Monday, April 4, 2011

Astrological Winds for Week of 4/4/11

Neptune was discovered on September 23, 1846. At the time it was in late Aquarius and headed for Pisces in 1848. In 1859, the first commercial oil well was dug in Pennsylvania. Neptune rules oil and other liquids too. The first complete cycle of Neptune closely coincides with the age of oil. Now, oil reserves are quickly dissipating and some say peak supply has already been met. Others say, the peak supply will be met by 2030 at the latest. Either way, this cycle is closing out. Meanwhile, due to an exploding world population since World War II, because of the introduction of monoculture through the use of oil-based agricultural products, fresh water supplies are quickly diminishing also worldwide. Today, Neptune ingresses into Pisces until August 4th, when it retrogrades back into Aquarius until February 3, 2012 when it re-enters Pisces and stays there through March 30, 2025. I believe this will be the time period that we will see the oil and fresh water supplies quickly dwindle away. Pisces is a water (liquid) sign. I expect this time period will be rife with concerns over these two precious resources. The world will feel at a loss as to what to do about these problems. I would also expect the sea to be of major concern, most likely through rising sea levels due to global warming and icecaps melting. Some pretty serious stuff. Many will try to pretend it's not happening (escapism), while others will get extremely dogmatic over the control and use of these two resources. This could spawn many conflicts throughout this period. When Neptune was last in Pisces, it spawned many social and philosphical movements also: Marx's socialism, Steiner's Theosophy, equality of race and gender, etc. So I would expect this period to also open up compassion and empathy for others: a recognition that we are all the same under our outer appearances, and a desire by many to see the resources of the world shared more equally. Spiritual/religious movements will also be spurred on both individually and collectively. This could be a time of great advances in creative and artistic realms too and the uses of technolgy that can not be seen, but has great impact on our lives (like smaller and smaller microchips, wireless communications, etc). The Sun is also semi-square Neptune on Monday, so we'll get a good taste of Neptune energy today: you may feel low energy wise either physically and/or mentally/emotionally/spiritually. It's an easy day to give up/give in/be lazy/too compromising/even deceptive in order to avoid responsibilities.

On Wedeneday, we'll all get a big blast of energy as the Sun has its annual conjunction to Jupiter, this time in Aries. You may feel as if you can conquer the world in some way today, as optimism is brimming over. You want your world expanded in some way, if not many ways.  Do something new or study something mind-expanding. Challenge yourself somehow. The biggest issue is being too dominating over others, but it's done in the spirit generosity from your perspective - just be warned it may be overwhelming to others. It's also easy to get excessive: watch the checkbook balance, so to speak.

On Friday, Pluto goes retrograde until September 16th. This is a subtle shift that has us look deeply within in order to incorporate all the issues that have floated up to the surface in the past 6-7 months. Changes have occurred both in our inner and outer worlds and now we must make the psycological shift within, in order to reset our lives, in order to live with these changes and take the steps necessary in our outer lives to transform ourselves and our world in accordance with these new revelations.

On Saturday, Mercury (retrograde) makes its inferior conjunction to the Sun aligning our intellect with our will. Since it is the inferior/retrograde conjunction, most of this aligning will go on within, in our own inner conversations with ourselves.

This is a good week to assess/contemplate/meditate on how we are feeling inside and to align our philosophy of life with all of the outer events that have been going on in our lives and in the world, and make adjustments to our own attitudes first before trying to adjust the rest of the world around us.

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