Monday, May 28, 2012

Astrological Winds of 5-28-12

Mercury continues to be the main activator this week, starting right off on Monday as it sesiquadrates Saturn, quincunxs Pluto and squares Chiron. There can be many frustrating blockages, disconnections, challenges with communications this day. The Moon in Virgo’s First Quarter Square to Sun in Gemini will add to this also. This may be a day where we feel annoyed inside at the  superficiality or frivolousness/sloppiness of others, and may have us feeling intellectually isolated, engaged in heavy thoughts, argumentative with those in power, unable to express what we are thinking and feeling, challenged by what we are learning about ourselves and others, caught in stubborn stand-offs, etc. It would be best to use this energy to challenge yourself to learn from these situations – to take in new information that comes your way via a Sun/Uranus sextile and to examine your own state in relation to it. It’s an odd mix of energy this day that can be both inspiring, yet somewhat isolating inside, and at odds with others at times.

The Sun’s sesiquadrate to Saturn and quincunx to Pluto on Tuesday will continue Monday’s energy and you may find yourself overwhelmed with burdens and duties when you return from the holiday weekend. Those with authority over you may be breathing down your neck immediately today and expect more production. Ideas you have may be blocked or forced to conform into something more conservative/systematic. You may find yourself struggling inside over whether what you are doing is really worth it in light of deeper things. Mistakes you made last week will need to be dealt with and taken responsibility for.

Wednesday’s Mercury square to Mars can be downright ornery – tempers that are bottled up inside from past two days may explode in fits/words of rage at others we’ve perceived as doing us wrong. Be aware the ego is very highly involved right now and we may regret what we say today quickly, as we have a chance to really hurt ourselves in some way, especially with the Sun square Chiron too. It may be difficult to regain your image for quite some time if you go overboard in reactions today. Any communications/interactions we have today may be touchy at best, and nasty at worst.

Thursday is pretty quiet, although a Moon/Saturn conjunction can have emotions still bottled up inside/feeling restricted.

Friday, Mercury crashes into Venus Retrograde, which can bring a big interest in the arts in some form this weekend, either through self-involvement, or going out to see others’ works. This is also a good time for lovers to hash out/talk out any situations that need figuring out jointly, or even for business deals.

Saturday is quiet also, although with Moon sextile Mars it’s a great day to get some home projects/work done.

Sunday, Mercury trines Saturn – this is a great day to make some detailed plans for future whether planning a vacation, organizing your life in some way, taking care of some important paperwork/negotiation, look at situations objectively, work out details, learn from those with more experience, and work on practical answers to problems.

Next week, we have a Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon at 14* Sagittarius, Neptune going retrograde, and the Sun’s conjunction with Venus, which you’ll be hearing about in press from astronomers all week as Venus actually “eclipses” the Sun.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Astrological Winds for Week of 5-21-12

More on Venus retrograde as many seem interested: relationships from the past will also be a major theme in your life during this time – having to deal with the consequences of being related to others in your past, or people who you’ve known longer will take a more prominent role again, and it may not be easy to deal with most likely.

And more on Uranus/Pluto square tightening up for first exact hit: if you’ll recall it was on the day of Uranus ingress into Aries and the square became active by mode that the earthquake/tsunami/nuclear disaster in Japan occurred. This apparently was the birth of a catastrophic event that is continuing to occur and the information on how serious the situation really is being withheld from the public. See: (; In other words the ugly head of Pluto in the square is slowly transforming the world beneath the surface via radiation and deception of the public during a worldwide crisis situation brought on by a quick natural disaster (Uranus). Also, as mentioned last week, revolutions in the streets seem to be sweeping the planet. What a stressful time in general, and when we get the personal planets getting involved too, like Venus going retrograde, we all get to feel the stress in some personal way. Like I said last week, this eclipse/New Moon/Venus Retro/Sun ingress to Gemini says info must be spread from the bottom up and far and wide. Info like the above could get a groundswell going to stop the madness of nuclear energy eventually, hopefully before any more catastrophes, as this one obviously has already permanently altered our world and it may be just the beginning of dealing with it.

Mercury is very active this week starting it off with a conjunction to Jupiter this Monday. There will be (too) much to do today/this week – it may not be physically possible to keep up with it all. This is an excellent transit to take more in intellectually/mentally, to make big plans/long term goals, to take on new mind expanding courses of study, to tackle new business projects, to be introduced to new concepts/values/philosophies, organize events, etc. The biggest danger is overlooking details or taking on more than you can handle or perhaps adopting a smug attitude towards some. Mercury’s quincunx to Saturn and sesiquadrate to Pluto shows you may bump heads with superiors/authorities over you ideas that can slow down the process, force adaptations to plans, leave you powerless to move ahead, struggle to convince them of your point, uncover mistakes, question your own thinking/views obsessively, cause arguments, and/or bring up hidden fears. The Moon’s square to Mars will fuel the above and could bring up much anger/irritability today.

Tuesday is pretty quiet with positive Moon in Gemini aspects to Venus retrograde and Saturn.

Wednesday, the Sun squares Neptune, which can bring some form of considerable confusion, deception, discouragement and/or a general draining of energy on all levels. This is not a day to make important decisions or negotiations. We can easily fall under the spell of others, addictions, escapism, idealism, and may be overly sensitive to others/our environment. If you could take this day off and just contemplate/meditate/relax, that would be best, but for most of us we will have to be out in world and dealing with nebulous energy today. Tonight is the night this week the Moon (in Cancer) locks into the Uranus/Pluto square too with a square to Uranus and opposition to Cancer. You may feel like just running away to hide to avoid others or big decisions.

Thursday, Mercury ingresses into a sign it rules, Gemini, joining the Sun and Venus. The balance between Taurus/Earth and Gemini/Air will now be tipped more in air’s direction which will get communications, info sharing, networking up to a more fevered pitch. Minds will be curious, restless, prankish, superficial, easily bored, nervous. Info may come at us so quickly that we may never seem to finish what we started before going on to something else. People will be very chatty, but subject matter will remain on light side. This is also a time where focus may be on travel, getting around, transportation, neighbors, siblings, education and local environment/region.

Friday, it’s Mercury’s turn to square Neptune, which is similar and continues the energy of the Sun/Neptune square and the New Moon/Eclipse square to Neptune earlier in the week. This can bring confused thinking, irrational idealism/ideas, mental deceptions/secrets by self or others, a lazy attitude, misunderstood communications, drifting thoughts, etc. Once again, not a good day for making deals or negotiating. The best use of this energy would be spiritual/metaphysical/religious study or fantasy/creative writing.

Saturday is quiet. Sunday has more Mercury action with the Winged Messenger conjuncting the Sun and sextiling Uranus. This would be an excellent day to seek out some form of mental stimulation that excites/entices you. A short adventure trip of discovery would be perfect, or a lively debate with witty company! Ideas will be exchanged rapidly and everyone will want to get in their say, yet will maintain supportiveness of others. Also a good day to just do something different or approach old problems in new ways or initiate new projects.

Next week, Mercury catches up with Mars and Venus and Saturn to complete aspecting every planet in solar system these two weeks!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Astrological Winds for Week of 5-14-12

Monday the mind wants to probe and find something different to satisfy a deep need for transformation of the way we think/approach things under Mercury trine Pluto and sextile Chiron. There is an acute dissatisfaction today with the order and power structure that governs our lives brought on by Sun quincunx Saturn and sesiquadrate Pluto, as the probing of Mercury/Pluto can see to the bottom of things and it’s likely not a pretty picture – therefore an interest in finding solutions will be fed under Mercury/Chiron. These are also good aspects to deepen connections with others under, to learn about our own ways of thinking and psychology, to do any deep, analytical, research-like work under. Sun/Saturn/Pluto can definitely have us bumping heads with those in power or authority – the restlessness from austerity forced upon populations will be at very frustrated heights now, as the two sides are bound to become more entrenched/estranged. Obstacles and conflicts will require much deeper inner change in order to be overcome, may be the ultimate lesson of this day.

Tuesday Venus goes retrograde at 23* Gemini – the Goddess of Love will backtrack to 7* Gemini before turning direct on June 28th. This will be a time of re-assessing our relationships with people we associate with on local levels, siblings, neighbors, teachers, students, communication representatives, local businesses. Also, a time to re-assess how we relate to all the information we are bombarded with constantly in our modern world and how it affects our relationships and all the choices we have for entertainment. This may also be at time when we see more clearly how we keep people emotionally/intimately distant with our minds/intellect and perhaps even miss out on romance because of this, and how being too whimsical with others can lead to issues/trouble down the road. Mars, like Mercury above gets involved with Saturn and Pluto this week too first by semi-squaring Saturn today. This is basically having the actions we’d like to take blocked/slowed/frustrated and just having to accept that’s the way it is for now. We may be overburdened by duties that we have to meet which may have us feeling much resentment inside. This is best just to use by chipping away at things so at least you’re using some of the energy and realizing they are going to go slowly at best for now.

Mars trine to Pluto on Wednesday will speed actions up into a precise flow that’s not overwhelming but is quite productive in getting results that will last. You may feel like you have some super powers or are a hero in your own world/sphere today. This is a great day to move forward and let go/make some big decisions on cutting things out that are hurting you, as Mars is also opposite Chiron and Jupiter is quincunx Saturn, pushing us to find the right balance between expansion and contraction and giving us the power to assert ourselves strongly in doing so.  Jupiter/Saturn can fuel a smoldering restlessness in the background of our lives – it’s as if we know we must make some bold moves to heal our world, but we are fighting the restrictions we’ve put on ourselves through our structures. This can be a day when the masses or individuals strike back against society in trying to make a break from the way things are. The best way to use this energy is to collaborate with others with some discipline so that something solid can be prepared to be moved measurably. Juno’s ingress into Sagittarius indicates that partnerships will be a source of creative inspiration and risk-taking in the weeks to come.

Jupiter sesiquadrate Pluto on Thursday continues much of the energy above from earlier in the week. People can get quite coercive and feel god-like under Jupiter/Pluto – this aspect says copping this kind of attitude about our values/beliefs will only bog down transformation. Ambition can be quite high, but there are many roadblocks that must be overcome and what you need to do so may not be all available right now. This is a time to contemplate rebuilding our systems once again, realizing there may be flaws in any plan especially if we get too narrow about our views, legal problems, and questionable values. Hopefully, Mercury’s conjunction to Ceres in Taurus will start grounded dialogue on resource management, information management, and security plans.

Friday and Saturday are quieter days, although Saturday’s Sun opposite Juno may bring some big decision or issue between partners.

Sunday the Sun ingresses into Gemini and we have a New Moon/Solar Eclipse at 1* Gemini – this sounds like a potent time of new beginnings with our thoughts, communications, learning, relationship to local environment. With the eclipse, what we are launching now can bring long term success if we put the work into what we need to do now. This is a time where new ideas that are radical can begin to be accepted and major breakthroughs can eventually occur. This is a time period of sharing information and gaining new knowledge, power, changes, security, partnerships, and connections. Mercury’s semi-square to Uranus feeds this energy, along with all its others aspects this week. Look to the house this eclipse/New Moon falls in your chart to see where its energy will affect you most. Any aspects to other planets/points in your chart (2* orb) will also flavor the energy of this eclipse. It seems like the eclipse/New Moon and other aspects this week show the way is to share information – that change in our lives and society comes from the ground up not from the top down. The best way to do that is to be an agent of change by sharing information and possibilities and by focusing on what is most important and promising. There is much focus on Gemini energy now: Venus stationary retrograde, ingress of Sun, and New Moon/Eclipse, but still enough Taurus (Mercury, Jupiter, Ceres, Sedna) to ground the energy and really think things through and make stable choices. All of this energy is building up leading to the first exact hit of Uranus/Pluto square come late June. If there was ever any doubt about astrology, look how much Uranus/Pluto, the archetype of revolution, has already affected the world in the past year: and the exact first hit hasn’t even come yet! As we get closer to it, Europe is a sea of unemployed people, put out of work by the policies of austerity and old world economic policies, revolting in the streets (check the BBC news); revolution continues to sweep across the Arab World; China and India become more westernized by the day; and the US is divided between two extreme revolutionary groups demonstrating in the streets also. This is an opportunity for great change and this whole energy seems to say it must come from the bottom and go up no matter where we seek it. Be an agent of change centered in the heart and you will know the right thing to do – and it’s in the little things that happen to us each day most often where this occurs with others and nature, not some large event – share those little things with others now and you will be that agent of change – you will learn and teach simultaneously: what a grandiose plan/way to change the world!

Next week, Mercury is very active joining the Sun/Venus in the sign it rules, Gemini, and aspecting most of the other planets. The Sun will also square Neptune. Stay tuned.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Astrological Winds for Week of May 7, 2012

Monday could be a very odd day energy wise as we have two awkward aspects of Uranus: first Jupiter semi-square Uranus could raise frustration levels on how much you have to do as you realize what you’ve committed to with zeal is losing its flavor a bit or is even becoming a bit of a nuisance somehow. The problem is that what you set out to do may have been a bit too lofty or has gotten sidetracked somehow. In any case restlessness is setting in on some level and you are beginning to desire change or freedom from what it is. Mars quincunx Uranus has you wanting to resolve it now and partaking in awkward or un-thought-out adjustments. Actions are impulsive/rash now and can do more damage than good – careful. Also, these two aspects can lead to temperamental/startling outbursts that turn others away/off. There’s no doubt you need to do something physical today to blow off some of this energy especially with Moon in Sagittarius also aspecting Mars and Uranus.

Tuesday, Mercury ingresses into Taurus grounding and stabilizing communications/business/education for a few weeks.  This is a time when we can slow down our thoughts and really think things through thoroughly (say that 5x fast!).  We have good common sense and are in touch with emotions and cycles enough to consider more than just intellect in our decisions.

Wednesday is the day this week when the Moon (in Capricorn) locks into the Uranus/Pluto square with a square to Uranus and conjunction to Pluto. Expect some intense news on the politics of the world this week with the European elections, etc. Emotions are highly charged now over austerity/banks/big business, etc. and this could mark an emotional turning point. This could be a carry over of Full Moon in Scorpio too with secrets being revealed both personally and in  Collective worlds of international finance, multinationals, war, birth control, etc.

Mercury’s sextile to Neptune on Thursday and the Moon in a Grand Trine in Earth with Sun and Jupiter should calm things down a bit and get intuition/sensitivity heightened to the point of imparting wisdom and inspiring imagination. A day when we will be able to perceive beauty in the world somehow that gives some hope. This is also the energy of spiritual/religious learning.

Friday’s sesiquadrate between Saturn and Chiron can weave into the background themes of these times. This can show how we are stuck in patterns/behaviors that are so ingrained and rigid that we are our own worst enemy in frustrating and blocking solutions to the problems we face together, and that even when we do attempt to do so that it can actually divert us from our original purpose. This could be currently irresolvable energy.  Mercury’s conjunction to Vesta should open stable lines of communications with those we feel sibling-like in certain shared behaviors and deepen/solidify these relationships.

Saturday’s Sun semi-square Uranus combines with 3rd Quarter Square of Moon in Aquarius to the Sun in Taurus to perhaps bring us some challenge this day that will have us wanting to rebel or express ourselves uniquely/freely. Small acts of rebellion may win out over stability this day, but likely won’t get out of hand. Plans may not work out/small surprises may be in store. Pluto’s sextile to Chiron is another long term background, collective influence that has us thirsty to discover more about ourselves and our world on deeper levels. Opportunities for deep transformative healing over a period of time are available now if worked with.

Sunday’s Sun conjunct Jupiter in Taurus can bring constructive optimism. This is a day to take in more/expand your vision/experience that can bring deeper understanding. People will be generous and gregarious in general. The biggest issue will be overly inflated egos for some, and also just trying to do/take in too much. Mercury’s trine to Mars and semi-square to Venus will feed this energy above and want to work with it in some form(s). Minds will be quick/witty and wanting to share what’s on them. A real nice mix of self/intellect/action/emotion on this day could work some miracles.

Next week has the biggest 2 astrological events in weeks: Venus goes retrograde and a Solar Eclipse/New Moon at 1* Gemini.