others today. This is also a good day to heal any wounds/misunderstandings brought on by Friday's Venus/Uranus conjunction.
One more week of this Mercury retrograde, so hang in there, and business as usual should begin to pick up next week.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Astrological Winds for Week of 4/11/11
There's not alot going on astrologically this week, but there are two big events. The first is on Monday when Mars squares Pluto exact and moves into orb with an opposition to Saturn retrograde at the same time forming a volatile cardinal t-square with these three malefic planets. Mars and Pluto together is highly explosive rage and possibly quite violent. On the world stage, we have been witnessing an increase in violent responses in the Middle East and North Africa to the revolutions that have been going on throughout 2011 so far in the past week. This is the influence of Mars/Pluto tightening up and the resulting crisis over power struggles. Those in power (Pluto) realize now the extent of the crisis they are in and are using the military/weapons/police (Mars) to retaliate against those who challenge their power. Things could get ugly this week in these countries, and possibly other places in the world too. On a personal level, this is not a week to take any foolish risks/chances and expose yourself to possibly violent/criminal people/places/actions, as there's much more likely a chance of tragic results. The best way to use this energy is to focus it onto some project that is very important to you personally and one that you don't need the cooperation of others to push it forward: it's a "roll up the sleeves and dive deep into it" type of energy. Still, you should not expect the rest of the world to go along with it, but rather expect resistance that can enflame anger inside you and may cause you to lash out others. It's best to try and control the anger and use it to endure/try even harder. Also on Monday, retrograde Mercury backs up into another conjunction with Jupiter. Likely you've had a dose of expansion since last week's New Moon. This has likely filled your head with lots of big ideas. This is a good day to honestly assess them from the inside out and get a deeper understanding of their possible consequences. Have you aimed too high/overshot the mark/overlooked details? This is a good day to contemplate and correct, or the mistakes could end up ballooning into something much bigger than you ever expected. Still, this can give us a more open and tolerant viewpoint and allow new knowledge to flow in.
The other big event of the week is not until next Sunday when we have a Full Moon in Libra: another Super Full Moon as the Moon is near perigee (closest to Earth it gets), which normally has greater effects on the tides, earth tectonic movements, and the sea of our personal emotions. The Libra Full Moon always pits what we need to do to please ourselves and live our own life satisfactorily versus what our duties are to others, especially in our close relationships and partnerships. This Full Moon is asking us to honestly assess how we've disappointed others with our actions and to take responsibility for these missteps and to realize we can never satisfy everyone 100% and still not get angry at ourselves for giving in too much - to find the proper balance between pleasing self and pleasing others, where no one gets everything they want, but everyone is feeling respected and getting at least what they need from themselves and others, and to realize that we can't just go it alone - that we need community to share in our lives, triumphs, losses, etc. It asks us to balance the male/female polarity within each of us and to find a spiritual path to blaze in these times of material uncertainty. If you are in relationships that are imbalanced, then they will become even more so during this time. The need to find a way to compromise and still feel honestly OK with it is the lesson here.
Next week has much more dynamic energies going on - use this week to keep the inner work going to set up your future moves.
The other big event of the week is not until next Sunday when we have a Full Moon in Libra: another Super Full Moon as the Moon is near perigee (closest to Earth it gets), which normally has greater effects on the tides, earth tectonic movements, and the sea of our personal emotions. The Libra Full Moon always pits what we need to do to please ourselves and live our own life satisfactorily versus what our duties are to others, especially in our close relationships and partnerships. This Full Moon is asking us to honestly assess how we've disappointed others with our actions and to take responsibility for these missteps and to realize we can never satisfy everyone 100% and still not get angry at ourselves for giving in too much - to find the proper balance between pleasing self and pleasing others, where no one gets everything they want, but everyone is feeling respected and getting at least what they need from themselves and others, and to realize that we can't just go it alone - that we need community to share in our lives, triumphs, losses, etc. It asks us to balance the male/female polarity within each of us and to find a spiritual path to blaze in these times of material uncertainty. If you are in relationships that are imbalanced, then they will become even more so during this time. The need to find a way to compromise and still feel honestly OK with it is the lesson here.
Next week has much more dynamic energies going on - use this week to keep the inner work going to set up your future moves.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Astrological Winds for Week of 4/4/11
Neptune was discovered on September 23, 1846. At the time it was in late Aquarius and headed for Pisces in 1848. In 1859, the first commercial oil well was dug in Pennsylvania. Neptune rules oil and other liquids too. The first complete cycle of Neptune closely coincides with the age of oil. Now, oil reserves are quickly dissipating and some say peak supply has already been met. Others say, the peak supply will be met by 2030 at the latest. Either way, this cycle is closing out. Meanwhile, due to an exploding world population since World War II, because of the introduction of monoculture through the use of oil-based agricultural products, fresh water supplies are quickly diminishing also worldwide. Today, Neptune ingresses into Pisces until August 4th, when it retrogrades back into Aquarius until February 3, 2012 when it re-enters Pisces and stays there through March 30, 2025. I believe this will be the time period that we will see the oil and fresh water supplies quickly dwindle away. Pisces is a water (liquid) sign. I expect this time period will be rife with concerns over these two precious resources. The world will feel at a loss as to what to do about these problems. I would also expect the sea to be of major concern, most likely through rising sea levels due to global warming and icecaps melting. Some pretty serious stuff. Many will try to pretend it's not happening (escapism), while others will get extremely dogmatic over the control and use of these two resources. This could spawn many conflicts throughout this period. When Neptune was last in Pisces, it spawned many social and philosphical movements also: Marx's socialism, Steiner's Theosophy, equality of race and gender, etc. So I would expect this period to also open up compassion and empathy for others: a recognition that we are all the same under our outer appearances, and a desire by many to see the resources of the world shared more equally. Spiritual/religious movements will also be spurred on both individually and collectively. This could be a time of great advances in creative and artistic realms too and the uses of technolgy that can not be seen, but has great impact on our lives (like smaller and smaller microchips, wireless communications, etc). The Sun is also semi-square Neptune on Monday, so we'll get a good taste of Neptune energy today: you may feel low energy wise either physically and/or mentally/emotionally/spiritually. It's an easy day to give up/give in/be lazy/too compromising/even deceptive in order to avoid responsibilities.
On Wedeneday, we'll all get a big blast of energy as the Sun has its annual conjunction to Jupiter, this time in Aries. You may feel as if you can conquer the world in some way today, as optimism is brimming over. You want your world expanded in some way, if not many ways. Do something new or study something mind-expanding. Challenge yourself somehow. The biggest issue is being too dominating over others, but it's done in the spirit generosity from your perspective - just be warned it may be overwhelming to others. It's also easy to get excessive: watch the checkbook balance, so to speak.
On Friday, Pluto goes retrograde until September 16th. This is a subtle shift that has us look deeply within in order to incorporate all the issues that have floated up to the surface in the past 6-7 months. Changes have occurred both in our inner and outer worlds and now we must make the psycological shift within, in order to reset our lives, in order to live with these changes and take the steps necessary in our outer lives to transform ourselves and our world in accordance with these new revelations.
On Saturday, Mercury (retrograde) makes its inferior conjunction to the Sun aligning our intellect with our will. Since it is the inferior/retrograde conjunction, most of this aligning will go on within, in our own inner conversations with ourselves.
This is a good week to assess/contemplate/meditate on how we are feeling inside and to align our philosophy of life with all of the outer events that have been going on in our lives and in the world, and make adjustments to our own attitudes first before trying to adjust the rest of the world around us.
On Wedeneday, we'll all get a big blast of energy as the Sun has its annual conjunction to Jupiter, this time in Aries. You may feel as if you can conquer the world in some way today, as optimism is brimming over. You want your world expanded in some way, if not many ways. Do something new or study something mind-expanding. Challenge yourself somehow. The biggest issue is being too dominating over others, but it's done in the spirit generosity from your perspective - just be warned it may be overwhelming to others. It's also easy to get excessive: watch the checkbook balance, so to speak.
On Friday, Pluto goes retrograde until September 16th. This is a subtle shift that has us look deeply within in order to incorporate all the issues that have floated up to the surface in the past 6-7 months. Changes have occurred both in our inner and outer worlds and now we must make the psycological shift within, in order to reset our lives, in order to live with these changes and take the steps necessary in our outer lives to transform ourselves and our world in accordance with these new revelations.
On Saturday, Mercury (retrograde) makes its inferior conjunction to the Sun aligning our intellect with our will. Since it is the inferior/retrograde conjunction, most of this aligning will go on within, in our own inner conversations with ourselves.
This is a good week to assess/contemplate/meditate on how we are feeling inside and to align our philosophy of life with all of the outer events that have been going on in our lives and in the world, and make adjustments to our own attitudes first before trying to adjust the rest of the world around us.
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