Monday, January 9, 2012

Astrological Winds for Week of 1/9/12

Similiar to last week, the astrological weather this week starts pretty quiet and by the weekend picks up some intensity, but still nothing overly serious this week.

Monday has Mercury sextile Chiron and perhaps our curiousity will be stoked by some opportunity to learn more about ourselves or to teach/help others in some way. This will have the effect of a soothing balm upon both self and other.

Thursday's Sun trine Mars is an energy booster although in measured forms as it is in earth signs. This would be an excellent day to make decisions, take actions, work out details, organize, do fine hand crafted work, work long hours, do things that take prolonged releases of steady energy, work with metals, etc.

Friday is the heaviest weather of the week starring Venus (in Aquarius) mainly, first trining Saturn (in Libra) , which usually brings a harmonious stability to relationships, especially ones based on the intellectual/mental level. In general, people will still be conservative with finances and make "smart decisions" and feel OK with that, and seek fair deals for all. This trine combines with Mercury conjunct Pluto in Capricorn to cut out all excess/waste in wise and calculated strategies. The mind can act like a magnifying glass now and see the subtle properties inherent in the make up of the subject it focuses its attention on. These are good transits to look into the Shadow side of life while retaining a balanced/sober outlook, to work on subtle details, to rid yourself of things that are old and cluttered so that something new may grow in the ground it vacates, to study/research/investigate objectively, to make and express concise opinions, etc. The danger could be to become too narrow-minded, conservative, or obssessed with an idea/singular viewpoint, which could get you in heated arguments over differences of opinion. However, once again, Venus acts like a salve as it conjuncts Neptune shortly afterwards - this is a "live and let live" aspect of compassion/empathy/understanding/unconditional love/soul-unions/romantic reverie/daydreams/spirituality/contemplation/artistic inspiration. The danger here is to become too complacent/passive in believing things will "just work out" without you having to act in order to achieve desired results, to drift away on clouds of escapism, to become overly idealistic and combine it with Mercury/Pluto to push your brand of religion upon others, to become easily disappointed with others when they let your ideals down, etc. Venus caps off her busy day by ingr--essing into one of her favorite signs, Pisces, where she is exalted. The energy of Venus in Pisces is very similiar to what I described above for Venus/Neptune - it is a combination of lower (conditional) and higher (unconditional) forms of love, a desire to merge with others in totality on all levels, a desire to live in a world of fantasy/fairy tales come true, and the giving to others of the benefit of a doubt in the underlying belief of the goodness inherent somewhere within all beings.

Venus sextile Jupiter on Saturday should make this weekend quite positive for most of us, as this is one of the "lucky" transits. It brings in general a light-heartedness, optimistic attitude that naturally spawns opportunities that are looked upon as fortuitous in nature. This is a great weekend to spend with friends at social gatherings, as people reach out to one and other in harmony. Financial opportunities can possibly arise also.

Sunday is quiet although Mercury's sextile to Vesta continues the theme of Venus/Jupiter of connecting with close friends.

Next week the Sun aspects Saturn, Jupiter, and Uranus while ingressing into Aquarius and we have a New Moon in Aquarius on Sunday.


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