Asteroid Sister Goddess Vesta ingresses into Taurus on Monday deepening our connection to the Earth and helping us recognize our connection to her. Actions and rituals associated with touch become more prevalent. This is a good time to tune our mental energy into problem-solving as warriors for the planet – this can be as small a step as tuning into your garden/home and using the energy of the earth in wise, stable ways to assist both it and your personal space while being in tune with the cycles of nature; it can be as large a step as being a vocal radical environmentalist, especially with Uranus trining North Node today too.
Mercury is semi-square Neptune on Tuesday. Our mental facilities are will be dulled today somehow and this may prove frustrating when trying to communicate succinctly or think straight. It’s also easy to be deceived by self or others. With Mercury sesiquadrate Juno, partners may end up being the other party involved in the above. Otherwise, the Moon in Virgo joins the ongoing Grand Trine in Earth (see last week’s blog) keeping it quite active this week and particularly this day too. The energy to keep taking steady steps ahead is flowing now.
Wednesday’s Pluto trine Ceres may help us to understand issues of birth and death and regeneration more easily, or have us involved deeply with children, and can give us a reformed attitude toward life itself.
Mercury gets between Mars and Venus on Thursday for an odd mix of energy: the Winged Messenger sesiquadrates Mars and sextiles Venus. Mercury/Mars can bring up egotistical/argumentative/mental battles with others, but the sextile to Venus should greatly reduce this and actually give us opportunities to use that energy wisely to iron things out with others with whom we may have been aggressive with in our thoughts and words before. With Moon in Libra, emotional calmness should win out this day, although its connection to Uranus/Pluto square will challenge us along with Mars to maintain balance. Neptune ’s square to Juno could bring up some challenges with a partner due to unrealistic expectations of them, or some type of deception.
Friday is quiet except for some Moon aspects as we head towards Saturday’s Full Moon at 16* Scorpio. On the resource axis, this Full Moon will expose all we try to deny or keep secrets about our own material desires and habits. It is a time when each individual must look deeply at their life and the materials they use for security and ask what they are willing to sacrifice for their own emotional well-being and for the planet’s environmental health. All of the earth energy from the Grand Trine of Mars, Jupiter, Pluto, Sun, Ceres, Vesta can help us make these decisions – to find some point where what we give reaches balance with what we get and we can collectively move towards re-establishing balance between humanity and nature. Look to your chart to see what 2 houses this Full Moon falls through to see what area of life it will affect for you the most – any planets or points that make tight aspects to it will also influence the energy for you personally.
Sunday is a very quiet day with a Void of Course Moon in Scorpio most of the day and lunar aspects to Jupiter and Neptune – a good day to reflect on the Full Moon.
Mercury joins the Taurus party next week and the Sun finally catches up to its annual conjunction with Jupiter continuing this theme of the past 2 weeks of steady and stable movement ahead.