Monday, April 23, 2012

Astrological Winds for Week of 4/23/12

This week there is a Grand Trine in Earth all week among the Sun, Mars and Pluto, an excellent time to release energy in a steady, reliable manner that fits in well with this Tauran part of the year. The Sun has an exact trine to Mars on Monday (while the Moon squares Mars too) getting the week off to an energetic/optimistic/assertive start that welcomes in progressive change, focuses energy on current projects, and interacts well with others in joint efforts. Mercury’s trine with the North Node will assist.

Wednesday, Mercury in Aries continues to trigger the Uranus/Pluto square (see last week’s blog too) with its exact third square to Pluto. This can give us a very sharp/cutting mind that can get down deep to the bottom of things, investigate, see the Shadow’s role, probe psychological depths, transform attitudes, reveal secrets, etc, but also get obsessive, vengeful, narrow-minded, etc. With Mars square Juno this day too, partners need to be aware of the Mercury/Pluto energy and not rip into each other too deeply causing some harsh wounds and bitter feelings.

The Sun’s conjunction to Ceres on Thursday I mentioned last week when writing on the New Moon in Taurus: a time to honor the Earth Mother and all she provides us, and a time to assess how we use resources nowadays.

Saturday the Sun is sextile Chiron which gives us the opportunity to use our distinct knowledge/gifts/talents/wisdom to help or teach others, eliciting a healing atmosphere around ourselves and those others.

Sunday the Sun hits its exact trine to Pluto topping off a week where we have hopefully made some progressive changes in our lives from what we’ve learned or has been revealed to us lately. Experiences this week likely built up to some powerful release steadily and should be able to be taken into our being without being overwhelmingly intense, yet intense enough to desire to make permanent changes somewhere in our lives. Also, some deeper connections with others or groups has likely now been forged that will aid in making changes to your life. This is a great week to be assertive and take actions/steps in your life journey that can aid you on your road and make your traveling easier.

Next week is a Full Moon in Scorpio, while Mercury tussles with Saturn.

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