Fresh off a New Moon in Virgo trine Pluto and Mercury going direct, the forward moving energy continues this week with Venus/Sun trines to Jupiter, but with some pause for thought due to Jupiter going retrograde.
Yesterday's New Moon was in Virgo and has us seeking new ways to be of service. Venus, also now in Virgo, looks to take a more pragmatic approach than usual in this sign, trines Jupiter exact on Monday with the Moon conjunct Venus and trine Jupiter also, and also is in a Grand Trine in Earth with Pluto in Capricorn. Jupiter is stationary right now and turning retrograde in Taurus on Tuesday. The Grand Trine allows energy to flow freely/harmoniously, but with Venus in Fall and Jupiter stationing in Taurus, this may be the best time to truly assess how we approach material needs and to make changes to be more conservative, realistic, economical, etc both on personal and social levels. What creature comforts are we willing to give up that will help bring balance to society and the environment and may actually reward us by enriching our emotional ties to others and give a very basic level of security that ensures survival of one and all? While Jupiter is retrograde in Taurus (through December 26), society as a whole will get a chance to reflect on the philosophies behind the current monetary system, capitalism itself, big business/corporations, banks and investors, laws that protect the few, resource distribution, food issues. Otherwise, the Venus/Sun trines to Jupiter this week should give us a more positive outlook. Markets should respond more postitively than past few weeks; people may be more optimistic/bouyant; you may actually get some, what you consider "lucky", break; social life can be exciting/stimulating; you can make changes to yourself more easily than usual.
Tuesday night and Wednesday are the days the Moon locks into the Cardinal T-square this week, as it opposes Uranus, sqaures Pluto, and conjuncts Saturn, while at the same time Mars sesiquadrates Chiron and is square the Moon. This may have us feeling like being left alone for the most part - desires to break free from same circumstances/people/routine may have you draw very clear lines that should not be crossed by others now, although you may be your own worst enemy anyway at this point. Doing anything too rash can lead to angry reactions from others, injuries, illness, lots of minor irritation build -up, etc. Hard work, athletics/sports, long but measured physical exertion are best use of the energy of these two days.
Friday is that fun/optimistic Sun/Jupiter trine mentioned above with a Scorpio Moon making aspects to them right in time for weekend! Go out and have some fun tonight! Prowling time!
Sunday's first quarter square of Moon in Sagittarius to Sun in Virgo pits the desires of the emotional/sub-concious side to take risks, while the concious/will side wants to err on the side of caution - with Moon sextile Saturn and square a weakened Venus, caution may win this day to the chagrin of your feelings.
Overall, a relatively mellow week, but a week to really consider the resource issue deeply, as it should be easier. Two events last week that occurred could be construed to be quite archetypal in nature and their meaning could be decoded as follows. A very rare earthquake on the east coast of the USA affected a large area of Northeast and actually cracked the Washington Monument enough that it is shut down indefinitely. Consider what the monument stands for archetypally for US government - a phallic symbol of patriarchy and the way those in power have chosen to shape this world/society (very fitting for Jupiter in Taurus). Now note how their economic model is cracking at its base where it is anchored and this symbolic monument is cracking where it's anchored from an earthquake (also very fitting for Jupiter in Taurus). And just when Jupiter is stationing, when its influence is strongest, the earthquake occurs! Second, the Hurricane Irene flooded the New York Mercantile exchange where oil and gold futures are traded. Once again, the archetypal symbolism here is poignant. Some of the very foundations of capitalistic society are under attack by the earth herself. The foundations are cracking. Try to use these next four months to assess how you can simplify your life. Use it to connect to others in a brotherly/sisterly manner. Work out practical solutions together where all share/benefit equally. Use a lens of constuctive criticism of your own contributions in allowing a sick system to continue to be so. We are no doubt going into more and more interesting times. It is bound to accelerate. Make plans now. It is time for people to form brotherly/sisterly solidarity so that the planet as we know it and humanity may all survive these trying times. We need to re-think our models/philosophies of life, value systems, laws, education, resource distribution for the time to take action is bearing down. In solidarity, Matt.
I am a professional astrologer based in Tucson, AZ. This blog is for articles, comments, thoughts, etc I have on astrological subject matter. I will also use it at times to look at the astrology of the year/month/week/day.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Monday, August 22, 2011
Astrological Winds for Week of 8/22/11
We will spend most of this week in a similiar vein as last 3 weeks, but by end of week, we should feel the stagnated energy start to shift and slowly release us to some new beginnings.
On Monday, we get the Sun's annual opposition to Neptune. This just adds to the general energy of confusion, deception, rampant idealism, impractical ideas, etc that we have been experiencing all month due to Mercury Retro's opposition to Neptune Retro. Life on Earth is in a very uncertain/demoralizing place these days, and the ideas being bantered about are full of aspirations that are utopian yet quite possibly unfeasable in current circumstances. In this past week alone, we have an Indian guru taking on the whole government over graft yet seemingly trying to protect everyone but the poor; the Pope declaring that capitalism's worship of the dollar has put human life secondary; Warren Buffet asking Congress to raise taxes on himself and the rich; Paypal's owner claiming he will build new countries on artificial islands in international waters so that those who seek a more responsive society to the people and the betterment of all humanity can just leave these nation states that are paralyzing human evolution behind; etc etc etc. Now granted many of these ideas are great, but the reality is, all of these people and the organizations they represent contributed to the problem. Perhaps the real issue is that a system that has inherent flaws in it right from the start will only manifest bigger and bigger problems as time unfolds and the system gets older. Perhaps Neptune really needs us to think/imagine out of the how can we completely replace this system with one that works better? See this link if you are interested in seeing another way, where all can be taken care of including the Earth, which is our environment (and which is part of us according to new physics):
It's time for some big decisions for all of us - the big question now is if we can stop the momentum of a system gone awry for so long that its momentum will not allow us the time to change quick enough. It is happening all around us. We need to support each other by sharing this information and knowledge so that the "100th Monkey" effect kicks in. We need to do this in our everyday relationships because it seems like our political/religious/business leaders either can not or will not. Sun/Neptune also requires sacrifice - we may have to give up much of what we personally cherish in order to reach a better place for all, which includes you. With the Sun semi-square Saturn Monday also, it will add to the feeling of blockage and frustration with leaders/authorities/duties/work.
Tuesday, the Sun ingresses into Virgo signaling the end of summer in the Northern Hemisphere and a time of harvest and getting back into the flow of the normal school/work year. A time when we can be sensitive to the rhythmic cycles of the Earth, to connect with those we share ritual with (our true brothers and sisters), a time to be serious about analyzing our resources to make sure we have enough to get through, to take care of our health preventatively, and to contemplate where we are at in life with a constructively critical eye.
Wednesday could bring some shifts in relationships. With Venus opposite Chiron and quincunx Uranus, there may be some serious lessons to learn from relationships, which could force some painful or relieving decisions. Restlessness with others may have you make a break for freedom or vice versa. This may only be short lived, so be careful about what you decide to do, as you could just add to the wounds. Pallas' entry into Aquarius shows the shifts may actually have to do with being more committed to groups you share ideas with that relate to the Neptune/Sun fodder above. This is also the day (and going into Thursday) when the Moon aspects the cardinal T-square (square Uranus, opposite Pluto, square Saturn - forming a Cardinal Grand Cross this week = lots of problems/issues to worry about/be easily overwhelmed by) and emotions can be really (di)stressed.
Thursday is the day I mentioned a couple weeks ago that Mars in Cancer squares Saturn - the final exact hit of Mars to the Cardinal T-square (forming a Cardinal Grand Cross). Although we won't see it immediately, this is the beginning of the release that I wrote about in opening. Energy will still be seriously blocked/restricted this week for a myriad of reasons. Be careful too, as we can be accident prone, or the machinery around us can head toward breakdown mode. This is best used for a slow steady release of energy that's in it for the long haul and is not expecting immediate results. Responsibilities keep piling up in the inbox too. Inner fears can also block us from going for what we really want. Anger may build up inside - careful of letting it explode inappropriately. Examine what your part is in it before lashing out on others. Mercury sesiquadrate Uranus may give us a loose canon tongue under this kind of pressure. Nerves can be wracked pretty hard today. Venus trine Pluto however can give us the ability to deepen relationships with another in very gratifying way - this is positive intensity. Artists may also be able to sink deeply into their current works today.
Friday is a day many of us have been impatiently waiting for as Mercury goes direct after 24 days of being retrograde. During the station, when the Messenger is actually standing still, we may not see much going forward but we can sense the untying of the knots beginning in our minds/psyche. Mercury will be in its shadow period until September 10th. Things will slowly return to normal as we go along. The Sun is opposite Chiron also on Friday - this is a day when we can make some major decisions on what we must do to adapt to our current reality. Denying it is no longer working and only hurting us more. Begin your path of healing by deciding which path to take today to break out of the morass.
Saturday may find you in a bit of a rebellious mood with the Sun quincunx Uranus. Anyone that you perceive as being selfish may get your wrath. The freedom seeking urge may be uncontrollable: do something different to assuage it or you may inadvertently set yourself up for a shocking surprise/accident/event.
Sunday we have a New Moon at 5* Virgo trine Pluto. This is a potent time to initiate major progressive transformation/overhaul to your life, and when you can get help from (an)others. Being of service to one and other is key with Virgo. Look to the house this New Moon falls in to find the area of life it will be affecting for you most, and to see if it aspects any of your natal planets to add their energy to the mix. It is a time of rolling up the sleeves and getting to work and paying attention to all the details that must be taken care of so as not to be tripped up in the future by loose ends.With Venus in Fall and conjunct Sun/Moon, you must do this to feel good about yourself - to gain more of one of the most important assets: self-esteem. Chiron's opposition to these three asks you to put on the moccasins of the other before judging - to acknowledge we all have weaknesses/frailities/losses, and that we can healthily support one and other through these hard times by having empathy and compassion, and to receive that from others also. The trine to Pluto allows us to access and open up to our deepest fears, rage, pain and to clear out things that no longer work for us on all levels. This in turn allows others to feel safe doing the same. We must understand that our lives revolve around cycles within cycles within cycles. Life will have its ups and downs both on subjective and collective (and even heavenly) levels. There is much work to do, but what other choice do we have? To give up? That goes against nature/evolution/existance. Staying in the moment helps us to get the most out of each moment - to find balance even in a world that seems imbalanced. Simplify your life. Find where you are needed most. Find what you believe in the most. It is a dance - be a willing partner with others and Life itself.
For those who don't believe in the power/effect of Mercury Retro and Void-of-Course Moons: re: President Obama's inauguration chart had both. Go back to that day in your mind/heart/ fast forward to today...has his term gone anything like you expected???...can't say that I didn't told you so....or ...when a system is inherently dysfunctional, no one can fix it from within - it must be replaced....
On Monday, we get the Sun's annual opposition to Neptune. This just adds to the general energy of confusion, deception, rampant idealism, impractical ideas, etc that we have been experiencing all month due to Mercury Retro's opposition to Neptune Retro. Life on Earth is in a very uncertain/demoralizing place these days, and the ideas being bantered about are full of aspirations that are utopian yet quite possibly unfeasable in current circumstances. In this past week alone, we have an Indian guru taking on the whole government over graft yet seemingly trying to protect everyone but the poor; the Pope declaring that capitalism's worship of the dollar has put human life secondary; Warren Buffet asking Congress to raise taxes on himself and the rich; Paypal's owner claiming he will build new countries on artificial islands in international waters so that those who seek a more responsive society to the people and the betterment of all humanity can just leave these nation states that are paralyzing human evolution behind; etc etc etc. Now granted many of these ideas are great, but the reality is, all of these people and the organizations they represent contributed to the problem. Perhaps the real issue is that a system that has inherent flaws in it right from the start will only manifest bigger and bigger problems as time unfolds and the system gets older. Perhaps Neptune really needs us to think/imagine out of the how can we completely replace this system with one that works better? See this link if you are interested in seeing another way, where all can be taken care of including the Earth, which is our environment (and which is part of us according to new physics):
It's time for some big decisions for all of us - the big question now is if we can stop the momentum of a system gone awry for so long that its momentum will not allow us the time to change quick enough. It is happening all around us. We need to support each other by sharing this information and knowledge so that the "100th Monkey" effect kicks in. We need to do this in our everyday relationships because it seems like our political/religious/business leaders either can not or will not. Sun/Neptune also requires sacrifice - we may have to give up much of what we personally cherish in order to reach a better place for all, which includes you. With the Sun semi-square Saturn Monday also, it will add to the feeling of blockage and frustration with leaders/authorities/duties/work.
Tuesday, the Sun ingresses into Virgo signaling the end of summer in the Northern Hemisphere and a time of harvest and getting back into the flow of the normal school/work year. A time when we can be sensitive to the rhythmic cycles of the Earth, to connect with those we share ritual with (our true brothers and sisters), a time to be serious about analyzing our resources to make sure we have enough to get through, to take care of our health preventatively, and to contemplate where we are at in life with a constructively critical eye.
Wednesday could bring some shifts in relationships. With Venus opposite Chiron and quincunx Uranus, there may be some serious lessons to learn from relationships, which could force some painful or relieving decisions. Restlessness with others may have you make a break for freedom or vice versa. This may only be short lived, so be careful about what you decide to do, as you could just add to the wounds. Pallas' entry into Aquarius shows the shifts may actually have to do with being more committed to groups you share ideas with that relate to the Neptune/Sun fodder above. This is also the day (and going into Thursday) when the Moon aspects the cardinal T-square (square Uranus, opposite Pluto, square Saturn - forming a Cardinal Grand Cross this week = lots of problems/issues to worry about/be easily overwhelmed by) and emotions can be really (di)stressed.
Thursday is the day I mentioned a couple weeks ago that Mars in Cancer squares Saturn - the final exact hit of Mars to the Cardinal T-square (forming a Cardinal Grand Cross). Although we won't see it immediately, this is the beginning of the release that I wrote about in opening. Energy will still be seriously blocked/restricted this week for a myriad of reasons. Be careful too, as we can be accident prone, or the machinery around us can head toward breakdown mode. This is best used for a slow steady release of energy that's in it for the long haul and is not expecting immediate results. Responsibilities keep piling up in the inbox too. Inner fears can also block us from going for what we really want. Anger may build up inside - careful of letting it explode inappropriately. Examine what your part is in it before lashing out on others. Mercury sesiquadrate Uranus may give us a loose canon tongue under this kind of pressure. Nerves can be wracked pretty hard today. Venus trine Pluto however can give us the ability to deepen relationships with another in very gratifying way - this is positive intensity. Artists may also be able to sink deeply into their current works today.
Friday is a day many of us have been impatiently waiting for as Mercury goes direct after 24 days of being retrograde. During the station, when the Messenger is actually standing still, we may not see much going forward but we can sense the untying of the knots beginning in our minds/psyche. Mercury will be in its shadow period until September 10th. Things will slowly return to normal as we go along. The Sun is opposite Chiron also on Friday - this is a day when we can make some major decisions on what we must do to adapt to our current reality. Denying it is no longer working and only hurting us more. Begin your path of healing by deciding which path to take today to break out of the morass.
Saturday may find you in a bit of a rebellious mood with the Sun quincunx Uranus. Anyone that you perceive as being selfish may get your wrath. The freedom seeking urge may be uncontrollable: do something different to assuage it or you may inadvertently set yourself up for a shocking surprise/accident/event.
Sunday we have a New Moon at 5* Virgo trine Pluto. This is a potent time to initiate major progressive transformation/overhaul to your life, and when you can get help from (an)others. Being of service to one and other is key with Virgo. Look to the house this New Moon falls in to find the area of life it will be affecting for you most, and to see if it aspects any of your natal planets to add their energy to the mix. It is a time of rolling up the sleeves and getting to work and paying attention to all the details that must be taken care of so as not to be tripped up in the future by loose ends.With Venus in Fall and conjunct Sun/Moon, you must do this to feel good about yourself - to gain more of one of the most important assets: self-esteem. Chiron's opposition to these three asks you to put on the moccasins of the other before judging - to acknowledge we all have weaknesses/frailities/losses, and that we can healthily support one and other through these hard times by having empathy and compassion, and to receive that from others also. The trine to Pluto allows us to access and open up to our deepest fears, rage, pain and to clear out things that no longer work for us on all levels. This in turn allows others to feel safe doing the same. We must understand that our lives revolve around cycles within cycles within cycles. Life will have its ups and downs both on subjective and collective (and even heavenly) levels. There is much work to do, but what other choice do we have? To give up? That goes against nature/evolution/existance. Staying in the moment helps us to get the most out of each moment - to find balance even in a world that seems imbalanced. Simplify your life. Find where you are needed most. Find what you believe in the most. It is a dance - be a willing partner with others and Life itself.
For those who don't believe in the power/effect of Mercury Retro and Void-of-Course Moons: re: President Obama's inauguration chart had both. Go back to that day in your mind/heart/ fast forward to today...has his term gone anything like you expected???...can't say that I didn't told you so....or ...when a system is inherently dysfunctional, no one can fix it from within - it must be replaced....
Monday, August 15, 2011
Astrological Winds for Week of 8/15/11
We are in the eye of the storm this week - a period of calm in the midst/mist...some pretty wild rides last week in this world...
On Tuesday, the Sun, Venus and Mercury Retrograde all are conjunct at 23* Leo. This seems to be a reminder that we must have heart in our communications and relationships with others - that coming from a mental/intellectual/Aquarian approach only is imbalanced without heart injected within it. The Sun and Venus together in Leo can be summed up as charming, magnetic, gregarious, but Mercury Retrograde may be holding us back somehow from truly expressing this the way we'd like, and our attempts at doing so may be misinterpeted/misunderstood, which can result in us getting a little discouraged and perhaps even retreating back into our own world where it may feel safer - but resting on our laurels securely or fear of expressing our truths because it may raise the ire of others may be not doing anyone, including yourself, a favor. Both Mercury and Venus are semi-square a weakend Mars this day too (and Sun semi-squares it Wed), so conversations trying to work things out may end up just causing more frustration and igniting new battles. It may be best to be a passive, yet interested listener today and give advice only when asked for, or perhaps seek advice from another, listen to the criticism and make it constructive by pondering its truth for some time before acting/reacting.
On Thursday, we can get a spark of energy from Mars sextile Jupiter. This gives us the opportunity to take action on going for what we want to expand our world - it's "enlightened self-interest" that sparks us now. This is great for collaborative efforts as long as you have something you are personally deeply committed to involved, however it is also good for working alone, and for advances at work/career. If you have a non-active work space, then by all means do something physical/athletic/adventuresome today or this week. Positive action can lead to positive attitude adjustment.
Saturday's Mercury Retro semi-square Saturn can be a bit depressing, as the mind sees the darker sides of things more easily today, which illicits frugal thoughts. Communications can be downright arduous also. No worries as it's just a passing phase.
Sunday offers an interesting contrast on the relationship side of life. Normally when Venus is opposite Neptune we combine higher and lower forms of love into a romantic/spiritual/artistic reverie that makes us quite receptive. However, several hours after the exact oppsition, Venus ingresses into Virgo, the sign of its fall. Combined with Mercury Retro and Sun also opppsite Neptune, this may actually have us in a more conservative expression of receptivity that mainly involves those who are brothers and sisters (not necessarily siblings) or those with whom we implicitly trust or share ritualistic behavior with. Mercury Retro sesiquadrate Pluto only re-enforces that and distrust of outsiders. It also has us see so many issues that it puts the mind in a quagmire that we can not extricate ourselves from - plus no one else wants to hear because thay already know or are shut down in some way.
This week the midst/mist of the Mercury Retro opposite Neptune Retro will give us much time to reflect...
On Tuesday, the Sun, Venus and Mercury Retrograde all are conjunct at 23* Leo. This seems to be a reminder that we must have heart in our communications and relationships with others - that coming from a mental/intellectual/Aquarian approach only is imbalanced without heart injected within it. The Sun and Venus together in Leo can be summed up as charming, magnetic, gregarious, but Mercury Retrograde may be holding us back somehow from truly expressing this the way we'd like, and our attempts at doing so may be misinterpeted/misunderstood, which can result in us getting a little discouraged and perhaps even retreating back into our own world where it may feel safer - but resting on our laurels securely or fear of expressing our truths because it may raise the ire of others may be not doing anyone, including yourself, a favor. Both Mercury and Venus are semi-square a weakend Mars this day too (and Sun semi-squares it Wed), so conversations trying to work things out may end up just causing more frustration and igniting new battles. It may be best to be a passive, yet interested listener today and give advice only when asked for, or perhaps seek advice from another, listen to the criticism and make it constructive by pondering its truth for some time before acting/reacting.
On Thursday, we can get a spark of energy from Mars sextile Jupiter. This gives us the opportunity to take action on going for what we want to expand our world - it's "enlightened self-interest" that sparks us now. This is great for collaborative efforts as long as you have something you are personally deeply committed to involved, however it is also good for working alone, and for advances at work/career. If you have a non-active work space, then by all means do something physical/athletic/adventuresome today or this week. Positive action can lead to positive attitude adjustment.
Saturday's Mercury Retro semi-square Saturn can be a bit depressing, as the mind sees the darker sides of things more easily today, which illicits frugal thoughts. Communications can be downright arduous also. No worries as it's just a passing phase.
Sunday offers an interesting contrast on the relationship side of life. Normally when Venus is opposite Neptune we combine higher and lower forms of love into a romantic/spiritual/artistic reverie that makes us quite receptive. However, several hours after the exact oppsition, Venus ingresses into Virgo, the sign of its fall. Combined with Mercury Retro and Sun also opppsite Neptune, this may actually have us in a more conservative expression of receptivity that mainly involves those who are brothers and sisters (not necessarily siblings) or those with whom we implicitly trust or share ritualistic behavior with. Mercury Retro sesiquadrate Pluto only re-enforces that and distrust of outsiders. It also has us see so many issues that it puts the mind in a quagmire that we can not extricate ourselves from - plus no one else wants to hear because thay already know or are shut down in some way.
This week the midst/mist of the Mercury Retro opposite Neptune Retro will give us much time to reflect...
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Orbs of Influence
Here's a comment from this week's forecast I'd like to respond to that others have brought up too:
"I am curious- my experience can sometimes be, that my life aligns with these forecasts a day ahead. Is it possible that the energy felt from Mars square Uranus, and such, can be felt in advance? Thus, speeding up our experiences of time/space development? For instance, Monday was my Sunday- and Tuesday, my Monday. "
Timing in astrology depends on orbs. The planet that is moving faster makes an exact aspect at some point in time. In the above comment, Mars moves much faster than Uranus, so the square was exact at 9:34 AM this morning. Mars is moving a little more than 1/2* per day right now, so even with an orb of 1*, it would be very close to exact from Mon-Wed, so this is the period when its energy would be at its apex. However there's more. Many astrologers have found that the orbs of influence are much wider than 1*, except for lunar transits, in major aspects between planets. When it come to an inner/outer combination like the above square (from Mars on in to Moon are inner/personal planets and Jupiter on out are outer/Collective planets), the orb is at least 7* and possibly up to 10*. So if we do the math: Mars is moving a 1/2* per day - that's a 14 day orb of influence both before and after the exact hit today. So, in effect, Mars will be in orb of its square to Uranus for 4 weeks! To top that off, because it is involved in the Grand Cross and doesn't get an exact square to Saturn until 8/25, I feel that extends the orb of its square to Uranus and opposition to Pluto until the square to Saturn is out of orb around September 10th (note: same day that Mercury gets out of retro shadow - it is not until then that I think we will see a shift in the current energy/challenges we are facing). Also, this is all based on an orb of 7* - many astrologers make it 9* or 10* and others even use whole sign aspects - that is, Mars is square by sign to Saturn until Mars ingresses into Leo. Also, many astrologers have found the energy is stronger when the aspect is approaching (ie - "applying") exactness versus when it is seperating, but still in orb. Then there's the orbs of influence in our own charts from outer planet transits to our inner planets/points: there is usually 3 or 5 exact hits - the whole period between the 1st and 3rd or 5th hit is under the influence of the aspect - events related to it can happen anytime during that period. This can also happen when inners go retrograde in the midst of aspecting an outer: once again we have an example I blogged about this week: Mercury Retro opposes Neptune 3 times in the space of a month, and thus is in effect the whole month! Orbs are one of those areas in astrology where there is healthy disagreement and one just has to feel it out as they experience astrology intimately/subtlely in their own life and determine what works best for them. So, my answer to you is: "Wow, it hit when it was basically exact for you! The riots in London did too. But the ones in Syria have been building up for weeks and have hit a high point." - 3 different manifestations of same energy all working under the influence of it but in different ways due to free will choices of the humans involved.
"I am curious- my experience can sometimes be, that my life aligns with these forecasts a day ahead. Is it possible that the energy felt from Mars square Uranus, and such, can be felt in advance? Thus, speeding up our experiences of time/space development? For instance, Monday was my Sunday- and Tuesday, my Monday. "
Timing in astrology depends on orbs. The planet that is moving faster makes an exact aspect at some point in time. In the above comment, Mars moves much faster than Uranus, so the square was exact at 9:34 AM this morning. Mars is moving a little more than 1/2* per day right now, so even with an orb of 1*, it would be very close to exact from Mon-Wed, so this is the period when its energy would be at its apex. However there's more. Many astrologers have found that the orbs of influence are much wider than 1*, except for lunar transits, in major aspects between planets. When it come to an inner/outer combination like the above square (from Mars on in to Moon are inner/personal planets and Jupiter on out are outer/Collective planets), the orb is at least 7* and possibly up to 10*. So if we do the math: Mars is moving a 1/2* per day - that's a 14 day orb of influence both before and after the exact hit today. So, in effect, Mars will be in orb of its square to Uranus for 4 weeks! To top that off, because it is involved in the Grand Cross and doesn't get an exact square to Saturn until 8/25, I feel that extends the orb of its square to Uranus and opposition to Pluto until the square to Saturn is out of orb around September 10th (note: same day that Mercury gets out of retro shadow - it is not until then that I think we will see a shift in the current energy/challenges we are facing). Also, this is all based on an orb of 7* - many astrologers make it 9* or 10* and others even use whole sign aspects - that is, Mars is square by sign to Saturn until Mars ingresses into Leo. Also, many astrologers have found the energy is stronger when the aspect is approaching (ie - "applying") exactness versus when it is seperating, but still in orb. Then there's the orbs of influence in our own charts from outer planet transits to our inner planets/points: there is usually 3 or 5 exact hits - the whole period between the 1st and 3rd or 5th hit is under the influence of the aspect - events related to it can happen anytime during that period. This can also happen when inners go retrograde in the midst of aspecting an outer: once again we have an example I blogged about this week: Mercury Retro opposes Neptune 3 times in the space of a month, and thus is in effect the whole month! Orbs are one of those areas in astrology where there is healthy disagreement and one just has to feel it out as they experience astrology intimately/subtlely in their own life and determine what works best for them. So, my answer to you is: "Wow, it hit when it was basically exact for you! The riots in London did too. But the ones in Syria have been building up for weeks and have hit a high point." - 3 different manifestations of same energy all working under the influence of it but in different ways due to free will choices of the humans involved.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Astrological Winds for Week of 8/8/11
As I suspected, the current Mercury Retrograde opposite Neptune has coincided with alot of confusing/deceiving information, communication, business decisions, etc. Case in point #1 being the downgrading of US treasury bonds from "AAA" to "AA" rating. The markets have lost all they gained this year, yet the reality is the economy never really did recover - it was all sleight-of-hand numbers based on false jumps to the economy that only a very few benefitted from. Now, the truth of the numbers has sent the markets reeling, along with the inability of the government to negotatite any meaningful debt/budget deal. Last week I warned that the budget deal being signed on the day Mercury went retrograde would show it would be fraught with miscalculations ultimately - that it was not based upon our reality. Less than a week later, we can already see this is the case. Because of this downgrading of US debt, expect interest rates to go up on debt, thus the debt payments of the US on these bonds will go up and blow the numbers of the budget. In our personal lives, we may be feeling this now too: little to no clarity on what moves to make next both creatively and in business/career, lots of missed or misunderstood communications, having to hold off on plans for now and let situations play out/develop. On Monday, Mercury Retrograde ingresses back into Leo and opposes Neptune Retrograde for the 2nd time during this period. This will be a very hard week to grab onto anything solid. With Mercury back in Leo, we may have an urge to display our numbers, plan ,creativity, uniqueness, yet it seems like the world around us is too lost in confusion of other bigger issues to even notice - frustrating for sure. Once again, it's best to perhaps keep your ideas close to the vest for now: develop them from within, keep an eye on the bigger/long term picture of how they may fit in later. Part of the problem now is there is so much coming at us from every angle imaginable that it's difficult to keep it sorted and tidy in our minds. At the same time, we are receptive to more subtle signals from the Universe, which ultimately only adds to the confusion for now. The sub-concious mind is very active, yet what seems like Truth one day can seem like foolishness the next. Abstract work, artistic endeavors and spiritual pursuits are the best use of this energy. With Mars in Cancer trine Chiron in Pisces today also, there is opportunity to work with subtle or emotional energies to bring healing to self or others.
The challenges only get tougher the rest of the month. Several weeks ago, we watched both Mercury and Venus sojourn through Cancer and complete a cardinal Grand Cross with the Cardinal T-square among Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto. Now we have Mars in Cancer, the sign it is weakest in, doing the same thing: on Tuesday it squares Uranus, on Wednesday it opposes Pluto, and on August 25th it squares Saturn, thus a Grand Cross for the rest of the month. So much will be coming at us from every direction that it can be downright overwhelming. Yet, with Mars in Cancer, our normal actions are weakened in trying to respond to the issues. It's a "wheels stuck in the mud" (and not even spinning too quickly) scenario. We are in need of alternate solutions is what this Grand Cross is trying to tell us - the way we have taken care of ourselves and the world has broken down and is in need of fixing, yet the tools we've used in the past are not fit for this job today. We may need to invent some new ones to get the right fit/fix. A more gentle and receptive approach is required, something that is hard to achieve when one is feeling so distraught. Tuesday's Mars square Uranus could have you jumping out of your skin/pushed to the brink with the same old, same old. You may take some out of character snap decision to try and break up the morass, but it could end up doing more damage then good. This is your ego screaming for a change, but not considering the implications of jumping in without much forethought, so many of the things you start/try today will end up being short term in nature for some reason or another. Also, be aware that the frenetic energy that this aspect brings can fray the nerves and set you up for an accident from moving too fast. Tuesday evening through Wednesday are also the time this week when the Moon (in Capricorn) joins the Grand Cross too, so emotions are going to feel very stifled during this time from all you go through. Using this energy wisely may be difficult, but one constructive way would be to use modern technology to increase our connections to others so that we all realize we are floating in the same boat, so that maybe dialogue can be created and cutting edge ideas that nourish all can be shared.
Wednesday's Mars opposite Pluto should have us aware of being on guard in any potentially dangerous situations/environments today, as it is easy to become a victim (or a ruthless perpetrator). Oppositions usually bring conflict with others when these two get together and those with short tempers or uncontrolled ones may find themselves in some type of battle usually based upon the old adage "At that point I had no choice..." - try not to let it get to that point! The underlying tension come from knowing deep inside that something must change - that old systems that have outgrown their usefulness must be wrestled from their top of the pyramid positions/status and be forced to make wholesale change. Many times the source of our restlessness is hidden from us - this is a good time to get a deep look within and see if we can determine what it is. Rather than forcing change upon others, force it upon yourself first, and gain self-empowerment which opens up other doors not accessible before. Wednesday is the day Ceres Retrograde also ingresses back into Pisces - I blogged about this several weeks back. We can see the confusion over resources due to debt issues has fully gripped the world, and with Ceres in Pisces the rest of this year, I believe confusion and deceit will continue to surround resource issues both mundanely and in the "Main St" world, which relates to all of us individually somehow or another.
Thursday's Mercury Retrograde semi-square Saturn and Sun sesiquadrate Uranus only re-enforce the general energy of these times: feeling stuck/wanting to break free, but how and when? Ditto with Friday's Venus sesiquadrate Uranus and Sun sesiquadrate Pluto.
Saturday is a Full Moon at 20* Aquarius opposite Mercury Retrograde and Venus. On the Leo/Aquarius axis, this Full Moon will have to do with the need and desire to be unique/an individual with your own unique talents/gifts/flair versus the need of the greater good of the Collective and what our duties and contributions to it are, and the emotional need to feel connected to others through doing something that is bigger than any one individual can. It recognizes the excitement of recognizing the specialness of the people in our world and of all people in general and can tear open one's heart if one allows it to. This is a time when we can take these lessons deep within and really move some blockages to our connections with others through mutual respect and then a renewed desire to deepen relationships. The ground is ripe to bring across the board change to our lives and to the world. Each has a part to play. Each is equally important. Love is an endless source that can drive it. Opening the heart accesses it, and thus opens the mind. Look to which 2 houses 20* Leo/Aquarius are in in your chart to see where you will connect with this energy in your life, and if any planets or points aspect those degrees (only 1* orb) and will influence the archetypal energy. Pluto square Juno and Venus sesiquadrate Pluto could rock close relationships this day too, especially if tension in them has been high lately.
This week brings the heaviest weather during this Mercury Retrograde opposite Neptune Retrograde period. It could be very easy to get discouraged this week. Remember these things too will pass. There is much work to do in the meantime. Try to find a different perspective within. Doing this enables the smallest shifts to occur and the outer world will begin to respond to you in new manners.
The challenges only get tougher the rest of the month. Several weeks ago, we watched both Mercury and Venus sojourn through Cancer and complete a cardinal Grand Cross with the Cardinal T-square among Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto. Now we have Mars in Cancer, the sign it is weakest in, doing the same thing: on Tuesday it squares Uranus, on Wednesday it opposes Pluto, and on August 25th it squares Saturn, thus a Grand Cross for the rest of the month. So much will be coming at us from every direction that it can be downright overwhelming. Yet, with Mars in Cancer, our normal actions are weakened in trying to respond to the issues. It's a "wheels stuck in the mud" (and not even spinning too quickly) scenario. We are in need of alternate solutions is what this Grand Cross is trying to tell us - the way we have taken care of ourselves and the world has broken down and is in need of fixing, yet the tools we've used in the past are not fit for this job today. We may need to invent some new ones to get the right fit/fix. A more gentle and receptive approach is required, something that is hard to achieve when one is feeling so distraught. Tuesday's Mars square Uranus could have you jumping out of your skin/pushed to the brink with the same old, same old. You may take some out of character snap decision to try and break up the morass, but it could end up doing more damage then good. This is your ego screaming for a change, but not considering the implications of jumping in without much forethought, so many of the things you start/try today will end up being short term in nature for some reason or another. Also, be aware that the frenetic energy that this aspect brings can fray the nerves and set you up for an accident from moving too fast. Tuesday evening through Wednesday are also the time this week when the Moon (in Capricorn) joins the Grand Cross too, so emotions are going to feel very stifled during this time from all you go through. Using this energy wisely may be difficult, but one constructive way would be to use modern technology to increase our connections to others so that we all realize we are floating in the same boat, so that maybe dialogue can be created and cutting edge ideas that nourish all can be shared.
Wednesday's Mars opposite Pluto should have us aware of being on guard in any potentially dangerous situations/environments today, as it is easy to become a victim (or a ruthless perpetrator). Oppositions usually bring conflict with others when these two get together and those with short tempers or uncontrolled ones may find themselves in some type of battle usually based upon the old adage "At that point I had no choice..." - try not to let it get to that point! The underlying tension come from knowing deep inside that something must change - that old systems that have outgrown their usefulness must be wrestled from their top of the pyramid positions/status and be forced to make wholesale change. Many times the source of our restlessness is hidden from us - this is a good time to get a deep look within and see if we can determine what it is. Rather than forcing change upon others, force it upon yourself first, and gain self-empowerment which opens up other doors not accessible before. Wednesday is the day Ceres Retrograde also ingresses back into Pisces - I blogged about this several weeks back. We can see the confusion over resources due to debt issues has fully gripped the world, and with Ceres in Pisces the rest of this year, I believe confusion and deceit will continue to surround resource issues both mundanely and in the "Main St" world, which relates to all of us individually somehow or another.
Thursday's Mercury Retrograde semi-square Saturn and Sun sesiquadrate Uranus only re-enforce the general energy of these times: feeling stuck/wanting to break free, but how and when? Ditto with Friday's Venus sesiquadrate Uranus and Sun sesiquadrate Pluto.
Saturday is a Full Moon at 20* Aquarius opposite Mercury Retrograde and Venus. On the Leo/Aquarius axis, this Full Moon will have to do with the need and desire to be unique/an individual with your own unique talents/gifts/flair versus the need of the greater good of the Collective and what our duties and contributions to it are, and the emotional need to feel connected to others through doing something that is bigger than any one individual can. It recognizes the excitement of recognizing the specialness of the people in our world and of all people in general and can tear open one's heart if one allows it to. This is a time when we can take these lessons deep within and really move some blockages to our connections with others through mutual respect and then a renewed desire to deepen relationships. The ground is ripe to bring across the board change to our lives and to the world. Each has a part to play. Each is equally important. Love is an endless source that can drive it. Opening the heart accesses it, and thus opens the mind. Look to which 2 houses 20* Leo/Aquarius are in in your chart to see where you will connect with this energy in your life, and if any planets or points aspect those degrees (only 1* orb) and will influence the archetypal energy. Pluto square Juno and Venus sesiquadrate Pluto could rock close relationships this day too, especially if tension in them has been high lately.
This week brings the heaviest weather during this Mercury Retrograde opposite Neptune Retrograde period. It could be very easy to get discouraged this week. Remember these things too will pass. There is much work to do in the meantime. Try to find a different perspective within. Doing this enables the smallest shifts to occur and the outer world will begin to respond to you in new manners.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Astrological Winds for Week of 8/1/11
After 3 rather calmer weeks in the astrological weather, things really get ratched up this week. Many of you are aware that Mercury is going retrograde this week (Tuesday) for most of August, mainly backtracking through Leo, after stationing at 1* Virgo. Initially, I thought this might be a mellower Mercury Retro period than normal, as Leo is a sign Mercury has no affinities too,but 2 things changed my mind and I am already sensing/seeing the effects. First and foremost is that Mercury will be in opposition to a retrograde Neptune, which is ingressing back into Aquarius on Thursday, for one last foray in this sign before it moves into Pisces for next 15 years. The first opposition was last Thursday (see last week's blog) and the 2nd exact opposition will be next Monday August 8th, and the 3rd and final one won't be until September 8th, which is very close to the time that Mercury will emerge from the shadow period of its retrograde as it reaches 1* Virgo on September 10th. In effect, what I'm sensing is alot of deception during this time. Example #1 is the debt ceiling/budget agreement: this deal is set to be voted on tomorrow (Tuesday), the very day that Mercury goes retrograde at 1* Virgo: the details are all foggy, based on fanatical idealism, not based in reality, coming with double-speak, etc. Topping that off is Sun square Jupiter today - simply put this budget deal is not going to work in reality whether it passes or not - the costs of running the country will be more than what is being budgeted for and when the bills come in it's going to be hot-under-the-collar time. In September of 2008, when the stock market/real estate crash occurred, and Congress and the President voted in the bail out plan during a Mercury Retrograde period, I warned it was all smoke and mirrors and lies, which is what it turned out to be. I have a feeling we are in a similiar situation here: as the months go by, we will find the effects of this budget deal was slanted to help very few and will leave most of the rest of us out in the cold, and the effects on local levels could be palpatable. An example from this morning's local news: people complaining that the potholes on their streets are never getting patched. The county responds by telling them state budget cuts have left them with 1 crew, maybe we can get to it in 3 years. This is what the budget slashing will amount to on local levels affecting you. Think about it the next time you vote and who you are voting for and exactly what effects their ideals could lead to for you personally. OK, that was quite a tangent to go off on...back to Mercury Retrograde opposite Neptune Retrograde (ingressing back to Aquarius) 3 times over a 6 week period: factoring in Monday's Sun square Jupiter, and Mars ingress into Cancer on Wednesday, a sign it is most debilitated in for its normal range of activity/energy, plus it's trining the above said Neptune Retro and sextile above said Mercury Retro and squaring Ceres at same time, there is a seroious danger of delusions of many kinds this week. Your mind may think it has the answers, but if you look through them under a more discerning lens, you are bound to find that many of these answers are based upon false conclusions, idealistic notions, pie-in-the-sky visions of grandeur, misrepresentation of the facts/reality, the willing of trying to bend reality to fit your version of it, etc. In addition, the opposition indicates that you are possibly under the influence of being purposely misled by others who are trying to force you to make a decision before you find out the whole truth, which is advantageous to them, not you. The trine and sextile work here to make it very easy to fall into this trap perhaps out of desperation. Mars in Cancer may provide the answer or best course of action now. It requires an alternative to your normal approach. It requires some passivity on your part despite dwindling resources. In a certain way, it may be best to sit this one out and use the inner mind workings of Mercury Retro combined with the sensitivity of Neptune and Mars in Cancer to really work things over deeply in your being/mind, but not take any aggressive actions during this time, but to let things play out/shake out, while you use this sensitivity as a fine tuned instrument of discernment to assess what you really can do to align your visions with your reality come September. If you really need to do something physical, home projects would be best, but nothing grandiose. Expect alot of confusion during this whole period due to old patterns not working as they used to. Expect the mind to wander, physical energy to be lower than normal, and of course, communications should be checked and checked again for mutual understanding (and there's still likely to be mix-ups despite). The second thing that made me feel this Mercury Retrograde would be a stronger one is the length of it, lasting some 24 days instead of the normal 20-21. I remember reading an article by another professional astrologer who had researched lengths of Mercury Retro periods and found the ones to be longer to usually have stronger effects. Unfortunately, I read so many articles on astrology that I can't remember the author nor source - my apologies.
Besides Sun square Jupiter on Monday, Venus is quincunx Pluto. This is a "good-bye and good riddance" aspect. Any relationships that have been under stress due to power trips, emotional manipulation, misused resources/finances, etc could easily snap today to the point of release.
Thursday, gives a bit of a break with a Venus square to Jupiter. Most of the time this can lead to some indulgences - obviously, the issue is to watch the bank and or credit card balance while doing so. The markets may respond postively to the budget bill passing, but there still may be an underlying sense of tension, as real problems are not addressed now, but swept under the rug for the time being - they may collect some dust there, but they are bound to need addressing at some point in the future. A great day to socialize, romanticize, relax.
The energy shifts quickly on Friday as Sun sextiles Saturn. This is a great way to work/get projects done/act on solid opportunities. It's possible this may put you into conflict with some group you belong to with Sun opposite Vesta, but you need to take care of yourself first some times, especially to have healthy relationships with others, including groups.
Sunday, Venus sextiles Saturn: this favors a day spent with family or older people or wiser people in calm, stable environments. A good day to honor tradition. You could get some detailed creative work done this day too, or appreciate/admire other's art.
This can be a frustrating and confusing time - don't let it drown you - let it unwind - hard resistance will wear you out quicker - be in it for the long haul - you have the time now to contemplate your next big moves.
Besides Sun square Jupiter on Monday, Venus is quincunx Pluto. This is a "good-bye and good riddance" aspect. Any relationships that have been under stress due to power trips, emotional manipulation, misused resources/finances, etc could easily snap today to the point of release.
Thursday, gives a bit of a break with a Venus square to Jupiter. Most of the time this can lead to some indulgences - obviously, the issue is to watch the bank and or credit card balance while doing so. The markets may respond postively to the budget bill passing, but there still may be an underlying sense of tension, as real problems are not addressed now, but swept under the rug for the time being - they may collect some dust there, but they are bound to need addressing at some point in the future. A great day to socialize, romanticize, relax.
The energy shifts quickly on Friday as Sun sextiles Saturn. This is a great way to work/get projects done/act on solid opportunities. It's possible this may put you into conflict with some group you belong to with Sun opposite Vesta, but you need to take care of yourself first some times, especially to have healthy relationships with others, including groups.
Sunday, Venus sextiles Saturn: this favors a day spent with family or older people or wiser people in calm, stable environments. A good day to honor tradition. You could get some detailed creative work done this day too, or appreciate/admire other's art.
This can be a frustrating and confusing time - don't let it drown you - let it unwind - hard resistance will wear you out quicker - be in it for the long haul - you have the time now to contemplate your next big moves.
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