Monday, August 22, 2011

Astrological Winds for Week of 8/22/11

We will spend most of this week in a similiar vein as last 3 weeks, but by end of week, we should feel the stagnated energy start to shift and slowly release us to some new beginnings.

On Monday, we get the Sun's annual opposition to Neptune. This just adds to the general energy of confusion, deception, rampant idealism, impractical ideas, etc that we have been experiencing all month due to Mercury Retro's opposition to Neptune Retro. Life on Earth is in a very uncertain/demoralizing place these days, and the ideas being bantered about are full of aspirations that are utopian yet quite possibly unfeasable in current circumstances. In this past week alone, we have an Indian guru taking on the whole government over graft yet seemingly trying to protect everyone but the poor; the Pope declaring that capitalism's worship of the dollar has put human life secondary; Warren Buffet asking Congress to raise taxes on himself and the rich; Paypal's owner claiming he will build new countries on artificial islands in international waters so that those who seek a more responsive society to the people and the betterment of all humanity can just leave these nation states that are paralyzing human evolution behind; etc etc etc. Now granted many of these ideas are great, but the reality is, all of these people and the organizations they represent contributed to the problem. Perhaps the real issue is that a system that has inherent flaws in it right from the start will only manifest bigger and bigger problems as time unfolds and the system gets older. Perhaps Neptune really needs us to think/imagine out of the how can we completely replace this system with one that works better? See this link if you are interested in seeing another way, where all can be taken care of including the Earth, which is our environment (and which is part of us according to new physics):
It's time for some big decisions for all of us - the big question now is if we can stop the momentum of a system gone awry for so long that its momentum will not allow us the time to change quick enough. It is happening all around us. We need to support each other by sharing this information and knowledge so that the "100th Monkey" effect kicks in. We need to do this in our everyday relationships because it seems like our political/religious/business leaders either can not or will not. Sun/Neptune also requires sacrifice - we may have to give up much of what we personally cherish in order to reach a better place for all, which includes you. With the Sun semi-square Saturn Monday also, it will add to the feeling of blockage and frustration with leaders/authorities/duties/work.

Tuesday, the Sun ingresses into Virgo signaling the end of summer in the Northern Hemisphere and a time of harvest and getting back into the flow of the normal school/work year. A time when we can be sensitive to the rhythmic cycles of the Earth, to connect with those we share ritual with (our true brothers and sisters), a time to be serious about analyzing our resources to make sure we have enough to get through, to take care of our health preventatively, and to contemplate where we are at in life with a constructively critical eye.

Wednesday could bring some shifts in relationships. With Venus opposite Chiron and quincunx Uranus, there may be some serious lessons to learn from relationships, which could force some painful or relieving decisions. Restlessness with others may have you make a break for freedom or vice versa. This may only be short lived, so be careful about what you decide to do, as you could just add to the wounds. Pallas' entry into Aquarius shows the shifts may actually have to do with being more committed to groups you share ideas with that relate to the Neptune/Sun fodder above. This is also the day (and going into Thursday) when the Moon aspects the cardinal T-square (square Uranus, opposite Pluto, square Saturn - forming a Cardinal Grand Cross this week = lots of problems/issues to worry about/be easily overwhelmed by) and emotions can be really (di)stressed.

Thursday is the day I mentioned a couple weeks ago that Mars in Cancer squares Saturn - the final exact hit of Mars to the Cardinal T-square (forming a Cardinal Grand Cross). Although we won't see it immediately, this is the beginning of the release that I wrote about in opening. Energy will still be seriously blocked/restricted this week for a myriad of reasons. Be careful too, as we can be accident prone, or the machinery around us can head toward breakdown mode. This is best used for a slow steady release of energy that's in it for the long haul and is not expecting immediate results. Responsibilities keep piling up in the inbox too. Inner fears can also block us from going for what we really want. Anger may build up inside - careful of letting it explode inappropriately. Examine what your part is in it before lashing out on others. Mercury sesiquadrate Uranus may give us a loose canon tongue under this kind of pressure. Nerves can be wracked pretty hard today. Venus trine Pluto however can give us the ability to deepen relationships with another in very gratifying way - this is positive intensity. Artists may also be able to sink deeply into their current works today.

Friday is a day many of us have been impatiently waiting for as Mercury goes direct after 24 days of being retrograde. During the station, when the Messenger is actually standing still, we may not see much going forward but we can sense the untying of the knots beginning in our minds/psyche. Mercury will be in its shadow period until September 10th. Things will slowly return to normal as we go along. The Sun is opposite Chiron also on Friday - this is a day when we can make some major decisions on what we must do to adapt to our current reality. Denying it is no longer working and only hurting us more. Begin your path of healing by deciding which path to take today to break out of the morass.

Saturday may find you in a bit of a rebellious mood with the Sun quincunx Uranus. Anyone that you perceive as being selfish may get your wrath. The freedom seeking urge may be uncontrollable: do something different to assuage it or you may inadvertently set yourself up for a shocking surprise/accident/event.

Sunday we have a New Moon at 5* Virgo trine Pluto. This is a potent time to initiate major progressive transformation/overhaul to your life, and when you can get help from (an)others. Being of service to one and other is key with Virgo. Look to the house this New Moon falls in to find the area of life it will be affecting for you most, and to see if it aspects any of your natal planets to add their energy to the mix. It is a time of rolling up the sleeves and getting to work and paying attention to all the details that must be taken care of so as not to be tripped up in the future by loose ends.With Venus in Fall  and conjunct Sun/Moon, you must do this to feel good about yourself - to gain more of one of the most important assets:  self-esteem. Chiron's opposition to these three asks you to put on the moccasins of the other before judging - to acknowledge we all have weaknesses/frailities/losses, and that we can healthily support one and other through these hard times by having empathy and compassion, and to receive that from others also. The trine to Pluto allows us to access and open up to our deepest fears, rage, pain and to clear out things that no longer work for us on all levels. This in turn allows others to feel safe doing the same. We must understand that our lives revolve around cycles within cycles within cycles. Life will have its ups and downs both on subjective and collective (and even heavenly) levels. There is much work to do, but what other choice do we have? To give up? That goes against nature/evolution/existance. Staying in the moment helps us to get the most out of each moment - to find balance even in a world that seems imbalanced. Simplify your life. Find where you are needed most. Find what you believe in the most. It is a dance - be a willing partner with others and Life itself.


For those who don't believe in the power/effect of Mercury Retro and Void-of-Course Moons: re: President Obama's inauguration chart had both. Go back to that day in your mind/heart/ fast forward to today...has his term gone anything like you expected???...can't say that I didn't told you so....or ...when a system is inherently dysfunctional, no one can fix it from within - it must be replaced....

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