Sunday, January 29, 2012

Astrological Winds for Week of 1/30/12

Well I sure had my fill of Mars Retrograde events last week - sheesh! Remember, what I said about the military turning its guns on the citizenry during Mars retro periods? Well, I saw this yesterday in the news:
LA Police Department Conducts Joint Exercises with the MilitaryDan Bacher, AlterNet: "The LA Police Department ... and the U.S. military conducted joint 'tactical exercises' in downtown LA this week. One Black Hawk ... and four OH-6 choppers ... flew over the city during the exercise.... Joint military exercises have also been conducted over Boston, Massachusetts and Little Rock, Arkansas over the past six months.... The exercises become even more ominous when you consider that ... Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) ... allowing indefinite detention to be codified into law."
Brave New World/1984,,,,'nuff said...

This week heralds a huge shift in the Collective's energy that will be in effect for many years: Neptune ingressing into Pisces. More below.

Monday may present a bit of frustration in personal relationships as Mercury semi-squares Venus combined with a first quarter square of Moon in Taurus to Sun in Aquarius. Mercury/Venus plus the square will make it an active/engaging day with others, but one that is based on frustration, irrtation, disagreement, discouragement at times. We may be challenged by external situations through others to lift ourselves above just thinking about our own security and comforts. This is a time where we must tune in to our higher calling/dharma and collaborate, but the difficulty is we may have to sacrifice some of the personal things/interests that bring us emotional stability and a sense of security.

Wedenesday can be quite a sassy day with Venus opposite Mars and Mercury sesiquadrate Mars. You may find yourself in some serious disagreements today especially with someone(s) of the opposite sex. Feelings are easily upset by those who we feel are imposing upon us by their roughshod, boorish behavior. There is also alot of sexual tension in the air today. Lovers may find themselves in quarrels or in the heights of erotic ecstasy, or if your sexuality is repressed it may blast out in inappropriate ways, or you may find yourself easily attracted to others today. This is also a day where this energy can be channelled into creative/artistic work. All of this tension will stoke Mercury/Mars and likely provoke some very frustrating standstills with others to just downright bitter arguments and fights. Watch what you say when you are feeling this passionate! There may be no resolution available today to this energy and you may have to just sleep on it.

Friday is the big day when Neptune enters Pisces, a sign that it co-rules or has most affinity with energetically, where it will remain for 13 years until 2025. This is a big background shift, as the outer planets have much to do with the Collective destiny/fate of humanity/life on earth, and much less to do with our personal, subjective lives. Over this period of time expect people to merge together in groups based upon similiar ideals surrounding religion, spirituality, mysticism, art, inspiration, nature. The danger with this is that it can make us the perfect followers - ones who do not question, but rely on faith, and we can easily be led down the wrong path by a charasmatic visionary/savior who says the right things, wins us over unquestioningly, and effectively brain washes us into following blindly. This could easily turn into the energy of the Crusades, Jihad, Dionysus, fascism, hypnotized masses - a ruthless rapture so to speak! Technology will allow everyone to be the star of their own video on Youtube to points unimaginable right now but becoming more prevalent by the day, and the world of virtual reality may reach new heights with many people living much of their lives hooked up to some virtual world via machines/technology. Creativity in these areas will reach new bounds. I'd also expect many issues with water and oil, two things that Neptune rules. We had a little taste of that with the Gulf oil disaster - now that most of the oil left unclaimed is under the sea, expect that to be the focus of drilling for the next 13 years, and of course expect more spills and accidents. Neptune/Poseidon was not considered an exactly friendly god, as he could whip the seas up in rage and start many a faith-based war. Neptune in Pisces will bring increased amounts of precipitation and more intense storms, rising sea levels, warming waters and climate, large water-related disasters like tsunamis and floods. I would also expect that there will be many new amazing discoveries coming out of the depths of the sea, and many other issues surrounding the sea including international disputes on claims and an ever shrinking fish population due to overfishing and continued degradation of the oceans in general. Wars over oil and water will increase during this time - the last time Neptune was in Pisces was during the American Civil War, so the internal strife in America between the Reds and the Blues will likely continue through this time and may reach manical points of talks of secession, etc. Also, socialism as a form of government, through the writings of Karl Marx were born the last time Neptune was in Pisces, so expect mass  movements by common people/ the working class to re-introduce socialism into government/politics. Neptune is also associated with drugs, as is Pisces, so drug use as a form of escapism may reach new highs (pun intended) and new designer/experimental/psychedelic drugs are likely to become popular. On the medical front, I would expect the same: new amazing drugs to help cure many illnesses/maladies. The world's population will also continue their growing appetite for entertainment, which will keep the mind from serious/Saturnian issues and immersed in fantasy/glamour/self-image/fashion. Pisces is the sign symbolized by two fish swimming away from one another yet connected by a strand. It shows this sign has a strong dichotomy built within it that can force you to choose a side. You can choose to see everything connected despite its differences, or to pull everything apart into two distinct camps that are opposites and unable to see eye to eye and rely on blind faith. Those who are sensitives will see their ability to sense the connectedness jump quantumly during this time, while those who are blinded by faith will become more narrow and more enraptured with their cause. Both are forms of receptivity that one can easily lose one's self/individuality in. Learn to trust your instincts/gut feelings and you will not be easily misled, but rather led to new, wondrous worlds.

The weekend is quiet astrologically with Moon in Cancer - a good weekend to get nurturing from family, close friends, shared meals, warm baths, creature comforts, etc.

Next week is a Full Moon in Leo, Saturn turning retrograde, and Venus darting off into Aries to hook up with Uranus - stay tuned!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Astrological Winds for Week of 1/23/12

Last Thursday's Sun square Saturn and Ceres' ingress into Aries was very poignant in world events that day via the voice of authorities led by President Obama for the 2nd time denying the Keystone Pipeline - the President (the Sun) created a crisis (square) by making an authoritive choice (Saturn). He also acted as the warrior for the earth/nature/protector of a food producing via crops/agriculture region (Ceres into Aries). Meanwhile, here in Arizona and partcularly in Tucson, the State Education Department and the Tucson Unified School District not only banned Mexican American history courses, but have gone as far as to make the study material (ie - books) very difficult to access and outright banning them from classes (that next fire engine you hear coming may be coming to start a fire not put one out!). Here we see Sun/Saturn act as the heavy hand of authority and Ceres in Aries like an enraged mother. The obvious racial fear that exists in many people's minds in AZ have me thinking we should rename our state: Alazona or Aribama - anyone want to take a vote? I've had people tell me when you travel to other parts of the world, tell people you're a Canadian. Here's my advice: if you travel to other parts of the USA, say you're a New Mexican!

This week could be the beginning of a more actively rough few months in general. Mars goes retrograde in Virgo until April 13th, stays in retrograde shadow until June 19th, and in Virgo until July 3rd. Most of you know all about Mercury retro's effects, since they are so frequent (3x per year). Well, to me Mars retro (once every 2 years or so) are much stronger/poignant in its noticeable effects. Our's is a world of action/doing, which is what Mars is all about. When our actions start to give us backwards results or just stand still/are blocked, it can be extremely irritating to the point of enragement. This is what Mars Retro can do for you! Look at the house it is in to see the area of life most affected. For instance, if it is transiting 2nd house in your chart, then expect a slowdown in gaining of resources to possibly the point of stoppage or even loss. When we think about Mars in Virgo, the effects may not be as extreme as some of the other signs it could be in, as Mars normal rambunctious energy is actually tempered quite down on the Virgo/Pisces axis, but not in necessarily a negative way, but in a grounded/receptive way. The intensity is still there, but it's pointed like a scalpel ready to cut out what's diseased. It's a great time to assess your health and become more disciplined in your regime - to take responsibility for your own well-being and be preventative in your approach to illness and healing. It is also ready to participate with others in joint service. So we may already be in the mindset of having to cut back, to examine our resources and what we spend our time doing, and this could ease this retro period a bit on personal levels. This is also a good time to work with others on detailed projects, especially if involves Mars type activities like building, gardening, metalwork, mechanical repairs, fine crafts, etc. One danger is to get critical of others actions. This time would be best to use by assessing what's in need of repair in our lives, and to see if we are taking our service to others too far and allowing ourselves to become a victim, which can be the source of much anger and subsequent battles. In the mundane world, Mars Retrograde can be a very dangerous time, as its normal energy is much more potent. In Virgo, the police, military, and civil servants may feel its effects the most. Historically, one can trace an increased aggression by the police/military in conjunction with civil services against their own citizenry during these periods (if I was Syrian I'd be very concerned about this during the next few months). This can be particularly seen when progressed Mars goes retrograde in a country's birth chart. The decades of progressed Mars retrograde usually equate to a time period when the military turns its guns on the very citizens it's supposed to be protecting, rather than being involved as much in foreign type wars/police actions. One of the worrisome things about that is that the US's progressed Mars went retro a few years back and ever since then we see increasing intrusion/use of the military to monitor US citizens, and the use of police to quell mostly peaceful demonstrations, and meanwhile civil services decay across all society - the US may be in this type of cycle until the mid-2080's! With Mars in Virgo, an Earth sign (Pluto in Capricorn also), earth-related natural disasters are quite possible (like large earthquakes) during this time. The first exact Uranus/Pluto square is getting very tight during this time period, so combined with this testy Mars, we could have some global catastrophes on the horizon to deal with. It's possible fire and earth may blend together too (volcanos, sunspot blasts on earth). I have heard that many Vedic astrologers are expecting some big natural event in March/April based on their methods of prediction. I think that Mars retro in an earth sign will keep real estate prices depressed for next quarter or two also.
To top all of this off on Monday, Mercury trines Mars stationary retrograde -  Monday should be the perfect day to make plans, collaborate with others, make repairs, prepare for progressive changes, work with machinery, etc.

Monday is also Chinese New Year - the Year of the Dragon - a water year. I'm no expert in Chinese astrology, but I know they expect water issues/catastrophes/increased precipitation. However, the Dragon is considered a lucky/auspicious year especially for making plans that bring fortune later (sounds like Mars retro a bit there!). It's also considered a good year for making babies, collaborating with others on plans, making big changes in your life, new opportunities, abundance, and doing the hard work needed for success.

Wednesday can be a frustrating and challenging day in the sphere of relationships, as Venus is sesiquadrate Saturn. It may be impossible to get what you want from others on this day and it may be best to just accept that. People (yourself included) may be cool and distant and conservative in their interactions with others, and it will be easy to see the faults in others. This would be a day to best spend alone if possible or to minimize your interactions and expectations of others or you could easily get too harsh/controlling with them or vice versa. Issues with others at work who are superior to you are possible too.

Mercury gets activated on Friday and Saturday. On Friday, it squares Saturn and then ingresses into Aquarius. The square to Saturn can make this a day of heavy thoughts and tedious/difficult conversations/communications. It's easy to perceive the Shadow today - it's best to remember it's just a passing phase, as life can seem difficult/burdensome under this energy. It's easy to fall into a stubborn pattern mentally and get argumentative with others. Mercury's ingress into Aquarius (and also conjunction to Vesta) should start to break this up, as the Winged Messeneger is ready to collaborate with others intellectually for the next few weeks. Lines will be drawn in a "us vs. them" mentality during this time and the dichotomy between different value systems will be open for all to see and comment on and act upon even. We may be filled with original, yet unconventional thoughts about how to improve the systems around us. In our social lives, we may spend more time with eclectic, different people. The mind works well with science/technology/math/logic during this time.

On Saturday, Mercury sextiles Uranus and squares Jupiter. Mercury/Uranus will heighten our perceptions and intuitions and fill our mind with electric thoughts/energy. you can be highly creative on a mental level today - great for writing, speaking, getting your point across succinctly and unoffensively, getting support/opportunity for your ideas, happy surprises, new solutions/approaches to old problems, or just doing something exciting and different than the norm. Combined with Mercury/Jupiter however, we may end up going overboard and putting too much on our plate this day. Our mind is on what's grandiose, not the minor details. We can get into some long philosophical self-righteous rants and become an obnoxious bore to others. You're thinking BIG on this day and that's OK, but it's easy to get carried away. Venus sesiquadrate Jupiter only adds to this excessive energy, and Sun sesiquadrate retrograde Mars shows the potential to irritate others or vice versa is very strong today because of all this energy having us or others lose control at times.

Sunday's biggest event is the asteroid goddess Juno ingressing into Sagittarius. This is a time where we will seek to form partnerships that inspire us, or seek partnerships with inspiring people in order to perhaps ground them and their ideas into some concrete system/reality.

Big event next week: Neptune ingresses into the waters of Pisces, the sign it has most affinity to,for the next 13 years!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Astrological Winds for Week of 1/16/12

Monday has many Moon aspects shifting the weather and our emotions rapidly as the day starts in a serious/conservative tone (3rd Qtr square of Moon in Libra to Sun in Capricorn followed by Moon conjunct Saturn), moves to a light-hearted, social, indulgent, receptive tone by late morning throughout afternoon with Moon opposite Jupier and trine Venus, and then into a deeply satisfying focus tonight with Moon in Scorpio sextile Pluto. Venus' conjunction to Chiron is the biggest aspect of this day and it may lead us on a quest to decide what has true beauty and value in our lives - the Scorpio Moon sextile Pluto should help us peel back the layers to find the core of what that is. Connecting/merging in some way with others should bring welcome relief to some of our pains/needs and we will get a chance to learn/receive more or teach/give more.

Mercury semi-square Neptune on Tuesday could bring a little fuzziness to this day that may leave you a bit disenchanted/discouraged mentally. People may not be telling the whole story, the straight story, have ulterior or deceptive motives, may want to drag you down to their lowered state of mind/mood, etc. Your energy may be lower than normal and it may be easy to give up rather than struggle on. A good day to study metaphysical/spiritual/mystical subjects, or just take the day off through some minor escape tactics.

The Sun is square Saturn on Thursday. This is a day where your duties/responsibilities/work/service to others has to be dealt with in serious/disciplined manners and you may have to put off personal enjoyment for a later time. Of course, this can be depressing on your general outlook. Also, we may be very strained resource wise now. It's a day when we will see the Shadow side of life clearly, and may be a day of the news showing us as a society where we have many challenges/crisis that need addressing and responsible leadership to get through. Energy may be lowered just by the burdens of life in general, and Mercury's semi-square to Chiron can add to it by bringing some painfully frustrating news. Ceres also ingresses into Aries on this day showing all may be called on to take on greater personal responsibility over our own resource needs, which includes what is best for the earth too. Environmental warriors, farming and land issues, food and water issues, etc may get quite heated up over the next few months.

Friday the Sun ingresses into Aquarius as we reach the middle of winter in the northern hemisphere. This is a time of mental collaboration with others who share ideals about how to change systems in order to bring balance and equality to them. The danger is to become too stubborn, even haughty, about what we believe in to the point where we shut out all other input, and to also disconnect far too much from our emotional selves/needs. Venus sextile Pluto should give opportunities to deepen relationships/connections with others. Those in newer relationships may be able to bring them to new depths/intensity today that can be quite exhilirating/exciting. Those in older ones may be able to help each other plumb the depths of the psyche and hold up mirrors for each other to remind us we are not alone. This is a "friends are important" day! Financial opportunties may emerge today too.

Saturday should be an exciting day with the Sun sextile Uranus and square Jupiter, as people may make audacious displays at exhibiting their unique individuality and have the air snapping with electricity around them. Sun/Uranus should afford us opportunities (remember you have to act on an opportunity for it to become more than just potential!) to put some of our ideas into action. You will feel free, but want to collaborate with others so that you can shine somehow. People will be witty, lively, stimulated today. Sun/Jupiter can have them take it out to extreme/excessive portions. Trying to squeeze it all in may prove difficult, yet we should be in a generous/gregarious mood that borders on arrogance and has us taking risks out of our comfort zone. This should be a very exciting day if you choose to seek some stimulation. Just remember which pedal is the accelarator and which is the brakes if you're in a whirl of excitement and distracted from reality.

Sunday is a New Moon at 2* Aquarius. Like the Sun's ingress into Aquarius on Friday, this New Moon is asking those with similiar values to collaborate and make changes/improvements to the systems around them; to open up to world diversity that all the new technology brings us; to connect with others in new forms of group conciousness; to revolutionize our world on all levels so that all may be truly free; to develop new breakthroughs in all the sciences/arts/culture, etc. The New Moon sextiles Uranus/Ceres showing that a revolution must take place in order for the world's resources to be distributed well and to meet everyone's needs: a revolution in the way we think and act in order to use the latest technologies to help humanity meet these needs, not do more damage in trying to attain them. This New Moon is telling us the current situation on Earth has become unbearable - that each individual must use their own talents in collaboration with others and their diverse talents to pull together a new plan on where we want society to go from here - that we must become peaceful warriors for the earth and all her children. And that we all may have to give up some of our Collective amusements in order for this to occur - that the time for compromising is over and it must begin with not compromising ourself -  we must stick to what we truly believe is right - and that is what's best for all and leaves no one behind. It is time to put our quirky ideas into action and see what results they bring.

Next week, Mars goes retrograde - the biggest event of the month astrologically.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Astrological Winds for Week of 1/9/12

Similiar to last week, the astrological weather this week starts pretty quiet and by the weekend picks up some intensity, but still nothing overly serious this week.

Monday has Mercury sextile Chiron and perhaps our curiousity will be stoked by some opportunity to learn more about ourselves or to teach/help others in some way. This will have the effect of a soothing balm upon both self and other.

Thursday's Sun trine Mars is an energy booster although in measured forms as it is in earth signs. This would be an excellent day to make decisions, take actions, work out details, organize, do fine hand crafted work, work long hours, do things that take prolonged releases of steady energy, work with metals, etc.

Friday is the heaviest weather of the week starring Venus (in Aquarius) mainly, first trining Saturn (in Libra) , which usually brings a harmonious stability to relationships, especially ones based on the intellectual/mental level. In general, people will still be conservative with finances and make "smart decisions" and feel OK with that, and seek fair deals for all. This trine combines with Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn to cut out all excess/waste in wise and calculated strategies. The mind can act like a magnifying glass now and see the subtle properties inherent in the make up of the subject it focuses its attention on. These are good transits to look into the Shadow side of life while retaining a balanced/sober outlook, to work on subtle details, to rid yourself of things that are old and cluttered so that something new may grow in the ground it vacates, to study/research/investigate objectively, to make and express concise opinions, etc. The danger could be to become too narrow-minded, conservative, or obssessed with an idea/singular viewpoint, which could get you in heated arguments over differences of opinion. However, once again, Venus acts like a salve as it conjuncts Neptune shortly afterwards - this is a "live and let live" aspect of compassion/empathy/understanding/unconditional love/soul-unions/romantic reverie/daydreams/spirituality/contemplation/artistic inspiration. The danger here is to become too complacent/passive in believing things will "just work out" without you having to act in order to achieve desired results, to drift away on clouds of escapism, to become overly idealistic and combine it with Mercury/Pluto to push your brand of religion upon others, to become easily disappointed with others when they let your ideals down, etc. Venus caps off her busy day by ingr--essing into one of her favorite signs, Pisces, where she is exalted. The energy of Venus in Pisces is very similiar to what I described above for Venus/Neptune - it is a combination of lower (conditional) and higher (unconditional) forms of love, a desire to merge with others in totality on all levels, a desire to live in a world of fantasy/fairy tales come true, and the giving to others of the benefit of a doubt in the underlying belief of the goodness inherent somewhere within all beings.

Venus sextile Jupiter on Saturday should make this weekend quite positive for most of us, as this is one of the "lucky" transits. It brings in general a light-heartedness, optimistic attitude that naturally spawns opportunities that are looked upon as fortuitous in nature. This is a great weekend to spend with friends at social gatherings, as people reach out to one and other in harmony. Financial opportunities can possibly arise also.

Sunday is quiet although Mercury's sextile to Vesta continues the theme of Venus/Jupiter of connecting with close friends.

Next week the Sun aspects Saturn, Jupiter, and Uranus while ingressing into Aquarius and we have a New Moon in Aquarius on Sunday.


Monday, January 2, 2012

Astrological Winds for Week of 1/2/12

Well it's 2012, a number/construct of the minds of humanity. Many people want to know if it's "the end of the world" year. As an astrologer, I get asked what I think about it often. What I know astrologically is that the Uranus/Pluto square is going to tighten (no matter what year we want to call it!) and that whenever these two planets get in a stressful aspect to one and other before in history, it has portended to an extended period of revolutionary transformation across all levels of society. In cardinal signs, it indicates new beginnings because the very survival of our species is dependent upon it. Pluto in Capricorn will expose all that is wrong with the systems that are currently in place, induce power struggles that center around survival, kill off much in order for something new to be born. Uranus in Aries is the individual revolutionary taking action aggressively. Manifestations of the combinations of these energies are countless, and in the past year they have spread throughout the globe. I expect the old ideas/regimes to not die easily - to try and consolidate/hold on to power any way they can as reality shifts around them. I expect most people to revolt in some way or another. Once Uranus ingresses into Taurus (2018-9) international relations over resources may get explosive/war-like, until then much of the battle may be within country's borders pitting citizens versus those who rule over them. I still look to Neptune/Chiron in Pisces to be the salve of these times - a deeper understanding/realization of the connectedness of all things, and the wounds we self-inflict through the way we choose to live when we don't see that, and instead believe we are isolated and in a battle for survival in our small human lives versus everyone else/nature. By the time Pluto enters Aquarius in the mid 2020's this deeper understanding could open up the doors to a much more equal and just society.

It's another relatively quiet week in the astrological weather. Monday starts off the week with a Venus/Uranus semi-square: more likely than not, we are getting tired of all the holiday activities/people/traditions by now and are ready for something/someone different to move in and take up our attention, if only for a short time. This is a freedom seeking urge but you likely won't be able to fully satisfy it today. This could lead to some snippyness with loved ones as they are not providing you with the spark of excitement you'd like. Best thing to do is to purposely do something different for yourself today, even if it's token/small and it will likely relieve enough of this itch so it doesn't get too drastic.

Wednesday has the Sun semi-square Neptune - this can easily diffuse energy: it could be the holiday blues emotionally, holiday dues physically to the body from all the indulgences, fogginess to the mind/thoughts, spiritual disillusionment. It's only a passing phase and best not taken too seriously. If you are able to take the day off and just get in touch with inner spiritual/inspirational self, then that may be the best choice for using this energy well. Otherwise, reality may prove tiresome and over (or under) whelming today.

Friday could be a bumpy day for relationships as Venus quincunxs Mars while the Moon squares Mars and trines Venus. Be careful about how you express your sexuality/romantic intentions today, as your actions may be out of step and result in some awkward moments. Relationships under stress already may get the axe today. Emotions towards others can be quite mixed up and stormy (loves me/loves me not syndrome).

The weekend finally brings in some heavier weather courtesy of Mercury and a Full Moon in Cancer. Saturday has Mercury sextiling both/on the mid-point between Saturn and Neptune (with Moon trining both and opposing Mercury - a grand aspect called a Kite). Our normal way of thinking can be inhibited in some way or we may fail to understand something despite our best efforts to do so. This can also easily trap us in negative thought patterns and get us quite unnerved. When we make attempts to concentrate on details, we may find our mind wandering anyway. This energy would be best used trying to make something concrete out of inspirational ideas you might have. A good example would be if you are a writer to get in front of the keyboard and make it happen today. The kite will greatly aid us in using our latent talents in a unique set of opportunities to produce great works within our sphere. A couple of other minor irritations may come up Saturday in the forms of Venus semi-square Pluto: which can get us irritated at others and quite judgemental/harsh with them and perhaps in a power struggle; and Sun semi-square Chiron, which may have us searching to no avail of finding a new image for ourselves in some way or a new balance to our lives. Late Saturday night Mercury finally leaves its extended stay in Sagittarius and heads off for Capricorn where practical/methodical/serious thinking will prevail, and for those who work hard, much can be accomplished in the next three weeks. People will be more cautious/conservative when making decisions, and will be focused on reality, not abstractions.

Sunday, Mercury trines Jupiter and squares Uranus - the former will bring an ease with seeing the Big Picture with things in your life and help you make plans for the future. Mercury/Jupiter wants to take more in/expand our worlds, especially mentally through philosophical/value judgements/decisions. Good for any study, business deals, travel....however Mercury's square to Uranus shows this enlarged mental scope brings so much new in that we are unable to process it all thoroughly for the time being and may end up with a scattered/overloaded mind and a stressed out nervous system in its wake. This can also give us a loose and sarcastic/forked tongue, so remember to think about what you say first! Alot may be going on today, and it may be hard to keep up with it all. Then tonight is the Full Moon at 18* Cancer. The Capricorn/Cancer axis has a serious tone because it is built upon survival of both the individual and the species and two of the necessities of that survival: nurturing (of the young especially) and having some type of organization to make sure all needs are taken care of adequately. The danger here is that in our instinctual drive to survive we begin to try to control and manipulate others to the point of even mistaking it as a form of love. This Full Moon may shine a light on where we do that in our lives - look at the 2 houses that it is in to see where in your chart. Any of your planets receiving an aspect from the Full Moon (1-2* orb) will also flavor the energy in your life. This Full Moon asks us to take the love we feel for our family and expand it outwards in responsible manners and actions so that wisdom and understanding will help us to lead responsibly through our own lives and works.

Next week Venus heads to Pisces and stirs the waters up a bit.
Happy New Years/2012!